The Girl He Saved

By saracha-sauce

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Mina, a 15 year-old girl, is never really noticed by anyone. Her father left Mina and her mother when she was... More

Introduction/ About the Author
Chapter 1. My Savior
Chapter 2. He Came to Me
Chapter 3. My Friend
Chapter 4. Meeting Cana
Chapter 5. Confession
Chapter 6. Her Reply
Chapter 7. A New Friend
Chapter 8. Roomates??
Chapter 9. A Day Out
Chapter 10. First Date
Chapter 11. Our Quarrel
Chapter 12. Hospital
Chapter 13. Christmas
Chapter 14. Is This Fate?
Chapter 15. Please Don't Leave Me!
Chapter 16. Is This Goodbye?
Chapter 17. My Dark Secret
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19. Second Date Part 1
Chapter 20. Second Date Part 2
Chapter 21. Test
Chapter 22. Importance
Chapter 23. Confessions
A/N (Not an official update)
Chapter 24. Secret's Out
Chapter 25.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 26.

241 13 14
By saracha-sauce

A/N: PLEASE CLICK THAT PICK AND LOOK IT OVER!! PLEEEEEEASEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, so I made that (found the pics on Pinterest though) and I was wondering what you would think if I made that the new cover for this book. Let meh explain! So, Mina is all nice and sweet. She makes everyone around her happy. Therefore: she's an angel. Sora, on the other hand, is happy-ish. Because of his past, he's all sad and stuff sometimes. I chose to make him a fallen/dark angel because of this. One of the wings has been torn off, this shows all the pain he went through with his father and losing his little sister. Please vote on whether I should make this the new cover or not. Thank you!! Also, listen to the song, it's Angel With a Shotgun, cover by Nightcore! It's where I got the idea of the cover... xD

Mina's POV

I woke up to be surrounded by warmth and seeing the brightness in the room, even before I opened my eyes.

I tried to move, but my whole entire body ached. I finally opened my eyes after a minute and was immediately momentarily blinded by the sunlight shining through the open curtains.

"Ughhhh..." I somehow mustered up the energy to pull the blanket off of myself and stood up.

As I sat up, I felt an intense pain come to my head. I winced in pain. I gazed over to the small table beside my bed to look at the time. It read 12:26pm.

"KYAAAA!!!! I GOTTA GET TO SCHOOL OH MY GAAAAAWD!!!!" I screeched. I looked back at the clock and repeatedly blinked, hoping the time would change to 7:26am instead. Nope, still 12:26pm...

I sighed. I saw a small note sitting beside the clock with two pills sitting on the paper. There was also a glass of water.

Good morning Mina. I hope you're feeling alright. I already went to school, but I left lunch in the fridge. Please, don't come to school today, you need your rest! I'll see you after school. Love you <3

With love,
Sora <3

I smiled to myself as I read the sweet note from him.


I jumped at the noise and the strange feeling in my stomach.

'A bear? Cat?' I thought. I sighed in relief when I finally realized that it was my stomach. 'Better eat some food before my stomach decides to digest my intensities or something.'

After Mina eats

"Ugh... What do I doooo?" I groaned in a bored tone.

I sat in silence as I relaxed at the dining room table.

"I guess I can always work on that stupid propaganda poster for history class... But that's too much woooork..." I complained as I unwillingly got up from my chair and made my way to my school bag.

I took the unwrinkled paper out of my folder and put it on the table as I slumped down in my chair. I stared down at the three letters I had written.


'Dangit... I don't wanna do this... DARN YOU HISTORY TEACHER!!! WHY CANT WE DO BETTER FOOD IN THE CAFETERIA???' I yelled in my brain. I picked up my pencil and started writing "Less school Less stress Better work" in crappy box letters down the page.

I finally finished writing the crappy letters when my hand started to cramp.

"And this is why I don't draw too much at one time. And why I have like 262972 unfinished drawings in my sketchbook..." I muttered. I set my head down surprisingly comfortably on the table and shut my eyes.


"Hey... Do you think she's dead?" a faint voice asked just as I was waking up.

"No way! Look, she's breathing anyways. Plus, she's moving," Sahara-chan pointed out as I sat up in my chair.

"Oh, hey guys. Wassup?" I asked with sleep edged into my voice.

"Nothin much, we heard from Ms. Takeda that you're stuck home so we came to check up on ya!" Gracie-chan exclaimed happily!

"Also, we wanted to hand you these!" Mikasa-chan took two long and thin sheets of paper out of her pocket and held them out to me. I grabbed them and read over one of them. They were softball tickets for this Saturday, April second.

"Are you guys on the team??" I asked surprisedly.

I looked up at the trio and they each nodded with enthusiasm. "Yep!" they all cheered at once.

I smiled. "Well, I'll be happy to go see the game! Is this other ticket for Sora?" I asked as I held up both tickets in my hand.

"Yeah, unless he doesn't wanna go. Then it can be for Cana-onee-chan. Or someone else..." Sahara-chan explained.

"I'm sure Sora will want to come!" I assured.

"Yeah. See you soon Mina-onee-chan! We gotta get back to my apartment now," Sahara-chan said as they each said their goodbyes.

"Alright, can't wait for Saturday!" I exclaimed excitedly as I closed the door behind them.

Once they were gone, I was yet again left in silence. Complete silence. Sometimes I'm happy to have silence and peace, all for myself. But other times, it's painful. It reminds you how alone you are in such a huge world.

I've never been able to have friends as a young child because of my social status, I guess I just got used to not talking to anyone. That must be the reason why I'm so alone and miserable.

But then, I met Sora. He made me feel like I had a place in this world. Along with Cana-chan, Sahara, Gracie, Mikasa, and Ms. Takeda. No one ever payed attention to me before they came along.

'Man am I lucky to have them as friends...' I thought with glee.

I walked back to the dining room table and sat down on the fluffy cushion on the chair. There it sat. The stupid, ugly propaganda poster. Like, what the heck is a propaganda poster anyways??

A/N: Seriously, what is it? I had to do one for History over the weekend and I'm just doing what Mina is doing. I have no idea what the heck a propaganda poster is at all. At least my teacher said she liked it a lot! xD

"DARN YOU PROPAGANDA POSTER!!!" I yelled in fury just as the door opened again.

"Uhh... Are you ok Mina?" Sora asked me as I rested my head on the table again.

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"Doesn't sound like it!" he said with a chuckle.

"Hey, what happened yesterday?" I asked as I lifted my head back up to look at him.

"What do you mean?" Sora questioned as he walked towards the table with two bottles of strawberry flavored Fanta in his hand.

"After I was knocked out. What happened to your dad? How did I get home?"

"Well, as you hit the metal pole and was knocked out, I snuck up behind my dad and whacked him with his own bat. He fell to the ground and I chucked the bat. Then, I carried you home bridal style. Now, it's my turn to ask the questions," Sora explained. He had a sad expression plastered on his face.

"Ok, shoot," I said. I pretended to not notice his expression and continued drawing a calendar and two test papers.

"Why did you do it? Why did you confront my father who had a bat while you were empty handed? You knew you would get hurt! So why?"

"Because I love you, duh," I replied simply. It may only be a few words, but man is it packed with truth.

"But why?? Why would you protect me when I could have been the only one getting hurt?" Sora asked while raising his voice.

"Well, I can't just stand on the side line watching you get hurt. If you don't fight back, I will for you. I don't care how hurt I get, I won't just watch as my boyfriend gets pummeled into the dirt by his own father!" I explained while raising my voice back at his.

"If you don't want to watch, then don't! You don't know what my father an do! He killed my little sister! I can't let that happen to you! If you can't stay out of this, then just leave altogether!" Sora screamed.

I couldn't see his expression because my sight was already blurred by the tears streaming down my face at a rapid pace.

"Fine," I whispered. I got up from my seat and stormed to our bedroom, making sure to slam the door behind me. I grabbed my giant suitcase and started to stuff my favorite clothes inside. I grabbed my phone and started playing music loudly through my headphones.

Sora's POV

I hadn't realized what I had said until Mina already stormed away. I watched her slam the door of our bedroom. I knew what she was doing, she's packing. Packing everything she needs for survival. Mina's moving out of her own apartment while leaving her guest to live here alone. And it's all my fault.

Minutes passed as I continued to stare at the closed door of our bedroom. I waited for her to finally open the door. We need to talk about this, I can't let he leave. Finally, the door slammed open, revealing a Mina with no evidence of crying at all. She was carrying a large blue suitcase in her hands. She walked next door to the anime lair and slammed the door behind her yet again.

I quickly got up and opened the door after her. Mina was stuffing each and every anime DVD and every manga she could fit into the suitcase. She didn't even notice me come in.

She was singing the same words quietly over and over again.

(I'm Coming Home - Skylar Grey. Nightcore cover)

I'm coming home, I'm coming home.
Tell the world I'm coming home.
Let the rain wash away all the pain from yesterday.
I know my kingdom awaits,
And they've forgiven my mistakes.

A/N: I'm really sorry if that last line is the wrong, I was writing down those lyrics as I listened to the song above. It sounds correct, right??

"Mina," I called.

No response. She still continued to pack and sing beautifully.

I called out her name a few more times, but no dice. Finally, she zipped up her suitcase and turned around to face me. She looked surprised, but her facial expression quickly morphed into an icy, cold glare.

She quickly picked up the heavy suitcase, not even acknowledging that I was there anymore. The walked right past me towards the door.

I rushed up by her and grabbed her hand to stop her from walking away from me. She quickly changed songs to something entirely different.

(Let It Go - James Bay)

Trying to fit your hand inside of mine
When a normal touch don't belong
No force on earth can make it feel right. No
Trying to push this problem up the hill
But it's just too heavy to hold
I think now's the time to let it slide
So come on let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
Everything that's broke
Leave it to the breeze
Let the ashes fall
Forget about me
Come on let it go
Just let it be
Why don't you be you
And I'll be me
And I'll be me

I pulled my hand away from hers with a hurt expression. I felt the tears cascade down my face as I pulled away.

I looked at Mina and it seemed as if she wanted to reach her hand up and wipe them away. I watched as her hands came closer to my cheeks and finally came in contact with my skin. She used her thumb to softly wipe away the tears.

Mina leaned in for one last kiss, and I accepted. "Goodbye, Sora," she whispered as she pulled away from my lips. I could still feel the sparks and tingling sensation where she touched me.

Mina grabbed her suitcase and walked out the door, leaving her keys on the table.

Mina's POV

I walked down to the first floor slowly as I let the tears come out all at once. They cascaded down my cheeks at an inhuman pace.

I walked into the lobby and into the guest bathrooms where I took off all of my makeup that concealed by true identity.

I've hid behind a mask long enough. I'm going home, and becoming the empress of Japan. Just like my grandfather wants. It's not like I'll ever be happy anyways.

I walked out of the bathroom without any makeup on. People kept staring at me and whispering to their friends and family. I didn't care. All of Japan will know who I was instead of Kako soon enough anyways. It's no use hiding behind the fake identity of Mina Yamanaka.

I walked to a large empty space with no people around it and called Gramps.

"Hey, Grandpa. I'm coming home," I said as he answered.



So, what do you think Sora is gonna do? Is Mina really gonna go through with being the empress of Japan, or will someone stop her? And what happened to Makoto after he woke up? And that video...? O_O

Keep reading to find out! :P

I'm sorry about all the songs... I've just been thinking of these songs for perfect occasions recently and so yaaa...

So, I was gonna update this yesterday but it was already like 11:41 by the time I was typing this very word, so yeah. I didn't feel like reading it over that late...

ARE YOU HAPPY I UPDATED NOW ANNIE??? LuvPandas28 Btw peoples, read my friend's books! Her account is QTPie1 she's new so yeah...

~Sara :)


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