What Am I?

Por littlelady02

425 71 6

Let me tell you right now, I'm not normal. Normal people sleep in a bed at night, I don't. Normal people don'... Más

Good Luck?
New Scene
New trip
Who's he?
Prisonment or Torture?
Person I Know
Where Am I?
Return to a Normal Life


19 4 0
Por littlelady02

I stared at him. Mr. Junluio as he called himself, had a completely blank face on as he looked at me.

"I need to speak with it." He said, standing up. He took something out of his pocket, a metal rod that had a blue look to it.

The beast apparently didn't like the look of it and tried convincing me to let her take rule but I wouldn't let her. I just shook my head. "No. She's not coming out." I said stubbornly as I looked back at him.

He growled and touch my hand with the rod. I yelped and tried rubbing the burn but I was prevented because of the handcuffs. "Just because you are a young girl doesn't mean I won't treat you like the rest. You have one of them inside you like they all do." Mr. Junluio said as I tried squirming out but the cuffs just tightened. I gritted my teeth and looked at him.

He placed the rod on my hand and I bit my tongue to keep from screaming. He smiled at me and placed it beside my hands. "Now. Can I speak with it?" I gritted my teeth and shook my head.

"No. She's not coming out and that's final. She's not allowed out and I have to keep a prime on containing-" I was cut off as he grabbed the rod and placed it on my wrists. I screamed at first then bit my tongue, looking at him as I tried getting the rod off but it felt as if it weighed a ton.

He walked around the table and placed a hand next to mine and rolled the rod on my wrists, making me wince more from the pain. He looked at me and leaned down to my ear. "I'm sure your beast friend knows what this rod is but I'll tell you since you'll be staying here. Its Mirithium Ion Contravesty, MIC for short. It doesn't affect normal humans but if one of you guys touch it then it burns you as you can tell, though if one of them were touched by it without a human body, well, they'd die a horrible death." He said to me. "Now, let me speak with it."

I shook my head. I wasn't going to let up just because he wanted to speak with it. I gritted my teeth and bared the pain of what the rod was doing. It was burning my skin and really hurt but I also wasn't going to let him get what he wanted. I stood up and tried knocking the rod off but it still felt so heavy, as if it could snap my wrist. I groaned and sat back down, this thing was starting to give me other side effects as well. I closed my eyes, willing the headache to go away. The pounding in my head just combined with the ringing in my ears, making it worse.

"Hmmm..." Mr. Junluio muttered then turned to Flimington. "Put her in the cell until she does as asked. And report in any strange behavior you see from her even if it's just a headache." He said, then took the rod and looked at me. I glared at him then looked at my wrist, it was burning still and had burn marks but it was healing.

Wait. Healing? That was new for me, I never have healed like that before. I'm sure I have a few scars from people attacking me but this has never happened to me. Strange....

I snapped out of thought as Flimington undid my cuffs and stood me up by my arm. I looked at him then around the room, trying to find that Mr. Junluio guy. But it seemed as if he was already gone.

I rubbed my wrists and looked at Flimington. I watched him as he put the cuffs back on my hands, trying his best to avoid my gaze and the burns. I just kept watching him though I winced when he accidentally touched my burn before he grabbed the chain and started leading me away almost as if he didn't want to and regretted it. I didn't say anything though.

He led me down the walk way then down a hall. There wasn't really much of any light and that there was didn't reveal anything but a plain steel floor. I couldn't see the walls and I didn't even want to try, who knows what other stuff that burn would do or if that MID, no MIC rod had left side effects. So I just let it be as I was led down the dark hallway. He suddenly turned and dragged me along before he stopped and turned to me. "Stay here Juna. I'll be right back." He said before letting go of the chain and turned before walking away from me into the shadows. I watched him but he disappeared though I heard whispering after a minute or two. I tried to make it out but I couldn't, it was just to low of a whisper. So I just stood there boredly, looking around until I felt some intense gazes on me and started fidgeting. I didn't dare talk and kept the healing burns out of sight as I casted my gaze around the room.

I suddenly heard a voice that sent a chill up my spine. "Who is she? What's she doing here?" I heard the voice slurr out the words, well, half a purr and half a slithery voice like a snake. I shivered as I felt goose bumps rise with hairs on the back of my neck and everywhere else. That was one creepy voice and I didn't like it.

I looked around but still couldn't see much of anything, darn dark lighting. I gasped but a hand was over my mouth before any sound was heard, a very cold hand had grabbed my arm. I struggled in the grip before biting the hand making the voice curse as it let go of me. I turned around and moved back as another shiver went up my spine. But what I saw about made me faint. It was a hideous thing and looked the absolute worse. There was nothing else to describe it besides that it definitely wasn't human. I stumbled back, my blood already pounding in my ears. It shook it's bit hand then turned to me before glowing and turned into a much better looking creature, like a demon. It looked like a demon but without the tail and with more spikes. It started walking at me and I stumbled back, tripping and falling to the floor. Suddenly something wrapped around my arm and I looked to see a scaley tail before I felt a hand on my other one then was lifted to my feet surprisingly gently. I wheeled around to find two more like the first but they were already in their demonic forms I guess. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jerked away from it before stumbling away from the three only to find I was surrounded.

I took in a deep breath to calm my racing heart beat but it didn't do much of any good. I looked around at all of them, turning as I did. I didn't know what to expect from them so I just kept my guard up. Some had tails too, others had small wings instead. They all just stared at me as I looked over each and everyone of them.

I started hearing voices and looked around wildly. "Whats she doing here? Is she really one of us? Who is she? She looks nice for a human, though I doubt anyone would do her." But even if I was shaking in my skin that comment got me. I clenched my fists and looked around at them all. "Alright who the hell said that about me?" They all moved to give a young looking one some room to come up. He had his arms crossed as he stared at me.

"I did. Got a problem with it human?" He said.

"Yes I do." I growled before running at and tackling him before he could even realize what was happening. I looked down at him and punched him before standing up. I rubbed my fist as it stung a bit but easily pushed it away as I looked down at him. "Next time I won't hold back." I said, the beast doubling my voice.

He stared at me with wide eyes. I could feel the others staring at me as well but he plainly deserved the punch. Though it had been a bit difficult to punch with my hands cuffed, I still got him pretty hard. I put my hands down and turned my back to him. "You should learn to not just speak anything loud mouth. It can get you into serious trouble." I said, starting to walk off.

"I-I-I... I'm so sorry my queen, I didn't know you were here on earth. And in a body too, it really does suit you. I didn't mean what I said before, you are absolutely beautiful and amazing my queen." He said, making me turn my head back to him. He was kneeling on the floor and had his head bowed to me, an arm over his chest. They all gasped and did the same, apologizing about not knowing I was their "queen" and they respected me greatly too. I didn't understand why they kept calling me queen but I just shrugged it off. I looked around at all of them before they suddenly looked up and disappeared into black misty clouds.

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