Life Changing ✓

By xtwloha

57K 6.6K 3.4K

This is it. The first day of a new chapter in my life: attending University in Manchester. But before I get i... More

Authors note
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two


1.3K 174 110
By xtwloha

A/N: Please don't forget to comment and vote. :)


It's currently 4 in the morning and I've been trying to catch up on schoolwork ever since Niall and I got home. I refused to go to dinner with him but thankfully Niall was kind enough to bring back something for me to eat. I did leave my room once to go to the cute little coffee shop right before closing time to get one of those extra large coffee's to help me get through the night. I can't believe how far behind I've fallen and if I want to go out with my friends on Friday I will need to work into the dead of night to catch up. So here I am trying to write a paper on the 16th Century British Literature. It's going pretty well but I do start to feel a bit tired.

I look over at Niall who's comfortably sleeping in his bed. Only 3000 more words and I can crawl into bed to get a few hours of sleep before my alarm goes off at 8 o'clock. I might have thought I would finish the paper sooner because when I type the last few words and look over at my alarm clock it's already 7 o'clock. I groan and rub my eyes. A nice shower will surely wake me up enough to get through the day or well a nice shower accompanied by lots of coffee and sugar that is.

I grab everything I need and make my way to the shower. By the time, I start drying my hair a few people enter the bathroom. Most students won't wake up before 7 o'clock and I was glad to have the bathroom all to myself, I still am not used to this co-ed bathroom type of thing. Before walking back to the dorm I give myself a once over in the mirror and decide I look good enough for a full day of lectures and classes. I picked out black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a denim shirt that I left unbuttoned. I make a mental note to grab a hoodie or jacket before leaving for class.

Niall is already up and standing by his dresser when I return. "Morning Niall," I say as I walk in our room. "Good morning Lou!" he chants. "Did you finish the paper?" "Yes but there's still a lot of studying left." I yawn and I take the items I need for my lecture and place them in my bag. I nearly forget my beanie and hoodie but as I walk out of my dorm I quickly snatch them off of the hanger and put them on. I put my earplugs in and set my Spotify playlist on shuffle as I walk over to the coffee shop and order a large coffee and a muffin. I'm not in the mood to sit down and eat the muffin in peace so I just take it on the go as I slowly walk over to my first lecture.

The girl walking in front of me holds the door to the lecture hall open for me and I speed up a little, not wanting her to have to wait for me. I mouth a thank you as I walk through the door. There are only about a hand full of kids here and I decide to sit somewhere in the middle. I wait for Ellie and Harry to show up but once there's only a minute or two to spare until the lecture begins I see neither of them. The professor enters and greets us all. There is slim to no response but he doesn't seem to care. He places the items he's carrying on his desk and he walks back to the door to close it. Right at that moment, Harry slips into the room. He's casually dressed in black skinny jeans and a light grey knitted sweater. "Good morning." He smiles as he takes the seat next to me. "Morning Harry."

Once the door is closed students aren't allowed to enter the classroom anymore, this to minimize the distraction. Since Ellie still isn't here I send her a text asking where she is. There's no time to talk to Harry because the professor immediately starts talking. I do my best to concentrate but the lack of sleep and the distraction in the seat next to me named Harry are making it very difficult for me. I take a few notes here and there but by the time the lecture is over I notice that the paper is filled with doodles and scribbles and maybe two lines of actual notes.

"Want to grab some food?" Harry asks as he collects his stuff and stands up from his chair. "Sure, why not," I respond. I try to stuff my books, notebook, and pencils back into my bag but one of the books falls on the floor. "It fit this morning so why won't it fit now?" I mumble to myself. I empty my bag and see my hoodie at the bottom, so that was the reason. I crouch down to get the book when Harry already has it in his hands. "Here" he extends his arm and I take the book. "Thanks" I smile. After packing up my school supplies I put on my hoodie and we make our way outside. The wind is sharp, cold and feels like a slap in the face. I shiver a little, already regretting not wearing my winter coat. "What would you like to eat?" Harry asks as we make our way around campus. "'m not f-fussy." I shiver. "I would lend you my coat if I was wearing one," Harry says sweetly. We walk into the first place we lay our eyes on that serves food and get in line. Harry stands behind me and he starts rubbing his hands up and down my upper arms trying to warm me up. The gesture makes me a little flustered. I have such a hard time reading this boy, one day we're getting along so well, the next he's avoiding me and now he's trying to warm me up.

It's nearly my turn to place an order as two freshmen walk past us. "That's adorable!" the blonde girl says to her friend. "I know right!" her friend coos. What was adorable? Why were they looking at me with those funny looks on their faces? I order lunch and I feel Harry's hands disappear. I can't help but wish he wouldn't have stopped, though.

Lunch isn't nearly as awkward as I had expected. We are talking and laughing a lot, I'm having so much fun that it made me forget that I haven't even gotten a reply from Ellie in a few hours. I drop my phone as I get up off of my chair and bend over to pick it up. I place my hand on Harry's knee to support myself and keep me from falling over. I retrieve the phone and walk over to the toilet. I can see Harry rubbing his knee from the corner of my eye. Did my touch make him uncomfortable?

After I return from the bathroom it's time to head to the next lecture. I have been awake for nearly 30 hours and it's getting harder and harder to stay awake. We sit down in the back because most of the seats are already taken by the time we arrive. I sigh heavily as I see the professor walk in, it's the professor with the monotone voice and I always have an issue paying attention to him even when I'm not sleep-deprived. I rest my elbow on the desk so my hand can support my head and even though I'm trying so hard to stay awake, my eyes flutter closed and I feel myself drifting off.

I feel a tap on my shoulder "Mr. Tomlinson, would you care to explain to me why you're taking a nap during my lecture?" The voice sounds deep and not monotone like I was used to hearing. I open my eyes and see two large hands resting on my desk. I look up to see Harry in a well-tailored suit and gulp. Holy mother of god, Harry in a dark grey suit. The jacket is buttoned and he's wearing a white shirt under it with a dark grey tie. "Well Mr. Tomlinson?" he asks. "I-I eh d-don't know." I stutter. "Do you think I'm boring?" he asks with a stern look on his face. "No s-sir." I look around the classroom to find it's empty besides two desks, Harry and myself.

As much as I want to hide my face, not wanting to show my reddening cheeks, I can't keep my eyes off of Harry. I've heard my mother once say to her friend that a well-tailored suit is to a woman what lingerie is to a man. I can't deny that I was feeling a lot more excited seeing Harry in a suit than seeing Ellie in lingerie in the pictures she has sent me. I get a tad uncomfortable as my jeans are getting a little tighter. "Fuck" I sigh. "Now, now Mr. Tomlinson, let's leave that for later." He smirks.

"Louis, Louis" I hear someone whisper and I feel something poking my arm. I open my eyes and here I am in the full classroom. "Good morning sleeping beauty." Harry smiles. I run my hand through my hair, trying to grasp what just happened. I was dreaming about Harry being my professor while he was dressed in a suit. I advert my eyes to my lap and am glad to see a tiny bulge instead of the full on erection I expected to see. "Thanks for waking me up," I whisper to Harry. He just offers a smile as he directs his attention back to the professor.

By the end of the afternoon, I'm back in my dorm when I receive a phone call from Ellie telling me that she had a family emergency and had to leave campus to be with her family in Leeds. She makes it clear that she doesn't really want to talk about it much so we just chat about casual things for a little before I end the call telling her I really need to study. I set my alarm to 2 in the morning and make a deal with myself that I will study non-stop until the alarm goes off. After that, I can go and get 8 hours of sleep. I prefer staying up late than to wake up early.

The next day it takes a lot less effort to keep my attention on my schoolwork. Ellie told me yesterday that she will arrive back on campus by Monday morning so she will miss the night out with our friends.

Harry and I have been whispering and laughing throughout most of the classes but this didn't go unnoticed. "You two in the back. This isn't high school. Be quiet or leave my classroom!" the woman said. Oops. I figured it will be best to pay attention even though I'd much rather spend the class talking to Harry.

Once again I have dedicated the entire afternoon and evening to catching up on studying and after another day or two, I should be good and back on track. The door opens and Niall walks into our dorm. "Hey, Lou!" he cheers. "Hi, Niall!" I turn my chair around to face him as I pull my legs up to my chest and hug them. "How was your day?" I ask him. "It was good. I just came back from the gym." I haven't been going to the gym on a daily basis anymore. I'm too busy with schoolwork and I might not have a six-pack but the results of my daily workout sessions are still visible. I'm a lot more confident about my body compared to several months ago. I do want to start going to the gym again and I would like to join the yoga class twice a week and maybe just do some fitness next to it.

I have been thinking about the trip to the lingerie store and can't seem to forget about the pink lace panties I have seen. I'm sure Ellie would freak out if she heard my ideas on them or actually saw me wearing them but something about them makes me wonder what they will feel like on me. The guys in the store didn't act weird and they were also checking out the panties so maybe it's not that bad?

I have been pretty anti-social over the past week as I had my face buried in books every free second I could find. I traded my shifts at the library with anyone who wanted to work and only saw Niall outside of classes.

I'm proud of myself for all the studying I have done and to reward myself I will make sure to have a great time out clubbing. Not that I wouldn't try to have a great time if I hadn't been studying but still. Niall and I are getting ready in our dorm as we're both trying to decide what we're going to wear. Niall ends up going with denim skinny jeans, a white tank top and to top it off he places a black snapback on his head. I opt for black skinny jeans and a white long sleeve shirt with black sleeves so it won't look like I actually put much thought into the outfit. I quiff my hair for a change and put in my contacts.

After we eat some leftovers I put on my cologne and we walk to the front of the dormitory. Thinking the alcohol I'm going to consume will keep me warm enough, I don't bring a jacket because I don't want to have to carry it around all night. The girls decide not to come because Ellie is in Leeds with her family, so it has turned into a boys night out. We wait for the lads to come outside and take the bus to the city centre of Manchester. We are all dressed similar with our skinny jeans in different colors, dark blue, black, or grey with a t-shirt or button up. Harry once again is wearing a button up but forgot that it has more than just the last three buttons. I am the last to complain about it, though.

The club is packed and I can't be more excited to just go out on the dance floor, drink and have a great time. Drinks are flowing and my cheeks start to hurt from laughing so much. We're all showing off our crazy dance moves and my favourite still has to be my 'pat the dog and screw in the light bulb' but the 'stop the traffic, let 'em through' is a close second. It earns me a few strange looks from the girls next to me but I honestly couldn't care less.

It must have been around midnight when I'm leaning against a wall feeling a little tired as I'm talking to Harry. I can barely hear the words coming out of his mouth as they get lost in the loud music but I don't mind just staring at him the entire time. We both have had quite a few drinks so he probably won't notice that I'm not really listening. Nick comes over and leans on me trying to catch his breath as he joins the 'conversation' with me and Harry. I feel Nick's hand on my lower back as he is whispering a joke into my ear and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. Harry excuses himself and Nick pulls me onto the dance floor, his hand not leaving my lower back. I sway my hips to the music and he steps a little closer than I'm comfortable with but the club is so packed I can't move backwards without bumping into other people so I try to forget about the close proximity and just have fun.

Someone taps my shoulder and I see Harry. "I was looking for you." He yells over the music "We're dancing, join us!" I yell back. He shakes his head and I try to persuade him with a pout but he doesn't fall for it. Nick says something in his ear and I can see Harry's expression change. I couldn't hear what Nick said to him but he sure as hell didn't like it. Harry walks off and I turn to Nick "What did you say to him?" I say into his ear. "Nothing important," He smirks.

I tell Nick my legs and feet are getting sore and we walk off the dance floor. Nick leads me to the front door of the club so we can get a breath of fresh air. I see Zayn and Niall and walk over to them to have a quick chat as Zayn is smoking a cigarette. Zayn finishes his cigarette and two of them head back inside. "Those jeans are incredible Louis" Nick slurs, obviously a lot more intoxicated than I am. "I know right?" I smile. I can see Nick eying me while biting his bottom lip and I'm not sure how to feel about it. I guess I'm flattered that he finds me attractive, he has mentioned it before but it's just awkward.

"Louis, we're going home," Harry says as he walks up to us. "Where's the rest?" I ask him. "They're staying a little while longer." "But I want to stay!" I pout. Harry doesn't look pleased and grabs my wrist and starts pulling me away from Nick. "Stop it, Harry. I'm staying!" I try to pull my wrist out of his hold and succeed. I walk back over to Nick but before I even make it all the way Harry stands in front of me and easily picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. Wait what? "Put me down Harry," I say in a friendly tone thinking he's joking. He doesn't answer and I slam my hands on his back hard enough to grab his attention. "I said put me down Harry" I try again sounding a little less friendly.

I have a great view of his bum and have to restrain myself from touching it. I'm sober enough to know I will regret it later because Harry will probably hate my guts for grabbing his arse. Focus Louis!

"I SAID PUT ME DOWN!" I yell, punching his back harder as I'm getting angry. Harry still isn't responding and why isn't anyone helping me? There are at least 15 people just a few meters away! "PUT.ME.DOWN! THIS IS KIDNAPPING!" I shout as loud as possible while punching his back. He finally complies. "Happy?" he asks. "Why the fuck did you do that?" I shout. "I'm just looking out for you." He calmly replies.

"That makes no sense!" "He was undressing you with his eyes, Louis!" Harry replies. "Who? Nick? Jesus Harry, Nick is my friend!" this comment actually made him laugh. "Yes, a friend who wants to fuck you." He crosses his arms and raises his eyebrows. "Why would you give two shits about that anyway?" This comment catches him off guard and he takes his time to reply.

"Because you're my friend and I know Nick well enough to know that he won't back down once he gets his chance." He shrugs. "Oh sure, you're such a great friend. You've been ignoring me whenever you feel like it. Nick actually replies when I text him or answers the phone when I call. He wants to hang out with me unlike someone else!" I yell as I stomp away from Harry. "Fine, have it your way, Louis. Just don't come knocking on my door when Nick tries to have his way with you. I WARNED YOU!" He shouts. "I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!" I yell.

I'm so angry and stomp back to the club. Nick has already gone back inside and I start searching the crowd for Niall. When I find him I tell him about what happened outside the club and that I want to call a cab and go home. It takes me a while to convince Niall to stay and have fun and not to worry about me.

I get back to my dorm feeling very confused. I can't wrap my head around Harry's actions and words. I just don't understand why he would do and say such things. Our friendship is finally getting better after the period of him ignoring me and I was happy about that but he had to fuck everything up by acting ridiculous. I feel tears prickling my eyes but swallowed them and change into sweats and a t-shirt and crawl into bed. I receive a text from Niall asking if I'm doing alright and I reply telling him I'm fine and that he should enjoy himself.

Several hours later, I am woken up by someone knocking on my door. It's still pitch black and I turn on the light on my bedside table and get out of bed. Niall's bed is empty so I'm guessing it's him, he must have forgotten his keys but when I open the door I am utterly shocked. In front of me, I see Harry. He has a bloody nose, busted lip and I see a few other cuts and bruises on his face. I don't notice the tears on his cheeks as I pull him into the room.

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