Romeo and Juliet (Book 1) - S...

By Semantrick

434K 13.8K 11.1K

*Featured in Wattpad @Fanfic Recommendations* Severus Snape could not possibly be more focused on his tasks n... More

Prologue / Chapter 1 - Leaving The Past
Chapter 2 - Welcome To Hogwarts
Chapter 3 - First Day Counts
Chapter 4 - Triwizard Heat
Chapter 5 - Coffee For The Sleepy
Chapter 6 - Saved By The Snape
Chapter 7 - Exploding Bonbon
Chapter 9 - Ups And Downs
Chapter 10 - The Last Dance
Chapter 11 - What Is Yet To Come
Chapter 12 - Reveal and Forgive
Chapter 13 - Special Guests
announcement! lol
Chapter 16 - Black Forest
Chapter 17 - Abduction By Waters
Chapter 18 - Confessions and Confusion
Chapter 19 - Considerable Thoughts
Chapter 20 - Of All People
Chapter 21 - Clarice
Chapter 22 - The Same Mistake
Chapter 23 - Tortured Hearts
Chapter 24 - Apples And Acromantulitis
Chapter 25 - Obstinate Recovery
Chapter 26 - All for you
Chapter 27 - To Love And Linger
Chapter 28 - The Heiress Of Slytherin
Chapter 29 - Do Not Fear

Chapter 8 - A Muggle Love Story

16.1K 542 586
By Semantrick




"My bounty is as boundless as the sea,

My love as deep; the more I give to thee,

The more I have, for both are infinite."

― William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet


CHAPTER 8 - A Muggle Love Story

~ R ~

The first few days of November came by quickly, but not without progress. Renee and Severus managed to return to their usual routines, and after their exceptionally difficult (not to mention problematic) feat with the modified Wolfsbane Potion, they began to focus their attention on Alchemy, as their supposed Triwizard tasks were not due for a couple more weeks. They had interesting lessons to say the least and were scheduled to be taking up the Elixir of Life soon, which Renee thought was the most fascinating topic on the subject. So far, they had not talked about anything non-academic, and Renee found that both relieving and unnerving in many ways.

"Attention Slytherins!" Aaron Brunfels yelled at the crowded Slytherin common room. "Please be at the Dueling Hall, ground floor, by three pm. We will have a meeting concerning the upcoming Yule Ball." he announced.

The girls squealed giddily, clearly excited for such rare events at Hogwarts, but the boys gave rather miserable groans. The Yule Ball, as Renee recalled, was a party of some sort, in celebration of the Triwizard Tournament.

"Hey prefect, we haven't got much time for frivolities like that." A boy in Renee's year named Graham Montague complained haughtily. He also happened to be their Quidditch team captain, which prompted his daily arrogance.

"Well, I suggest that you attend this meeting unless you want to get hexed into oblivion by Professor Snape." Brunfels smugly replied. Montague scowled.

"He annoys me sometimes, Snape, you know? But still, he's my godfather, and it's best to be on his side. At least he hates Potter too." A loathsome-looking, blonde boy whispered to his, Renee assumed, minions behind her back.

"Right on, Draco." his minion replied.

Sheesh, Severus, what kind of a godson do you have?, Renee thought.


"You are dismissed. Slytherins, proceed to the Dueling Hall. Do not dawdle." Severus ordered after Renee's final afternoon period which was Potions with the seventh years. Severus and herself were last to go out of the dungeon because he-- they had to clean up.

"Shall we go up then?" Severus asked coolly after scouring the last visible stain with his wand.

"Oky dokey." Renee replied. The professor looked at her with a face that had 'what the fuck' written all over it. "That's how I used to say OK," she eased his confusion.

"You are in Britain, at least make the effort to speak properly," Severus raised a brow, trying to intimidate her but lacked bite. Renee even thought he looked amused.

"I do not know how." Renee said, trying to imitate his RP accent while struggling not to giggle.

"Stop that. You are going to make my ears bleed." he grimaced.

"Yes, well, growing up in two completely different countries didn't help." she replied, still failing dreadfully at copying his Queen's English. Renee made sure she did not acquire a French English accent, which was why she still spoke like a yank, as Fred and George once called her, and it was not like she had anyone to talk to in Beauxbatons.

"Merlin, help us all. You sound ridiculous." Severus chastised, now smirking.

They walked together to the Dueling Hall, with Severus an inch away from Renee's right. She bit her lip to contain her happiness when he put his hand on her shoulder, though he was frowning and looked like he was escorting her to detention. Both of them entered the noisy hall at the same time and broke contact at once. "Good afternoon," he hissed. The hall immediately grew quiet.

"The Yule Ball," Severus drawled with his deep voice, "has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament. Since its inception, on Christmas evening, we and our guests assemble in the Great Hall for a... formal gathering." he explained.

Severus continued rather grudgingly. "As hosts of the said event, I expect each and every one of you to participate. Whether you are in favour of it or not is none of my concern, as I am not particularly fond of partaking in such events myself. But because I am the head of Slytherin House,  the Triwizard Tournament Committee has left me with no choice on the matter. As students of Hogwarts, you are no more in a different situation than I am."

"He makes the Yule Ball sound like a nightmare," Jamila whispered in my ear. Renee giggled silently and nodded in agreement.

"Perhaps this will either encourage or dismay you," Severus said with an eye roll, "but the Yule Ball is most predominantly... a dance." he explained, annoyed.

The Slytherin girls were yet again squealing in excitement. Renee found the prospect of the upcoming event quite exciting, but the boys sounded as if they'd rather scrub slimy cauldrons without magic.

"Silence." Severus hissed. "As much I would prefer not to stay here and watch you all trip on each other's shoes, I will not allow a single student of Slytherin to behave like a dunderhead at the ball. We must always strive to maintain the house's refined reputation." he said dangerously. "For this reason, all of you must attend rehearsals that are to be held at this hall once a week for an hour until the day of the ball. The sixth and seventh years will have to attend twice a week, as they have a separate... presentation together with the other houses."

The girls once again started to chatter with anticipation and glee, while the boys groaned louder. Renee was now really looking forward to the ball as she had wanted to dance for a long time now. Back in Beauxbatons, they would rehearse daily for a ballet performance every season. Dancing was the only thing she found pleasant there, and she had missed it terribly since her arrival at Hogwarts.

"Madam Hooch here will be your... instructor, as I have no interest in ridiculous, imbecilic, so-called art forms." Severus scowled. Renee actually thought he would be the choreographer, and she had to bite her inner cheek to stop herself from bursting out chuckling at a vision of him dancing ballet with his black overalls. "But do not think you can just escape your way out of rehearsals. I will be here to make sure that none of you will sneak out. Absences will not be tolerated." he warned. He then settled onto a chair at a corner to resume glaring at everyone in the room.

"Good afternoon, Slytherin students." Madam Hooch greeted. "Well basically, to dance is to let the body breath." she said, dramatically raising her arms. "Inside every human, a strong longing to express passion is just waiting to burst, and dancing is surely the way to let it out," the witch described.

"My eyes might burst if she continues to wave her hands like that," Renee whispered to Jamila, and it was now her turn to giggle silently.

"Now, I have been informed that we have a trained, Beauxbaton dancer amongst here with us. Miss Capulet, will you please come forward?" Hooch called me.

Oh dear, she isn't going to make me dance, is she? Fucking hell!

Renee could feel eyes staring at her person, and all she wanted was to vanish out of the hall. Severus merely raised an eyebrow, apparently amused at her shock. After Jamila elbowed her, she reluctantly approached the professor and went beside her.  

"Miss Capulet will be helping me demonstrate the steps." Hooch announced, winking at Renee. The professor then went to fix the ancient-looking music player that they would be using for practice.

Renee discreetly glanced at Severus and gave him a 'please help me' look. A corner of his thin lips raised, showing her a small, amused smirk. Surrendering with a heavy sigh, she submitted herself to the woes of Hooch.

As Hooch busied herself with the age old contraption, she said, "Uh, Miss Capulet will be needing a male partner. Who would like to--"

"I'll do it!" Montague stood up, jumping from his seat whilst laughing arrogantly, then gave his minion a high five.

"Very well, come over here, Mr. Montague," Hooch said, motioning him to Renee.

Montague approached Renee with a smug stance. "Hello, beautiful," the great dunce said. "Between you and me, you're hot, and I'm hot, so why don't we just go past the formalities and get on with it?" he whispered.

Renee shot him a scowl. "Shut up." she spat, then turned away from his arse of a face. God, I hate bastards like him.

"Alright, now Mr. Montague, please put your right hand on Miss Capulet's waist, and your left hand on an open palm position. Miss Capulet, you know what to do," Hooch ordered.

Montague did as he was told with a sinister smirk. Renee had no choice but to grudgingly take his hand and, but not without giving him a deathly Snape glare.

"You seem to be a stubborn case, but not to worry, you'll find out soon that I'm  irresistible." Montague said silently. Merlin, I want to puke so hard right now.

"They shall be demonstrating the basic waltz. Mr. Montague, follow Miss Capulet's lead." Hooch instructed. "Ready? Remember, step, up, step." she reminded them. "Eyes on the pair please, everybody. And one, two, three. One, two, three..."

Renee and Montague danced along with Hooch, who was hovering and counting beside them and in front of the Slytherins to 'demonstrate' the damn waltz, as if it was the most complicated thing to execute. Shortly after, Hooch invited everyone in the hall to stand up, which the girls did enthusiastically, and started to choreograph the ballroom piece that all of the Slytherins would be doing for the Yule Ball. Severus merely watched them with an expression so unreadable that one would certainly go mad if he or she attempted to try and guess it. But in Renee's case, as she knew him a tad bit better than everyone else, she could tell he was simply amused with the whole thing.

As soon as the rehearsal ended, Renee was about to chase after Severus when Montague approached her. "What do you want this time?" she asked lividly.

"Easy, Capulet. Ever heard of Romeo and Juliet?" he asked with a stupid smirk on his face.

"No. Bye." Renee replied, eager to get away from him.

"Hold it there, sexy." he pulled her arm, and she angrily yanked it back free. "WHAT NOW?" she roared impatiently.

"Romeo and Juliet is a muggle story, and I've heard that it's so well-written that even wizards read it. I haven't actually read it and I have no plans to." Montague explained, smug as ever.

"And your point is?" she questioned.

"Do you know what the girl and the boy's last names were?" he asked, smirking. Renee raised an eyebrow. "Montague and Capulet." he answered, completely pleased with himself.

"So?" she asked, not seeing the relevance of that to anything.

"Isn't it obvious? We're meant to be, baby! Now stop being so damn proud. Be my date for the ball. And wear something nice and sexy. Don't embarrass me in front of my friends." he said arrogantly, as if he didn't need to ask Renee's permission to be his date, which made her want to punch him.

Renee went closer to him. "I will never, ever  go out with an arrogant prick like you." she spat on his face. With all her might, she stomped on his foot.

"OUCH! You will pay for this, Capulet!" he shouted. Renee laughed mockingly at him as she exited the hall.

After that exasperating scene, Renee decided to go to the library to read and calm her nerves, and to also get some homework done so she wouldn't have to worry about it later. As soon as she finished, she went straight to the to the dungeons for Alchemy.

"Good evening, Severus." Renee greeted her professor as she entered the Potions classroom anxiously.

"Good evening. Enjoyed dancing with Mr. Montague?" he mocked.

Renee put her books down on a table and stared at him in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? I was ready to vomit on his shoes!" she said, disgusted, but not really thinking about the boy because she was now in the presence of a different man who she rather liked a lot.

"Horrible, isn't he?" Severus said casually as he prepared for their lesson.

"The worst kind! He's vile, He didn't even ask if I wanted to go to the ball with him, he just assumed that I did," Renee complained.

"And how did you respond to him?" he asked while browsing through a parchment.

"I stomped on his foot, of course." she replied with a grin.

Severus snorted. "Classic."

"Severus... isn't there... couldn't you find him another partner?" Renee begged nicely.

"Oh no. I am rather enjoying this. You shall get no special treatment from me." he smirked evilly, making Renee pout like a five year old. "Besides, you wouldn't want to upset our Quidditch team captain. I want those arrogant Gryffindors crushed to pieces in the upcoming game."

"Fine. Just as long as he doesn't try anything disgusting." Renee said in defeat. "He's pathetic. He said something about this muggle story thingy, that we're meant to be because the characters in it had the same last names as ours."

"Romeo and Juliet." Severus said.

"Yeah, that!" Renee confirmed. How does he know everything?

Severus thought for a moment. "I do consider it as one of the best literary works out there, as it was written very well."

Renee knew that Severus rarely gave praises, so that story must be brilliant. "By who, if I may ask?"

"William Shakespeare." he answered. The name was familiar but Renee could not remember where she had heard it.

The lesson went smoothly and quickly. Severus taught as clearly and as briefly as he possible, and Renee gave her full attention, always answering his questions correctly. Within half an hour, they were finished.

"So... are we supposed to do something?" Renee asked, and as usual, she still didn't want to leave.

"No. But I do need to accomplish a certain task. And I believe that.. I will be needing your help with it." Severus said with an odd look on his face.

"Really? Well, let's get going then! What is it, exactly?"  Renee asked him excitedly, a little too eager.

He coughed. "Well, Dumbledore asked each of the Head of Houses to take charge of the... presentations that each house will showcase. And essentially, you... well, he expects us that to be the one to look for the... music." he struggled to explain. Renee was laughing inside her head; how awkward must it be for Severus to be in charge of such things.

"You want me to help you look for a song for our dance?" Renee grinned.

Severus glared at her. "Yes. But if you have other things to do--"

"O'course I'll help you! You don't even need to ask," she said happily. "But I thought Madam Hooch already picked the music?"

He shrugged. "Well, if you all feel like, what do you Americans say-- 'shaking your booty' to a song that was made in the fifteenth century,  feel free to do so. But do not blame--"

Renee slapped his wooden desk when she burst out laughing uncontrollably. "Oh my goodness, 'shaking your booty'? I think with all this time that we're spending together, I've managed to instill some American in you!" she giggled. Dear Merlin. Severus fucking Snape just said 'shaking your booty'.

Severus gave in and chuckled along with Renee. She relished the rich, deep baritone that he elicited when he laughed, and considered herself lucky to have had spent the light moment with the usually stern professor. She had to cough when the laughter was too much, but she did not want the moment to end.

A few minutes later, they transferred to Severus' office, where they scanned through a couple of records that he had borrowed from a record shop in London.

"I think this is perfect," Renee said, picking up a familiar record. "'Dance of the Poltergeists' by The Bowtruckle Brothers."

"If this triggers Peeves' breakdown, I will blame you." Severus smirked.

"Nah, he'll be fine. He can dance along with us," she snickered.

"Very well." he sighed, then pointed at the record. "Give that to Hooch tomorrow."

"Why should I give it?" Renee teased, knowing that he would be a bit embarrassed to be carrying around a record in the castle. "Professor Dumbledore told you to be the one to--"

"Renee, shut up and do as I say."

"Alright, alright," she laughed. "Hey, what's that?"

Renee spotted the word 'Shakespeare' from a distance, and found out that it was a book of sonnets by the muggle writer. She picked it up and look at Severus curiously.

"I think someone might be a fan," Renee smiled, raising the book.

"'Fan' is a bit of a stretch," Severus arched his brow. "Though muggle culture awareness would not hurt."

A thought suddenly came up to her. "Well, come on then, let's hear your favourite sonnet!" she asked gently. Nothing in this world could make me feel happier than hearing your wonderful voice.

Severus thought for a moment, but then he just ended up staring at Renee, devoid of emotions. She immediately regretted asking such a personal question from a dangerously private man.

"It's alright, maybe some other time." she said, looking away, not wanting to sound disappointed.

To Renee's utmost surprise, Severus picked up his book of sonnets and flipped through the pages.

"Sonnet one hundred thirty," he began. The sound that came from his mouth was nothing short of deep, sensual, soothing, velvet-voiced perfection; it made Renee's heart melt.

When Severus finished, Renee felt like her ears were pleasured by his voice. It was the most wonderful, titillating thing she had ever heard.

"That was beautiful, Severus." You are beautiful.

"Funnily enough, it isn't supposed to mean beautiful." he said monotonously.

"Yes, but hearing it from you..."

Severus looked at Renee curiously. "You said your name was Renee Juliet Capulet, am I correct?" he asked, with sudden interest, making her heart palpitate.

"Yes. Why?" she asked, trying not to be too affected by his presence.

"Don't you find your name rather interesting... Renee?" Severus asked carefully. Renee's heart jumped at his mention of her name, the Montague of Slytherin long forgotten.

"I do actually. Now I want to read Romeo and Juliet. Is it available in the library?" she asked, her insides still trembling.

"I'm afraid not. You would have to borrow it from someone else who is... quite the Shakespearean." Severus smirked.

"Well then, may I borrow your copy of Romeo and Juliet, Severus? If you're not currently reading it." she said. This is so overwhelming.

"You may. I've finished reading it a long time ago."

"Thank you very much." she smiled gratefully.

"You are welcome. But do keep it to yourself, please." he accio-ed a thin book from his shelf and handed it to her.

"Yes, of course." Renee assured him.

Both of them realised that they had not eaten dinner yet, and it was too late for Renee to go to the Great Hall, so Severus sent for a Hogwarts elf to deliver them food and they satisfyingly ate together the roasted turkey and sour cream and chives potatoes in his chambers. Their conversation steered towards the academic, but Renee did not mind, and was really glad that she was there with him.

"Well, this has been a fun day." Renee uttered.

"Indeed." Severus simply replied. "You should be heading back to your dormitory now."

"Yeah, I guess. Good night, Severus." she said sadly.

"Good night, Renee. Thank you for helping me." he said with a small smile.

"Don't worry about it. I'm always here." Renee grinned.

Then for the first time, Severus held the door open for Renee, like how a perfect gentleman would, making her stunned to death. With a last longing look at his unreadable obsidian eyes, she exited his office shyly with her heartbeat racing.


Only a few days had passed since the announcement of the upcoming Yule Ball, yet the male population of the school acted like a herd of hyenas racing to get a date. Renee already expected Fred to ask her out, though at the back of her mind, she would rather not be disloyal to a certain black-haired wizard, which made absolutely no sense because she was thinking about the impossible.

The rehearsals were going well, but Renee found it quite exasperating that she still had that swine Montague as a partner, and Hooch insisted for them to be in front all the time, much to Severus' amusement.

Renee was sitting between Fred and George at a Gryffindor-Slytherin study session. Sitting beside Fred was a clumsy-looking Gryffindor boy named Neville Longbottom, who seemed to be exceedingly terrified of Severus, who was in charge of the study session, and nobody dared to try to make a noise.

Hermione, Ron and Harry were sitting, across the seventh years, chattering quietly, but apparently loud enough for Severus to hear. As Ron muttered silently while he tried to look around for a potential date, Severus, who was behind him, shoved his head with his hand to silence him, making Ron groan in pain. Fred, George and Renee had to stifle their giggles.

"You should have seen Ron's face when he was dancing with McGonagall. T'was priceless," Fred whispered, snickering silently.

"McGonagall danced?" Renee whispered back in shock. Fred nodded.Both of them had to cover their faces with books to hide their giggling. Why couldn't Severus dance?

When they recovered, George whispered, "Those blokes are pathetic. They haven't even got a date yet." pointing to Harry and Ron. George wrote them a note:

Get a move on or all the good ones will have gone

George levitated the paper swiftly to Ron. Ron caught it, read it, then carefully checked if Severus was behind him, and asked George frustratingly, "Who are you going with then?"

George eyed Ron, telling him non-verbally to 'watch this'. He threw a crumpled paper at Jamila, who was sitting across them, looking angry. George whispered while doing hand and body gestures, "Do-you-want-to-go-to-the-ball-with-me?"

Jamila calmed down and even smiled, and said yes. Renee fought the urge to laugh as Severus stood behind her, pretending to read a book, apparently aware of the little scene.

George gave his little brother a triumphant wink. "Nice one, George." Renee whispered.

Ron turned to Hermione, who was busy with her work. He tried to do the same thing that George did, but then Severus hit him with a book, as well as poor Harry, who was only poking Ron to warn him of an upcoming Snape.

Hermione apparently rejected Ron as she stood up to leave angrily and handed her parchment to Severus. Ron and Harry continued to mutter, not learning their lesson, and Renee couldn't stop giggling silently as Severus gave her a funny look before he raised the cuffs of his sleeves and gave both the boys a hard shove.

After their study session, Fred dragged Renee to an empty hallway.

"May I have the honour of being the date of the most beautiful girl in the castle?" he asked her as he held her hand.

Somehow, Renee felt that she was betraying Severus, but she really wasn't. I'm just a student of his, Renee reminded herself.

But then, I am already of age... argh I have to stop thinking about Severus, Fred's asking me out here for Merlin's sake.

Deciding that in her mind, they would only go out as friends, and that she would tell Severus as soon as possible that he would be her date, she calmed down.

"Yes, Fred." Renee smiled. Fred happily took her hand and walked her to her next class.


A/N 2013: There you go! Yule ball season, yaaaayyy XD
Thank you for those reading and voting for this story! I really love you all :) Feedback please? And if you have any questions, feel free to put a comment :)

Stay tuned 'til the next chapter next week!

A/N 2016: Sorry guys. There's nothing I can do to lessen the cheesiness of this and the next few chapters. Don't worry, there will be angst in the later chapters. Just please bear with my cheesy 16 year old self in 2013 LOL

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