daddy ♛ muke {COMPLETED}

By grungymuke

133K 5.6K 7.9K

where luke is michaels moms boyfriend, and michael is attracted to him. fem!michael daddy!luke 2015 © grung... More

one//nice to meet you daddy
two//hes a hottie
three//mall time!
four//date night
seven//bloodshot eyes
character ask//closed
eight//are you serious?!
character ask// answers
nine//go away
twelve//what is going on?!
thirteen//mommys back
fourteen//what is a muke?
fifteen//badboys get punished
sixteen//woah ?!
seventeen// shes your cousin!?
eighteen//double dates and break ups
nineteen//just say yes?!
twenty// the end...

eleven//i miss you

5.2K 240 189
By grungymuke


who wants to cuddle ??

halsey or melanie martinez? (Only pick one)

I'm not picking one because their are both my queens so bye :)

sam played by sam aka frootylarrie

"w-what?!" luke says enter the phone.

"im sorry." ashton says.

ashton was a little heartbroken. he thought calum liked him.

"i gotta fucking go." luke says hanging up and throwing his phone down. he tugs at his hair.

he then picks up his phone again and dials a number he would of never thought he would of dialled. . .


"how was grocery shopping?" joy asks.

"grocery shopping was fun!" calum says winking at michael, making him blush.

"was it busy?"

"i was too busy doing michael." calum whispers so only michael could hear. michael giggles and blushes.

"calum?" joy asks waving her hand in his face.

"oh yeah. it wasn't really busy." calum says shrugging.

"oh yeah uh michael?" joy says sighing.

"yeah joy?" michael says smiling and going on snapchat and doing the doggy filter.

"luke called."

michael's body stiffened. "w-what? do you uh know why?"

"mikey... here." she says handing him the phone.

"he wanted to talk to you, he misses you." joy adds.

michael goes upstairs and locks himself in the guest room. he dials luke's number and takes a deep breath as it rings.

"h-hello?" luke says into the phone. you could tell he was crying.

"da- i mean luke?" michael says .

"mikey?!" luke says happily.

"yeah it's me." michael says looking down at the ground.

"i miss you babyboy." luke says. he instantly regretted saying it though.


michael didn't know what to say.

"I-I miss you too." michael stutters out.

luke actually smiles.

"when will you uh come back home?" luke asks.

"lukey, calum's house is my home now." michael says sighing.



"well i gotta to go, ashton is picking calu- i mean someone up soon so yeah ,"

"bye daddy." michael says.

luke replies, "bye baby."

they hang up.

michael smiles and goes downstairs.

"where did cal go?" michael asks joy.

"went out with asht- some friends!" joy says quickly.

"oh okay. im going to starbucks!" michael says getting on his shoes and grabbing his little black back pack putting his phone and wallet inside.

"kk bye mikey!" joy says.

he starts walking to starbucks which takes longer since calum lives farther away.

when he gets there he gets in line and knows what he's gonna order: an caramel macchiato and a blueberry scone.

he was next in line.

"hi! can i get a caramel macchiato and a blueberry scone please." michael says.

"oh and grande." he says giggling.

"of course what's your name?" the girl with turquoise hair asks.

"michael. m-i-c-h-a-e-l." he says.

"k thanks! that would be 6.99 please," she says. (Idk how much they are ... All I know is that a caramel macchiato is 4.35 grande and I think a scone is 2 or 1 dollar idk 😂😂)

michael hands her 10 dollars. he gets change back.

after a few minutes he grabs his food and sits down near the windows.

"hi may i sit here?" a voice asks. he looks up and sees a girl with dark hair and dark brown eyes, she was wearing a nirvana shirt and black leggings.

"sure!" michael says.

"im sam." she says smiling as she sips her drink. (SAM AKA MY CHILD AS ARRIVED frootylarrie )

"michael." he says shaking her hand.

they talk and talk until sam had to go, they exchanged numbers and snapchats.

he goes home and gets changed into shorts and a loose red tank top.

"goodnight joy!" he says from upstairs.

"night mikey," she replies.

he wondered where calum was, he shrugs and lays in bed listening to bring me to the horizon.

"goodnight luke, i miss you." he whispers before falling asleep...

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