Across City Lines (Completed)

By saltwaterveins19

937 36 0

The rules are simple... 1. Complete as many tasks on the list as possible 2. Document all completed tasks (v... More

Chapter 1: Hottest Gossip in Town
Chapter 2: Football Anyone?
Chapter 3: Southern Men Are Never Gentleman
Chapter 4: Don't Be A Debbie Downer
Chapter 5: The Hunt Is On
Chapter 6: Dash Down Main Street
Chapter 7: Spa Day
Chapter 8: Serenade Me Baby
Chapter 9: Caution Tape My Heart
Chapter 10: Trashy yet Classy
Chapter 11: Diamond Rings and Old Barstools
Chapter 12: Under a Blanket of Stars
Chapter 13: Firefighters? Yes Please ;)
Chapter 14: Grave Robbers?
Chapter 15: Business in the Front, Party in the Back
Chapter 16: Pumping Blood
Chapter 17: Food Fight!
Chapter 19: Rainy Days
Chapter 20: Blues Clues
Authors Note

Chapter 18: Lock Down

23 1 0
By saltwaterveins19

Chapter 18: Lock Down

Oceane's P.O.V

The lights from the cop cars flashed, letting everyone know who was walking down main street that something was happening. A crowd had formed outside the restaurant and I should have been embarrassed but I wasn't. All I kept thinking about was that kiss. I looked over at Levi being put into the cop car and sighed.

"Oceane? Are you listening to me?" My dads best friend asked, who unfortunately is on the police force. "Sorry Dave." I said and hung my head. "I don't know if this is you acting out because you dad has finally gone on a date and you thought by doing this you would ruin it or—" "Wait a date?" "I thought you knew, look I'm sorry but I'm going to have to call him. You're lucky that the owner agreed not to press charges, or that none of the tourists are. We need the tourists to keep this town afloat." I looked over at Levi again, he was now in the cop car and looking out the window towards me. I turned back to Dave. "It wasn't Levi's fault. I started the food fight, so please just take him home." "I wish I could Oceane, but he didn't try and stop you that makes him an accomplice."

I nodded in response and slipped into the back of the cop car, hoping the discussion would end and I could move onto seeing my father, who would no doubt be fuming when he was informed of what had happened. My dad going on a date didn't upset me, my mom had told him she wanted him to be happy and move on from her. Then she had a discussion with my about it, she asked me that if he ever brought another person into his life to treat her with respect. I had seen enough shows and movies to know that treating a step parent with disrespect never works, and in the end they aren't trying to replace your parent. Though I told her I would never love this new women as much as I loved her. She smiled and simply said I know.

Once we arrived at the station I looked around the parking lot and spotting my dads car parked. I cursed knowing Dave probably texted him before heading to the station. I walked through the door of the station and saw my dad standing there with his arms crossed and a look that can only be described as angry with a hint of disappointment thrown in.

I gave my dad a small smile, which was probably not the best way to greet an angry faced father. "Oceane Marie Kinder, I can't believe you did this. What possessed you to start a food fight in a tourist restaurant." "Please dad, Dave already gave me this lecture and I just want to go home and sleep." "Oh, you're not going home tonight. You get to spend the night in the cell as part of your punishment."

I stared at my dad and waited for him to say just kidding, but those words never left his mouth. A minute past with us just staring at each other and I raised my eyebrows willing my dad to speak. "You're serious?" I finally said. My annoyance was building, I mean I get why he's upset, but he's actually going to let them throw me in a cell overnight, plus probably ground me. "I'm dead serious Oceane, you could've caused alot of damage with the stunt you pulled."

I rolled my eyes. "Stunt I pulled, you were out on a date and didn't even care to inform your children." I knew it was a low blow but I didn't care, I was angry that I had to spend the night here. I watched my dads face as it shifted from anger to hurt and I knew I had struck a cord. I walked away before I could start to feel bad for what I had said.

Dave closed the cell door and told me to call for officer Robinson if I had any issues.I turned and looked at my accommodations for the night. The cell was painted white and had a small bed that looked like it was more springs then mattress and had unidentifiable stains on it. There was a toilet placed on the far wall. Guess I'm not using the washroom tonight.

Now alone with my thoughts, I was fully able to process the fact that I didn't see Levi get dropped off here or pulled into his own cell. His parents weren't as crazy as my father obviously was, and knew a child shouldn't be locked up in a cell for something as minor as disturbing the peace.

My mind flooded with moments from tonight, but I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss between Levi and I. He kissed me, did that mean he might actually have feelings for me or were we going to pretend it was just adrenaline and act like it didn't happen? I guess I won't know the answer to that question until the morning because now I'm stuck here. I sighed and flopped on the bed. The springs squealed in protest as I landed on the small bed with a thud. Suddenly I remember the unidentified stains and quickly shot up. Gross, if I get ringworm on my face, dad will never hear the end of it.

I took off my jean jacket and folded it into a make shift pillow and made a mental note to burn it in the morning. I laid back down and tried to get comfortable for the long night ahead.


I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and the sweetness of cinnamon buns. I got up and cracked my now stiff back. I looked at the time to see it was already 9:30. How I slept so long on the crappy mattress is a mystery to me. I heard keys jingling and looked at the door to see Dave walk in. I smiled and walked towards the cell door.

"Good morning, I see you are well rested." Dave smiled and opened the door. Sweet freedom at last. "Yes, after spending a night in there, I realized jail probably isn't so horrible and maybe a life of crime is the way to go." I smiled as I watched Dave's face change to a horrified expression. I laughed out loud and patted Dave's shoulder. "I'm just kidding." Dave shook his head and smiled in response. "I am sorry though for all the trouble I caused, and I promise it won't happen again." "It's alright, now your free to go just promise me you will take it easy on your father. He's still learning how the whole punishment thing works and was only trying to teach you a lesson." "I know, thanks Dave, I better get going." I gave him a quick hug and went and grabbed my things.

I walked out of the police station to find no one waiting for me. Where the hell was my dad? Was this another part of my punishment? I cursed and began my walk home, deciding to stop at the coffee shop on my way. I pulled out my phone to text Liz and saw three missed calls from her and over sixteen text messages from people asking what happened last night. I tried not to be bothered by the fact that Levi hadn't reached out to me yet. I ignored all my messages, figuring that by now they all know what happened and decided to call Liz to ask her to meet me at the coffee shop.

Liz's phone went straight to voicemail and I ended the call and texted her a brief messaged.

Hey, we have a lot to discuss! Call me ASAP!

I hit send and began my walk to the coffee shop.

Half way to the coffee shop I realized I was still in last nights outfit and now looked like I was doing the walk of shame. I groaned inwardly because It looked even worse due to the fact that five minutes into my walk I had slipped off my heels and was walking in bare feet. I continued my trek stopping every few minutes to stop and chat with people who seemed eager to talk with me about last night.

Thirty minutes later I had finally made it to the coffee shop. I looked at my phone to see no new notifications and that it was 10:00. I still had another thirty minutes to go before I reached my house. I stuffed it back into my purse and slipped on my high heels again. My feet were aching but Lori had a strict policy about no shoes, no shirt, no service, so I guess I would be suffering through the pain.

I walked into the coffee shop, and was hit with the smell of coffee and pastries. My stomach grumbled and I realized I hadn't eaten dinner last night because I had thrown it at someone. I was making my way to the counter when I saw Levi sitting near the window with a girl from the picture in his bedroom. My heart dropped to my stomach as I watched her grab his hand and hold it. I seemed to have the worst luck in finding the guys I am crushing on having intimate moments with other girls.

I turned to leave before I was spotted and ended up knocking down a display of coffee. "Shit" I hissed out. I looked over my shoulder to see Levi staring at me. I snapped my head back and ran for the door. "Oceane!" I heard Levi call from behind me but I kept running. I only made it fifteen steps out the door before he caught me and pulled me around to face him. I should've known that was going to happen considering I was in heels and he was a football player. I looked up at him and took a step back to create distance between us.

I stood up straighter and put on a blank face. "What Levi?" I crossed my and gave him an annoyed look. "Just let me explain, you overreacting as usual." I stifled a laugh. "There's nothing to explain, were not dating." I shrugged my shoulders. Levi ran his hands through his hair and gave me a frustrated look. "Why would you kiss me? Now everything is different! " Levi said giving me an angry look. I let my facade crack for a second at that and Levi saw. "I didn't mean it like that."

"It's all my fault right? Because you didn't push me away! You were the one who kissed me at the restaurant. I was perfectly fine forgetting the whole bungee jumping kiss, but then you kissed me! So don't put all the blame on me." I screamed.

We were obviously making a scene as I watched people stare out the window of the coffee shop and stop in the street to watch. I looked over Levi's shoulder to see his date come out of the shop looking for me. She was gorgeous. She was around Levis height and had a thin figure. She had long brown hair that was straight and seemed to shine in the morning light. If I didn't know better, I would've believed she was a model. I turned my eyes back to Levi, who was giving me a pleading look.

I was tired of holding this facade and just let it go. "Just go back in there with her and enjoy your date. I was obviously stupid to think that the kiss meant something and that maybe you felt something too. I guess I was right about you all along." I slipped off my high heels and ran before he could say another word.


Levi P.O.V

I watched Oceane's retreating form and knew I had screwed up. I was about to chase after her when I heard Melina calling to me from behind me. I cursed under my breath. When I didn't answer she walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder. I moved from her grasp like I had been doing the entire time we were together. "Are you coming back inside?" Melina asked. I nodded and lead her back inside, where everyone was back to business as usual.

I sat back down and stared at my now cold coffee. I had only went out on this "date" to get some closure on our break up. I hadn't called Oceane last night because when I had got home my parents had given me a lecture and then took away my phone. I had just gotten it back this morning and Melina was already sending me a million messages. I had waited all night for Oceane to go out on her back porch so I could tell her how I felt, but she had never came out. Now everything was a mess and I had no clue how I was going to fix it.

"Levi?" I shook my thoughts away and stared at Melina. "Sorry, what did you say?" I sat up straighter in my chair and got ready to do what I came to do. "I was saying everyone back home misses you, including me. No one knows how were going to win any games with you gone now." She gave me that smile that used to make me smile, now all it did was cause a grim expression. "I miss them too, but this is where I am now." She nodded and grabbed my hand that was resting on the table. "Look Levi, I want to get back together. I realize now that we can make it work. My dad takes business trips all the time and in a year we will both go to University of Texas. It's going to be hard but I know we can do it." She gave me a hopeful smile and I moved my hand away from her grip.

I just realized how controlling she is, I had never wanted to go to Texas she always told me I did. Looking back on our relationship, she was always telling me how to act, dress and what to do. She thought that I would come running back, because she told me to. I shook my head and actually started to laugh. She gave me a dirty look. "What's so funny Levi?"

"Melina, I'm not getting back together with you, and I have no clue what university I'm going to, but it sure as hell won't be anyone you're going to. Look you're a great girl; most of the time, and thats putting it nicely. I really used to like you, but when you started dating my best friend a week after we broke up it kinda destroyed any feelings I had towards you. To be honest, I found someone else, and I need to go win her back, so I'm going to go, but you stay and enjoy your cold coffee." I got up from the table and left her sitting there. As I exited I heard Melina call out to me, but this time I wasn't going back.

I knew how I was going to prove to Oceane that I cared about her. Without wasting a second I pulled out my phone and called Jeremy, because If I was going to pull this stunt off I was going to need all the help I could get. 

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