Beauty Loves the Beast

By trackrunner14

192K 5.5K 660

James has never really had friends, he never was the social type. Poor James was the type who was consider sc... More

Beauty Loves the Beast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

8.7K 295 26
By trackrunner14

I know i promised that i would upload sooner but after my interview... i was a little to upset to update. I couldnt really focus on anything else when i heard that he gave the job to someone who lived closer...*sigh* such a shame.

Anyways here is the newest chapter i hope you enjoy! (sorry if it is a little short)


To the right is the outfit Kaylee is wearing and Sail by AWOLNATION ------->>>

Vote and comment about how you liked this chapter(:


Kaylee’s POV

“So how is this going to work?” I asked, crunching on some chips I found in James’s cabinets.

James looked over his shoulder, scowling when he noticed the chips in my hand. Walking over he grabbed the bag from me and rolled it up, the crinkling of the bag as it closed filled the room.  “My chips,” he said stubbornly. “What do you mean how is this going to work?”

I sat up, trying to reach for the chips. “You asked me on a date, but we are also going out with Peter tonight,” I grunted, bouncing up and down at my failing attempts to get the bag that was currently held over his head.

He smirked and lifted the bag a little higher. “Well since we are going out with Peter and his sister tonight I thought we could go on our date tomorrow, because of course that’s when I made reservations…”

I rose my eyebrows. “You already planned this out? Where are you taking me that needs reservations?”

He laughed, “Well that was the only day that I could get reservations so you know it works out.” He lightly pushed me back onto the couch and walked around the corner. Seconds later he was back empty handed, a smirk on his face.

I huffed in annoyance, crossing my arms. “So your just that good that it all works out perfectly for you?”

He scratched his chin, pretending to think about it before nodding. “I am so good that things always like to go my way. Would you risk being in trouble with these bad boys?” he asked, flexing his muscles.

“Cocky as ever…” I mumbled, getting up. I walked over to the bathroom before forgetting that I needed to bring my outfit for tonight, “I am going to get ready, beauty needs time and when I am this good looking, I need a lot of time.” Grabbing all the things I needed to get ready I walked into the bathroom, locking the door.

“You call me cocky,” he retorted from the other side of the door.

“I am only playing your game mister,” I replied, laughing and mentally praising myself for the good comeback. “Now shoo I need to get ready and I cant have distractions.”

I waited to see if there would be a reply but when I got none I stripped out of my clothes and hopped into the shower. I shivered when the warmth of the water caused goose bumps to rise on my body. Once I was done shampooing, conditioning and repeating I hopped out of the shower, drying myself off as quick as I could so I could get my warm clothes on. 

I switched my curling wand on before blow drying my hair dry, giggling at the frizzy mess that I called my hair. I then slipped on my pink shorts and my stripped, black and white shirt to go with it. For the touches I grabbed a few bracelets and a light blue jacket to cover my arms, rolling up the sleeves to a cuter look. Then lastly but definitely not least I grabbed my cute black flats and slipped them on my French tipped toe nailed feet. 

Next I moved on to my make-up, something I never really spent time on because I really liked the natural look. I put some dark brown, almost black eyeliner to make my eyes pop and finished it off with my brownish-black mascara and lip gloss. After that was done I touched my curling iron to see if it was hot, I flinched when the heat slightly burned my fingers.  I then proceeded to curl my hair.

When I was done I gave myself a once over before approving and walking out of the bathroom. “How do I look?”  I asked James who had his back currently turned to me.

He turned around and looked me up and down before raising an eyebrow and nodding. “You look as hot as always,” he whispered, tugging me into a hug.

I laughed and slapped his chest. “You are going to ruin my hair,” I said in a whiney voice, but smirked at him. “If you ruin one strand of hair on my head mister you are so going to pay for it!” I snapped my fingers in that z formation thing before flipping my hair playfully and stomped away.

It was silent… a little to silent. I spun around just in time to see James running at me. I squealed and ran to the couch, hopping over it and hiding behind it for protection. “Ha your giant build cant get back here,” I said like I just won the lottery. 

He was about to reply when there was a knock on the door. He mouthed ’you will pay later,’ before heading towards it. “Hey Peter, this must be your sister. It is very nice to meet you,” he said kindly. 

“So where is Kaylee,” Peter questioned, walking into the dorm. He looked around trying to find me but got no where because of my awesome hiding skills. “Is she even here?”

I popped out from behind the couch and gave a huge grin to Peter while waving at his sister. I came out and pulled Peter into a hug, “It is good to see you again, and your name is?” I asked, directing my attention to his sister.

She shyly looked at me before blushing in embarrassment. “Cheyenne,” she softly replied. From the way she coward behind Peter told me that she was insecure and needed someone to break her out of her shell just like I did to James.

“Well Cheyenne I think we will be seeing a lot of each other,” I said honestly with a big smile on my face. “I love your hair its so pretty.”

She smiled and said thank you before asking if we were all ready to go. “One question before we leave… Kaylee why were you behind a couch?” Peter asked, giving me a weird but not surprised look.

I pointed to James and pouted. “He was being mean to me Peter, you should beat him up…”

Peter turned to James who had a look of disbelief. He shook his head before playfully scowling in my direction which I returned with my best innocent face. “Lets go before someone gets hurt,” Peter suggested with a smile, tugging his sister out of the room.    

“You are definitely going to pay for that now,” James said, tossing his arm over my shoulder.

I shrugged. “You wouldn’t hurt me…”

“You sure?”

I smiled, “Positive”

He rolled his eyes, “You are only right because you are my girl friend and I would never hurt you…” 

I hugged him and placed a peck on his cheek before hopping in his car and started to fiddle with the radio. I flipped it to the classical music and that’s when the groaning began, I giggled along with Cheyenne as the guys covered their ears.

“Turn it up louder,” Cheyenne said through her giggles. She began to pry Peter’s hands from his ears and hummed along with the classical music blaring though the speakers. “Don’t you just love this music Peter?! I know I doooooo!”

James had no choice but listen to it because he was driving and every time he would reach for the knob I would slap his hand away and scream focus on the road. He groaned the whole way which only fuels Cheyenne and I with our giggling.

By the time we reached the theater the guys had fought us like cats and dogs, trying to get the radio to something a little more them. “I cant believe we listened to classical all the way here…” Peter whined, flinging the door open and scooting out as fast as he could.

I walked around and linked arms with Cheyenne who was red as a beat from laughing. “You will get use to it Peter, with me and Cheyenne the classical will be playing all the time,” I grinned at James who hit his head against the car door.

“James cant you do something about this? She is your girlfriend after all,” he demanded, slapping James in the back of the head.

“Only if I could…” James muttered more to himself them Peter but heard him and laughed. It was James turn to glare and he punched Peter in the arm.

We walked up to the ticket booth and got four tickets to Grown Ups 2 and made our way into the theater to find good seats. Sitting in the very middle of the theater we began to chat about random things when I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. I looked over my right shoulder and saw Brittany glaring at us. She was sitting by herself but what didn’t make sense was why was she by herself?

“Um guys,” I began, getting the attention of the three. “Do you guys notice Brittany sitting in the corner over there… by herself?”

The all turned their heads and looked to the right. “I don’t see anyone?” Peter said, giving me a confused look.

“Me either,” Cheyenne mumbled quietly, agreeing with Peter.

I looked back to were I saw Brittany and there was no one there. Where did she go? “Ok I am not seeing things, she was glaring at us…”

“Maybe it was someone that looked like her…” James suggested, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. “I mean it is dark in here you cant never be to sure.”

I scrunched my eyebrows. Maybe I was over thinking this, it was probably someone who just looked like her… I mean they are right it is dark in here. “Yea probably just my mind playing tricks on me…”

Cheyenne nodded before letting out a squeal, “shh guys the movie is starting.” She started slapping Peter’s arm in excitement which he turned with a scowl. I laughed along with James before the screen popped up showing Adam Sandler, man he is one funny guy.

I looked over my shoulder one more time to make sure it was just my eyes but when I looked there she was again. I gasped but shook my head, its just my mind… So I focused my attention back on the movie. 

Just my mind… I hope.


So what did you guys think? Cute chapter? Comment and tell me what you thought :) Do you guys think Brittany was there or just Kaylee's mind playing tricks on her? o:


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