Little Bella ( Twilight Fanfi...

By Clariza0809

166K 3.9K 561

My name is Isabella Marie Swan. I was 3 years old when my parents left me in the middle of nowhere. Until som... More

1. Chapter 1 ( All alone ) Part 1
2. Chapter 2 ( All alone ) Part 2
3. Chapter 3 ( A warm, cold welcome)
4. Chapter 4 ( A warm, cold welcome) Part 2
5. Chapter 5 ( Playtime )
6. Chapter 6 ( A new home )
Important Announcement
7. Chapter 7 ( A freaky family )
Read it or you will regret it.
Chapter 8. ( A freaky family part 2 )
Chapter 9. ( Running with the wind )
Chapter 10. ( The legend of the child )
Chapter 11. ( Faith )
Just some picture of them.
Chapter 12. ( A missing girl )
Chapter 13. ( Dancing with wolves )
Chapter 14. ( The sacrifice )
Chapter 15. ( Nightmares )
Chapter 17. ( Made to protect )
Chapter 18. ( Adam )
Chapter 19. ( Past and present )
Chapter 20. ( A cruel twist )
Chapter 21. ( A broken mind )
Chapter 22. ( Just a small mistake )
Chapter 23. ( Unavoidable )
Chapter 24. ( Changing rules )
Chapter 25. ( Unexpected danger )
A big thank you :-)
Chapter 26. ( Immortal child )
Chapter 27. ( Goodbye twice )
Chapter 28. ( The other child )
Chapter 29. ( Patience is a virtue )
Chapter 30. ( Defenseless )
Chapter 31. ( Unanswered questions )
Chapter 32. ( Caroline )
Chapter 33. ( A small tug )
Chapter 34. ( High school troubles )
Chapter 35. ( La Push )
Chapter 36. ( Misery always comes twice )
Chapter 37. ( The firstborn )
Chapter 38. ( Young love )
Chapter 39. ( Lost )
Chapter 40. ( In between enemy lines )
Chapter 41. ( Isabella and Caroline )
Chapter 42. ( Master of time )
Chapter 43. ( The Spirits Of Gaia )
Chapter 44. ( The new beginning )
Chapter 45. ( Epilogue )
Sequel! Sequel! Sequel!
Go and check out
To all my readers (please read)
Questions time?

Chapter 16. ( Impossibly healthy )

2.9K 80 6
By Clariza0809

Edward walked into Bella's room quietly.

'How is she?' He asked.

Sleeping soundly. No signs of any dreams or nightmares.

He sighed relieved. There was no way he could handle another dream in the same night. He was still hoping fruitlessly it was a onetime thing.

'May I?'

Rose bowed over Bella and softly kissed her cheek. She got up and left for the door.

Don't wake her up.

He slowly walked closer and took Rose her position on the side of the bed. He kept his eyes on her face. His heart was stinging painfully while he stared at her beautiful face. His sweet, innocent Bella. Why couldn't he protect her better? So far, he let her get abducted by a bunch of wolves and let her have nightmares that almost kill her.

Her hair was curling on her pillow. Softly he caressed a string of hair out of her face and tugged it behind her ear.

This so-called gift of hers scared the hell out of him and not only because it was hurting her, although that was his main concern, but also because his past held horrors that were mostly his own fault. He was not proud of those years and he was going to have to tell her about them.

He saw himself with red blazing eyes, standing over the bodies of the men he had killed. He could feel the life draining from his victims, see the light go out in their eyes. He remembered very well what it felt like to be a murderer, to be a monster. Did she have to experience this with him? Did she have to see his shame?

It was not so much for himself that he was so afraid. If she would be scared of him, or dislike him because of his past actions, it would hurt him immensely, but it was exactly what he deserved. He was afraid, because he knew how it felt like to carry the memory of committing a murder inside you. He would do anything to spare her from this fate. Her innocence was going to be shattered in a million pieces. He couldn't accept that, she was just a little girl.

He could hate himself for the mistakes he made. It was one thing to pay the price for your own mistakes but a whole other thing if someone has to pay the price with you, especially if that person is someone you love.

He loved her so much. Every day of the past year he had felt his love for her grow. She was so completely in tune with him now. When she was hurting, he was hurting more. She was his world.

He sat at her side, brooding about it for the rest of the night.

Early in the morning Alice came storming into the room, very excited.

I just won the privilege of waking Bella on her birthday from Emmett. I cheated of course, but he doesn't know that.

She smiled broadly and Edward didn't understand. He felt as if nothing could make him smile ever again.

'Did Jasper explain what happened?' He asked incredulous.

Her expression went from joy to horror very fast. She sat down next to Edward.

I am so afraid for her, Edward.

Her brow furrowed.

My past is hidden from me. What if my past is so traumatic I forgot and she has to experience it instead of me. I can't live with that, but I can't even help her. I am so useless.

He understood her frustration completely, but he felt even worse. He wasn't just useless, he was making it worse.

The only thing I can do, is make this day perfect for her, starting now.

She put her smile back on.

I have the cutest dress picked out for her.

Later that morning Edward held her hand tightly. After breakfast and cake, Carlisle took her with him to the hospital and Edward tagged along. He needed to be there for her and a secondary benefit was that he was saved from the party nazi for a few hours. Jasper wanted to come too, but he couldn't escape Alice.

Carlisle took her into an exam room and began the standard examination. Bella was quiet, letting everything happen to her, speaking only when Carlisle asked her a question. He could tell she was effected by what happened and he felt a sting of pain again. He listened to Carlisle's estimation.

Blood pressure normal.

Temperature normal.

No chest pains. No headache.

So far, so good.

Carlisle left to get an ECG device and was back quickly. He pressed the connection points on her chest and started the device. Edward held his breath and studied the monitor intensely. The only way this could be even worse was when Bella was physically damaged as well as mentally.

Hmm, perfect sine rhythm as far as I can see, but this is not my area of expertise.

In that moment another doctor walked into the room.

'You called for me, Carlisle?'

'Yes. Bella, Edward, meet Doctor Carter, our cardiologist.'

She greeted them both.

'Call me Anna.' She smiled reassuringly to Bella.

Beautiful child, surely looks healthy. I shouldn't be surprised. They told me he brought in his daughter. She most definitely got her looks from him. Just my luck that he already has a family.

Edward smiled, because she was so far from the truth. Humans couldn't see as well as vampires, so they couldn't see that Bella's beauty went deeper than Carlisle's enhanced lures.

'I would like your opinion on this electrocardiogram.'

Anna nodded and studied the display.

No abnormalities what so ever.

Edward let out his breath relieved, but stopped when the doctor gave him a quizzical look.

'I can see nothing out of the ordinary on this EGC. Her heart is healthy.'

Carlisle visibly relaxed his posture and began to uncouple her from the device.

Strange, she has a very calm heart rate for a child so young. She should be at least a little bit nervous or distressed from being in a hospital, attached to a medical machine. Maybe she inherited this from her father as well. He is always so calm.

Edward thought about it. Bella was quiet but she was not afraid. Was it because this was nothing compared to what she had been through before? It probably was, but then Bella's eyes went to Carlisle's and he saw the real reason why Bella was so calm. Her eyes were filled with trust. Carlisle was worrying about something else.

After the immense amount of distress she went through a few hours ago, you would think there would be some physical damage left to show for it. How can she be perfectly healthy?

Edward had nowhere near the medical knowledge as Carlisle, but from what he knew, he had to agree with Carlisle. It was very strange her body endured this unharmed. Carlisle carried her of the table and took her hand. They left the hospital quickly.

Edward could hear Alice's loud thoughts from miles away.

They will be back in just a few minutes. Finally! Time to get everybody and the presents ready.

Edward had his present ready for weeks now. He had thought long and hard about it. He could give her a bike as Emmett and Rose were giving her, or a beautiful dress like Alice or a book like Jasper. It were all things Bella was going to enjoy, but he wanted to give her something more durable, just like his love for her. He had worked together with Carlisle and Esme on his gift and he was very excited about it.

They walked into the house and were met with the joined voices of his family members, singing 'happy birthday'. Bella's face lit up. A table next to them was packed with presents. In front of the table stood a smashing and colourful bike with a big red ribbon on it. She unwrapped all her presents with a big smile on her face, until it was Carlisle and Esme's turn. Carlisle kneeled down in front of her, putting two hands on both her shoulders.

'Sweet Bella, you have lived with us for a year and to celebrate this, your mother and I made a very special gift for you.'

He gave her an elegantly wrapped box, which she took carefully. Her face lit up even brighter when she took out a silver chain with a small round crest hanging on it.

'It is beautiful.' She said awed.

'It is the Cullen crest, a symbol to prove to the outside world that you are a part of this family. Nobody will doubt that you belong with us ever again.' Carlisle's voice was filled with pride. 'All our children wear them.'

Bella gave Carlisle and Esme a warm embrace and lifted the necklace over her head.

'Wait.' Edward called.

She hesitated and looked at him.

'I have something for you too.'

He smiled to her and gave her his own velvet box. It contained a heart shaped diamond he had inherited from his mother. He had brought it to the best jeweller in Alaska to make it suitable next to the crest. It was his most valuable possession next to his mother's diamond wedding ring. Her eyes gleamed when she put the heart next to her crest and placed the necklace on her chest. She studied how it looked for a moment.

'It is so beautiful. I will never take it off.' She promised, kissing Edward's cheek.

Everybody laughed and she blushed a cute shade of pink.

After lunch, Esme made her favourite food, Bella's classmates came to play Alice's carefully thought up games and watch movies. Emmett was really having the day of his life. He was playing with five children, who were jumping on his back and trying to tackle him. It was like a mountain of squirming arms and legs, his roaring laughter was heard above all else. Jasper was studying Bella, which made Edward study Jasper, so he could know what Jasper felt.

Don't worry, Edward. She is happy.

Edward sighed, feeling hope for the first time.

Maybe she was strong enough.

Maybe she could handle this gift.

So do you like it or hate it. Please tell me and vote for my story. I never given a thought about people would read my story so I'm really thankful for those which is still helping me to write the story and giving me the support I need. Thank you guys so much.
Love and hugs☺️☺️


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