(Transformers) Soundwave's se...

De Alexandra-Sasha

55.7K 2K 661

Soundwave is the most mysterious Desepticon both for comrades and Autobots. But there are reasons why the Des... Mais

Soundwave's secret
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Auther needs help(please read)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
Read this one)and suggest)
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20
A chance to creat:)
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33.
Без названия 34
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.

Chapter 21.

932 40 16
De Alexandra-Sasha

TADAaa! Dance, people, I finally made it!

I HAVE A VERY DIFFICULT YEAR LOTS OF IMPORTANT EXAMS! at least this chapter is not a short one

and read about my little surprise, check the link at the end of the chapter:)

and be aware, I changed Ravage's optik colour it will be green and that's it! I just want to do so in my story;)

I've also added a new version of the 1st chapter that has been checked by my beta, who helped me to add some new words and phrases. As you know I don't have beta anymore:(

Soundwave's secret.
Chapter 21.
She was online but for a moment the word seemed to had disappeared from her. Then, Soundwave's vision stared to clear but her attention was kept on her spark.


It had been his spark.

The connection was fast but enough for her to feel him.

It was his shock.




And then the connection was cut again.


He was functional, his spark still working but something had happened.

And Autobots? They said something, about Megatron. Then sound of steps approached her. Soundwave's spark was brightened, her working hard to hold back the bitter wave of rising feelings, not wishing them to blow her from inside. There was an unexplainable anergy rising in her spark.

The screens were on. She heard Megatron's voice and stood up. No one was able to see the gaze that was directed at the Deception leader.

'Sod. Two-face. Manipulator. Liar.'

But the anger was held back, not letting the poisoning feeling overtook her. That would have worked agains her only.

He talked, as always addressing some of his speech to Prime, telling about the latest events, the spies, Autobots' softness and foolishness. Then, Prime's wise answer came. Details don't matter.

After that, Megatron directed his attention at the visored femme.

'Soundwave, still online, as I see... But should I be surprised?.."

The silence of her he got.

"Those simbiots of yours... I used to see a value in them, you know that..."

Soundwave was impaling the Decepticon with her gaze, not noticing the narrowed optics of some that were around her.

"This blind loyalty is so rare these days... But after all interesting event we lived through during such a short period of time I started wondering what exactly their role was... And, as you surely had felt, I came to a conclusion..."

The energy overtook her moveless figure after hearing that tone.

"You made a mistake, Soundwave. You created yourself a weakness."

She was not afraid or scared. In contrast, the mettle in her spark was increasing.

'You know nothing about spark-bonds.'

Then, Megatron started talking in a faster strong tone, his at start held beck displeasure and exasperation taking over, "Needless to say what will happen if you consider the cooperation with Autobots."

"Rust, 'Con!" furious voice of Blaster cut. Megatron gave him a momental look and then narrowed his optics at Soundwave,"Canyon. Nice choice. But not the best."

With that the screens went dark.


Soundwave would have kept still but the bond was awakened, she reached for her spark, the force pooling forward again. This time the connection was not so strong and it was not Lazerbeak. It was from the rest, the rhythms of their sparks all becaming faster. Yet, before Soundwave could recognize further, sparks closed the bond again.

There was a moment of silence shared by the ones in the command room, Soundwave being the only one not noticing it.

'Bluff,'she said to herself,'Short connection only. Nothing else. They are fine. They made it out.'

But she would not have and will not be able to reach Canyon in time even though she was free to go. Yes, Autobots had said that she was.

Megatron just made sure that Soundwave did not switch sides. But she had not had such intentions and that is why she wanted to shout for once. Energy fulfilled her. Why? Because there was nothing left but to act.

How had the location of the shelter been found Soundwave did not know. Lazerbeak had to had been captured, but she could not tell so about the others.

She had to do something, she had to act. Now it was not only about her but about all her family. And first, she had to make sure that Megatron was bluffing. He could not have gotten all of them. So, as far as her cooperation was concerned...


'I might need some help...'

Prime was looking at the femme, as she straightened and directed her visor at him.

Yes, that was a risk, as Warlord made his point about what will happen. And yet, Soundwave was not going to leave her simbiots behind but she might need a back up while finding or retrieving them.

Blue lines crossed the dark visor and a number of recording was hurriedly spread,

"Megatron...~...bluffing...~Autobots...~...assistance request...~Information will be provided as much as...~...allowed." so she finished hoping that her offer will be accepted. It was a not a weird that such a quick change was greeted with confusion and hesitation not from the Autobot leader only, making them all exchange looks of uncertainty. However, Prime was fast to return his confident look,

"You believe that was a bluff."

Could it be?..

"Lazerbeak...~...damaged.~Others...~...status: unknown. Possible location:...~ Northen Canyon."

But Magnus refusing to let his guard was the first one to question the change aloud.

"And what if they all have been captured? We will not put our bots under such a great risk just to retrieve some simbiots."

Some simbiots he said... It could have felt as a blade stuck in a spark but Soundwave new that the Autobots truly did not have much reasons for helping her, even if they were promised to be given information because the situation could have been considered as a possible trap. The information most of which reveal would probably lead to off-lining of both 'Bot and 'Cons. She did not have the right for that. And yet again... She needed to find a possible solution. Some of her knowledge was not harmful. She could offer it but, no more.

"May be the risk is not that great, let's not dive into conclusions. First, we should at least make sure they have or have not made it, right?" Blaster suggested trying to find a way out but his optimistic words gave Ultra Magnus and Santinal feeling that their Chieff Communication Officer understood and knew no more than communication area required.

"We should do nothing." Ultra Magnus raised his voice gazing at the bot. He turned to Soundwave then,"How fast your decisions are changing, Soundwave. A moment ago you are playing such a peace-lover not wishing to let any information out and now you are willing to cooperate, and that is after Megatron's threats not to do so. Why am I finding it suspicious?"

"Do you really think all this might be just another trick?" Jazz asked with a surprisingly calm but strong voice sliding his optics at the bigger bot their gazes meeting hard.

"After all incidents, that will not surprise me at all." Santinal voiced supporting Magnus but Dreadwing decided to take a ward.

"I have been there since the moment Soundwave was returned to Decepticons." the warrior reported. Soundwave was watching silently and unnoticeable for a moment forgotten by the group. Was it any other matter, she would have used the moment and disappeared from the side, but unfortunately now, after she had refused to cooperate, she was in need of their help. Standing out of Autbots' and Decepticons' way as being considered a neutral was one thing, but trying to save the ones close to her - was another.

"You were not there while she was with Shockwave," Magnus continued and it would have been difficult to argue as his words were based on logic,"What if Megatron had a change in planes. There are hundreds of ways we may not be considering!"

There was pause, each of the bots trying to make a decision.

"I support Ultra Magnus. We can not trust her." Ironhide finally agreed. Was The Leader of Wreckers just being stubbor or not did not matter, the points made were good and convincing,"Well, at least not now."

So, optics for a moment at The Weapon Specialist drifted went to the Autobot Leader, standing with his servos crossed him trying to come to a conclusion as well,

"Prowl, you are a tactician. Any suggestions?"

The bot cycled the air in,"Sircumstances have changed, so did the tactics." He gave Soundwave a quick look,"In addition, Soundwave mentioned giving information that would be allowed. If I understand correctly, that means, she will tell us just what she finds is suitable, am I right? So, Soundwave did not change her intentions much." Prowls optics were sliding over his comrades,"Furthermore, her cooperation and the tactic change is logical. And yet, I can not but agree that Ultra Magnus' words are valid."and the bot finished looking at Prime,"That is up to you, sir."

The Autobot leader directed his optics at Soundwave,"One thing we are sure about - you let our scouts leave unnoticed, so saving their lives, Soundwave. No matter what the true intentions were. At least for that, we owe you-"

"Optimus, please-" but Prime ignored the protest,

"And we will help you to save them."

Releaf was one of a lot of thing Soundwave felt as those word were sad.

"What are their most possible coordinates?"

So it seemed, what Megatron thought would weaken her brought Soundwave the strength to start her act, as almost nothing could stop a femme from protecting he family.
The sound of engines roar breake the silence of the wild rocks, the Autobot ship making its landing in the plate area between Canyon's high cliffs. The aircraft blow the orange dust in the air and the clamps of its entrance panels moved freeing the compressed air and revealing the figures of bots that were inside.

Pieces of metal, broken parts and deactivated Drones covering the orange sanded field - that was what the group of Autobots and Soudwave were greated by.

"Space dust... What happened here?" HotShot gasped at the view but was fast to gain the answer from Drift knelling to one of the fallen robots and examining the deep scratches left on the broken armor.


And that name was enough to make some of them exchange noticeably nervous looks and prepare their weapons. Just in case...

All optics turned to the moveless figure of Soundwave and then followed her unseen gase. In front of them was the stone dam that was highly standing out of the areas relief proving it's unnatural origin.

Ironhide turned to the femme."Don't tell me they're supposed to be in there." But her silance proved the obvious.

Even though some of his comrades insisted on else, Optimus Prime had decided to go on a search wishing to observe the matter himself. Furthermore, his personal delicious could have been required... They had gotten a chance to cooperate with Soundwave and he hopped that there was a possibility to continue the cooperation in the future. And now he watched as Soundwave's attention was dragged by the stones and deeply hoped that Ironhide made a wrong guess, "Soundwave-"

"~Location: changed.~" she quickly cut refusing to imagine what had happened on the field. This was the location of their cave shelter. Decepticons had been here. They destroyed it. But Soundwave would have felt her family's sparks, if they were somewhere close or under these stones. Luckily, she did not feel them. The simbiots were somewhere else. They had to had escaped.

"Seems that they had to fight their way out of here... Do you know where they might have gone?"Prime asked still looking at her.

"This will probably help..." the group turned to see kneeled Jazz looking at the ground. Soundwave approached the bot and noticed the marks left on the sandy ground.

Claw-prints that were almost unnoticeable.

Soundwave eyed them for a click and headed to the mostly correct direction without any word.

"And now we have to search for simbiots in a sandy area. Just great."

"Is a warrior scared of some dust, Ironhide?" and Drift got a sharp glance in response.

"Something tells me they're good without backup." HotShot stopped in the center of the walking group looking around and Drift gave short explanation,"This was not Drones' life energon, HotShot."

The young bot's optics flinched and then they all heard Ironhide voice through the communication link.

-And still, be ready for anything.-

-You think they really might...- Dreadwing looked at his comrade.

-It's Ravage we are dealing with.- Ironhide remained.

-Not only Ravage.-Drift said them all turning to Soundwave not knowing about the 'talk'.

"Lets go." Jazz voiced cutting the possible continuation of the doubts.
They walked between narrowed tunnels and small fields of the Canyon cliffs. The claw marks left on the sandy ground accompanied by the rare blinks of dried drops of energon and oil were became less and less noticeable disappearing from the force of weak winds running through the Canyon halls.

Soundwave was trying hard to reach her family through the bond. There was nothing. It seemed the time and all events weakened the connection and they had not had a chance to try to reestablish it again. But she could not let herself to worry, she needed her full attention. She needed to find them.

The group was now surrounded by sharp-rocked crags, the path they had been using coming to an end and revealing a wider area with even more possible directions.

"Ehm... May be, we should split. They might be somewhere between the cliffs..." HotShot asked looking at the view.

"Have you felt anything yet, Soundwave?" Prime looked at her but the femme shock her helm, giving negative answer.

"Let us split. Do not hesitate to contact back if you find something. HotShot you go with Drift to the South." Bots nodded and run in the direction of the small tunnel between the rocks.

"Jazz and Dreadwing, check the the tunnels in the West."

"Splitting is a bad idea." Ironhide stated.

"They might be running out of time, 'Hide." Jazz reminded turning back.

"That is true. We need to increase the speed. Go, Jazz." Prime looked at the warrior,"We will look further."

And that was when she felt it...


"Watch out!" Some bot shouted but the beasts had already attacked. With another roar wild creatures shut tyemselves at the group, bots' blasters activated. The sound of transforming parts accompanied with the punches of metal were followed by the number of shuts missing the fast moving targets, one of the force hitting from the sky.

The massive beast was caught by a strong servos and thrown away to the sand but the panther was immediately on his feet, the force of thrust still pulling him away from the crowd. The moment it stopped, his lights brightened again and Ravage bared his sharp fangs preparing his chassis for another attack, Buzzsaw raising himself higher in the sky.


And all stopped, blasters' vibration existing only but Prime's raised servo was enough to hold the fire back. Autobots watched the bigger beast's plating on the back of his neck flinch back and worth, him not breaking the fighting stance. Soundwave's figure moved closer, her slightly raising the thin servo and stepping between the two forces.

'Temperer cooperation. They are on our side, brother.'

For a moment bots watched the bright optics scan the visor. Then, Buzzsaw's cry was heard, the bird flying over them and landing himself to the ground. He made some more bird sounds that Ravage seemed to understand and then flapped his winds, landing on Soundwave's shoulder plates. The panther glanced from her to the group, his long tail slowing down. He let another quite but threatening roar and his details flinched the panther calming down. Soundwave nodded her approuval and looked at the group exchanging looks and unsurely lowering their blasters.

"That's all? They just calmed in a click?" but Blurr heard another short roared escape the panther, beast's optics impaling him. They watched Ravage take his gaze away and walk to Soundwave. And it was when everyone noticed the shape panther's dark armor was in: dentas, some parts burned, rare drops of energon falling from between his platings. Ravage was covered with dust, sand and dried oil, front left claw obviously uncomfortable to lean on him hurriedly but skillfully putting the weight on the second one. And yet, the beast was huge, not lacking the strength. As for Buzzsaw, he was far from looking perfect either, and some thin metallic feathers being noticeably out of their place.

Soundwave turned to the condor and the bird bowled his neck closer to her.

"Trust, Tarn and the Drones..." he reported causing Ironhide look at his leader. They managed escape Tarn, obviously it was mostly Ravage's work but did the giant cat really stay against that Decepticon? Bird continued,"We made it almost unharmed..." Soundwave nodded, others listened and watched. Then Buzzsaw added through their reestablished bond.

'Soundwave, Lazer...'

'We will get him back.'

But the sudden scream implailing the space made them all turn.


"HotShut!" The group searched to the source of the sound only to see the young bot run from between the rock with a small red figure of his head.

"Take him of me! Take him of me!"

"Keep still!" Drift appeared from behind.

"Leave my helm!"

"Hold him, Frenzy!" Ratbat twinkled around and was fast to move away when Hotshot's ped caught a rock and he collapsed down, small figure now on his back. But before Frenzy could continue he found himself raised in the air.


"Put him down!"

"So much noise from these two?" Ironhide looked at the youngling in his servos, who was trying his best to get free,"You're fine, Hotshot?"

"Yah..." Young 'Bot rubbed his helm,"Why did you attack me?!-"

"You! Autobot- release meh now! RAVAGE!" the smaller bot screamed trying to sound angry but young's voice broke revealing his panic. He felt the huge bot move.

-Frenzy, calm.-

The 'simbiot' froze still in the air feeling the call throught the bond. He saw Soundwave approaching, Ravage, Buzzsaw and a group of Autobots standing behind, their blaster deactivated.

"SOUNDWAVE!" Ratbat gasped and slided in the air and etching herself to Soundwave's chast transforming and adding her dark pink details to the blue armor. Ironhide caught femme's stare and even thought he did not see her face, the fact that he was holding her simbiot made him uncomfortable. Frenzy was bumped on the ground and stared at his leader optics vide,"Boss?"

Ironhide watched Soundwave's bio-lights slightly brighten and partly blink, same happening to the smaller bot.

"Oh."was all that Frenzy said after his small 'talk' with his leader and added,"He's inside. Ped's damaged." He motioned in the direction of the rock and stood up heading there, Soundwave followed behind.

"We found them in a small cave."Drift explained, as Soundwave disappeared from the sight her two beast waiting a bit away from them.

"Those kids are worse than Sunny and Sides..." Hotshot mumbled rubbing his helm.

"Shall we?"

"No, let her see them first. Then, we'll leave." Prime looked at the beasts,"They require repairs."

Ravage gave a shirt look but kept sitting at the same place, Buzzsaw by his side.

"Are we really doing that? Taking them on the base?"

"For now, they have no need to act against us." Prime calmly explained.

"Are these-!?" HotShot gasped noticing the two.

"So the shutting was caused by them. How much did we miss?"

"The beasts becoming calm in a cklik after Soundwave's command."Blurr explained looking at Drift.

"Optimus, the bird mention Trust and Tarn. These guys managed to stand against him..."

"If their nature is what makes you worried, Ironhide, I believe the creatures are much more intelligent than we believe them to be."
Frenzy and Soundwave stepped in a narrowed entrance of a small cave behind the cliff plates. It was dark, wet rocks sticking up from the walls, rough lumps being its floor and narrowed tunnel leading even deeper in the darkness. It was the safest place they had managed to find. Frenzy's warm orange coloured optics were lightening the path, as he looked at Soundwave's high figure. He stopped and rushed himself hugging her thin servo. The youngling leaned his helm pressing it tightly to her, his optics shut."We wanted to help, just did not know how. Then 'Cons came. Ravage said we could not had consider danger any longer, he and Buzzsaw just left to try to get you back..."

Frenzy did not let go of the cool thin servo, feeling the newly born connection of their sparks. The fact that Soundwave was actually right there, standing in the cave next to him was a miracle. The mechling looked up feeling a servo on his shoulderplate and then found himself under Soundwave's wings, as she kneeled down and he pressed to her chassis feeling the warmth of the spark.

With Frenzy's helm under her chin the sudden calmness was brought to her.

"I missed you too."

It was almost a whisper but so soft and warm fulfilling Freny's spark with joy."Now it will be fine. Do not fear. No reason for that."

"Yah..." Frenzy grinned still leaning at her,"Cool that yo're back, sis." And Soundwave smiled, her own spark warming from the word. She stood up, her servo still around Frenzy and they moved forward soon noticing a weak light.



"Hey, bro." the red armored mechling grinned seeing the slightly noticeable figure of his twin being illuminated by his own optics. Rumble flinched sitting on the rock flore with his damaged ped when he heard the voice, as Autobots' return was what he had expected. The younglings optics brightened even more when Soundwave's figure entered the sight

"S-Soundwave? You here?" he loudly bereaved out with relief leaning himself back to the wall."I knew I felt something!" Soundwave kneeled by his and Frenzy's side, "But how? And Autobots?"

"They and other 'Bots are outside, same Ravage and Buzzy. Soundwave felt us and agreed to cooperate with Autobots if they help us out."

"Cooperate? Really?" Rumble looked at the femme. She nodded and moved her servo to slide the visor off revealing her two-coloured optics.

"Are you ok?.." the young bot asked him and his brother not surprised by her faceplate. Unlike others they had seen it loads of times. Soundwave smiled and nodded then looked at his damaged ped. It did not look too bad, several cables looking out of the cracked armor and protoform. There was also some already dried energon on the edges but the youngling would better not to walk.

"It's not that bad..." Rumble tried to sound convincing, actually meaning his words and the femme nodded still examining the damage.

"What now, Soundwave?" Frenzy asked worriedly and Soundwave raised her warm optics up to look at the twins.

"We will act together as always,"her voice was released again. It was calmly confident, almost an unoticeable tone of enthusiasm existing in it,"Reach Iacon to have you repaired and get Lazerbeak back. Ravage and I have prepared a trick for 'Cons. I will convince Prime and they will help with the task..." She gently put her servos on their shoulder plates and her optics sparked while looking at them,"Don't worry, guys, we will pull through, like always, right?" she added leaning closer.



They nodded with slight smiles,"Together."

"That's my mechs. Now, Rumble try to stand up, slowly. Hold my servo."

Soundwave straightened sliding her mask down and becoming the same silent visored bot. Frenzy transformed his and his brother's flying boards and placed them on his back. Then Soundwave and him held Rumble by servos and slowly made their way out of the cave, where the group was waiting for them.
Here is a surprise!:) I would be happy if you checked and commented the picture I drew, its is... a clue of some part of Soundwave's past:))) here is the link art/She-as-well-was-once-a-sparkling-580980335

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