NBB: Reboot

By JeremyRivera8

301 23 1

After the war of reality, Zorah goes to cycle 16 beginings, where he finds himself the creation of the univer... More

Chapter I - A lost battle
Chapter II - The City Collapse
Chapter III - The Two Immortaeliks
Chapter V - The Reboot Squad
Chapter VI - So it begins...
Chapter VII- A world of fire
Chapter VIII - The return of a high king
Chapter IX - A newcoming forth
Chapter X - The Fallen

Chapter IV - Meet Asrion, Brody and Nathan

41 2 0
By JeremyRivera8

It was midnight, chaos was calmed, city was peacefully in a mess, no one resulted in major death, but there were some loses, there were many disappeared citizens, but no hope was lost....

How about some backstory? Let's hit rewind from another point of view, let's say........How about Asrion, wait you didn't think he wasn't a character, or did you? Well, either way he has a some story behind that stare into nothingness in the city, as weird as it may look like, he is important. Enough meta dialogue, now where is the script. Ahem....

In a small town with no name yet, was a shepherd that had a nice apple tree farm, with all the animals a farmer could have. One day, that old man had heard a child cry very nearby his Family Legacy Apple Tree. He stopped collecting apples and let the basket on the ground. He grabbed a lantern and started seeking out the cry of the child. He followed trace by trace and eventually found them inside the farmhouse, behind a hay pile. He saw a baby being carried and protected by a boy. "Away.....Baby brother..........must sleep," said the boy with small harsh breaths to the farmer. The farmer silently got out of the farmhouse and went into his house. He then came back with a blanket and food basket. He then left the lantern on the floor and went back with an old man smile to recollect apples. The boy confused and hungry took and apple and bit it. He felt like he had never tasted such an amazing apple, he then gazed at it, and it was golden, shining like the best thing in the world. The boy then made himself a bed and slept with the baby. The next day, the boy woke up on a bed, with the baby sleeping safe and sound. He stood up from the blanket and saw some cleaned robes by his sisde. He opened the door and saw a blonde lady carrying a plate. "Already up I see? Well, don't you like the new place we had for you two?" said the lady to the boy "...Yes....I do," said the boy trying to speak. The lady placed the plate on a table and left downstairs. The kid saw a picture of a man and underneath saying Rion Quinox Euclide. The boy looked at it for a while and said, "As Rion...." Then he went downstairs and had a meal with the farmers. The town was little and simple. The boy felt good about his new start. Years passed, and he was named after being almost a replica of Rion Quinox. He always did as Rion, and was named after so, Aseion. His brother, was named Equinox for doing sorcery that no one in the village could ever see. He created fire and lightnings that were majestic in property, size and even artistic outlook. Asrion, well, he had no magic so he simply became a shepherd at the age of 14 while his 10 year old brother was training on the backyard with hay dummies. Few years later, Asrion has 18, and he had the life anyone could have and love forever. Until his brother received a letter of admission into the professional hero college in the City of Heroes, Asery. With no regret Equinox took a bag and filled it clothes. Grabbed his practice sword and said goodbye. Asrion was glad his brother followed his dreams. A year later, he was rounding up animals out of the river and then went back inside the house. He went upstairs and saw the blonde lady and her husband the farmer helping her feel better. The farmer had a thousand herbs, and medicines, but none were curing Asrion's step mother. So instead Asrion looked out for a local medic, and all he said that there's only one herb that can cure her illness, and they only existed in the Jekaria mountains. He had the urge to safe his only family left, so he took a pick and mined his own ore. He then forged his own gear and his own weapon, The Shield Gaunt. A shield that is attached to his hand gauntlet and inside it hides a blade, it wasn't very technological, but it was enough to protect him. So he set off to journey earth through sky and sea to find that single plant field. In the beginning of his journey, he fell through a hole into an underground kingdom with no name. He got out with the help of a child, two skeletons, a cow lady, a king, a spider mistress, a monster kid, a warrior fish and a scientist with a gay robot that could do anything. The monsters who inhabited the kingdom, already were spread and lived among the Earth in a small island. Once he left to journey again, he had to cross a sea on a small boat with a face on the front that could speak. He sailed his way through tornadoes, goblin pirates, a drugged merchant, many octopus, a psycho whale, and a ghost ship that is empty, with only a sword, a shield, and armor, and the obvious no sense of direction. He met a pirate captain lady who helped him by upgrading his armor into magic enhanced armor that could survive explosions at least. After crossing the whole sea, he got to a bigger kingdom divided into city's that were categorized by letters. He met a cyborg following his master, a powerful man. The powerful man taught him how to fight bare handed by making him train with 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 km run, every single day, for 2 weeks. After that he had enough strength to survive a bare explosion without armor, and was ripped. He then crossed that kingdom, to then go in a flying ship with Captain Edward Thatch, or as he is known for, Blackbeard. To only become his personal assistant in the sky-field. Edward talked to him like if he was some sort of special rookie, but all the crew called him Kabookie, for some reason. He got trained with the aircraft machinery, and he fixed his armor, to be more lightweight and more protective in some ways. One day in the sky-field, another ship could be seen with another flag, but this time it wasn't for a peace. Everyone was preparing for embarking in cannons. Soon the bandit ship would open fire and attack Blackbeard's ship. So Blackbeard ordered all firepower to the right cannons, and then started to attack with the whole crew. It was madness, everyone clashing swords to each other. The sky-field is filled with pure massacre, and a bloodshed in air. Blackbeard remembered that Asrion wasn't trained to attack, so he pushed him off the left side of the ship, knowing that the armor alloy would take all fall damage and not kill him. Asrion fell towards a death pit, in a blink between sides, fate decided to take destiny to a walk, by saving him in the most convenient way of all time. He crashed onto our favorite cat girl, Ignis Nox, while she was riding her dragon, Udra. He crashed right on Udra's tail, our favorite lost dragon, and then Udra lost balance and crash landed on a perfect sand pile in the middle of Leaften Forrest, how convenient.

Here comes more plot and more connection with things that you didn't know. Back to Asrion, his armor got cracked and broke in pieces, he was devastated his only armor set was destroyed. Ignis came up to him and cheered him up saying, "Um, Sorry for your lost there, looked like some pretty good armor, for a Guy like you." He stood and said, "Well, I made it myself, and it was from the only smelter I knew how to use, and some people helped me enhance it with alloy and magic, but it wasn't tough enough." She walked to Udra, which was unconscious and looked for something on a satchel. She took some clothing out and said, "Here, you can use my ninja vest, I left my ninjutsu training years back anyway, all I barely remember is the clone spell, and it doesn't work much." He took off his farmer shirt, and he had an eight pack abs, and amazing pecs. She wasn't even caring for them, she just glanced and then looked away. He tried on the blue looking vest. Ignis walked to him and said, "Well, it seems to fit you, it doesn't have any sleeves, this is just what goes underneath the actual ninja armor. Sadly I don't have it with me." He smiled and said, "Thank you." She extended her hand and said, "I propose a pact, let's be friends and travel as far as we can together. I teach you some of my skills, and you teach me some of yours." He accepted and shaked hands with her. He then looked at her and said, "I'm Asrion Euclide." She then replied with, "I'm Ignis Nox, I hunt for a living." "I was a shepherd." Ignis walked towards Udra and let her go. Udra left flying high away. They started to walk and she started saying, "Udra can't help me find whoever this guy is." "What guy?" "Oh nothing, it's just I got hired to look for the blood of a true demon. She showed me seven guys and this one is the last one I haven't found. He is a blue haired demon hybrid. He goes by the name of Nathan." "Oh cool, maybe I can help you find him?" "Do you shoot?" "I have never used a gun before." "Bow?" "I don't know either." "I can teach you how to use one, and right now we have a pretty good place to practice." "Yeah sure, what could go wrong..." She takes her bow out and stands near a tree. "This is your target," says Ignis right after pointing at it. She takes the bow and goes to his left. She then says, "You hold the middle part with your left hand or right hand. You take arrows with your other hand and just put them in the center part of the bowstring. Pull the string towards the end of your torso. Aim at the target with arrowhead. Then let go of the string." She shot the tree. The arrow stuck still and emit an electric effect. "I didn't do that," said Ignis wondering what caused the electricity. Asrion replied saying, "So who did?" A voice was heard and said, "Bullseye!" Ignis felt something coming and she slightly moved to the right and opened her hand in a second. Something red and sticky hit her hand and she then tasted it. And then said, "Hot Sauce?" A guy appeared out of nowhere and said, "OK, YOU GOT ME." The guy had bleached white hair, hazy blue eyes, and a cocky evil smile all over his face. "I'm a mercenary that does jobs for money," said the guy while raising his hands up. Ignis took a gun and pointed at him. "Woah woah, It's just a prank bro. I was aiming for the guy but I was behind that tree," said the guy looking really suprised and nervious. "Who are you and why are you here?" "I was bored so I wanted to prank someone." "You're lying." "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" "You aimed purposely in the air so I can move and catch the drop of sauce on my hand. Is that correct?" "I don't know I simply took the bottle and shot a drop towards here.  "Even farther, you have a knife on your sleeve." "What? You have to be kidding me?" "Well I"m not. Drop the act Brody Hancock." He suddenly puts a serious face and says, "How do you know my name?" "Drop the act." He pulls a knife out of his sleeve and grabs a gun out of his pocket. With both the gun and the knife pointing at her, he said, "Ok, since I have to kill you thanks to the contract right in my backpocket, I'm gonna tell you to please make it quick with the last words, I'm kind of in a hurry to find a guy named Nathan." She suddenly dashed at him and they clashed both knife with knife. She jumped back and said, "That's my target, not yours." Brody then put away the knife and the gun and said, "I'm gonna do this one the old fashioned way. Knuckles and sweat." She made a handsign and a lightning stroked down on her hand, forming the shape of a sword.  Asrion really terrified went back to a tree and covered himself with his shield. Brody's fists had a lightning sparks but they looked like red lightning. -Red lightning? Interesting, a piercing effect against highly dense armors, and can be deadly if he hits me on a vital point,- thought Ignis to herself while gripping the sword harder. -Maybe I'll be able to reach his thoughts,- said as she started to trance her thoughts into his head. -...- -Weird, this guy isn't thinking.- "I don't think sweety, I'm way too old to think anymore." -This, he can't think? This guy ain't normal, I can see his memories, but, he isn't thinking, it's like he's dead.- "Hey girl, You are in my head, I can hear you, you know?" -Oh shit, I tranced my thoughts into him, now he knows everysingle move I'll make.- He then charges a fist of full power lightning, and jumps towards her with a one punch stance. -Time for something I haven't tried in a long time,- thought Ignis. Soon after that, in fraction of a second, her sword turned pitch black and her eyes had a red looking color, and a bright crescent moon symbol on her upper part of her chest lit up, in a bright glow as if it was moonlight itself. She then at the speed of lightning, moved running to the left to avoid the fist and counter with a beam slash.  She successfully dodged his fist and swiftly jumped and was at his back. A clean slate of unguarded space on his back, she aimed perfectly and charged a beam to then shoot it with a slash. In a blink of a death sentence, he used his counter trump card, a blank smirk on his face. While he was in midair, aproxiamtely right about when she dodged him, he instantly stopped the lightning on his fist and passed it to his legs. She then realized, that a tactical huntress can't outmatch an adaptive multi-weapon duel master. When he turned around, he had a hookshot on his forearm, hidden under his glove gauntlet. He shot it, and she was still more faster, so she dodged it. With a cocky smile, he grabbed her with the chain of the hookshot, and pulled her towards him. She tried to break free but the chains were too strong and the hook had injured her. He then dropkicked her and pushed her with the chain entangled. That kick had sent her to a tree. They both reocvered from the midair fall, and yes, they were still in midair when all that happened. "Want some more kitty?" "Oh, I'll give you more." The chains broke and her eyes turned more red. She then used her instinct of a warbeast and her claws came out of her knuckles. "Oh, she is angry." She then started to run like like a cat towards him and he started to run towards her with a blue fire charged fist. In the moment, about to clash fists with each other, a voice could be heard that shouted, "STOP!!!!!!" A great flash of light, blinded South Leaften Forrest. After a while, the light disapeared and a figure could be seen in between the fists. "Stop arguing about who is going to catch me first," said the man holding both hands. Ignis and Brody lowered arms and looked at the man. Ignis came back to her senses and thought, -Is he that demon and human hybrid who fought his own brother to fullfill a prophecy? Is this Nathan?- Brody then said, "Well, hello there. Nathan I suppose, I'm Brody Hancock. Some people call me Nuclear Bullet," said Brody while giving a cocky smile and taking a chainhook supply out of his satchel to fix his hookshot. "You caused the sanctuary animals to flee with all your talking, it may have been short, but animals don't like danger," said Nathan while walking towards Asrion. Asrion came out of the tree and said, "Are you guys done having a fight?" "Yes, Asrion. We are," said Ignis while taking her stuff from the ground. Nathan then said, "We all want something here, so how about we pledge to never look for each other unless we absolutely are encountered and need the help of another." "Fair enough. Asrion come with me to find Udra," said Ignis while dragging Asrion through the forest. "Fine by me, bye cat girl, I hope we have a warm up like this later," said Brody while waving to Ignis. "MY NAME IS IGNIS, IGNIS NOX!!!!!" shouted Ignis with an angry voice. "Yeah, yeah, to me you are cat girl." Ignis left with Asrion and they arrived to an open field. Ignis whistled a tune and Udra could be seen from the horizon. "Asrion, where do you want to go?" "Do you know where is the City of Heroes?" "Yeah, far south of Leaften forrest. I can take you, you can keep the vest." Udra landed and ignis put away the bow on Udra's side bag. Ignis hoped on and placed on her head a circlet with a gem on her head. Udra's circlet had the same gem and both gems glowed for a second. Udra's wings fell down and her tail was down. Asrion climbed Udra and sat behind Ignis. Udra pushed into the sky and went from Northwest Leaften, to Southeast Leaften. Leaften is a very big forrest, it covers most of Isernia.

"Brody I know you have helped me many times before, but I need your assistence, can I have it once more?" said Nathan while taking out a book. "Sure thing buddy, a friend doesn't keep score am I right?" Replied Brody while looking at his knife. "Thank you, I suppose that by your age, you haven't encountered a mystical force of power, beyond anything light magic has seen before, named The Ascendance, haven't you?" "Last time I recall, the Ascendance is a seal, an ancient seal, binding the tribe of the Ascendants with the Great Dragon of the Stars, Krivelias." "Hmm. I have heard about the Ascendants, but I know they all died. Supposedly only one survived." "Correct, why do you need information about The Ascendance. You aren't thinking on taking him down are you?" "Look, it's the only way to.....you know what happened to her, so the only way to get her back, is to have something against pure demons." "Well, I trust you are right. You have two options, either look for him and ask him to help and teach you or go to Jekaria Mountains and look for clues on how to use it. Be warned, the place is abandoned completely. No one dares to live on a bloodfield of genocide." "I understand, I'll look for the place and see if I find any clues on how to use and manifest it's power." Brody took his sniper that was on the ground and put away his combat knife. "Well kid, I'm off to The City of Heroes. An old partner of mine is having her birthday soon, so I'll come by and pay her a surprise visit." "Good luck with that." Brody left running South, and Nathan stayed there. He went back inside the Sanctuary build for the endagered species, build by The Great Sage, Thirnshot and protected The Great Fairy of Isernia, Mina. He sat in front of Mina's Fountain and concentrated on regaining very little of his power.  Mina came out of the fountain and she was like a mermaid with wings and no scales. She appeared, lied near the edge where he was trying to charge magic and said, "Nathan, it serves no use to try and charge your light and dark magic, instead drink water and ask for help." "I'm half a demon, I don't need water." "But you are also half a human, you can't risk dying for love all by your own. Try out nature spell tomes, they only require nature around the person, so it won't be not much of a dificulty to master it." "First, theres no nature to where I'm going. A Demon making nature magic ends up becoming necrotic alteration, creating the very power a sin is made off, and it'll spread and corrupt and may create unknown powerful beings, so I can't use them." "What about The Ascendance? Any luck on how to get it or use it?" "I know I can track down the last user of it, but I can't put my faith on a man that might not be alive, so my best choice is to go to the Jekaria Mountains." "You can't sit here and expect me to kiss you goodbye Nathan. Go and be safe." "Anything of use that I can leave with?" "I have weapons left by adventurers as an offer to heal them mentally, and physically." "Where are they?" "Inside the well, take a look." Nathan dives his face and sees a reversed knife. He dives in completely and takes the knife. He gets out and puts the knife on a back pocket. He then waves his way out and Mina then says, "You are welcome anytime...." He goes and walks towards north. In his way he crosses a river and reaches a less darker part in the forrest.  He can almost see the city on his way. He gets lost midway and stays around for help. He finds Llerox undercover as an argonian and notices his dark magic resonating with the body a person covered, knowing that it was Ignis by the color of her ponytail. He asked him nicely about the location of Jekaria Mountains, and Llerox pointed the way and he left. After he went outside the forrest, he saw a little wasteland, and passed though it.  He saw the mountains from far away and look at the clouds and new a storm was coming. He started to climb his up, he got to it and he saw the abandoned village. And it looked like it was new, but instead it was just abandoned, no one lived there. 

The statue worshiping the Ascendants' God, Krivelias. He felt the prescence of inmense power approaching. A thunder stroke right behind him and a figure of inmense power could be seen with glowing purple eyes. "I finally get to see the culprit of Lucifer's death, or wait, was I suppose to know that, Nathan?" "I'm not going to fight you." "I think we know covering a past with pacifism won't save it." The figure walked towards him and Nathan said, "If you take one more darn step..." "What are you gonna do? Tickle me to death?" "...you'll regret living after it. " "After wha...." he gets interupted by Nathan pushing him towards a wall while running. He then grabbed him by the neck and said, "One more step, and you are gonna have a bad time." "Well then....go ahead kill me. I want to see the burning passion of a fight in your eyes." Another lightning struck and another figure could be seen. "That is enough, Zepht." Nathan looked at him and said, "Is that your name?" He shrugged the question and teleported far behind Nathan. "Pardon my comarade, he seems he forgot the timing of the reunion and thought he might come suprise you first. If I would have not come now, you would be dead were you stand," said the figure with a female voice. Nathan then said, "Cut to the point." She replies with, "Very well, I dwell the tittle of Moth Blade. I'm the one who hired a huntress and a mercenary to kill you and bring me all your blood, to seek that power you absorbed from Lucifer. I knew I should not have hired that bleach haired fighter." "Why would you need my blood specifically?" "I feel honest so I'll gladly explain. It is one of many requirements to resurrect my lord, conqueror of the universe, Keyhorror." "It's impossible, he is just a mere legend." "What is the difference between a legend and a hero. "That heroes die and give it all to save people." The figure stepped forth and it was a girl walking softly towards him. She spoke and said, "As for legends, no matter how many over exagerations it may have, 75% of it, is mere history and facts. And because I have seen what his power can return me, I'll resurect him and become his new vessel." "Anything on why this has to do with me, again?" "You're blood may be the keyhole mold to accessing true evil with the power of an ancient door to a past life, a past cycle. Since I know that your blood won't be enough, I need the soul of the moonlight huntress, the power of the ultimate ascendant, the knowledge of the sage of time, the fire of the son of Hermes, a black rose tainted with the blood of a pure Helliad, a dimensional lock, and a scumbag who is brave enough to be the beta tester of the portal. Well, no word more. I suppose you have learned enough to gather a team that can counter us. I'll be looking forward to that, my foe, I want to see that ridiculous ascendant already." A thunder strikes and blinds Nathan. He opens back his eyes and sees that they are gone. He then starts to go to the city running. He runs past the wasteland and through the forrest and sees the wall. He goes to a one tree hill and sees Brody about to cross in the North Gate. He catches up to him and starts to walk normally. They started talking about how much life changed after Nathan's Conflict. Brody got to an inn and saw a young guy lost around the city. They both look and remember it was the scared guy with a shield and decided to go and say hi. "So who's the package for?" said Brody as he looked the twin barrel packs Asrion was carrying. "It's for a girl named Deki." "Deki? You know Deki?" "I barely know only that. A guy asked me to give her this thing." "Her favorite spares, whoever is that person must know her very well, not like I do though." Brody, Nathan, and Asrion saw a figure jumping from building to building and giant twin centipedes crawling against the walls chasing her running. They started to run a way from the incoming centipedes and The figure saw Asrion and said,  "Dual-T Barrels for me!" And then Brody realizes that it was Deki fighting the giant centipedes. She kept running and Asrion tossed it to her. She side jumped and opened her hands, they Dual-T Barrels attached to her forearms and she landed on a foot. Then faced the incoming centipedes and shot a fireball behind her. She impulsed a jump that then leaded to another fireball explosion impulse that hit the twin centipedes at high speeds over and over. She then entwinned the centipedes by tricking them so much and shot a fireball between them and they exploded. She then landed and she jumped on Brody and gave him hug while doing so. "I have missed you all the decade. Where have you been?" "Well a mercenary works for money. And I found an old friend of mine, Nathan." She then stops hugging him and looks at Nathan and says, "So you're the guy,who killed Uncle Lucifer (not actual uncle)?" Nathan had no response and then she said, "I guess you are looking for help to save that girl." Nathan looked away and blushed. He then responded, "Either save her or let the demons get the key out of her to go out of hell with full power. To then start another holy war on Earth between them and the Angels. And live with that for the rest of my life that is if I don't die before it happens." "I guess there's no point in doing that then. Well, enough talk and come to the....." A loud roar could be heard. Followed by even more louder roars, they shuted Deki up. No one knew what happened but Earth shaked as if another quake had happened. Asrion saw a light and heard something speaking to him. "Tha an dràgon astaigh air a dùsgadh..." It said whispering, slowly and with deepened speech. He saw a shadow in the sky, the shadow of dragon, moving fast. He looked at the stars and saw that they now looked diferent as if they shaped a form of symbol. Brody snapped him out and told him to go to the nearest place to stay. He then got in the inn he was staying. He went to the rented room and lied down on the bed. He looked towards the window and said, "Dragons, I wonder how does it feel like to be one."

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