So Near Yet So Far

By _iiiinfinity_

322 43 4

257 letters and counting written to his true love. Letters for Arden. Letters about the mistakes, and terribl... More

A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t s
#1 l e t t e r
#2 l e t t e r
#3 l e t t e r
#4 l e t t e r
#5 l e t t e r
#7 l e t t e r
#8 l e t t e r
#9 l e t t e r

#6 l e t t e r

22 4 0
By _iiiinfinity_

Dear Arden,

You changed me. You managed to do the impossible, and now I'm destroying what you accomplished. It was so easy to fall back into my old habits, the feeling is indescribable, addictive.

Like your love, how I yearn for you. I think about you all the time, you make want to stop and do good. But my body disagrees.

My old habits call me, there like a voice so far away, telling me come with them now. My heart says no, but my brain and body says yes.

My heart said yes yesterday, it was supposed to be a one time thing. But it's hard to resist it. But I'm afraid to lose control, to lose you even more. I was born with this fear that you calmed. But your not here with me anymore.

I was too caught up in my world to notice what you did, meant, how you changed me. Now it's too late. I've wasted so much time, breath but when I was with you I didn't. I treasured it and you.

I tried to kill myself yesterday when I was drunk, it's funny how I wasn't able to do it. I couldn't bring myself. But I can't stop myself to stop thinking about killing myself.

It is killing me. It won't stop. I need to lose myself tonight. I don't know why you bothered to be with me. I realized that I am your downfall, and selfishly I'm taking you down with me.

With love, your downfall.

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