The Angel's Tear (Complete)

By KEHolts

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Kaylyn lived a normal teenage life, just like her parents had hoped. That is till she met Emett, that's when... More

The Angel's Tear
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 7

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By KEHolts


I wanted to run, my brain screamed at my feet to run but it was as if my feet were glued to the ground. The charger picked up speed, and that’s when my fears were confirmed. It must be him but how did he get in? He shouldn’t have even been able to get in here! Finally he was only a few yards away when my body finally unfroze from the fear of seeing him. I turned and headed to the lodge door when Ted came out stopping me dead in my tracks.

His hands laid on my shoulders as his deep voice boomed. “I see our guest has arrived! Could you show him in Kaylyn?” he looked down at me with worry in his eyes.

“Are you ok? You look as white as a ghost.” I weakly nodded as I repeated the word guest in my head.

Maybe I was just freaking out over nothing maybe it wasn’t him. Plenty of other people had expensive black chargers with all sort of custom rims and what not on them. My stomach sank deeper and I swallowed hard. I stayed hopeful maybe it wasn’t him. Ted patted me on the back.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” I looked at him with what I hopped was a blank expression and not one of horror.

“Yah, just hungry.” He laughed as he smacked me on the shoulder.

“We’ll don’t you worry, once we get the Black Wolf’s son all settled in we will all sit down and enjoy a large breakfast.” My jaw dropped open as I looked at Ted and his big smile.

He bellowed as he walked towards the charger that was now parking. “I know! It was a shock for me as well, what a privilege to finally meet the son of one of our best supporters! We must treat him well.”

I felt as if I was going to throw up Fate must have felt my un-easiness as he hugged my body closer. The painful memories flooded back in the blink of an eye as I watched the one person I never thought I would see again step out of the car.

My heart ached and I could feel the shattered pieces breaking again, I felt a pressure on my chest from the pendant I never took off. I wrapped my hand around it squeezing it so hard my knuckles turned white. I was wishing it would numb my heart. I felt it pulse in my hand. This pendant did many strange things but I learned to stop questioning it.

Emett’s eyes fell on me and I shifted uncomfortably, I had to pretend I didn’t know him. No one knew about our past and I planned to keep it that way. I hoped…

Emett took a step towards me and I took a step back. I watched as Ted walked right up to him and embrace him in one of his bear hugs as his voice boomed.

“Welcome Emett! It is such a pleasure to have you here.” Emett kept his eyes on me as he spoke to Ted. He must have been just as shocked to see me here. The coward was probably never planning on seeing me again after the way he left.

“Thank you sir, it’s a pleasure to be here.” He sounded like such a gentleman but I knew better.

Ted took notice of his staring and he winked at Emett as he only half whispered. “She is pretty cute isn’t she? I’ll have her show you around.”

My face turned blood red weather it was from embarrassment or anger or both I couldn’t tell at this moment. He patted Emett on the back encouraging him to walk with him to the house.

 My heart pounded as he walked closer I didn’t want to feel this way towards him. I wanted to hate him but my heart longed for him to fix it. His green eyes locked with my brown ones, and for a second I let myself remember the good times. I quickly crushed them as I remembered the letter and the fact that he wasn’t there for me during one of the hardest days of my life. The empty expression on my face was quickly replaced with one of anger. And he looked nothing short of shocked at the coldness in my eyes.

 Fate whined by my side obviously sensing my anger. I wanted an excuse to leave.

“Come on Kaylyn lets go eat.” Ted shouted over his shoulder. The last thing I wanted to do was be in the same room with Emett.

“Actually Ted I should go check on the wolves…” Ted stopped and turned around to look at me.

“They can wait till after breakfast I promise.” I cursed under my breath as I slowly followed them in. Emett and Ted talked about how Emett's drive was and some other things, but I was only half listening to what they were saying.I was to distracted by Emett to pay much attention. I couldn’t help but notice he was just as handsome as I remembered him. Maybe even more so his body was strong and he walked with confidence. Yet every time he looked at me his body softened.

Clair walked into the room with everyone else as they filed in behind her.

“Emett welcome!” She was so warm as she greeted him with a gentle handshake brushing back her blond hair.

He nodded and smiled, “Thank you for cooking what looks to be an amazing breakfast.” She blushed as she playfully slapped his arm.

“You sir are quite the charmer.” She joked as she wrapped her arm around Ted’s waist. I could only roll my eyes. If only they knew.

Avery must have taken notice of my strange behavior. He looked at me with an arched eyebrow as he shook Emett’s hand before he walked to me. I could see Emett’s eyes follow him as Avery stood in front of me.

“You are acting quieter than usual.” I looked him in the eyes trying to give him my best fake smile.

“Just didn’t get enough sleep.” He gave me a hug, as he tended to do every morning. And the look Emett had on his face sent chills up my spine. If looks could kill poor Avery would be dead in my arms.

“Looks like you are going to be in need of a nap today.” He joked as he sat next to me; I gave him a small laugh trying to act normal.

“Yup. That’s for sure.” But nothing could have stopped my outburst as Emett took the seat on my other side.

“What do you think you are doing!?” Emett looked at me with a look of utter shock the same look that was on everyone else’s face.

I stumbled over my words trying to save myself some embarrassment from my outburst.

 “I mean, wouldn’t you rather sit by Ted?” I looked at Ted as he laughed at me.

“Nonsense Emett can sit wherever he like.” Emett turned his attention to Clair who was spooning some scrambled eggs on his plate, he was acting as if everything was normal. And that was not ok!

I felt my face getting hot with annoyance, when Avery poked me in the arm.

“Did you get a new necklace?” I looked at him confused.

“No why?” he looked down at my chest a good excuse to do so.

“It’s red I thought it was like blue or purple or something.”  I quickly wrapped my hand around it shocked.

“Oh uhm yah I forgot this is a new one.” He gave me a look that said he thought I was crazy. I let out a heavy sigh as my hand rested on Fate’s head I was thankful he was between Emett and I. Keeping Emett from getting any closer.

I tried to concentrate on my food, but Emett made it difficult I could feel his eyes on me, I could hear his breathing, and I could smell his cologne. It was one that I had grown so fond of in the past.

“Can we talk?” I glared at Emett not looking straight at him as he whispered to me. I didn’t want anyone knowing we had been together. Thank fully Ted interrupted before I could tell him to screw off.

“So Emett, you shall have to thank your family for their generous donation over the years.” I looked at Ted trying to ignore the fact that Emett was still looking at me.

“Yes sir I shall make sure to do that.”

I couldn’t take him looking at me anymore I had to leave, thankfully Fate started whining so I took my opportunity.

“Clair thank you for breakfast it was delicious as always, I’m going to take Fate for a walk.” I quickly scooted my chair back grabbing my plate to take to the kitchen.

“Hey hold on Kaylyn I’ll come with you.” I was thankful it was Avery who was speaking I smiled at him and nodded.

“Ok” Emett shot Avery a glare, and I rolled my eyes. I don’t know what his problem was he was the one that left me.

“Actually,” My back stiffened as Ted spoke. I didn’t like were this was going.

“Avery would you mind staying behind and helping me with one of the wolves? We will let Kaylyn take Emett and show him around.”

I screamed in my head, this is exactly what I didn’t want!! I nodded as I stomped off to the kitchen not waiting for Emett to follow. Maybe if I walked fast enough I would lose him. I was quick to rinse my dish and put it in the washer as I stepped out the back door with Fate.

I took off down the dirt road, but I wasn’t fast enough.

I felt the warm embrace of two familiar arms wrap around me. My breathing caught and my heart raced I had almost forgotten how good it felt to have Emett’s arms around me.

“I’m so sorry Kaylyn, I know I should have said good bye. Please believe me when I say it was what I thought was best.” His voice was low and I felt his hot breath against my neck. But as much as my body wanted to stay wrapped in his embrace I forced myself to pull away.

“You’re sorry? You abandoned me you weren’t there for me, and all you have to say is your sorry?” I let all the emotions I was feeling flood into my tone.Every word from the note he left me flooded my mind,and I cringed.

Emett walked towards me as he pleaded “Kaylyn I never meant to abandon you, you have to believe me when I say I never wanted to leave you.” I felt anger replace my sadness as I thought back to his note.

“Your heartless note said otherwise.” I’m sure the look on my face was nothing short of disgust.

“What? I think the note I left you was anything but heartless.” Emett sounded as if he was completely dumbfounded.

“Oh Please, that’s not how I remember it.” I stormed off down the dirt road back to the wolves. Fate close by my side I could hear a low grumble escape his throat as Emett ran after me.

“Kaylyn what are you talking about?” He tried to keep up with my quick pace. I rolled my eyes I really didn’t want to relieve that day.

“You left me on my birthday, you left when I needed you the most. And you left nothing but a note saying you were happy to have met me and wished me happiness! If you ask me that is a pretty sucky birthday present.”

He stopped dead in his tracks and stared at me. “What are you talking about!” he ran his hands through his hair, he looked like he was about to yank it out.

Was he really going to play dumb? I huffed as I walked towards my lodge I would re fresh his memory.

“I’ll show you what I’m talking about!” I felt him follow me as I left heavy footsteps behind I slammed open my door and walked into my bedroom. I dug through a box under my bed a knot formed in my stomach as I remember sitting on the floor crying re- reading the note wondering if it was real. It was tear stained and crumpled I don’t know why I held onto it.  Maybe it was a reminder never to allow my walls down for a guy like that again, maybe it was because it was the last thing I had from him…

I walked out of my room trying to hold back the tears as I threw his note back at him. He caught it and opened it. His eye grew wide; he was probably remembering the coldness of his note. He looked back up at me with utter shock and confusion on his face.

“Kaylyn this isn’t my note, how could you even think this was me? Didn’t you get any of my other letters?” his voice was a whisper as his eyes stayed focus on the letter, was he lying?

He slowly walked towards me as if I was a wild animal he would scare off if he moved to quickly. His eyes told me he was telling the truth and suddenly my world started spinning.

“What do you mean that isn’t yours? You left it on my bed with a white orchid on my birthday after my parents told me I was adop…” I stopped as I slapped my hand over my mouth, I let the tears fall from my eyes. The harsh realization hit me, had he really abandoned me or was it all a mistake? His arms wrapped around me he was the only thing keeping me standing as I sobbed into his shirt. His hand soothingly ran up and down my back as he pulled my closer.

“Leaving you was the hardest thing I had ever done, I feel like a coward for leaving you a letter but I knew I wouldn’t be able to leave if I had seen you. Didn’t he explain anything to you?” Emett looked at Fate who was now growling.

“Who?” I felt like I was in the dark, so many things were being kept from me. Emett glared at Fate as I waited for his answer.

“Apparently not” Emett spoke through his teeth obviously agitated. I dried the tears from my face as I repeated my question.


Emett shook his head “you have no idea how much I missed you or how hard it was for me to find you. Who knew you were right under my nose the whole time.”

“You were looking for me?” My heart skipped a beat as my resentment towards him slowly melted away.

He nodded “Your family didn’t tell you I came to the house?”

He went to my house and no one told me?! “No” I was trying to hide my anger why would they hide this from me!? Haven’t they hidden enough?

Emett sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in aggravation. “I hate that you have been left in such darkness surrounding my disappearance. I thought you would have been better informed than you are.”

I let out a dry laugh. “You have no idea the darkness I had lived in.”

He cocked an eyebrow curiosity coating his features. “What do you mean?”

I paused for a moment wondering if I should tell him, I decided it couldn’t hurt anything.

“My parent’s,” I wrapped my hand around my pendant as sadness threatened to engulf me once again.

“They had informed me on my birthday that I was adopted.” I choked out the rest trying to hold back the tears. Emett didn’t look as surprised as I thought he would instead he held me apologizing.

“I am so sorry I wasn’t there for you Kaylyn.”  I missed him and his warm touch his voice was husky and I missed hearing it.

I didn’t realize how much resentment I had towards him till this moment. I thought he had been the one to leave the note. Now I just felt like I had wasted precious time that could have been spent with him.

A knock interrupted our moment together and I tried to pull myself together as I answered the door, “Come in.” I tried to put a smile on my face as Avery walked through the door. He looked at me and then Emett, I forgot no one knew… I quickly put some distance between us.

Avery gave me an awkward expression. “Everything ok?”

I nodded with more enthusiasm than necessary “Yah everything is fine.” He didn’t believe me I knew that by the look in his eyes.

“Uhm ok, well you have some company.” He stared between us again and Emett got closer to me now I understood his jealousy.

“Who?” I tried to stayed focus on Avery.

“Your sister and friend.” I stood up surprised.

“Really?” He nodded “Yah I’ll send them over.”

I looked off at him with a weak smile “Ok thank you Avery.” I looked down at the ground trying to think back on the text from last night. I had just told her I still had to ask Ted. What were they doing here already? I felt my blood boil I was going to get some answers from them. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot on the ground as I waited for them to walk through the door. They had a lot of explaining to do.

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