Royal Blood

By Ouatobsessed

114K 5.3K 942

Daring, mysterious, smart, cunning, overly rich and most of all; breathtaking. Men in every realm wish to be... More

Part One Chapter One: The Proposal
Chapter Two: Young Bride
Chapter Three: Masquerade
Chapter Four: New Journey
Chapter Five: Safe Haven
Chapter Six: Young Child
Chapter Seven: Welcome Home
Chapter Eight: Follow Along
Chapter Nine: Set Up
Chapter Ten: Fight or Flight
Chapter Eleven: Another Day
Chapter Twelve: Night Terrors
Chapter Thirteen: Travelers Town
Chapter Fourteen: Hidden Secrets
Chapter Fifteen: Drifting Away
Chapter Sixteen: Fresh Look
Chapter Seventeen: Harsh Awakenings
Chapter Eighteen: Sweet Reunion
Chapter Nineteen: Goodnight Kiss
Chapter Twenty: Choosing Sides
Chapter Twenty-One: The Arrow
Chapter Twenty-Two: Royal Blood
Chapter Twenty-Three: Holding On
Part 2 Chapter Twenty-Four: The Husband
Chapter Twenty-Five: Royal Duties
Chapter Twenty-Six: Search Hard
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Scream
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dark One
Chapter Twenty-Nine: First Lesson
Chapter Thirty: Fitting Right
Chapter Thirty-One: The Fight
Chapter Thirty-Two: Major Setbacks
Chapter Thirty-Three: Grieving
Chapter Thirty-Four: Evil Queen
Chapter Thirty-Five: Found Out
Chapter Thirty-Six: Rise Up
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Commanding Troops
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Waging War
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Kill
Chapter Fourty: Your Majesty
Chapter Fourty-One: Man Hunt
Chapter Fourty-Two: Broken Repair
Chapter Fourty-Four: My Queen
Chapter Fourty-Five: Finding Peace
Chapter Fourty-Six: Balancing Love
Chapter Fourty-Seven: True Colors
Chapter Fourty-Eight: True Love
Chapter Fourty-Nine: His Choice
Chapter Fifty: Four Weeks
Chapter Fifty-One: Magic Baby
Chapter Fifty-Two: Growing Near
Chapter Fifty-Three: Too Good
Chapter Fifty-Four: His choice
Chapter Fifty-Five: Farewell Bidding
Chapter Fifty-Six: Miss You
Chapter Fifty-Seven: One Night
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Days Past

Chapter Fourty-Three: The Dungeons

1.2K 53 6
By Ouatobsessed

"Well isn't this a nice change in scenery." Regina growled as they turned yet another corner. Shadows danced on the walls surrounding them as a bright orange flame flickered from the palm of the queens left hand. A pair of white gloves hovered six feet above the grimy cobblestone that paved the way into the stomach of the palaces dungeon.

"Regina," Graham sighed as he strode in front of his component. "Please. It's been hours." By this time, the sun was due to rise over the orchards soon and Regina still hadn't slept.

"And that's my point. We're getting no where." The stench of dirty water and ripe bodies made her stomach churn.

But then the idea of seeing Zelena sparked a new kind of determination from within. Regina was no longer under the oppression of her mother and her terrible fiancé. She had lost too many and needed the gain of family.

Leaping over a large puddle of fluid, Regina stopped walking; the flame in her hand faltering. There, looking back in the muggy reflection, stood an empress. A woman who tore hearts out for fun and made grown men quiver at the mention of her name. If Regina was to be reunited with her sister, she couldn't be seen like this. Neither Zelena nor Robin could know about what had happened in their absence. They couldn't know what she'd become.

Her signature purple smoke quickly swallowed her up, transforming Regina back into the young girl her family would be able to recognize. A simple red dress with soft features.

"Regina." Graham prodded. "We're gonna loose the gloves."

The young queen glared over at her huntsman, taking but a second to compose herself. "I want her to feel safe when she seems me. I want her to see me. Not the Queen." Graham chewed on his lip, cocking an eyebrow. "A lot has happened this past year."

Turning her attention back to the hunt for her sister, Regina made her way down the dank hall before hesitating at a split section. The white gloves had disappeared completely from sight, leaving Regina and Graham lost in the dungeons.

"Great..." He muttered. Regina closed her eyes as she listened to the stillness that surrounded them. "How do we-"

"Shh." Regina barked, holding up her hand. "Listen." She commanded.

An echo. A faint command followed by the mumbling of another. It was all Regina needed to hear before setting her path in that direction. Her legs moved with increasing pace until she couldn't help herself from jogging.

The queen had lost all poise.

Her heart pounded heavily in her chest as she began to feel the panic rise within her. This was it. She was to either see her sister or-


Regina froze, retracing her steps until she stood beside yet another hallway. Turning to her right, Regina almost fell to the floor at the sight of her sister.

Zelena stood, hands gripping the bars that kept her locked away from the world. Her face was thin and smudged with dirt, her hair knotted and matted down. The green dress she wore had become a filthy brown from sitting in damp hay for who knows how long.

To her left, in another cell, stood Will in the same conditions. He looked up at the floating gloves that now hovered over Zelena's head, then back at Regina. He squinted his eyes before looking past her at Graham. Regina's stomach twisted with the knowledge that he knew about her. About the magic and the kingdom and the death. Fear rose like a fever within her. If Will were to turn on her, to tell robin, Regina would be left with no one.

"Regina!" Zelena reached her arm out through the bar, tears welling in her eyes. "Oh, Regina, look at you." Regina stepped forwards, clasping her sisters hand in her own. Everything felt like a daze. Like she wasn't really there. That Zelena would learn what had happened and that she'd turn against her.

"Gina?" A tiny voice rose from the back of Zelena's skirts. Little hands reached out to brush Regina's waist before she dropped to her knees. Roland stood beside Zelena, scared and small. His big round eyes were haunted by dark circles, his tiny fingers caked with dirt.

Regina reached out, kissing his hands. Tears welled in her eyes as a laugh of relief escaped her lips. "Roland." She whispered, reaching through the bars to stroke his hair. "I'm here now. It's alright."

Mustering up all the authority she could, Regina wiped her cheeks and broke away from the small child, locking eyes with her sister. "Graham?" Regina called, turning to see her huntsman reaching for the keys on the other side of the hall.

"Already a step ahead, your majesty." He called over his shoulder.

"Your majesty?" Zelena whispered, drawing her sisters attention back to her. "What...?"

Regina shook her head and stepped back as Graham brushed past, bending down to unlock the cell. "I've got a lot to tell you." Regina nervously smoothed the wrinkles of her skirt as her huntsman knelt before the cell.

"Where's Robin?" Will asked, leaning closer to watch the events laying out before him. His jaw was set, his eyes cold and hard. Regina swallowed as she pushed away the shame that came along with Will's change in attitude towards her.

"He's not well. He's at the palace. He just... Needs time to heal." Regina explained. "My mother's reign has just ended and I'm trying to settle everything down."

"Mothers reign...? What happened, Regina?" Zelena asked over the sound of the bolt unlocking. Regina's sister immediately pushed her way past Graham and into her sisters arms. The two held each other close, both holding in tears and questions that were still unanswered.

"I'm so sorry." Regina whispered, looking up to the ceiling. The darkness that had swallowed her for so long dissipated, making Regina feel empty and vulnerable.

"It's not your fault. I'm just happy you're okay. That you're not too hurt, right?" Zelena stepped back to allow Roland through. Regina smiled, reaching down to scoop the little boy up.

"Sweet boy." Regina whispered, kissing his temple as she rocked carefully in place. Hot tears slowly rolled down her cheeks as she held Roland safe in her arms. "Oh, my sweet boy. Are you okay?" Roland nodded, grasping a handful of her hair. "Of course you were okay, you were with Zelena and Will."

Graham stepped back to let Will out of his cell, glancing cautiously up at the white gloves that still hovered above their heads. Regina watched as he made his way over to Zelena, snaking one arm around her waist.

"We should get going, your majesty." Graham nodded, glancing at Zelena's gloves before making his way back down the hall.

"Right..." Regina mumbled, taking her sisters hand before leading her out of the chambers.


The water was a murky brown now, full of soap and grime. A damp Roland sat on Regina's hip, his head on her shoulder. The smell of lavender wafted up from his hair, making Regina close her eyes.

"Are you sure that's it?" Katherine asked from the corner of the tub. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun, her hands scrubbing at the stains Roland had left from after her bath.

"Yes, Katherine. I can handle him." Regina assured, lowering herself into her vanity chair.

"Not him, Regina. Will and Zelena. They... They don't know." Katherine looked up, her gray eyes glazed with a look of concern.

"I can handle it. Zelena is my sister. She... She knows her way around the castle. Will can catch up. He's good at that."

"Regina-" Katherine pleaded, shaking her head. "You know that's not what I meant." Standing from her position on the tile floors, Katherine dried her hands before walking over to the bed and turning it down. "So much has gone on. They're gonna ask questions."

"Katherine please." Regina pleaded, kissing Roland's head before laying him down on a bed. He frowned, his face wrinkling as he tried to stay awake. "It's alright." Regina whispered in his ear. "I'm right here." Perching on the edge of the bed, Regina ran her fingers through his damp hair.

A soft knock at the door interrupted Regina's train of thought, distracting her from her nurse. Zelena stood at the door in a pale blue nightgown, her hair plaited. "I'm sorry to interrupt."

"No worries." Katherine smiled. "I'll let you two settle in and check in later." She looked back at Regina, raising an eyebrow before seeing herself out.

"Regina..." Zelena licked her lips, frowning slightly. "Regina I know a lot happened these past months but I just wanted you to know that you can tell me." She assured. "We're sisters."

"Moms gone." Regina looked down at Roland as she stroked his head.

"I know. You're queen now." Zelena nodded. "And..."

"Daddy is up on the hill." Regina closed her eyes, holding back the tears that threatened to spill.

"Oh." Zelena swallowed. Silence overcame them; Regina watching Roland sleep while Zelena stood at the foot of the bed.

"Mother killed him." Regina whispered. "So I pushed her out."

"And Leopold?"

Regina turned for the first time to face her sister. "It's late." She ran her hands through her hair, standing from her spot on the bed. "I suggest you get some sleep before the morning. We've got a lot to do."

"I understand." Zelena stepped back as Regina walked past, reaching out to grab her wrist. "We'll talk tomorrow, right Regina?" Zelena prodded, squeezing her sisters arm. "You'll talk to me tomorrow?"

"I'll do my best." Regina forced a smile before kissing Zelena's cheek. "I'm glad to have you back."

"I'm glad to be back."

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't gotten a chapter out to you in a while! This month just hasn't been good to me! I hope you like this chapter and I'll be sure to post another one sometime this upcoming weekend if not Friday.

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