Royal Blood

By Ouatobsessed

115K 5.3K 942

Daring, mysterious, smart, cunning, overly rich and most of all; breathtaking. Men in every realm wish to be... More

Part One Chapter One: The Proposal
Chapter Two: Young Bride
Chapter Three: Masquerade
Chapter Four: New Journey
Chapter Five: Safe Haven
Chapter Six: Young Child
Chapter Seven: Welcome Home
Chapter Eight: Follow Along
Chapter Nine: Set Up
Chapter Ten: Fight or Flight
Chapter Eleven: Another Day
Chapter Twelve: Night Terrors
Chapter Thirteen: Travelers Town
Chapter Fourteen: Hidden Secrets
Chapter Fifteen: Drifting Away
Chapter Sixteen: Fresh Look
Chapter Seventeen: Harsh Awakenings
Chapter Eighteen: Sweet Reunion
Chapter Nineteen: Goodnight Kiss
Chapter Twenty: Choosing Sides
Chapter Twenty-One: The Arrow
Chapter Twenty-Two: Royal Blood
Chapter Twenty-Three: Holding On
Part 2 Chapter Twenty-Four: The Husband
Chapter Twenty-Five: Royal Duties
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Scream
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Dark One
Chapter Twenty-Nine: First Lesson
Chapter Thirty: Fitting Right
Chapter Thirty-One: The Fight
Chapter Thirty-Two: Major Setbacks
Chapter Thirty-Three: Grieving
Chapter Thirty-Four: Evil Queen
Chapter Thirty-Five: Found Out
Chapter Thirty-Six: Rise Up
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Commanding Troops
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Waging War
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Kill
Chapter Fourty: Your Majesty
Chapter Fourty-One: Man Hunt
Chapter Fourty-Two: Broken Repair
Chapter Fourty-Three: The Dungeons
Chapter Fourty-Four: My Queen
Chapter Fourty-Five: Finding Peace
Chapter Fourty-Six: Balancing Love
Chapter Fourty-Seven: True Colors
Chapter Fourty-Eight: True Love
Chapter Fourty-Nine: His Choice
Chapter Fifty: Four Weeks
Chapter Fifty-One: Magic Baby
Chapter Fifty-Two: Growing Near
Chapter Fifty-Three: Too Good
Chapter Fifty-Four: His choice
Chapter Fifty-Five: Farewell Bidding
Chapter Fifty-Six: Miss You
Chapter Fifty-Seven: One Night
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Days Past

Chapter Twenty-Six: Search Hard

1.7K 90 7
By Ouatobsessed

Lightning flashed outside as thunder gently rumbled, adding to the group of musicians as they played one final song. Soon, Regina would say her farewells and be sent back off to bed while Leopold handled the final pieces of the ball. That is, if he could remain until the end.

So far, the man had had 4 glasses of champagne since he first dragged Regina out onto the floor and her knowledge was well enough to guess that he had been heavily drinking before the event as well.

Another grumble of thunder as the song seemed to die down made Regina's partner sigh. "Looks like we'll be here all night." He muttered, dipping Regina before yanking her back into place.

The young princess winced before responding to her fiancé. "What do you mean?"

"There's a storm on its way. We can't send our loyal subjects back into that treacherous experience." Leopold downed another glass before slamming it onto an empty tray.

Regina's brow furrowed as she stood beside Leopold, surveying all the happy couples around her. Their life seemed so simple compared to her own. So happy. "But I can't be up much longer and still be expected to function in the morning."

The crack of thunder made Regina stand up straight. The sound of an arrow hitting a wooden trunk zipped into her mind, making its way into her consciousness. Regina shook her head, squinting at the odd thought.

"Regina, how do you expect to be queen some day if you can't even handle this situation?" Leopold grumbled, swaying a bit on his feet.

"I wasn't expecting." Regina muttered, watching as a woman laughed at something her spouse said. She had dark hair, like Regina, and the man she was with had bright green eyes. Eyes that looked so familiar.

The image flashed quickly before her eyes before fading away, but it took longer for her to catch her breath. A man, tall and quite handsome, smiling. His bright green eyes sparkled in the daylight, standing out with the leaves and trees around him. His dark brown hair was ruffled from sleep and he was saying something but by the time Regina realized it, the memory was barely able to be grasped. Her heart fluttered at the sudden thought of this man, whose name was unknown to her.

"Regina." Leopold gently shook her back to reality. Another strike of lighting, closer than the last, flashed through the high set windows. "What has gotten into you?" Shaking her head, Regina turned to catch a glimpse of her father.

"Nothing." She whispered, praying that her father would see her silent plea for rescue. Her head wasn't on her shoulders and she needed saving from the brutality sitting in front of her.

"Don't you dare lie to me." Leo growled, continuing to chastise her. But Regina wasn't listening. When it got too hard to focus, she whipped around in anger.

"Tace!" She hissed, surprised to have pulled out her native tongue. With all the foreign visitors and her uncultured fiancé, she had spoken English as her primary language for quite some time.

Leopold reeled back, anger flashing in his eyes. She knew he didn't understand her command to stop talking but with the harsh tone shed used, Regina had no doubt that he knew it wasn't a polite saying. "How dare you sp-"

"There you are." The gentle voice of her father contrasted greatly with the harsh conversation the two were having. "Leopold I've come to have a dance with my daughter." The King rested a hand on his daughters shoulder, answering her longing stare. "If you don't mind, that is."

The simple phrase, usually taken as a question, was meant as a challenge. No one dared to tell the king of the Enchanted Forest no, even his daughter's fiancé. So the older man obliged and slowly backed away from Regina. "As you wish." Leopold murmured before stalking away into the crowd.

Regina turned to her father and smiled. "Gratias tibi." She whispered, gratefully taking his hand as he lead her to a corner of the crowd. Music started to swell again, causing the pair to slowly waltz the outskirts of the floor.

Her father bowed his head and smiled, kissing her cheek. "You're welcome." He whispered, spinning Regina before pulling her close. "
Quid perturbati estis?" He asked, hinting at the secrecy of their conversation.

I've been having visions. Mother says they're just a side-effect of the medicine but I haven't been taking it.

"Vidi enim omnia . Dicit mater iustus a parte autem effectus non ferens."

Her father frowned, nodding in thought.

Yes I am aware. I have not given you the medication. It is not right.

"Nam ego sum ​​conscius . Ego enim dedi vobis elit. hoc est non recta ."

Regina's head tilted in confusion. Why hadn't he given her the medication needed to heal her? Before she could open her mouth to ask the question, her father interrupted.

The visions you have been seeing are memories, Regina. The medicine makes you forget. Do not say anything.

"Visiones videntur fuisse memoriae Regina. In oblivionem facit Medicine . Non aliquid." Regina's pink skirts flew out around her as Henry spun her and pulled her closer. His cheek rested against hers as he squeezed his daughter tight in his arms.

"Go. Find him." He whispered into her ear. Another flash of lightening added to the brightness of the ballroom. "Go find Robin." Henry pushed her away and spun her as thunder clapped.


The memories came flooding back, weakening Regina's knees. His smile and laugh came first, his twinkling bright eyes shining through the fog in her head. Then came his strong arms and the kindness she had found in his heart.

"Go." Her father urged, squeezing her shoulders. "Before it's too late." Lightning flashed as Regina's knees became weak. Memories rushed to her, turning everything upside down.

Her escape, the weeks she spent at the tavern, every single detail about Robin and Roland. Roland. Sweet sweet child, where was he? Why would her mother and Leopold want to hide these memories from her? Why would her father try so hard to save her from the depths of confusion?

Looking around, Regina bowed her head in thanks to her father before scurrying out of the ballroom. Regina didn't dare look behind her as her skirts rustled beside her feet. She could hear the rain from inside the halls of her own palace. Regina turned down halls and burst through empty rooms until she was completely lost. She had no idea where she was going or where Robin was. Her father obviously knew he was in the palace somewhere but-

The morning when Leopold's army had found them flickered into her mind. The shouting and fighting. The fear that she had harbored. If her memories served her right, Robin would've been wanted as well for keeping Regina away. And there was only one place she could think of that would suit Leopold's desire for keeping them both apart.

The dungeons.


Zelena groaned in protest as she was thrown down the musty stairs and into the dungeon. Turning on her heel, she tried once more to fight against the strong soldiers. But before she could make a move, they had gripped her arms and lifted her off the ground.

She was thrown into a stone cellar with hay in a corner for sleeping. The edges of her confinement were swallowed in shadows cast from a small window at the top of the wall. "Do you really think you can win?" Zelena pushed, gripping the bars of her cellar. "Regina will prevail. If I can't defeat you, she will. She's stronger than you think."

A soldier turned to glare back at the queen. She stood tall in her soaked coats and huffed. "Long live the queen." Zelena states, speaking of her sister instead of herself.

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