By damnqueeen

123 4 5

just dont. More

The Explanation
The Drive
The Straw
The Milk

The Beginning

32 1 2
By damnqueeen

It was 6:57 am. July 31st, 2027.
I had just woken up from a terrifying dream in which all of the forgotten souls of the world drowned me the night before my Marianas Trench concert. Although it made no sense whatsoever, it just so happened to frighten the shit out of me. Anyways, I tried to go back to sleep, because early mornings? Fuck that shit.
It took a while because of my unfortunate insomnia, but about 40 minutes after finally drifting off, I heard a loud noise hit my window.
I was too lazy to get up, and assumed it was a dumbass bird and let it suffer.
30 seconds later and it happened again. I knew birds were dumb, but not THAT dumb. So I rolled out of bed, crawled like a paranormal activity demon to the window, and looked out. At first I noticed a metallic looking hair straightener lying next to my bush. Then another pink one by the table, and a copper by the matching umbrella. I soon noticed straightener parts surrounding the feet of a man I loved. I didn't even have to see his dazzling eyes, or fried hair to know who it was. Throwing Walmart quality hair straighteners at my shitty, dirty bedroom window, was Joshua fucking Ramsay. After a minute of intensely screaming into the void his eyes met mine and he whispered something I never thought I'd hear from a man.
I'm *coming* for you.
I did that thing people do with their finger to show '1 minute', but I was so nervous I may have accidentally flipped the bastard off. I ran down the hall, tumbled down the stairs, and made my way quickly out of the back door to run into his arms. Because of my childhood obesity (well, I'm 25 but oh well), my running sounded like walrus porn. Good thing I had a baggy shirt to save me from Josh mentioning my rolls.
Anyways, as I made my way out the door and stood in front of him, he handed me a note from my mother that read: 'Sweetie, you're 25. It's time to move out. So, I called up your favourite person in the world to come and kidnap you! Sadly they didn't want to, so here's Josh Ramsay instead! Don't call! - mom. P.s. Dad told me to tell you to fuck off and lose weight. Bye!'
I looked up from the note into Josh's eyes. He looked back and then smiled that gorgeous smile of his. Maybe this won't be so bad, I thought to myself.

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