Power (Book 1)

By brycethehampton

127K 7.6K 529

Jay West used to be an ordinary guy, hanging out with his friends, worrying about college, and having teenage... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Author's Note

Chapter 18

2.6K 155 13
By brycethehampton

I ran into the wall fourteen more times before I got control of my speed. Que made me run 150 laps total- and every one of them was painful after the first thirty. I actually understand why he ran me so hard, though. After those laps, I had almost completely mastered running.

It was kind of like a baby's first steps. After the initial first foot on the floor, I fell, fell, and fell again, each time knowing what to do and what not to do. I figured out how fast I needed to run to make turns and how to slow down the right way so as not to catch my shoes on fire.

Que doesn't seem that bad of a teacher. He obviously knows his way around superspeed, no matter how bad his fashion choices are. I think I'm gonna like him.

Overall, it was a pretty productive day.

As I politely declined Jake's offer to ride me back home (he was waiting for me outside his car), I wondered if I could start running everywhere. No car, no bike, no bus, no nothing. I could literally run to any place faster than any other transportation.

My thinking was interrupted by a buzz from my pocket.

I checked my phone. It was Cassie. It's been a while since I've heard from her. I answered it cheerily.

"Hey!" I said, my peppy mood flowing over into my voice. "What's up?"

"Where have you been!" Cassie exclaimed. Unlike me, she was definitely not happy. She actually seemed worried. "I haven't seen you at school, and no one knows where you are, I've asked. Even Mr. Brown, and...are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said, walking along the road. I was surprised that Principal Brown hadn't announced to the school that I was kicked out. He even took it so far as to lie to Cassie. That may have been the only nice thing he's ever done for me in my whole life unless he's just trying not to ruin the school's reputation or something. "Don't worry about me."

"I know, I know," she said. "But when are you coming back? To school, I mean."

"I'm not coming back," I said quietly. My good mood dwindled a little. "I got kicked out."

"How did that happen?" she asked skeptically. She was no longer angry, just confused.

"Since there was no proof that I didn't attack my parents and there is no other witness but you...I don't know how that works. But Principal Brown kicked me out the next day. So really, I don't care." I tried to act nonchalant, as if I really didn't care. But really, I missed going to school- even though I'd only been gone a week and a half.

"Oh, that son of a bitch!" Cassie exclaimed. "I wish he would just quit already. I don't like him at all." She paused, probably thinking of what to say.

"Hey! I know what you can do! See, my parents just got this new security system installed at the house, and it has this camera that sees outside the door. They got it because they think everyone else in the neighborhood has it. If that's true, then that means that there's a pretty high chance that the people who live in front of your house do, too. And if they do, could you get it and show Mr. Brown so he could let you back in?"

"Why would that help me?" I didn't get what she was saying.

"They could have footage of when you were getting beat up by that weird-named guy on the street. And, with any luck, they'll have a good camera, too, so they might have recorded some of the fight inside the house through the window."

I completely ignored her comment and considered her option. "You may be right, Cassie." My good mood came back in full force. I might actually be able to get back into Skyview. "I'll call you back in a second." I hung up the phone.

If Cassie was right...I would owe her so big for this.

Looking down the street at the long run ahead of me, I hoped I could control my speed enough to be able to run back home. It would be awesome if I would never have to drive anywhere again.

I planted my foot in the ground and crouched down. I put my index finger down in front of me. The ground felt dirty and rough.

I pushed off of my right foot, then landed on my left and pushed off again. Each step was taking me a mile further, the wind billowing around my clothes and blowing my hair back. I looked down at my body and only saw a blur, blue lightning arcing across my torso.

I watched the street signs as I passed by. Main Street, Second Street, Hemling Avenue. They all went by so fast, but somehow, my mind and eyes could keep up.

I jumped over cars, not tripping or even slowing down in the process. It only took a few minutes to get to my old house.


Thinking about what happened and actually seeing the results were two completely different things.

I decided to go back through my old house before asking the neighbors for their security footage. I wanted to see just how much damage our fight had caused. Plus, if there was any evidence of the fight that the police may have missed, that would be perfect to help in the case.

When I got there, the first thing I noticed was the lack of police presence. No yellow tape, no forensics scientists coming in and out, none of the obvious police cars. I know they didn't come already because they would've taken me in for questioning.

The front door was hanging off of one of its hinges, so there was no need to open it. I trudged slowly through the doorframe.

The living room was in ruins. The family pictures that had previously been hanging on the walls were now smashed on the floor. Books were torn and lying everywhere. There was a giant hole in the roof from when Metagor had fallen through and knocked me out of the house. Broken glass lay scattered all around the floor, the afternoon sunlight reflecting off of it.

I ran up the stairs to look back at my room. It looked normal. Nothing was out of the ordinary. But out in the hallway, there was one thing out of place.

A hole. A giant fist-sized hole in the wall. I'd give one guess on who made it.

In the hole, around the outside, was a tiny claw. It didn't look like much, but I wanted to keep it anyway, just in case. I picked it out of place and put it in my pocket.

Next, I went to my parents' room. Just like mine,  there wasn't a scratch or blemish on its walls. The only thing out of place was the house phone, smashed on the floor.

This must have been where Mom had called me. Luckily, there was no blood, so there was no proof that she was actually killed- at least not here.

I was satisfied with my analysis. There was nothing left for me here. The kitchen was clean, minus the broken plates and occasional household item on the floor.

I settled on finally going to my neighbor's house, across the street from mine.

Three knocks on the door. Quick and hard. It would be inconvenient if they weren't there.

I heard a rustle of commotion behind the door. Then the lock clicked, and the door opened inward.

"Are you Jay West?" Mrs. Parkman asked. She was an old lady, wrinkles lining her ancient face. Her surprisingly full gray hair hung in a ponytail behind her.

Yes, I noticed that she automatically knew my name. I put that in the back of my head for asking about later.

"Yes ma'am," I said politely. "Sorry to bother you. If you don't mind me asking, can you tell me where you were when my family was attacked?" One question always leads to another. I couldn't sound too direct, otherwise, I would scare away the woman.

"Actually, I don't mind," she responded. "In fact, I'd rather you came inside so we can talk."

I walked through the door, nodding my head towards the woman in courtesy. She closed the door behind me softly.

Hopefully, by the time I left this house, I'd  have all the proof I needed.

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