The Rise Of Ark 2

By Master_Ricdo

207 9 4

With The Ark2 crippled of memory, he must find his way back through the stars and his old life, after the eve... More

Act I: The puzzel
Act I: First Signs

Act I: The Initiation

42 3 0
By Master_Ricdo

Chapter 1

I immediately jumped out of the bed and winced when I put pressure on my left leg. Hence regained his balance and escorted me out of the room. The ship was lined with steel walls and panels on them. Some people were typing frantically on them, while others were hustling down the halls. Some had suits of armor on, heading to the lower floors. Hence directed me to an upper floor towards an armory. He told me to put on a suit of armor. Since I didn't know how, I asked for help and he showed me how to get in it. I thanked him, and he rushed off. 'Ok, I thought. If I have armor on, and people have armor on, rushing down halls, then we might be under attack.' I looked down the walls and got one of the guns from there. Immediately, a HUD appeared on my visor, and I saw the ammunition of the gun, and the tactical accessories on my suit. I left the armory, and headed into the main hall. I followed the other people with suits, since I didn't know where to go. They went down a staircase 2 floors, and I heard people talking in my helmet. There was static at first, then it went clear. It said,"pirates on 3rd floor, east side at the storage facility in the freight tunnels. I followed the soldiers into a big tunnels, and saw the ones called the Pirates on the right side down the hall. The right side had big glass windows, which led a view out to a red galaxy.

It appeared that they came out a different colored tunnel that looked like a boarding party. They carried crates from the storage facility through that tunnel, where they had Pirates with the same suits that were back on the previous planet. One of the guys, which on my HUD, miller was over his body. Miller said," Alright, we have to stop them quick from taking our metals." I nodded, and we advanced quiet, then stopped. Someone said," A couple of us have to get in the storage facility, and take a pirate down one by one, then more come to check, then us over here move in to secure the crates, while you fight the ones who go in the facility." "Sounds good" I say. Miller splits us in half, which is 7 people in each group. He had my group Go into the facility through a different door down the hall behind us. We closed the door behind us, and moved like ninjas behind shelves and pillars. One of the guys with us had a different suit and he pulled out a little box with an antenna at the end of it. He pointed it up, and pressed a button on it. Immediately, all the lights went out, and our HUDs disappeared. I thought ' An EMP '. Then, the others in our group put their guns on their backs, and I did the same. They pulled out blue glowing knifes that left a trail behind it. I pulled mine out, but my hand slipped. The knife fell. I peered through the shelf and saw pirates looking in our direction. "Shit, why'd you do that!" Miller whispered. One of the pirates walked over here, and when it turned our direction, someone came up from behind assassinated it wuick and clean, then dragged it down the other shelf. One of the pirates made loud sounds, like I was calling to the pirate that came over here. Then, it pointed to us, and yelled at the other pirate with him. That one came to us, and it turned to me right when I jabbed my knife into him, with a surprised look in his face, then dragged him to one of the crates. The other pirate yelled down the entrance to the tunnel, and a couple pirates came. Miller whispered," Time to lite em up " We grabbed our guns and stood on the corner. Some guy made the 'On three' gesture. He counted to three, and we looked sharp and aimed through the gun at the pirates. Without a HUD, we have to aim through the gun. We easily took down the three pirates, while the other team took down the pirates with the crates. We jogged over to them, then Miller said," Alright, let's move these back into the facility. The EMP guy pressed the button again, and the power came back. My HUD appeared on the visor, and the guys name was Juan.

While we were moving the last crates to the facility, people yelled into the radio, saying,"The raiding ship is departing, get outta there!" Miller ordered us to move double time. We booked it, but we weren't fast enough. The ship unmatched from the tunnel, and the pressurized room depressurized as the air flew out the hole of the raiding ship. We had to push to the staircase in order to leave, but a few of us didn't make it. Juan and a couple other guys got sucked away out of the ship. One hung onto a pipe running alog the celing. I looked at him, and felt sorry for leaving him there, but if i took one step back, i knew i would die. The rest of us barely made it. Someone welded the door shut, then we went up the stairs.

Some of us kept our suits on, but most of us took them off. I went to the armory and took off my suit, wondering, 'Whats happening? Who am I? Where am I? What's the date? Why'd I lose my memory? After dis embedding my suit, I looked on the map outside of the armory and found the bridge. I went up 1 floor, and walked into the bridge. The view into space was amazing. The windows were very thick, but clear, and you can see the whole ships upper hull through these windows. I saw Hence, and made my way towards him. He was talking with someone with a suit on, just like him. Me walking in, right from the infirmary, in hospital clothes was not cool. I was embarrassed as people kept glancing at me and trying not to laugh. I pulled Hence out of his conversation and said sternly," We need to talk" He saw my look that I was serious, then nodded," Very well. After this, at the mess hall." "Deal" I replied.

He showed up at the mess Hal shortly after I left the bridge. I saw a corner counter with many snacks on racks on nearby racks, and a kitchen a couple yards away from the snack bar. I got some Cheetos and a coke, then walked to the kitchen and ordered a cheeseburger with ketchup on it. I saw Hence walk in the room on the corner of my eye, while I moved to a table in the back.

Hence sat across from me while he started the talk with," You wanted to know what happened on Ventus, don't you? I assume that he's speaking of the planet where I woke. I nodd, hoping I'm right. He sighs, and explains the why I was there. "There was a potential theat in Noriclia. We had no information, and the satellite images showed no activity on the city. We were sent in to investigate. Right when we deployed you, and Foxtrot Squad, we immediately lost communication with you. About half an hour later, a blinding light shone and blinded us, and there was a crater where it shone. We thought it was an explosive of alien technology. The stories of the others with you were that you went missing during an encounter with Pirates." I stare at him blankly, wanting more information. He continues," After the 'light' event, communication came back up. Your LT. called for evac, so we immediately sent in a gunship to get you guys outta there." I put all of this together, matching up where I woke with no memory, and the guys cheering when I returned to them back on Ventus. He adds," The Best we can do is remind you of your past to try to get you to remember some of it. I'll print a packet of your past summed up" He ends the conversation with that, and he stands, holding an arm out to me. I stand and take it, hoping hell keep his word. He leaves the mess hall, while I stand there, wondering what my past was. I walk, and try to clear my head.

I figure that there's no point in doing so, because I have no where to start, so I go to the barracks, and pick a random bed. I'm exhausted, so I crash, and slowly go to sleep.

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