Daughter of Artemis

By fang72

49.1K 1.2K 628

After the giant war everyone thought there would be peace. But when our favorite hero finds the daughter of t... More

Daughter of Artemis
Chapter two: peacemaker
Chapter three: the prophecy
Chapter four: the forbiden child
Chapter five: claimed
Chapter six: Family reiunion
Chapter seven: The knot of Isis
Questions try number two
Dedications list
Chapter eight: The meeting

Chapter one: After the war

5.4K 130 16
By fang72


It was finally over. The fight against Gaea was done. About two seconds ago the seven and all of their godly parents had combined their powers to kill Gaea. They had the same amount of power, the same weaknesses and the same strengths. It was so weird. If Franks stick were to burn we would all die, we are all extremely loyal and full of pride. However with the downsides come bonuses. We can all charm speak, use water, summon lightning, and come up with good straigies. It is so weird being smart. My head is full of facts. When all fourteen of us stabbed her at the same time she exploded and we were all thrown in different directions which is where I am now.

I ran to where I saw Annabeth got thrown. Her leg was still broken and I hoped to all the gods she was okay. When I got there she was unconscious and barley breathing.

"Hey she needs some help" I yelled. Apollo walked over.

"God of medicine at your service" he touched her forehead. Wow déjà vue. All of her injuries disappeared and she woke up.

"Is it over?" she asked.

"It's all over we won." I said and kissed her cheek and helped her up. Suddenly we were transported to the throne room on Olympus.

The gods all sat on their thrones while the seven just stood their and stared at Zeus waiting for him to say something. When he did none of them could believe what he said

"Thank you we, could not defeat them without you." Someone could have dropped a pin and would have sounded like a gong.

"For your bravery we have decided that if you want you may become gods and goddesses. Leo stepped forward and asked

"Out of curiosity what would we be gods of"? It was a fair question, I mean all gods have a duty of looking after a domain or aspect like: water, air, death, wisdom, luck, revenge.

"It was decided that Percy would be god of swordsmanship, horses and loyalty, Annabeth would be goddess of architecture and facts, Leo will be god of humor and mechanics, Hazel will be goddess of jewels, Piper will be goddess of peace and persuasion, Jason will be god of leadership and the ozone and Frank will control people's strength and weaknesses." Zeus finished.

I looked at the others "Are you going to do it?" Piper asked Jason.

"I will if you do" he replied.

"Well I'm gonna do it" Leo said.

"That means we have to Jason we have to keep an eye on him." Piper said. Hazel was talking to Frank about how it would lift their curses. It looks like she won him over because he came over and said

"We're in". I turned to Annabeth

"I turned down immortality for you once and I'll do it again if you don't want to. But what do you say wise girl wanna do it together?" Percy was surprised that it came out of his mouth it sounded smart and sophisticated.

"Let's do it seaweed brain" She replied with a huge smile.We all stepped forward and said

"I accept." Zeus nodded and said

"Prepare yourselves it can sometimes be painful". I started to feel pricks on my skin and all I could see was light. It seemed to take forever but there was no pain. When the light faded I felt so much stronger.


Percy and I came out of it at the same time. We immediately noticed all of our friends on the floor passed out.

"Why are they unconscious?" I asked looking at lord Zeus for an answer.

"I guess they couldn't take the pain" he shrugged.

"They will be fine when they wake up". How come they felt pain and we didn't, I wondered. Percy came to the same thought But he voiced it.

"My best guess is that because you went through Tartarus, held up the sky and in Percy's case drank Gordon's blood and bathed in the river Styx as well the pain was nothing to your bodies." Athena explained.

Our friends started to come to it, and we helped them up.

"Wow that pain was definitely worth it. Hey how come you guys were up and talking already"Leo asked.

"Thank the gods" Percy yelled out of no where.

"What the hades" Jason asked.

"Oh sorry just that my water powers still work. I was so scared I lost them." Percy replied with a huge sigh.

"Oh yes I forgot to mention that if and when I pass on you are to be my heir, as you are my strongest son." Posideon explained to his son with a huge grin.

"Nobody answered my question" Leo said.

"Oh apperentaly we took so much pain and torture in Tartarus that our bodies are immune to pain." I explained.

Just then Triton appeared and marched up to Percy slapped him and turned to Posideon and started complaining to his father on how he should be the heir to the sea and not Percy. One that caught my attention was when he complained that Percy wasn't even a god. Posideon motioned to Percy to stand beside him. He whispered into his ear and Percy nodded. Suddenly standing beside the large throne was a very tall seaweed brain.

"Sorry Triton but that's where your wrong. I am the god of loyalty , swordsmanship and horses." he shrunk back to human size and patted Triton on the back.

"Sorry bro"he said as he walked back to me and put an arm around my waist.

"I challenge you to a duel for the heir position!" Triton screamed.

"I accept" Percy stated like it was no big deal.

Triton brought out his sword and made a stab at Percy. Percy uncapped riptide and parried his strike then, when Tritons next strike came Percy disarmed him and had both of the swords at Tritons throat.

"God of swordsmanship remember" Percy stated as he casually tossed Tritons sword back at him. I went over to him and noticed something different about riptide. It looked like a different sword from every angle. I told him about it but he just shrugged and said it looked normal to him

"Well now that that's over, you seven should know that you have palaces on mount Olympus, though I suspect that you will be staying at the camps for now to have a sense of normality for a while." Zeus said.

"Camp!"we all screamed.

"Can we please continue this later, right now our two camps are in the middle of a war and we really should stop it" Percy pleaded.

"Oh yes, of course." Zeus granted. We sped to the elevator and went down to the ground floor.


As we ran outside I whistled and seven shapes appeared in the sky. They were all white except for the one in the lead who was all black.

"Hey Blackjack!" I greeted.

"Sup boss I heard your god of horses now. I don't have to call you lord right?" he asked in my head.

"Definitly not" I replied. We all got on our pegasi and flew toward the camp at a breakneck speed.

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