broken inside ↯frerard

By gothoween

4.4K 378 72

frank iero is just another hopeless teenage runaway. [completed] More

The Sky Is Crying
Every Dream
This Wind
Everything Black
Best Bros For Life
New Beginning
Smile For Me
Pitch Black
New Friend
Good Boy
Dead Inside
Friends or Foes?
Oh The Damned
Our Town


146 14 1
By gothoween

•Frank p.o.v.•

I groggily open my eyes, and grip onto the unknown presence, tightly.

Wait, it's Gerard.

Gerard is hugging me, his arms wrapped around my waist, head behind my neck, snoring lightly. His hot breath trickles down my neck and it sends shock waves throughout my chest.

What that's fucking weird.

But I like the feeling.

I carefully shuffle closer to the guy, pressing my back on his warm comforting chest.

He stirs a little, making me stay completely still, shutting my eyes quickly, not wanting to wake him.

I pray for him not to wake up, it's probably too early anyways, also I just don't want to disturb him.

He breathes outwards and brings me closer to his slumbered form, making me smile.

It feels, safe, and right.

I look outside the broken window, and see that the sun is just rising up into the night sky, creating a beautiful scenery.

Everything was just right.

I close my eyes, smiling as I peck our intertwined hands, wanting to be like this, forever.

*time lapse*

I feel a small tingling feeling and that makes my eyes slowly snap open again.

I glance down towards our hands, and see that Gerard was up, sitting in a pretzel, rubbing my hand with his other.

I close my eyes and smile, yawning at the process.

Gerard must of caught me opening my eyes cause he giggles a little slapping my hand.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." I hear him giggle again and I find that adorable.

Frank Gay Iero remember?

"No, me sleepy." I yawn again, him resuming the stroking.

It feels nice.

I feel the bed move and I am to sleepy to even open my eyes.

A few moments later, I hear Gerard, and boy, did it make my sleep go away.

"Come on, wake up. I would like to see those beautiful eyes of yours staring back at me." He whispers ever so closely to my ear, his hot breath sending that sensation through my chest again, making my heart skip a beat.

I open my eyes instantly and stare at him, he doing the same.

Wow, emerald green.

He is hovering above me, his arms pinned on each of my sides, trapping me under him.

But I don't mind.

"There are those eyes." He smiles warmly at me, making me gain color to my cheeks.

I stare back at his eyes again, getting lost in the pool of green, like swimming in emerald pearls.

I could swim forever.

He reaches a hand towards my flushed cheek, caressing it, making my breath hitch in my throat.

His touch sends me shock waves only he can make.

Only us combined.

We continue to stare into eachother, him mindlessly caressing me.

I reach my hand towards the back of his neck before I can stop myself, and pull him down, our bodies touching.

This sends me off the edge, shock waves everywhere. Most importantly, I can feel the connection.

I have a feeling that he can feel it too, cause he gasps as soon as our bodies touch, his mouth hanging a bit.

I bring his face closer to mine, and make our foreheads rest on eachother.

His mouth was still hanging a bit, hot breath pouring out of it, tempting me for a taste.

I move my lips to the side of his, not touching them.

But I want to so badly.

I grip onto his hair tightly, feeling his soft raven hair in between my fingers, and pull him down a little closer, our noses next to eachother.

I stare into his eyes and he does the same, making me go red all over.

"You know," I breath to him, "we should wake up now." I giggle a little, and ruffle his hair, pulling away from under him.

This can't go to far, he probably doesn't even like me. Also, how do I know he is even gay?! I have only known him for 3 days!

Yes, I like Gerard Way.

I sit on the edge of the bed, and feel movement, and I swear I can feel his baffled eyes glued to me.

"Yeah.. that." He breaths like he just ran a fucking marathon, making me giggle that oh so manly giggle.

*time lapse*

Me and Gerard ate our breakfast, talking about The Misfits and how they are a big influence in our lives, and they really are.

Their music is always there for me, and I am grateful for that.

I glance towards the old clock on the drawer top and start to put my shoes on, getting ready.

"Frank, what are you doing?" Gerard asks as he gets up to wash our dishes.

I hear the bucket with water splashing around, washing the white plastic dish.

"I am going to hang out with Stefan. We planned it yesterday, just a meet up to get to know him better ya know?" I tie up my shoes and comb my hair with my hand.

The bucket's water is poured into the pipe and Gerard puts both of the wet plates on the counter of the drawer to dry.

"I didn't know that." Gerard's voices is suddenly lower, almost like a whisper.

"Yeah, he seems like a cool dude. He is 17 by the way if your wondering." I glance back at Gerard, who is just sitting on the edge of the bed, fiddling with his thumbs.

He looks, well I don't really know, he just isn't himself right now.

"Oh, have fun then. Come back before it gets too dark alright, don't want you to get hurt." He whispers the last part, but I catch him saying it.

He is worried about me, how cute.

"Would you mind picking me up?" I ask him shyly, not wanting to relive the past again.

Not again, never.

I look at my wrists, a hint of purple in them, still a little bruised.

"Sure, anytime Frank." He smiles at me, and gets up, moving towards my standing form.

He wraps his arms around my waist, giving me a warm hug.

I respond by hooking my arms around his neck, pushing my face into his kissable pale neck.

Did I just say that? God Frank can you get any gayer?!

"See you Gerard. Come get me when you feel the time is right." I tell him, shuffling backwards, not really wanting to pull away from his embrace.

He lets me go and nods at me, opening the old wooden door.

I smile back at him and step out, walking towards the stairs, glancing back at him before I go down.

He was glancing back, like a mother would when it's their child's first day of school.

Finally, I decend downwards, hearing the door being shut behind me.

Here I come Stefan.

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