Old Flames ✖️ Stelena

By luthorscorps

42.2K 1.2K 449

"Heartbreak has a funny way of making you reach out to old flames" Elena Gilbert and Stefan Salvatore had tru... More

Q&A #1
Q&A #2
Q&A #3
Book Oscars
Exciting News


1.5K 50 9
By luthorscorps

Groaning, Elena woke up, shielding her eyes from the sun ray that was leaking in from the window. Blocking the eyes from the sun even more Elena sat up a little. That was the complete wrong thing to do. Her head throbbed so bad her head fell back on the pillow, squishing it. Ow, Elena thought, holding her head while still blocking the light from burning her eyes out.

"Morning sleepyhead. How's the hangover feeling?" Stefan came in carrying a tray and shutting the door with his foot behind him.

"Ugh, I'm never drinking again." Elena pulled the covers over her head.

Stefan chuckled, making Elena want to remove the covers from her head, but still couldn't. "That's what everyone says during the hangover phase."

"Why are you even here?"

"I'm the one who saved you from doing something stupid last night. I dropped by early to make you breakfast and make sure you were alright."

Elena removed the covers from her head finally to see a plate of eggs and bacon with a tall glass of orange juice on the tray Stefan brought in. Elena was about to sit up when the throbbing pain in her head popped back up and made it feel like a drum was being played inside of her head. Groans left her mouth without permission.

"I used your keys to get in just in case you were wondering." Stefan sat back up walking over to the door.

"Thank you."

Stefan smiled showing off his dimples. Elena missed those dimples so much. They were so cute, and brought out his smile more. "What are friends for?"

A crack made its way into Elena's heart. Friends. That's all they'll ever be now. Stefan didn't see her as anything more. He was happy in life without her. Her heart was crying out in pain now. It didn't matter. There was nothing Elena could do about it. Amara would be forever fatherless.

Elena shook her head at the thought. Wrong thing to do again. Groaning, Elena sat up slightly and began to eat her meal. When she was done, she slipped out of bed, heading to the bathroom. A cold shower should help this stupid hangover.

Bleep. Elena's phone had went off. Katherine had texted her. Can I borrow Amara for one more night? Elena texted back a quick reply of yes to Katherine. Katherine was obsessed with Amara. Elena was pretty sure Katherine would kidnap her daughter if she could.

Going downstairs, Elena looked out of the sliding door as she did every morning when Stefan was working. Sure enough, Stefan and his workmates starting to dig a big hole in the ground for the ground pool. Amara was going to love that pool. Elena could imagine it now. Amara would be splashing in the water. Elena would be lounging on a pool chair observing Amara's fun time while reading a magazine. It was going to be wonderful when it was finished.

She didn't want to be all alone today. Elena felt she would let herself do something stupid again if she stayed all alone today. All she could remember from last night was going to a bar and waking up this morning being greeted by Stefan. Everything else was a blurred image, even with squinting, Elena couldn't recall it. Alcohol: The greatest memory wiper.

Pulling out her cellphone, Elena typed out a text to Bonnie and Caroline: Hey guys, you want to have a sleepover? Amara's over at Katherine's house for the night and I'm all alone. Sending out the text Elena got replies in a few minutes. Caroline: Yes! Bonnie: Sure. That sounds great. Elena smiled as she and her friends started making plans.

"I'm home!" Caroline entered the house with the spare key Elena had made certainly for Caroline since it was all pink and glittery.

Elena laughed and gave her blonde friend a hug. "Good to see yah. Thank you for keeping me company tonight."

"No, thank you. Klaus's visiting his family out in New Orleans. I would've gone with, but work held me bad. All I've been doing at night is pigging out on popcorn and screaming at reruns of American Idol."

They went into the kitchen to get some food and refreshments. The doorbell rang, so Elena left Caroline in the kitchen looking for food. It turned out to be Bonnie. Giving her a hug, Elena greeted her kindly.

"Damon thanks you dearly. He wanted to go out with his friends for a drink, but wouldn't leave me alone at home. He felt if he left me all alone I would go into sudden labor and not be able to get to the hospital by myself. The man and his nerves." Bonnie laughed, setting her purse on the coat rack.

"Well, I guess tonight was a great idea." Elena and Bonnie walked into the kitchen to see Caroline devouring pancakes.

"They have pancakes!" the pancake eating girl squealed.

The two dark-haired girls rolled their eyes at their blonde friend. Caroline and pancakes were a match made in heaven. If Klaus didn't propose they were sure Caroline would have married fluffy golden pancakes. Finally, Caroline finished off her pancakes. "We should go shopping," Caroline declared, wiping some syrup off her pink lip-glossed lip.

"Really Caroline? You just ate pancakes, and now you want to go shopping?" Bonnie giggled.

Caroline just shrugged her shoulders. Bonnie's eyes peered over Elena to see someone familiar working outside. "Oh, I spy a hottie with a body."

Everyone turned in the direction where Bonnie was looking. There was Stefan shirtless, showing off his muscular body while he worked. Sweat glistened on his tanned skin, making him look completely godly. "Too bad he's engaged," Caroline said, looking at Stefan with eyes glazed over because of Stefan's hotness.

"Caroline!" Bonnie smacked Caroline in the arm.

"Owe!" Caroline rubbed her arm. "Sorry Elena."

"It's okay, Care. On second thought, shopping sounds great." Elena took one last look at Stefan's godly body.

"Ugh, I never thought I'd actually shop 'til I dropped," Bonnie complained as her arms slumped down with all the bags on her arms.

Elena took some of the pressure off of Bonnie by taking some of the bags for her. "Don't drop yet baby momma. We're almost to the car."

It was true. When they reached Elena's car they piled their bags in the trunk, barely fitting in everything. Driving back to Elena's house, they arrived, seeing Stefan and his team cleaning up for the day. Elena and her friends carried in everything they brought.

With everything in, the girls sat down on the sofa in the family room. Caroline clicked on the TV while Elena made some popcorn. Bonnie picked out a few movies that they could watch that weren't kid movies. Then movie night began.

After five movies the most of the girls were knocked out. Elena was still up though. Bonnie borrowed Elena's old pregnant pillow and took the largest couch even though she was the smallest of the three. Caroline took the floor right below Elena and Bonnie, sleeping with Amara's colorful blankets. Elena sat on the last couch open.

Slowly Elena's eyelids shut. It was a day she certainly needed. Shopping with Diva Caroline and spending hours gossiping while the movies played with something Elena needed. A good night's sleep was one hundred percent needed right now.

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