Bulletproof Heart (Sons of An...

By CrazyForSlimShady

20K 399 52

Sarah 'Bullet' Decker almost dies walking home but the club save her. She couldn't get out of the clubhouse f... More

Wrap Party
No choice
The Great Escape
Face Off

Cry For Help

1.7K 40 6
By CrazyForSlimShady

*Chibs POV*

I sat at the bar with Piney and Juice sitting at each side of me and Gemma was standing in front of us, waiting for Jax and the others. They should be here soon. A roar of Harleys sound from outside.

All our eyes turned to the security tv to see the guys getting off their bikes. Jax stormed in looking furious as ever. I don't remember the last time I seen him this pissed.

"What the hell happened?!" Jax asks shouting.

"We don't know for sure" I tell him with a lump in my throat.

"I wasn't talking to you!" Jax snaps at me.

"Calm down" Gemma says softly.

"It wasn't his fault" Piney defends.

"I asked you to do one fucking thing, just one! Keep my little sister safe" Jax's voice rises. Clay and the others, including Tacoma, walk in.

"Any news?" Clay asks.

"Not yet" Juice answers.

"She'll be okay" Tig puts his hand on Jax's shoulder and he shrugs it off.

"You don't know that" Jax voice calms down.

*Bullets POV*

I struggled to get free from the chair I'm currently tied too. I'm in an empty basement of a house. They took my weapons and knocked me out. By they I mean those ass holes that work for Daniel.

I move my body side to side, the chair moving with me. I fall to the right side hurting myself as I fall and making a loud bang. The bang booms through the house. I hear footsteps rushing down to the basement and Daniels guy Wayne sighs as he sees me.

"You really gotta stop this. It clearly ain't working" Wayne tells me. He moves the chair back to normal. He removes the bandana tied around my mouth.

"What do you mean?" I ask him.

"Trying to escape. Even if you succeed, which you won't Silver Tongue will hurt your mum" Wayne says sympathetically. I always liked Wayne, he wasn't exactly like the others. He cared for innocent people and wouldn't hurt someone unless they deserved it. He was like me.

"Then get my mum safe and get me out of here" I tell him with pleading eyes.

"You know I can't do that" Wayne tells me.

"My brother and his motorcycle club are gonna be looking for me. They're ruthless, worse than Daniel and they won't hesitate to kill every single one of you. So you might wanna think who's side you're on. Daniel can't hurt you if he's dead"

I tell him over exaggerating the club. Well at least I think I am, truth is I don't know what they're actually like yet. I don't know there limits or if they're anywhere close to how dangerous Daniel can be when he's mad.

"If it's so easy to kill him why haven't you? To be honest I'm surprised you didn't after what happened anyone else would" I glare at Wayne, if looks could kill he'd be dead.

"I have a soft spot for certain people, I won't kill him but I won't stop anyone else from" I grit my teeth.

"I wish there was something I could do. You don't deserve this, neither does you mum"

"What happened with her?" I question and tears build up in my eyes.

"Nothing, but something will if you ain't careful"

"I've got a way you can help, if you will that is?" I look at Wayne for an answer and he nods. "Tell my brother where I am but make sure he gets my mum safe first"

"Sarah I-"

"Please Wayne, it's the only way" I look at him with teary eyes.

"I need a number" Wayne gives in.

*Chibs POV*

We sat around the church table trying to figure out a plan. Jax wants to go in guns blazing whilst Clay wants to think of a legit plan. Usually it's the other way around.

"If we wait something could happen, we could be too late" Jax shouts.

"We don't know who we're dealing with, what they want from her" Clay replies.

"We know enough" Jax snaps back.

"This guy is dangerous. Who knows what's he's capable of" I reply.

"Sorry Jax I need to agree with Clay on this one. What we've got just ain't enough" Opie chirps in.

"This guy is a monster, he doesn't deserve to be breathing" Jax shouts.

"When the right time comes he won't but that's not this second" Tig says.

"Who's side are you guys on?" Jax questions.

"We ain't taking sides Jax it's just not a good idea to go head first into whatever this is" Happy says.

"We're with you Jax it's just, who knows what he can do" Juice answers.

"I've told all of you what he's done. It's blood curling and that's coming from a member of a biker club" Jax says calming down slightly.

"Actually we don't, mind filling us in" Kozik speaks for all of Tacoma on not knowing, I guess no one told them.

"This guy, his gang they murder woman, even a few kids" Piney answers.

"Their torture techniques are worse than anything you could imagine" Happy says.

"Probably not worse than you" Juice smirks.

"Can we take this seriously?" Bobby asks.

"How bad?" Dougnut asks.

"He's lit a guy on fire, recorded and forced that guys family to watch it before carving them up" I tell them.

"That's not even the worse he's done" Piney sighs.

"Doesn't that mean Bullet was apart of that, it was her fiance and she was Sergent at arms for his club" Kozik raised an eyebrow.

"You don't know that, don't assume them worst of the girl! You haven't even met her yet" Tig snaps while Jax bites his tongue.

"She's not exactly innocent but she ain't capable of anything near that" I say.

"Do we know where she is?" Lee asks.

"No, yet another reason we can't go in guns blazing" Clay says looking at Jax.

"Someone will know something we just gotta get a lead" Jax huffs.

"They're from London how are we supposed to get a lead?" Clay asks.

"He's right no one here will know anything about them" Juice looks at Jax sympathetically.

"They must be hiding somewhere, some town. They won't be here but somewhere close" Jax says.

"It's impossible to go into a town with an Mc and that Mc not knowing" Opie says.

"Especially when they kidnap the sister of another club" Bobby says.

"What about her family?" Bowie asks.

"What about 'em?" Jax asks back.

"You don't get engaged to someone without them meeting your family first, right?" Bowie questions.

"She has a mom and a sister" Juice replies.

"Juicy get there numbers" Jax instructs calmly.

"We've got a charter near East London, don't we?" I ask.

"Yeah" Lee answers.

"Think they'll pay Bullets family a visit?" Bobby asks. Jax chuckles sarcastically.

"Like they have a choice" Jax growls.

*Bullets POV*

I'm woken up getting slapped lightly on the cheek. My eyes flutter open as I'm met facing Daniel. I glare at him as he removes the bandana from my mouth. He gives me water.

"I thought you said you changed, it won't be like last time. The thing is, it's beginning to look a lot like last time" I glare.

"I'd like to think I did but like you said 'you can't change who you are without it biting your ass none stop' yet you still tried" Daniel says. He kneels in front of me so we're eye to eye.

"At least I made an effort. You're a monster there's no changing that. You are who you are because of what you are" I tell him and he chuckles.

"Wise words but I'm sure I heard Steve from Hollyoaks use that a couple of years ago to his abusive boyfriend"

"Guess Steve and I have a lot in common then" I glare, Daniel stands up with a smirk spread across his face.

"All those times I beat you, put you in hospital and you still stayed with me. You're a good fighter I'll give you that, always fought back no matter what. Hell you put me in hospital a few times yourself but it took one stab wound and you went running away" Daniel walks behind me and I get shivers as he places his hands on my shoulders.

"I was an idiot that's why I stayed but the thing is.I can take hits, I grew up street fighting half the time it didn't hurt but you never stabbed me, it's who you stabbed that made me leave" I tell him. He leans down close to my ear and I cringe as his breath touches my skin.

"I loved you and you betrayed me" He walks back around so he's in front of me.

"You're the one that betrayed me, he almost died because of you" I tell him furious.

"He was ours and now you've took him from me"

"He was never ours he has always been mine"

"Where is he? He isn't at your mums house or your sisters and he wasn't at your new one when I checked"

"You'll never find him you bastard. I had to give him away to a caring family who'll treat him right. Nothing like you. I had to give up the one thing I loved more than anything because of you, you dick head. You're lucky he never died because I would have tortured you worse than anything you could imagine and I know how dark your thoughts are"

"Do your precious new gang know about what you did for us or your little side job you had while you were here. I bet big brother doesn't know how truly disturbing his little innocent sister really is and the true blood on her hands" Daniel taunts chuckling.

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