Three Fangirls VS. the Naruto...

By Arctic_Sky

268K 13.1K 4.1K

Meh... About fraternal triplets who love Naruto and end up in the anime after Tobi invades their computer. Ch... More

Three Fangirls VS. the Naruto World (Naruto Fanfic)
Good News, Bad News, and... Creepy News
Blame the Man-Child
How To Annoy A Puppet Master
Becoming Sand Ninja Part 1!
Becoming Sand Ninja Part 2!
Suna's Ruled by an Asshole
Konoha: A Very Bad Idea
Chunin Exams....
The Hexagon Turns Into A... (What Number Is This?)
The Epic Plan Of Revenge
Down With Suki!
Are We Interrupting?
Best Days, Depressing Nights
In One Word: Hell
Art VS. "Art"
Ten Killers (or four) and a Fangirl (or Two)
The Truth Comes Out (and Everyone Wants to Kill the Man-Child)
Talking to a Puppet. How.... Fun
Two's Company, Three's A Madhouse
A Rescue Mission... with Hostages!
Death in the Family
Sensei, Sensei, Where Art Thou, Sensei?
Hayes Triplets... Special Training?
Hibiki Kudo: Hidden Devil of the Sand
From Fangirls to Ambassadors
A Mild Case of Flashbacks
Sharp Mind VS. Sharp Weapon of Death
Fangirl #1 VS. Psycho Killer Ninja Man
Fangirl #2 VS. ....."Gah. Just Screw It. My Life Sucks" - Ari
Homicidal Man-Children Make Me Hate Humanity
Hey, Soul Sister
How to Make Sasuke and Itachi the Last Uchihas
Final Chapter: The World According to Fangirls
Epilogue: Dear So-and-So (Letters from Losers)

Why Me? (Scarlette's Troubles)

8.7K 507 151
By Arctic_Sky

Scarlette's POV

I couldn't believe I'd passed out during our journey to Konoha. All because of my sporadic sleeping habits...

But to be perfectly honest, when I woke, several hours after arriving in the Village, I was more thoroughly surprised than I had been in all my fourteen years.

I blinked open my stiff, dry eyes, slightly annoyed at the tangle of hair that had fallen into my face while I slept. I pushed it aside with a sigh, and my entire body froze at the sight that greeted me.

Gaara, the emotionless, demon-housing boy that killed to feel his own existence, was lying on the bed beside me, staring up at the ceiling with his hands resting lightly on his stomach. We weren't touching. No there was a good foot of space between us, seeing as how this was a double bed. I guessed that the inn had only a select amount of room available, meaning two of the Hayes triplets would have to share.

But really, that wasn't very important at the moment, was it?

"G-Gaara," I stammered, resisting the sudden urge to bolt upright and flee the small, somewhat ornately decorated hotel room. "How... unexpected," I murmured, pushing myself up onto one elbow.

He continued to stare at the ceiling, but I watched his eyes. They were dark with his swirling thoughts, and I had difficulty reading them.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. His gaze never wavered, though his eyes narrowed to little more than slits.

"Why is it that your sisters don't fear me?"

It took the majority of my self control not to blurt out, "Because they both happen to me mentally unstable." But I managed to refrain from doing so, swallowing back both my words and the creeping fear I always felt in his presence. Though in the past weeks it had dwindled significantly, so that I was little more than wary of him most of the time.

"You don't fear your friends, Gaara," I said softly, realizing how foreign these words must've sounded to someone like him. "And even if you find it impossible to believe, or simply accept, Ari and Violet both consider you their friend."

"What reason would they have for thinking that?" he asked. I sat up fully, pushing the warm blanket off my lithe legs and stretching them out.

"They can make friends with anyone," I said after a moment of thought. "And they see the good in people, most of the time," I added, smiling to myself as I thought of their honest hatred, or at the very least colossal dislike, for many animated characters. But with flesh and blood humans, Vi and Ari got along with them so well... that is, of course, until someone bad mouthed anime.

"There is no good in someone like me," he said, startling me from my reverie. "The only thing inside me is darkness... and anger."

"If Ari and Vi can see it, it's there Gaara," I told him gently, wondering in the process why he was choosing to say these things to me. What had I done to deserve such trust?

"Can you?"

"Me?" I asked, blinking as I looked back down at him. "Can I what?"

"See whatever good your sisters see," he clarified.

I didn't respond at first. I actually knew of the kindness that dwelt inside of Gaara, but how could I tell him something as outrageous as the truth?

When I didn't say anything for at least half a minute, he broke the quickly encroaching silence. "As I thought," he said, and his voice held the barest amount of emotion. "You truly are the only sister that I have made to fear me."

I smiled unexpectedly, tipping my head back enough to gaze at the bland white ceiling as well. "I am afraid," I said carefully. "But fear isn't as substantial a thing as people seem to believe. It's always being overcome by the oddest things. Talking, for instance. Hearing the humanity in someone's voice and thoughts... I'll admit it pushes the fear away and locks it behind thick doors. Right now, Gaara, I'm not afraid of you."

I watched his eyes darken further, and wondered how he was taking my words. But seeing no response in the near future, I slid to the edge of the bed and dropped to the floor. Someone, probably Temari, had taken care to remove my sandals, and I fumbled around in the semi-dark room to locate them. I smiled slightly when I found them by my pack just under the bed. I tugged them on and climbed to my feet, then turned to head out into Konoha's lively streets.

I paused at the door, fingers wrapping around the handle. Gaara was still lying on the bed, looking deep in thought. "Gaara--" I began, only to be interrupted by the door flying open, and Kankuro nearly knocking me flat onto my back as he tried to rush inside.

"Oh, you're up," he said, as though he hadn't done anything wrong. I sighed and stepped back so that my face wasn't pressed to his chest. "That's right," I said, brushing the hair from my eyes. These bangs were really ridiculous, but Vi wouldn't allow me to cut them. She said I looked too pretty to change my hair.

"So anyway, Temari and I were heading out to hunt down your sisters. They need their I.D. cards and.... what's with you?"

I'd gone pale in an instant, hearing him talk about hunting down my sisters. What he meant was.... they were running around the Village. Alone. With the majority of their fangirl obsessions. "I have to go," I said, on the verge of sounding frantic. And I assure, frantic was something I did not become lightly. I pushed past Kankuro, after grabbing my own I.D., ignoring his protests, and skidded out into the streets. At the time, I hadn't been sure how long I'd been out of it, so I couldn't be sure where they were. I knew immediately Ichiraku Ramen would be their first stop, so I decided it was worthwhile to at least visit the place while searching.

After receiving some directions from a kindly older woman, I made my way over to the ramen stand. Teuchi, the somewhat older man that ran the establishment, greeted me with a smile when I ducked under the hanging signs.

"Oh, more new faces," he said, while making something at the stove that smelled absolutely intoxicating. At home, I had a slight obsession with ramen, though I could never be sure why. My sisters ate it adamantly, though I was positive it was far from their favorite food. But now was not the time to try what Naruto called the Village's best ramen.

"Hello," I said shortly, but trying my best to sound friendly as well. I was in a rush. "Did you happen to see two girls, my age? One with long blonde hair and redish-brown eyes, the other with blue-violet hair and amber eyes? That's the taller of the two." His smile faltered slightly, and I inwardly sighed. Just what had they done already?

"Yeah, they both came in a little while after some other customers," he said, and I felt myself tense. Please, for Kami's sake, tell me they didn't embarrass themselves horribly.... "The amber-eyed girl.... she.... passed out when a boy said something to her."

"Lovely," I grumbled, dragging a hand down my face in annoyance. I sighed and shook my head. "Do you happen to know where they went after.... after she recovered?" I asked, wincing slightly on the words. This really was just my luck. He chuckled awkwardly. "The boy she'd been talking to, Kiba Inuzuka"--I barely kept from groaning aloud at this--"and his teammates took her to the hospital, but the other girl went off somewhere. Sorry, I'm afraid that's all I know."

"No, no, that's fine," I said dismissively, waving a hand in thanks. "You've been a great help, sir." I nodded a goodbye and once again ducked beneath the signs to head out into the Village. The hospital.... Knowing Ari, she'd already woken up and was roaming around again. Oh, where did Team Kurenai go when they weren't on a mission? At that moment, I cursed Masashi Kishimoto for never expanding on other characters besides Team Kakashi. If he had included more air time for Kiba and the others in the anime, I would at least have a general idea of where Ari could have gone.

I pressed a hand to my forehead, trying to contain the headache I felt pounding against my temples. Whatever they did would really be my fault.... I was the responsible sister, the one who kept Ari and Vi in line. And what had I gone and done? Let them rampage through the Village Hidden in the Leaves while I napped. Curse my insomina, I growled in thought.

Seeking a random direction, I took off down the street and turned a corner, and promptly smacked into someone's hard chest.

My rear hit the dirt, and I muttered a slew of foul words under my breath. There was a chuckle from above me, and I craned my neck to see its source. My jaw nearly dropped.

"Sorry about that. Are you ok?" the silver-haired Jonin asked, reaching down a hand to pull me to my feet. I was speechless for all of two seconds before I regained what little composure I had left. "I'm fine," I said politely, offering a small smile of reassurance. "And it was my own fault for not paying attention to my surroundings. I should be the one apologizing."

I felt his one eye that wasn't covered by his Leaf headband zero in on my own Suna one, tied loosely around my neck. "A Sand Genin," he said thoughtfully, shoving a hand into his pocket. The other, I noticed, held open a small orange book. Make Out Paradise. How Ari would have loved this. "Are you by any chance here for the Chunin Exams?"

"Indirectly," I answered, shifting from foot to foot impatiently. It was natural for him to verify my reasons for entering his Village, but my sisters could have been attacking a poor defenseless Konoha Genin at that moment! I had very little time to answer his questions. "My sisters and I are here to observe only, as we only recently became Ninja. We arrived with the other set of Sand Genin.... some time ago," I finished somewhat awkwardly. Again, my lack of time perception was infuriating me.

"Ah," Kakashi said, nodding. "Well then, I hope you enjoy your stay in the Village, and good luck to your friends in the Exam." I smiled, and dipped my head, acknowledging his words. "I'll be sure to tell them that," I said, before slipping past him. Then I skidded to a halt and looked over my shoulder. Kakashi was still there, angled slightly so that we were facing one another. "This may seem like an odd question from a Sand Ninja, but you wouldn't know where Team Kurenai is, would you?" I asked, keeping my voice as neutral as possible. The last thing I wanted was for him to assume I had harmful intentions.

He thought for a moment, then shrugged. "I would try the training grounds," he suggested. "Most of the Genin teams are there often." He paused, then asked, "Why would you need to know?"

"My sister, Arianna, is.... friends with a member of the team, and I'm looking for her right now. I just assumed she'd be with them," I offered. In a way, that was the truth. Albeit the vaguest form of the truth, but honesty nonetheless. He nodded after a moment and lifted his hand from his pocket in a lazy wave. "I hope you find her soon," he said. "Oh, and my name is Kakashi Hatake."

"I'm Scarlette Hayes," I replied. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

With that out of the way, I turned and raced away, having a vague idea of where the training grounds were.

On my way there, I happened to pass by an alleyway, and to my surprise. Kankuro was there, holding Konohamaru by the throat, while Naruto and Sakura looked on in horror. I hated this part.

Should I help out Konohamaru, and risk earning Temari and Kankuro's suspicion, or should I go after Ari....? I frowned, knowing anything was better than seeing my own sister make a complete fool of herself.

"Kankuro!" I called, jogging up to him, past a bewildered Naruto and Sakura. Kankuro himself was so surprised by my appearance that he dropped Konohamaru. The frightened child jumped to his feet and hid behind Naruto.

"Oh, hey, Scar," the Sand Genin greeted, scowling past me at the cowering grandson of the Third Hokage. "What happened to you? You left the hotel so fast, Temari got worried and sent me out to find you."

"My sisters," I sighed, trudging up to him. "They really should not be trusted to be by themselves in a new Village. I was worried they'd caused damage." I lifted my head to level a weak, half-hearted glare in his direction. "Whose idea was it to let them roam free?"

"Er, Temari's," he answered, rubbing the back of his neck. I pinched the bridge of my nose. I really should have guessed that. Kankuro at least knew of my siblings' habits. Temari was far too trusting of them.

"Well, let this be a lesson to her then," I muttered, shaking my head. "She should know by now that they--"


I jumped at the sound of the high-pitched male voice, shouting just behind me. Sighing once more, I turned to face the hyperactive blonde in the orange bulky track suit. "Yes?" I asked, irriated.

He was jabbing a finger at me, causing my eye to twitch in annoyance. Really, had no one taught this boy manners? That was when I remembered his past history, and my gaze softened somewhat.

"Who the heck are you?" he demanded, crossing his arms and huffing childishly. I blinked. "I'm Scarlette Hayes, a Sand Genin. And who would you be?"

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it! And one day, I'm gonna be Hokage!"

"Ah, yes, what an.... interesting goal you have," I murmured awkwardly. He was as energetic as Ari and Vi. I could only handle so much childish behavior.

He chuckled, adjusting his headband while smiling like he'd just won the lottery. He always smiled like that, and in all honesty it bothered me somewhat. It seemed unnatural to be able to put all that joy into a single smile.

"Kankuro," I said, looking over my shoulder. "Would you mind apologizing to the scared little boy?"

"I'm not a scared little boy!" Konohamaru protested, peeking out from behind Naruto. I frowned at him, and he slunk back into his hiding place. "My friend is quite intimidating," I said, gesturing to Kankuro. "No one would blame you for being frightened."

"Why should I apologize to that brat?" Kankuro asked me, flicking my forehead. I rubbed the now sore spot, my frown deepening. "Because you were in the wrong," I replied easily. "Whatever happened, I'm sure it didn't warrent scarring that boy for life. Don't you agree Temari?" Kankuro's eyes widened and he whipped around at the same time his sister came strolling into view.

"Right," she said, smirking. "No need to make bad impressions on the first day. And I would do what she said, Kankuro. You know what Scar's like when she's angry."

Muttering something under his breath, Kankuro scowled down at me. I returned the look with a nonchalant one of my own. "Alright, whatever," he grumbled. "I'm sorry, kid. But don't bother me again, if you know what's good for you!"

"Close," I sighed. I then addressed the rest of the people gathered here. Including Sasuke Uchiha, standing up in the branches of the tree that overlooked this path. "I apologize for anything my friend did to harm the boy. He's a bit impulsive when irritated. And you," I said, flicking a glance up to the Uchiha. "I'm sorry I stole your chance to intervene and look like a hero to the pinkette." The raven-haired Uchiha scowled, dropping the rock he'd been bouncing up and down on his palm.

Sakura, on the other hand, was swooning and fawning over the "sudden" arrival of Sasuke. It was quite the sickening display.

"You talk funny," Naruto said suddenly, causing me to blink again in confusion and stand up straighter. "I do?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"That's not nice," Temari said, coming to stand beside me; Kankuro was still at my back. Naruto's eyes widened, and I suppose it meant he'd only just realized how that could be insulting.

"No! No I meant... you talk like a grown up," he said sheepishly, smiling nervously. Sakura nodded her agreement, adding, "Yeah, you do! You don't talk like any Genin I know."

"Should I be insulted?" I asked, blinking up at Temari and Kankuro. Temari shook her head, smiling at me while Kankuro continued to glare at the others. "No, you shouldn't," she said, ruffling my hair. "The way you talk is fine. It's very you, Scar."

I shrugged and decided to drop the matter. "Well, I should probably be off," I said, ignoring the puzzled looks I received from the Konoha Ninja. "Ari and Vi need supervision if they're going to be in Konoha. I'll have the three of us meet up with you all later?" I suggested, earning a nod and a smile. "Alright then, I'll--"


I froze midstep, and looked up into the tree Sasuke was perched on. The ravenette flinched slightly, just noticing the redhead that had appeared beside him. I could see the shock etched into the Uchiha's face. He hadn't sensed Gaara at all.

"Yes, Gaara?" I said, tilting my head to the side in question. "I found Arianna," he said. My eyes widened, and in an instant I was beside him on the branch. "Where is she?" I asked, feeling the tightness in my chest ease somewhat.

"......I'll just take you to her."

I nodded and followed him as he leaped back down to the ground. He started off down the alley, with me in tow, when Sasuke called him back.

"Hey! What's your name?"

"Me?" Temari asked, turning around to give him a flirtatious smile.

"No, the one with gourd on his back, and the girl with him."

"I am Gaara of the Desert," Gaara replied monotonously. "And I'm curious as to who you are as well."

"Sasuke Uchiha," he stated with a proud smirk.

"Lovely to meet you, Sasuke, Naruto, pinkette," I said, nodding to each of them in turn. Sakura turned red (from anger or embarrassment, I couldn't be sure) and balled her hands into fists when I called her pinkette. "As I said, I'm Scarlette Hayes, though those close to me call me Scar. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to keep my two sisters from destroying your pleasant Village. Good luck to you in the Chunin Exams."

As we walked away, I heard Naruto asking, "Huh? What? Chunin Exams? What're those?"

Gaara led the three of us to the training grounds, though how he found them in the first place, and in so little time, I had no idea. I spotted my sister immediately. She had stolen Kiba's jacket, and Akamaru along with it, and was racing around the grassy clearing, laughing a little manically while Kiba chased after her.

"Thank you for bringing me here," I said to Gaara, a heavy sigh escaping my lips. I drew out a kunai and aimed it in the briefest moment before flinging it forward. It snared the hood of Ari's jacket and proceeded to thunk against a tree, lodging deep into the bark. It stopped her in her tracks, much to her chagrin.

"Scar!!" she complained when Akamaru wiggled out of her grasp and leaped into the safety of Kiba's waiting arms. Ari immediatly turned and attempted to pry the kunai loose, but it refused to budge. I calmly walked up to where she was pinned and yanked it free. Suddenly no longer trapped, Ari dropped to the ground.

"My ass!" she cried, yowling out a wordless complaint. "You scared that poor puppy," I admonished, pulling her to her feet. "This is fair punishment, don't you agree?"

"So this is your sister," Kiba said, drawing my attention. "I'm Kiba Inuzuka," he said, grinning playfully. "You know, you're even better looking than she said!"

"Lovely," I muttered. "Now I've got to go and find Violet. Ari, stay with Kankuro and the others so you don't get into trouble. Oh, and Kiba was it?" I looked over at him and he grinned wolffishly. "Pick up lines are a little useless on me, I'm sorry to say." His face fell and Akamaru whimpered in defeat also. That was a bit unexpected.

Nonetheless, I handed Ari over to Temari, who promised not to let her out of her sight, and told them I'd go off and look for Vi. I had a feeling she'd be in the training grounds, too, considering Lee was always here. Just when I started off on my own, I felt Gaara's sand brush against my arm, and he appeared beside me.

"You don't mind helping me look?" I questioned curiously, giving him a thoughtful frown. "I'd like to resolve this as quickly as possible," he replied, staring straight ahead into the trees. I nodded with slight hesitation. He was right; two people looking would make the whole thing go faster.

"Thank you, then," I said, a soft, closed eye smile on my face.

He didn't respond, as per usual.

I'm sad to say it didn't take long at all to locate Vi. She found us, actually.

While Gaara and I were searching through the various training grounds, she leaped out of nowhere and tackled me to the ground.


"Hell," I muttered, shoving her off me. I took one look at my sister and groaned. She was dressed exactly like Lee. She sported the dark-green spandex jumpsuit, wore her headband as a belt (even though that was her usual style), orange leg-warmers adorned her calves, and she'd wrapped her arms in bandages. Thank Kami she'd chosen to leave her hair alone.

In the next instant, Might Guy and Rock Lee burst into the scene, with the older of the two shouting out gleefully, "WE'VE FOUND OUR YOUTHFUL BUTTERFLY AT LAST!!"

I picked myself up, dusted off my shorts, and abruptly turned away from them all. "Gaara, give my apologies to Temari and Kankuro, but I'm afraid I need to find the nearest cliff and throw myself off it," I said robotically, walking away.


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