Who Am I?

By SillyTrickster

338 7 8

Have you been stuck in a closed shelter before? Well, Antonio has. More

Who Am I?

338 7 8
By SillyTrickster

Warning: Too much sound effects xD

Boom ! Boom ! Boom ! woosh.. wiish .. waash .. woosh ..

The rain that brought the storm had just started to torment the small, shabby shelter of Antonio. He's all alone.. No brothers, no sisters no mother and no father. He's all alone and he was so afraid. . wiiish .. woosh ..wiish ..woosh ..CRACK!!

The lightning was so blinding..BOOM! The thunder was so deafening that Antonio was about to cry. In fact, he was already crying. "huhuhuhuhu... Mama, Papa .. hu-hu-hu ..Am I supposed to be alone?" .. CRACK! BOOM! wiish ..wooshh. woosh.. But the storm was still growing strong.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" Antonio shouted with trembling fear.

Anotnio's shelter was so dark that his eyes can't see the tip of his nose. It's so small that he can't even move his body any single inch. He did not remember how he was stucked in this small shelter.

In fact, he can't even remember anything about his past...about himself...and about his family. He was so unhappy and very sad with pain He tried hard to remember his past. He tried...and tried...until a partial glimpse of himself came as a comforting light.

He saw himself on the ground, very close to the ground. Next, he saw himself hanging suspended on a green and smooth platform which gave him fulfillment. That's all he can remember.

"Think Antonio. Think! Think about your past because it will tell you who you are, and help you predict your future." Several voices seemed to play in Antonio's mind.

"Why am I alone and why is there no joy in me? I have practically nothing about my past. I don't even know my father much less know how my mother looks like. I don't remember having any brother or sister.

What's happening to me? Who am I? Will somebody please help me? Why am I alone? Why am I so lonely? Please help!" Antonio cried as his voice faded away. But his cries were not answered back.


As the storm outside continued, Antonio's mind was also exhausted. He felt his mind slowly drifting away from his body. There was something strange going on. His body seemed to hurt and he can feel it. He can sense it. He was smelling it. So strange. And Antonio fell into a deep slumber. He was tired. He was resting. He was so tired that he needed to rest.

Sssshhhhh. And the storm was about to subside.

It was a long, long sleep for Antonio. One bright morning, Antonio slowly opened his eyes. He saw light for the very first time on a small opening that broke his shelter while he was asleep..strange..he felt comfortable now.

His pain, his fears, his anger were all gone. Slowly, inch by inch he wanted to go out through the opening that he is craving to be free from his bandage. "Ha-ha-ha! I'm FREE! Ha-ha-ha-ha! I'm FREE!" But to his amazement, his feet never touched the ground.

He was....he was.......FLYING! "EAYAHOO! HAHAHA! HAHAHA!" For the first time, Antonio was laughing. He was so happy. "Hahaha, now I know who I am. I am a butterfly." And Antonio saw a beautiful red flower, softly landed on it, extended his tongue, and tasted his first nectar.


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