Awaiting love

By tijaeunique

996 37 9

I want to try something new. More

The meeting
Goes Down in the Dms
chapter 3
Love on the brain
Be my baby
so excited
good things happen ♥
Here we go again
Good news
never ending.
nobody's business
Big 6 months!
Ch. 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Ch. 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
new book!!
Chapter 19 ♥

Monday, second week of school

54 1 0
By tijaeunique

Play the video while reading this chapter.😽
Tyrese p.o.v
"Alright grandma, I'm out I love you" I said kissing her on the cheek. 
I was on my way to school in my little car I could afford. I was not rich but I was extremely blessed.

Shawty been on my mind since that kiss yesterday at the park. She was looking too good. I was pulling up to school when my phone buzzed
Bighead💕 : Wya, I'm at school and I miss you
Me : I'm pulling up right now Wya?
Bighead 💕 : I'm about to walk to you
Me : OK

Once I had gotten my stuff out the car I turned around and the baddest thing in the world was walking towards me. She had on all this gray and it was sexy as hell. She approached me and kissed me on the cheek and grabbed my hand so we could walk into the school together.

Of course all eyes were on us. People started talking saying stuff like "who Df she think she is ",

"he know he a dog, she just don't",

"they cute, a Lil bit ".

I just pulled her closer and continued to walk. She was all I wanted at this point.

" Baby, you hungry?" i asked.  yeah Ty, it's nothing to eat in this cafeteria.

" We can leave and go to Denny's or something".

"you mean like skip school ?"

.. This girl was more good than I thought. She had obviously never skipped school or even a class.

" yeah baby,skip school " I said laughing. She looked as if she was thinking about it then answered with

"yes, I guess I can go with you, Just this once Tyrese " I widened my eyes at her she called me Tyrese ..

She hadn't called me that since the first day we met.

" So I'm back at Tyrese" I said walking behind her to my car. She turned around and said "no I was just letting you know I was serious, I care about my education and now that your mine I care about yours too this is our senior year babe".

" yeah I know just get in the car mother" she turned around.

"hahaha very funny".
Mariah's p.o.v
" we want some pancakes and bacon " the waitress was taking our order she was young and kind of cute. " is that all you want? She winked her eye at Tyrese.

"Baby we have to go get our kids from daycare later " I said staring at the waitress.

This Bitch had the nerve to flirt with my boyfriend in front of me.
I leaned over the table giving him the wettest kiss. She stood there shocked

"I'm sorry ma'am I'll be right back with y'all food " she said staring at me while walking away.

" our kids Mariah?! , what kids?, and the kiss ? " he was laughing. "I was just jealous of the girl so I made up the kids and don't complain you liked it" I said embarrassed.

" you are something else girl, I got eyes for you baby". I started smiling and our food was being placed on our table, my stomach was growling.

My favorite song was playing on the radio inside the restaurant " let me know, let me know , let me knowwww " I softly sung to Aaliyah's Let me know (at your best).

" your voice is beautiful girl"

That took me out my trance.

" oh, thanks it's nothing really " I took a bite of my pancake. "You want to go back to my house after this? " Ty asked "yeah sure".
At Ty's grandmas house
"This is beautiful" your grandma has an eye for decorating" I said in awe. 
He laughed " thanks, come on let's find a movie to watch follow me to the living room".

His house was amazing. After looking through what seemed like 1,000 movies we finally chose one.

Insidious 3 .. 1 and 2 had me scared so imagine three. I wouldn't mind watching them with him though.

I took off my heels and my coat  leaving me in my dress. He took off his Sneakers and sweatshirt and went to get us a cover.

" where's your Grandma? " I asked curious.

" she's at work, she does real estate , she has been for the past 13 years" ..

"oh interesting,no wonder she chose such a beautiful house".

I was getting sleepy and the movie had not even started. While Ty was on the couch I was on the floor. I felt awkward being around him alone. I had to find my comfort zone with him.
Ty. P.o.v

She was sitting on the floor and I was sitting on the couch. She was so damn beautiful."why you sitting down there Mariah?".

" I don't know I just feel comfortable" she said sounding ridiculous. "come up here with me " I patted the spot next to me.

"No I'm okay"

" Fine then I'm coming down there" I took a spot next to her on the carpet. My arm happened to find its ways around her body as she was lying down.

I was kind of sleepy but I didn't want to tell her that. I just layed
down next to her and saw she was already sleeping.

That was my cue. I began to doze off when Mariah placed her head on my chest and said " thank you for the food " and started to laugh. I was too tired to joke around it was the food kicking in.
Mariah p.o.v
I was just waking up and it was 4 o'clock pm. Oh shit ! My mama is going to kill me.

I shook Ty to wake him up, nothing. Shook him again and he started moving around. 

" come on baby, I have to get back home" I said half yelling. He started to get up.

" where's my keys? " I went and found them and brought them back.

Thank god my heels were easy to walk in. My coat was on and we were out the door. He opened my door and then ran around the car getting in " how dare you wake a man from his sleep" he said looking at the road. 

"Aww is my baby mad " I leaned over to kiss him and he dodged the kiss. I pretended to be shocked " well then, don't expect anymore of my kisses Mr. Tyrese" pretending to be mad.

It was time for me to get out the car and Tyrese grabbed me while I was getting out the car " are you seriously going to leave without giving me a kiss? ".

"should've let me kiss you a few minutes earlier, that's what your mean ass get ". I got out and walked into my house to all my siblings.
" who was that?" My mama asked.

One of my friends from school nothing major, he asked if I needed a ride home.. I said why not.

"Okay Mariah whatever"
I never understood why she asked if she really didn't care.

Home, sweet, home.

I look in my mirror noticing my ear ring was gone , I just smiled cause I knew exactly where I left it.

I called Tiff.. She answered on the 2nd ring. 

"Hello? "

" hey tiff "

Hey, why weren't you in school today?
" I spent the day with a friend "

"A friend my ass" , she started laughing.

" no I'm serious he is just a friend and for that reason I'm not going to tell you who it is "

"Girl I already know it's Tyrese , I DO follow you on instagram"
" Well then I guess you know now "

"You could've just told me "

"not the way you are, you would've told everybody that didn't know"

"Whatever, love you I'll talk to you later"

" Ok love you too "

We hung up.

I cleaned my self up took a shower then put on some comfortable clothes. Another day well spent.

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