Beautiful Curse-OHSHC fanfic

By camellia-

146K 4.5K 1.4K

{SLOWLY BEING EDITED} Meg Saya and Will, her twin brother, move to Japan for their father's job- all the wa... More

Beautiful Curse
First day of school; what's with this damn blonde?
The Host Club and tears
Meeting the hosts and becoming one of them
Swimming Contest Part 2
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Chocolate Cookies
Chocolate Cookies Part 2
Thing of the past
Movie Night!
We're going where...the beach?
Beach day and damn that blonde
Swimsuits and Twins
The Ocean and Jerks
Justified anger
Valentine's Day
Just a Nightmare
Author's note
Special Note~Love interest

Hosts get a new idea: A swimming contest? Part 1

8.7K 322 51
By camellia-

The sun glares in through the windows, demanding I wake from the embrace of sleep. Breathing softly I crack open my eyes, confused at my surroundings. I remember falling asleep in my bed, then how did I end up in Will's?

"Morning, Meg." Will's voice is husky from sleep.

I snuggle closer, his warmth intoxicating. "How'd I end up in your bed again?"

His dark eyes open and smile down at me. "Nightmare."

I flinch. Of course those damn nightmares would still be plaguing me, even after we moved away from America. Will scoops me closer and holds me tightly. Soft mummers trickle into my ears as I shake. Never did I remember the nightmare, but when they happened I found myself in Will's soft bed sleeping beside him. Maybe it's because he's my twin, but I never felt safe unless he was there beside me.

"Did I scream?"


A sigh of relief slips and his lips tighten. Will blames himself for my nightmares, because he was the one who had left me that....night but I didn't blame him. Not in the slightest.

"Still want to go to school? I could probably talk dad out of letting us go." His dark eyes watch.

The shaking leaves me. I have to be strong, Will's here with me. "No, that's okay. I don't think the hosts will let it slip if we don't show up."

He sighs heavily. "And here I thought I could sleep all day and eat ice cream with you."

I giggle against his chest, pulling away a fraction. "We can do that on the weekend, silly."

His laughter joins my giggles. "I suppose you're right, but the weekend's still days away."

"Stop pouting, it's unbecoming for someone your age." I scold him teasingly.

"That's rich coming from you."

"Hey," I punch his chest teasningly, my cheeks puffing out in anger. "Don't make fun of me, mister."

Will laughs and he brings me closer to him once more, wrapping his arms around me and snuggling close. "A few more minutes, that's all."

I comply and close my eyes. Moments like this were what I looked forward to, even being ignored by my father was worth it if it meant Will would stay by my side. People leave, people go, but Will promised to stay with me and I believe him. Tyson left me, maybe not on purpose but he still left. Walked out those doors without turning around to see the tears running down my face and the plea strangling my throat closed.

"Will. Meg, time to wake up." Dad's call jolts us from our half-slumber.

Will groans and rolls out of bed, circling around the bed and lifting me from under the arms and legs. Lifting me up he carries me out of the room and down to the kitchen, humming a soft tune as he walked. I listen happily to his deep voice, letting my eyes drift shut in peace.

"Meg, wer're here. I'm setting you down now."

"M'kay." I smile lightly.

He sets me down and I stumble over to the kitchen chair, slumping greatfuly down onto my butt. Will sits down beside me and props his chin up with his hand, sleepily keeping his eyes open. I ruffle his hair and run my fingers through his silky locks. The clatter of plates clincking down onto the kitchen island tells us dad was putting food out. I inhale the smell of pancakes and strawberry juice. My stomach rumbles in pleasure and hunger at the smell of good food.

"Dig in kids." Dad smiles and turns around, going back to cooking.

Will and I dig in and finish our pancakes quickly, nimbling on the eggs set on the side. A glass of water washed down the food, and quenched the thirst. After awhile of eating slowly, we finish up and go back to the room to get ready for school.


My head throbs from the loud noises coming from the classroom. Will and I were cutting it close coming in only minutes before the bell rang. We had gotten into a pillow fight halfway through getting ready, making us scramble to hurry up and get to school. A text message from Hikaru and Kaoru told me I had better hurry my butt up before they come looking for me and drag me to school even if I wasn't dressed and half naked.

"Hikaru!" I rush into the classroom. "Kaoru!"

Two pairs of amber eyes peek up from something they were looking at, warming once noticing who it was. "Good morning, Meg." They said together.

They were truly happy to see me-whiched pleased me more than it should and also surprised me greatly. Shoving the thought to the back of my mind I hurry over to them and give them both a hug. Hikaru tugged me around the wiast, pulling me onto his lap, and circled his arms around me. I laugh and glance at what they were looking at. My eyebrows raise when I see it was a picture of a cute kitten with black fur and green eyes.

"What's with this?"

Kaoru leans over his brother's shoulder and rests his chin on top of my head. "A kitten."

"Well, duh." I scowl and cross my arms over my chest.

"Someone's grumpy." Hikaru pinches my cheek teasningly.

"Am not." I look away from them. Hikaru and Kaoru laugh, smiling gently.

"Are they bothering you, Meg?" Will's impossing figure startles us as he stands in front of the desk we were occupying.

Hikaru and Kaoru glare up at my brother, not saying anything, and giving me the chance to answer.

"No, it's fine, Will." I shake my head and lean against Hikaru's chest. "We were just messing around."

I barely knew them and yet, here I was letting them touch me. Letting them in. Letting them wiggle into my heart. Sometimes being able to read people sucked. Plain and simple. They had stood up to Will for me; they had comforted me when I was a crying mess after meeting the hosts for the first time; and even now, silently supporting me. I felt purenss from within their hearts by the words they spoke when concerning me. And my heart was already opening up towards them. Reaching and hoping for them to accept me for me and welcome brokeness of my soul.

Will's eyes tighen, his lips thinning. "Alright. If you need me I'll be in the room over with Honey and Mori."

"Bye bye." I smile tenderly.

Settling against Hikaru's chest once more, he cirles his arms around me; his warm breath hitting the top of my hair comforting and slowly lulling me to sleep. Covering a yawn. I snuggle closer and feel my eyes begin to flutter shut.

What is happening, how am I able to fall asleep without Will beside me? Hikaru. Kaoru. What have you done to me?

"Meg." Someone shakes me.

"Hmmm?" I twitch and snuggle closer to the source of warmth enveloping me.

"Class is over, we're heading to the host club." Haruhi's voice penatrates the haze of sleep.

"Mmmmm'kay." I yawn, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"It's fine, Haruhi." Kaoru pats her head. "Hikaru will give her a piggyback ride over."

Hikaru makes no noise of protests, so it was settled quickly while I tried to wake up. Haruhi smiles and ruffles my hair, waving to the boys before heading out of the room. Kaoru smiles and picks me up, allowing his brother to stand up and turn his back. Being gentle Kaoru drapes me over Hikaru's back while Hikaru locks his arms under my knees and Kaoru loosly lays my arms over his shoulders. Keeping as quite as possible Hikaru and Kaoru make their way towards Music Room 3.

Opening the door, I lift my head up and gaze at the host memebers. Kyoya raises an eyebrow but remains silent and continues writting. Mori glances away from Honey for a second before going back to watching his charge stuff his face in sweets. Tamaki-who was pestering Haruhi in his oddly sweet way- perked at the sound of the door opening, letting his attention slide away from Haruhi and lock onto us.

"Hi, daddy." I mumble half-awake.

His eyes widen. A goofy smile engolfs his lips and stretches across his face, he quickly makes his way over and steels me away from Hikaru. "Oh, my baby girl! She called me daddy!" He gushes.

Will shakes his head sharply, trying to make gain of the situation. His twin sister lay in the blonde hosts' arms limply, her white hair flopping around as Tamaki twirls her around in wild circles. Her pale eyes were closed and lips parted slightly, it reminded him of when she was sleeping. Blinking, Will takes another look at the pair before starting and quickly taking large steps towards Meg and Tamaki.

"Let my sister go, she's not even awake." He jolts Tamaki, yanking Meg out of his arms.

Hikaru scowls at Will's back, trying not to voice his opinion on how Meg could take care of herself(even if she was asleep). After all, he and Kaoru wouldn't allow anything happen to their white haired friend. Kaoru smirks in annoyance, also in reaction towards Will and his behavior with Meg.

"Will?" I asked.

Seeing his blurry figure I reach my hands out for him and lean away from Tamaki. Will stops and scoops me away from him, glaring at the blonde.

"Did the shady twins try anything on you?" He demands.

I laugh softly. "No, they carried me here, perfect gentlemen."

I wave at them, smiling when they wave back. I thump Will on the arm and motion for him to take me over to them. He scowls, but complies easily. Kaoru stretches his hand out, offering me to take it. I grasp his hand and settle between him and Hikaru. Will kisses the crown of my head, hugging me gently, then leaves to sit next to Kyoya.

"Hours will be starting soon," Kaoru sighs wearily.

I twitch at the idea of my first hosting. Tamaki had made Will and I a pair- like Hikaru and Kaoru- but ours won't be as...romantic.

"Don't be worried, love." Hikaru joins in.

"I'm not worried, baka." I said.

"No, you're just grumpy."

"Am not."

"Kaoru's got you there."

"No he does not."

"Yes I do."

"No you don't."

"Yes he does."

"I am not grumpy."

"Yes you are, you're proving it."

"Kaoru, I think she's getting more grumpy."

My cheeks burn red. "I'm done!" I huff and leap off the couch, stalking away from the two amber haired idiots.

Hikaru and Kaoru laugh watching me walk away in childish anger. I storm over to Will and throw myself beside him, wrapping my arms around his middle.

"They were being mean." I pout.

"There there." Will pats my head.

"I'm not grumpy." I continue.

Having the nightmare always has an after effect on me, leaving me moody and edgy. Stupid Hikaru. Stupid Kaoru. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

"They're teasing you," he grins.

"You're not helping."

He chuckles. Looking away he makes eye contact with Tamaki and quickly drops his eyes to the ground. Tamaki means well for Meg, but Will didn't like him always hugging her. He had Haruhi for that. "Ready for our first hosting?"

"Not really, but you'll be here so it'll be fine." I grin and tighten my hold on him.

He laughs and hugs me back. I kiss his cheek and get off the couch, getting restless as the time ticks by. Blowing hair out of my eyes I missed the pillow laying astray and trip over it.

"Meg!" Will shouts.

I fall to the ground, limbs sprawled out ungracefully around me. White strands mask my face in the shadows and pools around my frame. My head throbs in protest from hitting the hard ground.

"Meg-chan!" Honey's sweet breath hits my face. "Where do you hurt?"

"Ugh, my head." I cradle my head gently.

Honey props me up against him as support and softly takes my hands away from my head and replaces them with his own. Being careful he inspects the small cut bleeding over my eyebrow.

"It's only a shallow cut, nothing serious."

"Thanks, Honey." I poke the cut timidly.

His brown eyes twinkle happily. "Anything for Meg-chan."

Will crouches down in front of me and gently wipes away the smeer of blood. His golden eyes smoulder silently, he avoids meeting my eyes and instead focuses on the cut. Sadness darkens the joy of him taking care of me, making me close my eyes and fight away the tears. Cursing this weakness of loving Will to much naws away at my heart. Do Hikaru and Kaoru feel this way towards each other, or am I the weak one?

"Make sure dad doesn't see." Will jolts me out of the thoughts swimming within.

"Hai." A small smile flashes his way before slipping away.

"Meg, love, come here." Hikaru calls.

I look up, meeting his amber orbs. He sits on the same couch in the same spot. Sighing I walk away from Will and over to Hikaru. I snuggle against him and tuck my head away, fearing tears would once more surface and show my weakness. Hikaru's hold tightens when hiccups tremble my body, but he remains silent. The spot next  to me dips, I glance up through my lashes and see Kaoru, who smiles down at me and pats my head in comfort, taking up the other side of me.

There is a rift bewteeen Will and I. I don't know when it started, but the blonde girl was the one who placed it there. Everything was fine between Will and I before we came here. Now....I just don't know what to think anymore.


"He came up with WHAT?!?" I choke, gasping for breath.

Kaoru pats my back in an effert to help me breath. He looks at me with concern, debating whether or not to get help from Will.

"I-I'm okay." I shake my head and thump my chest.

"I'm surprised." Hikaru laughs. "You took this better than your brother did."

I quirk an eyebrow. "How exactly did my brother react to Tamaki's......idea?"

"Oh, he said a few words and even moved you away from everyone." Kaoru smirks.

I twitch and look towards Tamaki. The only one still waiting for the news is Honey, but no one knew where he went. Speak of the devil and he shall come the doors bang open and Honey marches in with a slice of cake in his hands, the blonde haired boy grinning from ear to ear a smudge of frosting coating the side of his lips.

"Meg-chan, I brought you cake." He glows.

Kaoru sighs and hits his forehead. He switches his gaze from Honey to me before giving up and sighing again. Hikaru smirks and holds his stomach, laughing uncontrolablly. I glare at them, slidding off the couch and heading over to Honey.

"Arigatō, Honey-senpai." I smile and give him a quick hug. "By the way Tamaki has something to tell you." My voice slows and becomes bland.

Honey sends me a confused glance. I wave him away and shoo him over to Tamaki. He scurries over and plunks down next to Tamaki, swinging his legs happily.

"Ne, Tamaki-chan?"

"Ah, Honey." Tamaki glows. "I have come up with a new idea!"

"What is it?!" Honey grins.

"The Host Club is going to have a swimming competition!"

Honey claps giddily, his brown eyes sparkling. Those two have yet to fail in being alike. "Amazing, and the winner gets a kiss on the cheek by Meg!"

Tamaki seemed to ponder the idea, letting everyone catch their breath in anxiety, before a maniactic smile dances over his lips. "Brilliant, Honey! Absolutly brilliant!"

Hikaru, Kaoru, and Will freeze, all three turning to stare at me. I back up and bump into the couch, fumbling to forget the blazing heat burning my cheeks. "Baka!"

"Oh, Meg." Tamaki stands from his chair in excitment. Violet eyes shinning and twinkling with unknown intentions. "This is a brilliant idea, now everyone will come to watch!"

I continue to back up, putting the couch between me and them. For some reason I had a feeling this idea was going to end up different than what everyone was hoping for.

Will.....I think I have a right to be afriad.





& READ ON.............<3

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