The Search for Jetfur

By ad_meliora

4.1K 197 44

[Warriors Cats Fanfiction] After Tigerstripe's former clan, MoonClan, falls apart after its loss in battle, T... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's Note

Chapter 36

54 2 0
By ad_meliora

"What do you mean?" Tigerstripe asked, frozen in shock. "There has to be some way to cure it. My friend is with a stranger dying, and you're telling me there's no cure!"

Krait shrunk down, frightened by Tigerstripe's harsh words.

"There is no cure," she repeated more quietly.

Tigerstripe let out a growl and unsheathed his claws. His hatred for Krait had grown even more so in the past few days. She had not only deliberately thrown Jetfur off a cliff, but now she would be the cause of Snakepelt's death. Why did she enjoy taking everything he loved? Why had he once been fond of her?

Why didn't I listen to StarClan's warning? he thought to himself, knowing that Krait was the cursed cat he'd been warned about.

"That's a lie!" came a vicious snarl.

Tigerstripe spun around to find Korosu had leapt down from a nearby tree. The slim feline glided past Tigerstripe and approached Krait, her red eyes gleaming with fierceness.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Krait stammered, clearly intimidated by Korosu.

Tigerstripe glanced at the two and for once was glad Korosu was with him.

"You deliberately placed the curse on that she-cat," Korosu growled.

"I did no such thing!" Krait retorted, fur beginning to stand up on her back.

"Oh, really?" Korosu asked. She approached Krait and circled around her. Tigerstripe stood back, watching Krait's eyes widen.

"I am familiar with the Dark Forest, too," Korosu purred. "I am aware of its powers and what you've become vulnerable too. You were weak, confused. Perhaps you might not have meant it...or perhaps you did...but I can see when the Dark Forest is working through a cat."

Tigerstripe just sat in awe, utterly confused.

"It's true!" Krait suddenly exclaimed. "But I didn't know what I was doing! She was the first cat I'd come across since..."

"Why don't you tell Tigerstripe what it is you've done?" Korosu growled.

"What's going on?" Tigerstripe asked.

Krait spun around and glanced down at her paws.

"I let the Dark Forest possess me," she admitted.

"What?!" Tigerstripe exclaimed. In the time he'd been with her, he hadn't suspected any such thing. "You're not even a clan cat."

"No, but evil exists everywhere."

"Tell him why you did it," Korosu continued.

"I-I was desperate. I'd lost my mate and kits, and those woods that I wandered into...the woods I found you in, Tigerstripe...were full of dark power. I invoked a Dark Forest spirit and allowed its power to enter me. It wasn't so bad at first. I continued on normally many days until when I noticed Snakepelt in the same woods. I-I'm not sure what happened, but I recall getting furious with her because she killed the squirrel I was going to eat and then...well, she seemed funny afterwards. She didn't seem insane yet, but something didn't seem right when she walked away."

"And you did this before I even met you?!" Tigerstripe exclaimed, furious.

"Yes...but I hadn't known I'd done wrong. I just wanted to find my kits, that's all."

"But this was not the only time you drew on their power, was it?" Korosu asked, clearly wanting her to spill more.

Krait finally glanced up now and stared at Tigerstripe.

"No. When that hunter shot me...I...I did die. But the Dark Forest was able to bring me back," she explained. "And now I feel their presence more than ever."

Tigerstripe nodded, knowing that would explain Krait's odd appearances since her "death."

"Now...the cure," Korosu purred.

"There is no cure," Krait repeated. "And I wish you'd leave me alone too. I came under your influence, and now I can't leave it."

"I helped her become more in control with her Dark Forest powers," Korosu explained to Tigerstripe.

"And now you treat me like a slave," Krait spat.

"But you have your kits now," Korosu pointed out. "Though I don't believe my work is finished with you yet."

Krait unsheathed her claws, clearly furious with Korosu by this point. "No. I am sick of you and your Dark Forest spirits taking over my life. I want to be free!"

Korosu took a stance and unsheathed her claws.

"Are you asking for a fight then, kitty?"

"Um...guys...the cure," Tigerstripe whimpered, not sure what was going down between them.

Krait let out a yowl and launched herself at the white she-cat. Korosu quickly slid aside and sliced at Krait's leg. The Siamese let out a yowl as fresh blood dripped from her new wound. Tigerstripe was unsure what to do besides sit and watch. He watched as Korosu moved quickly. Krait dodged very few attacks, and Tigerstripe felt that with each lunge Korosu made at her, a new wound appeared.

"ENOUGH!" Krait suddenly yowled. Suddenly, a transparent cobra seemed to waver above her. Tigerstripe shivered, recognizing it as the one that had appeared so often in his dreams.

"The Dark Forest spirit," Korosu whispered.

Suddenly, Tigerstripe noticed a faint red glow emanating from Korosu's pelt. He was not sure what was at work here, but he suspected dark power.

Korosu let out a battle yowl and launched at the she-cat. She knocked Krait to the ground and threw her. The spirits wavering above the she-cats seemed to be fighting too until Korosu gave one last deep clawmark into Krait's side.

The she-cat yowled while the cobra above her let out a shrill. It slowly faded from view, and Korosu's red glow faded as well. Krait lay on the ground, breathing heavily.

"The curse should be broken now," Korosu explained to Tigerstripe.

"What? How?" Tigerstripe asked.

Krait slowly stood up, blood dripping down her.

"What? Where am I? What's going on?" she wondered. She appeared to be utterly confused and exhausted.

"Tigerstripe, is that you?" she asked.

Tigerstripe glanced at Korosu in confusion.

"The Dark Forest has left her body. The curse should be lifted," she further explained.
While Tigerstripe was glad to know that Krait was no longer subject to Dark Forest power, he could not forgive her for all the wrongdoings she'd done. He turned to Korosu and eyed her with suspicion.

"And you're just letting me away?" he asked. "Aren't you going to ask for some repayment? Are you going to slit my throat now?"

Korosu let out a maniacal life. "Don't get your tail in a twist, Tigey. I won't be killing you today. You've done a great service to me by bringing me to Krait. As for repayment, I simply ask that you allow me to take this she-cat with me."

Tigerstripe frowned. He knew whatever Korosu had planned for the she-cat would not be good. In addition, she had kits too. But he didn't want to mess with Korosu, and Krait had already negatively altered his life so much. He didn't want to care for her as well as Snakepelt.
Tigerstripe sighed, guilt filling his body.

"All right. You can have her. Do what you want with her. I won't stop you," he said.

"Tigerstripe...don't let me go with her. I don't trust her," Krait mewed quietly.

"Tigerstripe has made a very good choice, Krait," Korosu purred.

"I'm sorry," was all Tigerstripe could tell Krait. He ignored the pain glimmering in her eyes.

Jetfur and Snakepelt are more important, he told himself again and again.

"Thank you for your service, Tigey," Korosu told him as she began to lead Krait away. "You should return to your Snakepelt now. Her memory should be recovered."

Suddenly remembering the curse was broken, Tigerstripe nodded and took off in a quick flash to where he'd last left Snakepelt. He wanted to get as far away as Krait and Korosu as possible before any more guilt could set into his system.

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