
By Vanicao

129K 5.3K 330

Lian had always hated Derick's arrogantly confident manner since they met nine years ago while at university... More

Chapter 1...The Beginning
Chapter 2 ...I'm not a child!
Chapter 3 ... What just happened here?
Chapter 4 ...I was drunk....I think?
Chapter 5.... My Nemesis
Chapter 7... Can love forgive everything?
Chapter 8.... Maybe? Okay yes!
Chapter 9... Joy and Sorrow?
Chapter 10... An old College friend?
Chapter 11...Shout! Shout! Let it all out...!
Chapter 12... Two heads are better than one.
Chapter 13 ..당신은 나의 아들을 위해 것살이 아니다
Chapter 14... Red Flag
Chapter 15... It's my wedding and I'm gonna shout if I want to!
Chapter 16 ... An unexpected occurrence
Chapter 17... Huh?
Chapter 18... What pact?
Chapter 19 ... Sparks!

Chapter 6... I do!

7.5K 306 10
By Vanicao

'Lian? Lian? Are you there?' came the sound of Tania's voice etched in concern. 'Are you okay?'

Tania's voice was like a bath of cold water. She stiffened and broke off the kiss as she pushed Derick away from her. She tried to compose herself. She ignored Derick beside her and rushed toward Tania's voice. She found her friend a few yards away.

'Here I am,' she said breathlessly.

'I was worried when you disappeared and Derick went searching for you and he never came back and I thought....' Tania's voice drifted off. Lian knew that Tania was over protective of her especially after what had happened a few years ago.

'I was just enjoying the peaceful night, I have not had a break in two months and I wanted to savour the serenity before I head back to the hustle and bustle of New York.' Lian tried to comfort her friend who still looked a bit piqued.

'You okay, you look a little flushed?" Tania was staring at her intently.

'I am fine the air just got a bit chilly as I was coming back.' Lian brushed the worry over with her friend's words.

'Did you see Derick? He was looking for you?' Tania looked over her shoulder searching for the person in question. Lian hoped he remained back and did not reappear.

'Derick? You know how we are, he probably came to lock me in the cellar or something.' she lied smoothly still feeling a bit flushed. She needed to get Tania out of the garden quickly.

'Hey, he is a great guy but I can never get it why you two don't get along.' Tania continued still looking around for Derick.

'Enough talk about Derick, we need to get back before a full-fledged search party is sent out and we all know that Lucas would do that.' She diverted the talk and their bodies away from the garden.

Lian tried to lighten the mood with some stories from her time in the Big Apple. Tania was in stitches as they made their way back to the dining area. She nervously hoped Derick had not followed her. She turned around for a final look before she stepped into the hall and saw him watching her from the garden. The look he gave her made her break out in goose pimples. He had something up his sleeve and she did not want to find out.

The rest of the night went smoothly until they were ready to leave and she noticed that both Tania and Lucas had disappeared. A hotel porter said he had seen them go into the elevator about twenty minutes prior. Lian and Sarah decided that the two lovebirds were probably up in Lucas' room so they decided to spoil their fun. 

She came to Lucas' door and started to knock very loudly, 'Hey you two no hanky panky before the wedding night! Come out you two, Tania I am going to tell your dad about this.' The rustling she heard behind the door proved her theory right. A very highly coloured Tania opened the door minutes later.

'Girl, only a few more days okay?' she said pulling her dishevelled friend out of the room. She poked her head in and saw Lucas coming out of the bathroom pulling up his trousers.

'You just need to keep those trousers up a little longer matey.' she intoned jokingly as he looked at her with a glare. She winked at him before she pulled the door closed and dragged a protesting Tania to the elevator.

'How could you two not wait a little longer,' she chided her friend.

'It has been a long month Lian, when you get a man you can't keep your hands off then tell me that.' Tania said pitifully trying to fix her hair.

"Serves you right for not sticking to the abstinence pact you made, now look at you. Your Dad will definitely know you got some tonight.' Lian joked at Tania's discomfort.

"Ha, says the workaholic. Wait until you find a man and fall in love and then come to me and talk.' Tania rebuffed almost getting her hair back on track.

'There is no such man for me.' She responded as the elevator doors opened and Derick stepped out.

'Hi Derick, some best man you are, you need to control the maid of honour she all but dragged me out of Lucas' room spurting nonsense about restraint.' Tania complained.

'Didn't you and Lucas agree to wait until the wedding night? What were you doing in his room, anyway?' Derick had joined the opposition team and Tania pouted at him.

'My point exactly, these two need to hold on for just a few more days.' Lian agreed.

'If you two were in love you would understand what it feels like to be around someone you love and just want to feel their arms around you,' Tania huffed as she stepped into the elevator, 'this is sheer torture, what do you two know about having a burning desire for someone!' Tania jammed the down button angrily as Lian jumped in before the doors closed.

She looked at Derick and almost stepped back out of the elevator as the look on his face mirrored her own. They both had been restraining themselves for the last eight years.

Derick knocked on his best friend's door sharply, a tired and peeved looking Lucas answered, 'Are you here to scold me as well?'

'I can see you're more in need of a stiff drink.' Was the reply. 'Want one?' Derick offered as he took out a bottle of whiskey from the bag in his hand. Lucas handed him two glasses and he poured the liquor into the tumbler before sitting on the bed.

Derick leaned ion the window ledge as he looked at his friend on the bed in front of him, 'So how is the hospital these days?'

'I love it although it is quite demanding; I enjoy surgery although time off for the wedding was a welcome break.' Lucas was specialising in cardiac surgery. 'Who would think we would be here eight years later?'

'Yeah I remember the first time you met Tania, it was all through Lian? Have you ever told Tania the truth?' Derick asked his friend as they sipped their drink.

'What?! And risk getting my manhood chopped off in the middle of the night?' they laughed at the image as Lucas held his private part.

'If Lian knew that Greg had set me up with her and you with Tania, I would not hear the end of it?' Derick moved over to sit next to his friend. They clinked glasses as they remembered that date. 'Lian was just too much, she had been moaning about being set up on a double date as we approached their table. I remember she spotted us and said some really negative things!'

'Yeah.' Derick agreed wistfully, 'However, you saw Tania and immediately switched partners.'

'Hey man she bowled me over from one look and I have been whipped ever since.' Lucas reminisced.

'Tania had the same reaction; you two could barely tear your eyes off each other the whole night while I had to stomach Lian sending daggers my way.' They laughed at the memory of that night.

'It was fate, she is my one, I really love her and I am so happy we are finally getting hitched.' Lucas was saying as he leaned back on the head board his left knee bent.

'I am happy for you man, you two deserve it, and I wish you the best.' Derick's heart twisted a bit at the emptiness he felt. He wanted that forever moment as well but the woman he wanted it with was not easy to convince that they were meant to be together. If only Lian decided to give them a chance.

'Thanks man, so when will you return the favour and have me stand with you at your wedding?' Lucas asked nonchalantly but his friend tensed up.

Derick smiled, he had been thinking of Lian for a long time and he had decided after seeing her again that his feelings for her were not going away. Therefore, he wanted to pursue his feelings and he would use this wedding time with her to hopefully get her to agree.

'I am just bidding my time,' he took a sip of his drink; 'the lucky lady just doesn't know it yet.'

Lucas jumped off the bed and stood over to him, 'So who is she? Is she Korean? How long have you known her? How come you haven't told me that you're dating seriously?'

Derick bent his head, he could not tell Lucas about Lian, not just yet, maybe after the wedding when things had settled down somewhat. 'She is someone I have known for a while; we had something years ago, nothing serious but I hope we can take it further.'

'Derick you have never had serious relationships since I have known you, your associations have lasted shorter than yesterday's news.'

'I am not so horrible.'

'You are, apart from that girl who had you in knots in college, I can't think of one woman you have wanted for a longer than a month.' Derick smiled, if Lucas only knew who that woman was.

'So who is it?' Lucas was becoming relentless.

'She went to college with us.' He supplied.

'Is it the mystery woman in college?' Lucas asked and then smiled. 'Ah ha, I always knew it, you have been in love with her for years, where is she? Is she back in your life?'

'Yes.' It was the truth. He did love Lian he had realised this on seeing her again after all these years, she is the one woman who had excited him. He had compared all women to her and he knew he wanted her by his side forever. He would use this time to let her realise that she wanted him too. Every time they were around each other, the thermostat went up 100 degrees.

'So when did you meet her again?'


'Ah ha, it seems you are clearly smitten Romeo, when will we meet her? You never revealed who she was but back then I could see that she had captured your heart.' Derick knew that his friend meant him well but how could he reveal her when Lian was being evasive and stubborn.

'Soon, you will know soon enough.' Came the short response and Lucas raised his eyebrow as he drank the last drop of liquor.

Lucas patted his back, 'Just great, I am so happy you are finally taking the plunge with this woman, it's a pity though I always thought you and Lian would make a great couple.' Derick choked on his drink. The warm liquid went through his nose instead of going along the proper course. He coughed and his eyes watered as Lucas handed him some tissue.

'Sorry man,' he said laughingly, 'I know Lian is a spitfire but you two do seem to send sparks off each other.' Derick was still trying to regain his composure.

'Tania always said that you two had some 'x factor' and looking at the sparring between you two I agree but if this mystery woman is the one who sends you into convulsions like Tania does to me go for it man.' Derick was trying hard to remain calm. He burst out laughing at the thought that Derick and Tania had wanted to set him and Lian up.

"Lian and I?' Derick continued laughing, if only Lucas knew.

'Come off it man!' Lucas said as he too joined the laughter, 'Thinking about it now you two would start world war three.'

The rest of the week had not panned out well for Lian. Derick had deliberately accosted her on many occasions. On one occasion he had stood behind her and breathed on her neck. It was a subtle gesture but her libido had been all frazzled. The man was trying to kill her and she could only take so much. He touched her at any opportunity he could find and volunteered to do tasks in which she was a part of. She had her limit. Her nights were filled with steamy dreams of Derick.

The icing on the cake was when he had volunteered to set up the furniture for the wedding. The lout had removed his shirt. He was even more ripped than eight years ago. His chest was firm and his muscles...she had drooled and almost run to him to touch his abdominals.

He had not directly approached her but the little things he did were so sneaky ... but hot! The man was clearly torturing her and she was falling for it. Maybe she had not been with a man for a while. That had to be the reason she was reacting this way. There was no other explanation.

As soon as she got back to New York she would go on a date with the fashion expert guy who had been asking her out. She needed to get laid. That was the only reason Derick looked so intoxicating every time she saw him.

The wedding was finally here. Tania looked spectacular in a sleeveless tiered pleated organza mermaid design dress. The ruffles on the bottom flowed into the court train. She had decided to wear a flower tiara which matched her pink bouquet. The dress was a vision and Lian cried as she looked at her best friend walk down the aisle on her father's arm. The yard was full with family and friends from both sides of the wedding party. Tania's theme was just so beautifully applied and the fuchsia pink colours with hints of green coming to life. The bridesmaids were in pink sheath dresses but as maid of honour her own dress was mint green.

The couple said the vows and Lian's eyes strayed somehow to Derick. He was watching her as the couple committed themselves to each other she had been mesmerized by Derick's gaze. A deep yearning to be at Derick's side enveloped her as she was drawn in by him. Everyone disappeared except the man who had held her in his gaze. It was like they were staring into each other's soul. She felt bonded to him as they connected.

Lian snapped back and looked at her best friend and realised that she had missed the vows. Derick was too much of a distraction.

'I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.' The vicar said as the couple sealed their union.

Lian had planned to leave the next morning after the wedding. However, she needed to get out of this village and back to New York where she would be occupied with more than just Derick in her thoughts. More time in Derick's presence was too much for her and she was sure she would give in if she saw him any longer.

 One of Tania's cousins had driven her car to the hotel for her and her luggage was already inside the car so she would be leaving right after the bride and groom departed. She had decided to take a red eye flight back to New York.

Tania and Lucas had finally left for the romantic honeymoon in the Maldives. She had said goodbye and thanked Tania's family for their hospitality. She was about to leave when Derick accosted her.

'We need to talk Lian,' he suggested as he blocked her exit through the large French doors. She stood her ground.

'There is nothing to say Derick, now goodbye I can't say it was nice meeting you again but I guess we will meet because we have best friends that are now married.' She looked around her and noticed that the other set of exit doors were nearby so she turned to walk away from him. He stepped in her way again.

'What are you doing?' She said as he took hold of her hand and pulled her toward the elevator.

'Let go you big bully, manhandling women seems to be your MO now let me go.' His grip was like a chain and his stride determined as he walked. She could barely keep up with him as he led her away. No one really noticed that she was being kidnapped which was a shame because she wanted to scream. As the elevator doors closed, he released her.

'You are a real pig you know, how dare you drag me like this. I hate this macho act of yours. It is tired and lame and I will no longer stand for it.' She reached for the emergency button but he stopped her. She kicked his shins and he bucked.

'Good!' she said as she reached for the button but the elevator stopped before she could do so. She dashed out and tried to make a run for it but he hauled her off feet and slung her over his shoulder. She beat his back as she struggled to free herself. 'Let me go you big bully!'

'After we talk,' he said firmly as he swiped his hotel card to a room door and proceeded to put her on the bed. She sat up quickly and took the first thing she got in her hand which was a pillow and threw it at him. He ducked. Lian was more incensed and grabbed a paper weight and flung it at him. 'Now listen....'

His words faltered as the paperweight winged passed his head and bounced off the wall before falling into a broken heap on the floor, he swung around removing his jacket.

'Listen!' Lian stood up and fixed her dress, 'There is nothing you are going to say that would mean anything to me now get out of my way!' she decided to walk out with her head held high.

She tried to push past him but he held her back,

'Just let me go, why are you doing this Derick?'

She said struggling to escape, he picked her up and deposited her on the bed again, she kicked him and he fell onto her; they were busy fighting each other when he burst out laughing. She stopped for a moment and looked at him.

'What's so funny?'

'You have to ask?' he sat up as did she and they stared at each other before he surprised her by touching her face lightly.

'I don't know what you do to me but I am tired of fighting it anymore, I want to be with you Lian.' Derick's words shocked her to the core.

'Huh?' she was lost for words. She had expected anything but this. He wanted her? I mean the look in his eyes definitely showed her wanted her but....

He cupped her face lovingly, 'For eight years I could not get you out of my head and seeing you these past few days, I want more, I want you I want us to explore this attraction that we have.' There was a long silence as he searched her face for a reaction.

'Derick are you drunk?' she asked finally.

'What do you say; you want to give us a try?' he ignored her question as his eyes pierced her own. Lian wanted to look away but couldn't. Derick's closeness was too much and she needed to break away from him.

'Huh? What? You're drunk and crazy.' she tried dismiss his words as she tried to sit up but he held her body down with his own.

'Are you going to say that you don't feel the attraction between us because I know you do, I can feel it every time I look at you.' He was nibbling her neck, 'when I touch you....' he was caressing her inner thigh. '...when I am near you, I go insane.'

She swallowed deeply, 'Derick,' she looked at him but her mouth froze as she saw the raw emotion in his eyes. He looked so full of need, of something more than just carnal desire. Derick felt more for her than just lust and Lian realised that maybe... just maybe... she could give a little more of herself to someone even Derick.

'Let me in Lian.' He whispered in her ear. His breath sent tingles down her spine.

'Umm...,' she debated with herself. She felt her body get warm all over as Derick's manhood swelled against her core, 'No time like the present to start.' She said as her lips joined with his.

She woke up satisfied and fulfilled, last night had been magical. Derick had been awesome if their first night together eight years ago had been great, then last night was just phenomenal. It was unbelievable how the two of them just blended so well. She smiled, maybe Derick was right, maybe she should give him a chance. She squirmed as she tried to get up without disturbing him.

However, he pulled her close, 'We have nothing to do today, so where are you going?'

'I thought I...' she stopped. His eyes were open and he was smiling at her,

'Don't look at me like that; I don't know what to say?'

'Say nothing.' he suggested as his hand went to her breast.

'Derick for eight years all I have been is mean to you I ... will you stop... oh my!' she moaned as he started to kiss her neck and mould her breast more firmly 'I.....Derick.....we... I.....' she never finished her statement, as they got lost in each other again.    

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