Immobile......[BW/Biracial Ma...

By nikkib101

261K 5.3K 938

๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ‡ A New After Hours Romance๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ‡ *SNEAK PEEK ONLY* Lena Rae is a stripper, one that just strips for money... More

20 Questions(Part 1)
20 Questions (Part Two)
Thank You's....
Immobile 2


10K 485 63
By nikkib101

"Lena?" a strong voice called to Lena, pulling her out of the darkness.

"Mmm..." she groaned, blinking her eyes.

"Wake up." she heard Akylas say, annoying her.

"Shut up." she hissed softly, rubbing her eyes as she sat up from the couch.

"Took you long enough, here." Akylas said, handing her a glass of water and a small pill.

A Xanax....

The medicine she was prescribed....

"Oh, thank god!" quickly, she snatched the glass and pill from his hand, swallowing them down.

"You take xanax?" Ike asked, surprised.

"Yes, for anxiety." Lena answered, then took another swig of water. She sat the glass down on the table, then sighed, rubbing her neck.

"Why do you have anxiety?" Akylas asked, brow furrowed in curiosity.

"Why do you have xanax?" Lena countered, getting angry. "Touche..." Akylas said, cracking his neck as he hopped over to the other side of the leather sectional. Lena frowned, feeling bad as he sat down.

"I'm sorry, it's just.... I don't lose it often around others..... I'm sorry." she repeated, still rubbing her neck.

"She knows how to apologize..... Surprising, hmm." Ike said, rubbing his chin with a smug smile on his face.

"I'm leaving!" Lena huffed, standing quickly.

To think she almost felt horrible for him....

"No, you're not. You just fainted. You're in no condition to do anything or go anywhere!" Akylas countered, struggling to stand. Lena turned away, unable to watch the scene.

"I-I- I have work and school. I have to go..."she said softly, turning back around, seeing Ike hopping toward her. "Where is your fucking cane!?" she said, catching him as he almost fell.

"Upstairs, why?" Akylas said, steadying himself.

"Because you need it!" Lena yelled, releasing him.

"I'm fine, you're not leaving. Lena, you're sick, you can't work or go to school today. You need rest." Akylas told her, looking at her with a worried frown on his face.

"I'm fine...." Lena said, then sighed, feeling lightheaded. "I'd be a fool to let you leave. Look at you!" Akylas yelled, shaking his head.

"Ike, I'm fine..... Please...." Lena huffed, putting her hand on her forehead.

"Fine! But, I'm calling to check on you later!" Akylas said, making her nod. Pulling out his phone, he dialed a taxi, then ended the call, looking dead at Lena.

"Thank you.... For the meds, and the nap..... Again, I'm sorry. I'll wait outside." Lena said, turning away from him.

"You don't have to, Len-..." Akylas started, but she cut him off.

"Please...." she whispered, back still turned. Akylas said nothing as she began walking away, not looking back......

Lena stuck her key in her apartment door, opening it and stepping inside. Sighing, she closed the door behind herself, then locked it, sliding out of her shoes. Suddenly, a knock sounded at the door, making her jump. Turning, she looked through the peephole, almost jumping out of her skin at the sight of Donovan.

How did he find out where she lived!?

"Go away, Donovan! Now!" she yelled, fear setting in.

"Lena, please. I love you! I just want to talk!" he yelled, making her shake slightly. Twisted Fuck!

"I swear if you don't leave, I'm going to call the cops, Donovan. I'm not kidding!" Lena yelled, hitting the door, trying to scare him away.

"Fine, but this isn't over!" Donovan yelled back, hitting the door. Lena watched through the peephole as he walked away, her vision becoming blurry. Turning around, she caught her breath, then broke out in a sob, sliding down the door. Why was this happening to her? Why did this loon keep bothering her?

God, he was another Tanner, which was scary for her. Standing quickly, she ran to her room, locking herself away voluntarily......

Days passed, Lena not leaving her apartment, in fear Donovan would pop up. She hadn't been to work or school, and she had missed two visits with her father, making her regretful, but today she decided to visit him. Lena walked into the nursing home, smile on her face. Going over to her father's room, she opened the door and froze, seeing Akylas and her father laughing.

What the hell?

"Lena-bear! Hi!" her father said, the corners of his mouth crinkling up as he smiled at her.

"H-H-Hi, daddy...." Lena said, surprised her father used her name.

"You look pretty today, baby girl." her father said, mentioning toward her yellow sun dress.

"Yes, she does, Mr. Rae." Ike said, shaking his head in agreement.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Reynolds?" Lena asked, being formal.

"I paid for your fathers stay and medical bills." he answered simply, leaving her stunned.


"Why?" she asked him, getting angry.

She and her father weren't charity cases!

"Because you can't. They were going to put him out today. You would have known that if you would have visited him." Akylas told her, being smug. Lena froze at his words, feeling guilty.

"Leave..." she said softly, looking away from him.

"No, you haven't visited him in weeks. He needs company, male company." Ike said, using his cane to stand.

"Like you know..." Lena huffed as he walked over to her, shifting her weight onto her other foot.

"Do you know that this man knows the history of baseball like the back of his hand!? From every base ever hit, to every home run?!" Akylas said, astonished.

"Gil Hodges was an eight-time All-Star, from 1949–55...." Lena smiled at her father as he started to ramble, looking out the window. She walked over, sliding into bed beside him.

"What else did he accomplish, daddy?" she asked, making him ramble more. Akylas smiled a little, using his cane to walk back over to his seat. Lena and Ike spent hours with her father, listening to old baseball stories, and talking of nothing in particular. It was so nice that he was responsive today. It made Lena really happy.

And, Akylas could tell....

"Are you cold , daddy?" Lena asked her father, rubbing his legs.

"No, Lena-bear, I'm fine." her father said, smiling at her sweetly.

"I'll tell them to get you some blankets just in case." Ike said, grunting as he used his cane to stand. He walked out of the room, leaving Lena and her father alone.

"Where have you been, Lena-bear?" her father asked her, making her sad.

"Hiding, daddy...." she whispered, rubbing his legs gently.

"That boy is trouble, Lena, always locking you away as if you're in prison. I hate Tanner.... He's filth!" Norman spat, making Lena smile sadly. She already knew that...

"Now, that Ike! That's a good man, Lena-bear. I like him...." her father said, blowing her out of the water.

Uh, what?

"Uh... Yes. Yes, he is...." Lena said, flustered.

"Are you two dating.... Or, are you friends?" Norman said, making her smile, happy he forgot about Tanner. "No, I-..." she started, but was cut off as Akylas entered the room. "No, she hasn't said yes yet." he said, making Lena choke on the air in her lungs.


This fool better stawp!

"Well, she better!" Norman said, making her cough.

Now, this fool better stawp!...

"Daddy, stop. I have to go now, and so does Ike." she said, kissing his cheek.

"Bye, honey. I love you." Norman said, making her teary eyed.

"I love you, too , daddy." she said, smiling sadly. She didn't know when he'd be responsive again, but today was amazing, and she'd miss it. Lena turned, running out of the room, tears falling down her face.

"Lena!" Akylas yelled, going after her. He caught up with her, grabbing her arm.

"Thank you for visiting him!" she cried, turning around and burying her face in his button down.

"No problem.... The nurse told me you hadn't been in awhile, so figured he'd like a little male companionship." Ike told her, rubbing her back.

"Why haven't you been to see him?" Akylas asked Lena as she pulled away, wiping her face.

"No reason, I was just tired so I just didn't feel like coming." she said, knowing her words sounded bad.

"Or, hiding...." Akylas said, brow raised.

"How much did you here?" Lena said, eyes narrowed. "Everything.... Take my offer and you won't have worry about those loons from the club stalking you." Akylas told her, making her sigh.

"It's really none of your business, do you know that?" Lena said, a little annoyed. "I've paid for your fathers medical bills and your schooling, so I deserve to know." Akylas said, surprising the crap out of her.

What? When? Where? And, how? She was really stunned, she didn't even have words.... "Your little EX is not me, I won't hurt you. I don't play prison warden...It'll be completely sexual, no feelings at all." Akylas said, bracing himself on his cane.

"I don't know...." Lena said, then sighed. "Your fathers bills are paid, and so is your schooling. You can do this for yourself. Experiment while making money on the side. Discovering you sexuality.... And, actually enjoying it, instead of putting on like you do at the club." Lena bit her lip, taking in Ike's words. He had a point... She wouldn't be doing this for anyone but herself. "Okay..." she said, then swallowed hard. "Really?" Ike said, surprised. "Yes, I want to do it.... But, I don't want you falling in love with me." Lena told him, making him snort. "That will never happen." he said, shaking his head. "Of course it won't. I only want your dick.... And, your money." Lena said, making him freeze.

Little snot...

"I can't believe you live here..." Akylas said for the hundredth time as he stood in Lena's bedroom, watching her gather clothing.

"I don't talk about your lavish home, so don't talk about mine." she rebutted, zipping her duffle bag.

"You call this lavish?" Ike asked, brow raised.

"Did you not note the sarcasm?" Lena asked, pursing her lips in a sassy manner. "Ahh." Akylas said, nodding. "Okay, we can go, I have all I need." Lena said, throwing her bag over her shoulder. She and Akylas walked out of her room, going toward the front door. They walked out, Lena locking the door before they left. Leaving the apartment lobby, they ventured to Ike's car, getting in. Akylas started the engine, then pulled off, driving to Cumming. He pulled up to his home, cutting the engine. He and Lena got out, closing the doors behind themselves. Going over to the house door, Akylas unlocked it, stepping in. He welcomed Lena in, closing the door behind her.

"Your room is this way..." he said, leading her into the living room and through the hall. They came to a bedroom that sat across from his. Opening the door, Akylas revealed a  chic decorated room with a canopy bed sitting in the middle, dressed in grey and white bedding.

Oh wow...

"This is for me?" Lena asked, stunned.

"Yes, I wanted you comfortable." Ike told her, making he swallow hard. "Thank you...." she said, stepping into the room, looking around. It was so nice....

"Dinner will be ready in a bit.." Akylas told her, using his cane to turn away.

"Okay." Lena said, nodding as he walked away. Lena went over to the bed, then began unpacking her things, putting them away. After she was done, she took a shower in the bathroom down the hall, then made her way back to her room. Opening the dresser, she pulled out some clothing, then put it on. Grabbing her brush, she brushed her wet, wavy hair. Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she ventured to the kitchen, hoping she didn't get lost.

"You're late..." Ike told her as she sat down, making her roll her eyes.

"How can you be late for dinner. This isn't a date." Lena said, then huffed in amusement as his eye twitched.

"Let's start, shall we, since you're already in one of your moods." Akylas said, causing her to toll her eyes again. "You're quitting your job, it's not suitable for a woman with your smarts. Secondly, you're becoming my new assistant..." Ike told her, making her snort. How cliche....

Couldn't he make her a janitor, or something?

"That's it?" Lena asked, brow raised. "Yes, that is all. You can roam about the house freely. Go where you want. Do what you want. But.... If I hear about you at that club, this agreement is terminated." Ike said, making her nod.

"Any questions?" Ike asked, then took a sip of wine.

"How did you get those scars on your chest?" Lena asked him as she pointed at his bare chest, making him choke on his wine.

"I was in Iraq." he said simply, making her nod again.

"Was it...scary? The war, I mean..." Lena said, curious.

"It was...different...." Akylas answered, not wanting to share much.

"How did you end up with a cane?" Lena asked, becoming intrigued.

"I don't think that's any of your business." Ike said, shutting her down.

"Well then..." Lena said, clearing her throat.

"I don't think I'm really hungry, do you want to have sex?" she asked, hoping to lighten the mood.

"No." Akylas said, making her nod.


Slowly, she got up, leaving Akylas alone. He watched her go, then sighed, feeling like shit. She was a bitch, but he didn't have to be one. But, he wasn't use to a woman constantly being around... It was different for him. Lena was different for him. She was different from Abby, his first love. But, he wanted her, and he didn't know why.... Finishing his meal, he got up, going to Lena's room. Reaching for the knob, he opened the door. Looking in , he saw Lena asleep, cuddling a teddy bear. He contained a chuckle, shaking his head at the sight. The snake lady liked teddy bears?


Still shaking his head, he closed the door, letting her sleep....

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