Bay King

By ArtKayz666

443 5 6

Ever met a goody two-shoes, you haven't until you met Bay. Bay is a soft spoken girl who never drinks, smokes... More

My name?
Just like home
Car ride to h-e-(double hockeystick)
Five missed messages
Trevor Osborne
Don't Leave


44 0 0
By ArtKayz666

"Okay class," Mr. Bell said. "We are going to do a trust exercise." Okay class, I want to go home now. Or not, considering my father was waiting for me. I'll call this class the 'in-between state'. "So grab a partner and I'll explain what to do from there." He said. I looked around, watching as everyone paired up so easily. "Uh, Mr. Bell," I said raising my hand. "I don't have a partner." I frowned. He looked around, then pointed to Trevor. "Here, Trevor will be your partner." He said, patting his back as he walked past him. I cursed at myself under my breath. Seriously? How hard is it to find a partner? Trevor smiled and walked over to me. "Hey partner." He said playfully. He was enjoying this, wasn't he?

"So, the first thing we're going to do is fall back and have our partner catch us," Mr. Bell instructed, "Oh, and I'll be watching. Who ever does it best will show the class on the stage." I sighed and turned to face him. "Am I falling first or..?" I asked. He nodded at me and turned to face my back. "Go." Mr. Bell said.

I've always had trouble with this one, but for some reason I was okay with trusting Trevor. I fell back gracefully, (at least I thought it was) and he caught me. For a couple seconds to long, he held me close. When we got back up Mr. Bell was smiling. "Wow class, that was great, although I don't think everyone understands. Trevor and Bay, I'd like you to demonstrate, please." We walked up onto the stage and looked at Mr. Bell who gave us a thumbs up. I sighed and fell back into his arms, and of course he caught me. Again, he held me for a little bit longer.

"Now class, switch the catcher with the faller." He said. I smiled. "I don't know how great I am at catching." I said honestly, but he just smiled. "I trust you." He said. I positioned myself behind him and he fell. I caught him, though we both fell back like dominoes. We landed on the floor and started laughing. "I'm not that heavy am I?" Trevor asked with a smile, getting up. He gave me a hand and I took it. "No, I'm just too small." A couple of people looked at us in curiosity but couldn't make anything of it.

"I'm home!" I said cautiously walking in the front door. I dropped my bag and kicked off my shoes. I had seen dads car in the driveway, so he is home. "Dad?" I called. I heard footsteps walking up the stairs, and I cringed. Maybe I should have sneaked in if I knew he wasn't paying attention. "Hello Bay. How was, the rest of your day?" He asked suspiciously. I sighed, "You know I'm sorry right? I'm just not a great morning person and it bugs me how the populars go around spreading rumors and no one cares." I said, truthfully. My dads face turned to relief. "Well, next time, talk to them like a civilized human, okay?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Well, I have to go to the store to get some groceries, I'll be back in a bit okay?" He asked. I smiled and he left. As soon as the door closed the phone rang. I ran into the kitchen to grab it.

"Hello?" I said into the receiver. "Hey." Trevor said. My eyes widened and my curiosity got the best of me.  "Trevor? How do you know my number?" I asked. I think he's stalking me. "Oh, no, I don't. You left your cell phone in class. Actually, I think it fell out of your pants when we fell." He laughed. "Seriously? Are you on my phone now?" I asked. "Yeah."

I thought for a moment. He knew where I lived, and dad is out gone to the store. "Can you bring it here?" I asked casually. He thought. "Sure, if I remember the way." He said and hung up. So, he knows my name, numbers, address. Either he's my stalker or, or what? He likes me? As if, I'm seven years younger then him. That had to be the first time I imagined us a couple. I stood up and went to get my lap top to surf the web waiting for Trevor.

YOU HAVE ONE NEW EMAIL. I clicked on the email with hope, it had my mothers account.

Hey sweetie, I miss you so much.

I'm so sorry for everything you must have gone through

I'm okay now, and I'll be coming home soon

P.S. I didn't run away.

I'll tell you the details later!

Thank you for caring <3

Love, Mom.

My eyes widened and I heard a knock on the door. In slow motion I pushed away the lab top and got up. I opened the door to see Trevor on the porch. "Thanks," I said. He smiled. "No worries." He handed me my cell phone. He turned to walk away, then he looked at me. "Oh yeah, I was meaning to ask, are you single?" He asked. I smiled. "Of course," I said, then closed the door. After closing the door I slid down to sit onto the ground. He does like me.

Sitting on the floor I sighed and stood. But I was bashed by the door being opened by Dustin. "Why was Trevor here?" He asked. I pulled out my cell phone as if it were the only reason. "And why were you sitting down at the door?" He asked. "He gave me my cell phone, Dust. Quit bothering me!" I said and ran to my room, eager to call Hayley and tell her everything this time. "You know I hate being called that!" He yelled at me. I usually can't stand the phone, but when something big happens, it's my new best friend.

"And that's not all, when he was leaving.. He asked me if I was single." I said. I was afraid and happy at the same time. "Wow. If he does ask you out, how will you take it?" She asked. "Actually, I think I'd say yes." I admitted.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I woke up quite late this morning, and was afraid of being late for English. Actually, I was just plain afraid of English. Dad had already left so I could'nt have gotten a ride even if I wanted one. Quickly I grabbed an apple while brushing my teeth. I knew I'd be late no matter what, when my cell phone beeps. UNKNOWN NUMBER: HEY ITS TREVOR. NEED A RIDE? I smiled and textted; YES PLEASE! I'LL BE OUTSIDE IN JUST A SECOND! Making a happy dance and grabbing the cutest sweater I owned I opened the door and locked it. Turning to see the road I didn't see a car yet. I sighed and sat down on the steps. A minute or two later Trevor pulled up to the curb. I smiled wide and ran to his car. Opening the passenger door I said. "Thank you so much. I would have been late for English." I breathed. He just smiled. "I could pick you up every morning if you want." He said. My eyes sparkled. "That would be great."

"About last night," He said hesitantly. I frowned "What about last night?" I asked. Hoping he wasn't going to apply the lets be friends card. He saw my frown and thought. "Well, I asked you if you were single, and you said yes." I nodded, trying hard to breath. It's not every day your teacher asks you out. "Well, I was hoping I could change that." He said and smiled at me. I smiled back, and held my breath. I knew it! "So, what do you say?" He asked. I looked down at my hands and then looked at him. "I'd absolutely love that."

Before we made our way to the school he decided to stop at a random side road. "What are we doing here?" I asked confused. He stopped the car a little way down the road, just out of sight. I can't even imagine how disappointed my dad would be in me right now. "Shh.." He said. I was confused even more as we just sat there listening. I couldn't hear anything till he rolled down the windows. Bright sunlight flooded the car and I had to look at Trevor. "Isn't it beautiful?" He asked as calm as one could ever be. I smiled, listening. The sounds of birds singing, trees rustling and the quiet sound of nature surfaced. I smiled, taking in the surroundings. We were on a country road with no traffic, no houses. There were huge maple trees turning yellow and a couple willow trees. Please don't let this moment end, I begged.

"Bay King?" The science teacher asked looking up from his attendance. I raised my hand and said "Here." English was quiet because we were watching a movie, and I was very thankful when Ms. Payton moved me to the front row. Now, I had chemistry, and was glad to be working alone. I've always done my best that way. "I'd like you to meet your new partner." She said, pointing to the boy walking into the classroom. I sighed, so much for that. "Hey" The guy said plunking his empty back pack on the ground while sliding into his chair. "I'm Louis." He said. "Nice to meet you, Louis." I said, scribbling on my half page of notes.

Working on our project I cringed every time I made a mistake. I wasn't too good with chemistry, and I have no idea why I decided to take it this semester. "Here, let me." Louis said, grabbing the flask from my hand. I smiled and started to doodle, glad of being free from the responsibility. When the bell rang, he smiled at me. "See you later," He said wholesomely. Though I could only think of the grade nine yesterday with the vicious smile.

I walked into the cafeteria expecting some grade nines or to be abandoned by my friends. Instead I found Rachel and Hayley already there eating away at their lunch. "Hey," I said plopping down into the seat across from Rachel and next to Hayley. "What's the matter?" I asked. Rachel pouted and said. "Why didn't you tell us they were spreading stupid fake rumors about you?" She asked. "I'm here to help you." I sighed and my face turned serious. "Because some of its true." She gawked at me, and mouthed "WHAT?" I looked down and told her the story, well, leaving out the part about Trevor. That was on a need to know basis with Hayley. "Please don't tell anyone. My dad doesn't know and I want to keep it that way." Rachel smiled doing the cross my heart and hope to die swear.

I pulled out my lap top and wrote back to my mother.

Hey mom, glad to hear your okay

And what do you mean by you didn't run away?

Love you lots

See you soon <3


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