Choose Your Rose Carefully

By AngieTheTurtle

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Sequel to the story My ex-boyfriend is my TEACHER? >8U?, Alexis struggles to maintain her life after the deat... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four (Filler :|)
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Fifteen

567 18 4
By AngieTheTurtle

[A/N] - Hey guys! Wow, I've realized that I update this story monthly. I'm going to try my best to change it. This story is slowly coming to an end, I mean, it is a sequel. I won't write anything related to these characters after this is over. The original story, My Ex-Boyfriend Is My Teacher? >8U was extremely stupid to begin with, I mean, most of the story took place in one day! What the hell, lol. Anyways, here's chapter fifteen. Tell me what do you guys think I can change to improve the story, because I think it's literally everything. 

Alexis's P.O.V.

It was finally Saturday and I was exhausted. Ethan's drama was catching up with me and it was annoying. I lazily stared at my ceiling. Muffled voices echoed through the walls and I blinked twice. I shut my eyes and began to slowly dose off once more. My phone began to ring and I reached over for it. My eyes were still closed but I slid my finger across the screen and picked it up. 

"Hello..." I groggily mumbled.

Did someone seriously have to call me at this hour? They'll be dead when I'm done with them!


My eyes instantly shot up and I smiled. Okay, maybe I can kill him with love.

"Good morning, Elijah."

"Morning? It's afternoon."

I looked at my phone. Of course he was correct, it was 12:16. I thought it was like 7... I need to be aware of time.

"Want to hang out?" he asked.

Hang out? I'm bored anyways, I wonder where he'll take me.

"Sure, where do you want to go?" 

"Hmm, let's go out for some Chinese and then go to the park?"

"Alright, I'll get ready."

"I'll pick you up at 1:30."

I instantly took a shower. When I got out, I started to get ready. A knock at the door startled me and then Jared walked in. 


I raised an eyebrow.


"I'm going out with my friends so I won't be home. Mom and Dad left around 7, he's surprising her."

"Oh, with what."

"I don't know, but I'm out."

"Okay, bye. Love you."

"Love you too." 

He turned around and walked out. I tied my converses and looked down at my watch. It's 1:32, maybe he's running late.

The doorbell rang at 1:40. Late bastard. I opened the door and chuckled.

"Sorry for being late."

"It's okay."

I walked inside and ran upstairs. I grabbed a twenty and ran back downstairs. He looked around and nodded.

"Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Anderson!" he yelled.

"My parents aren't home." I laughed.

"I was hoping I would be able to meet them."

"Maybe next time."

We walked out and I locked the door behind me. Today, Elijah had on black cargo jeans with a white tank top and black converses. His muscles looked extremely yummy and his hair was pulled into a low ponytail.

"You're so handsome." I laughed.

"I like how you're copying my style, cutie." he replied.

I looked down at what I was wearing. A white button up shirt with a black skirt and black converses. Even my hair was in a low ponytail.

"Okay, this is cool." I laughed.

He smiled at me and we began to walk in comfortable silence. Elijah's arm snaked around my waist and I suddenly felt even more protected. We arrived at the Chinese restaurant and suddenly, a memory came to mind.

Jared, Ethan and I in this very restaurant playing around. I loved it so much, I really didn't want it to end. 

Elijah led me to the table we sat at, oh yay, and went to the counter to order something. The lady took out a pen and paper. He slapped his forehead and walked back to me.

"What do you want? Sorry, it was rude of me not to ask."

"Aww, look at you being the gentleman you are." I cooed, "Uh, I guess I'll have sesame chicken with pork fried rice."

Oh my goodness, did Elijah just blush? Oh my gosh he's so cute! I poked his flaming cheeks and they turned even more red. He nodded and ordered our food. We waited for about ten minutes and finally we got it. As soon as he put the plate in front of me, I dug in. After we ate, we walked over to the park. 

"Thanks." I said looking at him.

"No prob." 

We walked hand in hand over to the swings and I instantly got on one. 

"Why do girls like swings so much?"

"Correction, some girls! Most girls hate them with a passion."

I lightly began to swing and rested my head on the chain. Elijah came behind me and gently pushed me. I put both of my hands on the chains and gasped when he pushed me anything but gently.

"You piece of shit!" I yelled into the air.

"I love you too!"

I swung back down and he began to push me harder. I took my hair out of the low ponytail mid-air and sighed in relief. When I got off, it was my turn to push him. He sat on the swing and smirked at me.

"I don't think you can push me." 

"Shut up." I said with the roll of my eyes. 

He faced ahead and I started off pushing him slowly. Feeling his muscles was almost a heaven send for me. I love how they felt and they sure as hell felt better than Ethan's. I began to push Elijah harder when suddenly,

"Okay! That's high enough!" he yelled.

I pushed him again and laughed.

"Alexis! Holy shit, holy shit!"

I stopped pushing and waited for the swing to stop on it's own. When he got off, his hair was a mess... It looked hot. I sized up with him and raised an eyebrow.

"You fucker." he laughed, "What if I died?"

"Then there'd be one less sexy guy in the world." I purred.

We went to Elijah's house and his parents weren't home. He fixed me something to drink and we began to watch a cheesy action movie.

"This looks so fucking fake!" I yelled.






I groaned and stared at the flat screen. The robot self destructed and the whole building blew up. Police arrived at the crime scene too late and then a crow landed on a tree.

"So meaningfully inspiring." I said with the roll of my eyes.

Elijah's mouth pulled into a smile and then he looked at me.

"You're beautiful." 

Okay, that was unexpected. An expected blush attacked my cheeks and I smiled.

"And... I've realized that you're a virgin."

I gasped and looked into my lap. Where is he going with this? Oh my goodness... Oh my goodness... I'm scared.

"...I want to be your first..."

"E-Elijah." I whispered, "I-I... I'm not ready... for that."

He smiled and nodded.

"I understand, I'm just telling you. I want to be your first."

How did a cheesy movie like this bring up sex? Oh goodness, I'm really scared. I never planned for this... It was never on my mind. What if Elijah is the one? What if he's the person I'll grow old and die with? He's all I wanted... so kind, trustworthy and understanding. An unknown feeling crept up and I returned his smile.

"Maybe I am ready."

A look of shock replaced his smile.


I nodded and he laughed.

"Are you sure? I mean, I planned on taking us to a hotel if you agreed."

"Now, before I change my mind."

He grabbed my hand and took me to his room.





That shit was painful.


"Wow, I never knew June would come by so fast."

I held Elijah's hand and sighed.

"I know." I replied, "I never thought I would get this far."

"What do you mean?"

I looked into Elijah's chocolate pools. I gave him my heart, my virginity... I think I can tell him what's been going on. I bit my lip. We crossed the street and approached the school. I looked away from him and took a deep breath. He's understanding, he'll understand.

"When I was a freshmen, I dated a senior. I thought I loved him, but it was only a fool's love. He ended up leaving me for another girl and it really broke my heart. I couldn't take it, so I transferred to my dream school. This is the school I wanted to go to, but I wasn't accepted because of my history grade. It turns out that in my sophomore year, I don't know how, I don't know why, but he ended up becoming a teacher."

Elijah's face was masked with confusion.

"At eighteen? That's impossible, he had go forge something. Who was he?"

"He taught art... There was a funeral..."

Then, he gasped.

"Mr. Hunter?!" he exclaimed.

I sharply looked around to see if anyone noticed his outburst. Elijah instantly became sad. We walked into the hallways and I nodded.

"He said he still loved me and wanted to be with me. I believed him at times... The first day of sophomore year, I met Ethan in the hallways. I was lost and he cane to me before you. Apparently he was pretty, no, really, popular so a lot of people envied me."

"I actually defended you at times. People were spreading rumors about you."

I shook my head.

"I cant stand rumors..."

"I'm sorry, please continue."

We headed over to my locker and I opened it. 

"It turns out he fancied me... and I fancied him back. I was caught in between a triangle. Many things happened and... J-Jeremy died... because o-of me."

"It was-"

"That's complete bullshit." I snapped, "I accepted that it's my fault."

Elijah frowned at me and I continued as I placed my history textbook in my knapsack and closed my locker. 

"Then, my heart ached bad for Jeremy. I was going insane, I had suicidal thoughts and on top of that, I began to want Ethan more."

We approached the classrooms since that was one of the best places to be at the time.

"Aaliyah decided to be my friend to help me and she ended up becoming my best and only friend. After a couple of agreements and disagreements, Ethan and I decided we can pull through. Turns out Aaliyah and Ethan were in an arranged marriage from birth and there was nothing to stop it..."

We sat down in a vacant classroom. The information I was telling Elijah seemed to shock him. He sat in the chair with his brows furrowed. I waited for his response but didn't seem to get one. I knew he wouldn't break up with me for something like this, but I suddenly felt a lot of weight come off of my shoulders. I felt relieved that I could trust him with this.

"Wow." he said with a sigh, "I never... I never knew that."

I smiled and looked at him.

"Oh baby, don't cry. It's fine."

"I'm not crying?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

His finger gently swiped under my eye and he wiped the tear on his shirt. I cried? For what?

"I don't understand, I never felt it."

"Maybe crying is foreign to you." he said as he pulled me into a hug, "But I'm here for you, Alexis."

"I question you at times." I said truthfully, "There's times when I'm scared and think you'll leave me... You never became upset with me before and you were always patient with me. I'm scared of the time you'll become upset and bored with me. Elijah, I'm scared... I-I don't know what to do."

He wrapped his strong arms around me and kissed my cheek.

"I never knew you were so broken... That's no problem, I'm good at fixing things. I'll mend your heart together, no matter how cheesy it sounds, I'll do it."

I chuckled and snuggled into his chest. The moment felt so right, so perfect. I didn't want this to end. The doorknob began to rattle and then it opened. Elijah stiffened and I looked back. Ethan's green eyes were stuck on us for about a second. With a sigh, he walked over to the window and sat in his seat. Aaliyah followed him and sat next to him. She gave me a small smile and I returned it. Ethan looked out the window and we figured class was going to start. The teacher came into the room and began to write on the board. Elijah picked me up bridal style and walked out of the room. People began to look at us and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He lovingly looked into my eyes and kissed me. 

"You're so beautiful."

The familiar blush made him laugh.

"And every time you blush, it makes me smile.

"I've only seen you blush about three times. You're guilty, too."

"Oh? I never blush."

"Liar!" I laughed.

He put me down and kissed my cheek. 

"I'll see you at lunch. Don't get into too much trouble."

I narrowed my eyes at him and he walked away. I then realized I loved the way his hips move... Sex thoughts go away!

I headed into the classroom and sat down. I just realized that I'm truly in love with Elijah. From the time he confessed to me till now. Elijah has brought nothing but a smile on my face. 

The class went by quickly. Usually it would take a while but Elijah has left me in nothing but a great mood. I surprisingly saw Ethan in my next class. I made sure to avoid eye contact but he wanted to talk.


I ignored him and looked at the teacher. I literally pleaded with my eyes but she ignored me. 

"Alexis, look at me."

The class was loud and nobody knew what was going on. It's bad enough that I sat in the back.

"Look at me!" he yelled.

How could nobody notice? I can't believe what's happening. I got up but he only moved closer.

"Alexis." he said, this time more calmer.

I looked over at him with a bored and unamused facial expression. His green orbs bore into mine: his mouth a tight line. We stared at each other for about a minute. We never blinked or moved a muscle. I, however, didn't realize his face was nearly an inch away from mine. He looked at my lips and then back at me. Before he could try to kiss me, I broke the eye contact, got up and left the classroom. His footsteps were more than enough to tell me he was following me.


I turned to look at him.

"What happened to you, Ethan? Where are you, because last time I checked, he wouldn't wait for me in my bedroom and pin me against my door, he wouldn't try to take advantage of me, he wouldn't try his best to break my heart. Ethan would get jealous, but he wouldn't target my boyfriend. He would treat my best friend like a queen. So, tell me, who are you?"

"I... don't know why I came to see you." he mumbled, "I don't know what I'm doing."

"Then go away." 

I tried to walk past him but he grabbed my arm. 

"I'm sorry." he said with a frown, "For everything. I... I won't bother you again. You and Elijah look... n-no, are happy together. I shouldn't be in the way of that."

"Thank you."

His body trembled and he took a deep breath.

"I can't let my love for you blind me into doing reckless things. I'm... I'm starting to fall in love with Aaliyah... But I'm treating her like shit. I don't understand what's wrong with me, the realization of everything is crashing down on my shoulders."

"Then treat her how she deserves to be treated. Aaliyah deserves better, she's been through enough."

He played around with his ring and nodded.

"Thank you, Alexis. Can we... remain friends?"

"It's all up to Elijah."

The mention of Elijah's name made Ethan go stiff. 

"O-okay... Until then...?"

"Until then." I said and headed back to class.

After class ended and lunch time came, I told Elijah what happened. He sighed and began to crack his knuckles.

"I mean... I'm not sure. I don't think it should be up to me... I'm not really comfortable with him around you. But... but if he can possibly redeem himself, then... I don't know. I always wanted his head on my wall."

I smiled at his last sentence. His chocolate pools stared at me and I shrugged.

"I don't like having e-"

"And then he tried to kiss you."

"He did."

"Yet he's a married man... who has faint emotions for my girlfriend."

Elijah looked into his lap.

"I'll give him one chance

Elijah looked over to Ethan and they both stared at each other. The tension was so tight you could feel it. Everyone at our table became silent and watched us.

"One. Chance." mouthed Elijah.

Ethan nodded and looked over at Aaliyah. She instantly smiled and looked at Elijah. Her smile caught Elijah off guard and he looked away.

"She has a nice smile." he muttered.

"Of course she does... She's still my best friend."

"Are you guys alright?" asked Kim.

"We're giving Ethan one chance." said Elijah, " And if he fucks up, there's a special place on my walk for his head."

Kim smiled and looked at me.

"Anyone want to play Chinese poker?"


Kim gave us thirteen cards and we began to put them in order. 

"Can I join?"

Elijah smirked and fixed his face.

"Only three of us are playing, we needed someone extra anyways."

Kim took the cards, reshuffled them and then gave us all thirteen cards.

"I didn't know you knew how to play Chinese poker." I said to Ethan.

"I don't."

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