Stole My Heart

By TheWriter_BBW

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Lexie Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson's little sister was sent to study in the US just before Louis' audition. Aft... More

Chapter 1;
Chapter 2;
Chapter 3;
Chapter 4;
Chapter 5;
Chapter 6;
Chapter 7;
Chapter 8;
Chapter 9;
Chapter 10;
Chapter 11;
Chapter 12;
Chapter 13;
Chapter 14;
Chapter 15;
Chapter 16;
Chapter 17;
Chapter 18;
Chapter 19;
Chapter 21;
Chapter 22;
Chapter 23;
Chapter 24;
Chapter 25;
Chapter 26;
Chapter 27;
Chapter 28;
Chapter 29;
Chapter 30;
Chapter 31;
Chapter 32;
Chapter 33;
Chapter 34;
Chapter 35;
Chapter 36;

Chapter 20;

8 0 0
By TheWriter_BBW

“Thanks a lot! Liam, there’s this thing called knocking!?” I yelled as Niall tried to pull himself off the ground. “Ow!” I yelped, grabbing my cast.

“Oh God! Lex! I’m sorry!” Niall chirped, kissing my forehead, looking at my lips, then regretfully running to the door.

“Damn you Li.” I mumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

The nurse walked over to me, she checked some things, wrote some stuff down.

“He’s so protective.” She laughed quietly after I heard Niall say a rather loud No, to a muffled question from Liam.

“A tad.” I giggled.

“You know he only left once, right? He spent every moment he could beside you. In that chair.” She nodded to the chair on my left. I looked at it. It had his hoodie laid across the back, and a few stains that I’m sure he made. I smiled to myself.

“You’ve got yourself a great guy.” She smiled at me. “Better hold on to him love.”

“I know, and I plan to…” I sent her a warm smile.

“I need to check out your chest, and feel around to make sure your lung is getting stronger… And I need to do an ultrasound. That’s what they had to leave.

“Okay…” I managed to pull myself into a sitting position without any help. She helped me get the gown undone, and she rubbed this cold gel on my stomach and chest. She did a quick run over, took pictures with the machine, and told me if I felt any inflammation in my chest, or had a shortness of breath from now and until I get out, I need to tell the nurse on duty as soon as possible.

“It all looks pretty healthy. You should be out of here soon.” She smiled at me.

“Thanks, uhm… how do I get this gel off?” I asked, poking a glob on my stomach.

“I’ll get your brother to come help you.” She said, helping me into the bathroom.

“Oh, by the way, I was told to give this to you.” She handed me my graffitied backpack.

I opened it to find an outfit picked out by Katie. It was cute. And it was a change of clothes.

“Am I aloud to wear clothes like this now?” I asked the nurse.

“Yes love, but first let me disconnect you from the machines that are monitored by you getting stuck with needles and what not.”

I looked away as she pulled the two needles out of my right arm. She put a bandaid over to two little holes.

“You’re good to change now. I’ll go get your brother.” She smiled at me and helped me into the bathroom.

A moment later I heard Lou’s voice.

“In the bathroom. It’s unlocked.” I called, leaning against the counter.

“Lex, why are you out of bed?” He asked.

“Lou, I had gel ALL OVER me, and I actually have a change of clothes. I NEED to change.” I said as I clasped the clean bra behind me back. “I got the gel off my chest, and I need help getting it off the rest of me.” I slid the gel-covered gown onto the bathroom floor.

“Lex, why’d you just strip! What if one of the boys walk in!” He looked at me standing there in my bra and knickers.

“Lou, lock the door.” I said, walking into the shower area to change into the clean pair of knickers and the sweatpants Katie packed.

He sighed, locked the door, and helped me get all the gel off my body. He started to complain about how he was in the middle of talking to someone before the nurse came to get him, and she was a very nice girl. He was telling me about her, and he sounded genuinely disappointed in not getting her number, till I pointed out I could have gotten Niall to help clean me up.

“No. You’re half naked, and let’s just say I walked in on Niall talking about you one day, and if I find out he’s ever gotten a hold of you in a sexual way. I’m chopping his balls off.” My jaw hit the ground. “Don’t give me that look. I’m serious. Pick your jaw off the ground Lex.” His voice took on this alpha male tone. “I don’t want you to do anything with Niall. Okay. Nothing. Not. A. Thing. The LAST thing you need to accidentally get pregnant.” I hit his arm, hard. “OUCH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?”

"First off, for implying that I’d get pregnant at such a young age, even if almost eighteen isn’t very young. Second off, SERIOUSLY!?” I smacked his arm again. Harder then the first time. “I’ve barely been with Niall for a… month now, and you’re talking about us have sex! WHAT THE HELL LOUIS! Calm yo self! We’ve got a LONG time before ANYTHING like that happens!” I exclaimed, taking a moment to slip the t-shirt Katie picked out over my  head. I took a deep breath in the process of getting the shirt on, and realized it smelled just like Niall. I looked in the mirror and noticed it WAS Niall’s. “Lou..” I sighed, “nothing is going to happen between me and Niall for a long while. I promise. I know you’re scared to lose me.” I hugged him.

"Damnit Lexie, you know me to well." He caved and hugged me back.

"Leeeeeeeeexieeeeeeeeeeee!" Katie called, right outside the door, "You have some visitors!" She giggled.

"Is she drunk?" I laughed, kind of surprised.

"I hope not… It’ll be hard to get her out of here without drawing attention if she is…" Louis rubbed his temple.

Katie has been eighteen for a few months now, and she doesn’t drink often, but then again she’s a lightweight and gets tipsy easily. Therefore, she gets plastered quickly. I mean, I LOVE her to death, and she’s amazing, but when she’s drunk… I’d LOVE to record it and hold it above her head. The shit she does drunk… God, it’s hilarious!

"Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexieeee!" She wined. "I miss you! WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard a thump, and Lou sent me a look.

"She’s plastered." We said at the same time.

"Here, let me pick up everything, go on out there and make sure she doesn’t kill herself… or hurt anyone." I said pushing him out the door.

I put my dirty clothes in the backpack, and noticed my glittered make-up bag was in there. I put on some foundation and mascara. I threw my mascara tube back into the make-up bag and took a good look at myself. There were only a few cuts still on my face. I had a small gash healing along my jawline on my right, and then a bruise in the final shades of green/brown on my shoulder that reaches to my collar bone area. Man, if I look like this now, I can only imagine how bad it was days ago. I wonder back into my room, it was quiet and empty.

Jumping back into the bed, metaphorically speaking, I checked my phone. It was around  2:00 in the afternoon, and it was the first of February. I put my phone back on the table beside the hospital bed and closed my eyes.

February first. Why does that date ring a bell…

February first… February first…


Holy Hell! How could I forget that! I haven’t gotten him a thing! I haven’t even talked to him today to WISH him a happy birthday.

I hopped out of bed and paced the small distance between my bed and the bathroom. Damnit Lexie! You had plenty of opportunities to get him something! You’ve only gone out shopping four times since they got here. Damn! I need to figure out something… I need t-

"Lexie?" Shit.

"Hi Harry." I smiled at him, he walks over and gently hugs me.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better." I smile. "What happened to Katie?" I asked, changing the topic.

"Well, we went for a drink this afternoon, and I didn’t know just two drinks would do that to her." He laughed shaking his head.

"Happy Birthday Harry." I kissed his cheek, "And yes, Katie gets plastered easily, as you can tell. Promise me you’ll have a good time tonight, for your birthday. And then you make sure, if she’s worse, you two get back to the house and you take care of her." I told him, taking one of his hands.

"Lex, we aren’t going out tonight. We discussed, you and I, that we’d celebrate our eighteenths together, I’d have to wait two more weeks anyway. It’ll be fin-"

"Harry, don’t. You all need a break anyway. All of you are going out tonight. I’ll be fine here by myself."

"Do you really think Niall OR Louis are going to just leave cause you told them to?" He asked my, eyebrows raised in amusement.

"Oh Harold, you have not a clue how conniving I can be." I winked at him. "Just watch." I climbed into my bed, and covered up. "Louis!" I called.

A few moments later he walked in, his face looked a bit drained and he looked tired.

"Everything okay Lex?" He asked, his eyes full of rabid emotions.

"Yes Lou, did you know it’s Harry’s birthday?"

"Of course, we went for a drink earlier…" Confusion took over his features.

"Okay, good. You’re all going out tonight to celebrate his coming of being a man." I said, getting a look from Harry.

"Lex." Louis sighed. "We can-"

"No Lou, you CAN. I’m in the hospital. I have atleast four nurses that are only a push of a button away. The nurse this morning said I’m improving quickly, and as I should. I’m fine to be by myself for a few hours. PLUS, how many days have you been here with me? When was the last time you and the boys just went out to eat and had a good time?" I crossed my arms over my chest, challenging him to argue.

"Lexieee!" He whined, knowing he’s lost already. "I can’t just leave you here alone, it wouldn’t feel right to leave you while we go out!"

"She won’t be alone. I’ll stay with her." Niall jumped in, walking into the room with Zayn, Liam, Katie, and someone else behind them.

"Niall, YOU’RE going too! You’re not missing out on a nice dinner out to stay in this horrid place with me. I won’t let you." I’m not caving, it’s time to fight.

"Lex, just because you’re hard-headed and stubborn like your brother, that doesn’t mean you’ll always win these arguments." Niall said.

"Nia!" I almost whined.

"Nia? Really Lex?" Liam laughed.

"Shut up Li!" I tried not to laugh.

"Li? Lexie, these pet names are cute!" Zayn giggled.

"Are they, Nyaz? Are they?" I shot back. Zayn quit laughing, and leaned against the wall. The mystery person, stayed directly behind him. "Seriously, you guys have all been worried sick about me fore two weeks now, GO OUT. No ifs, and, or buts about it. Bye." I said, motioning towards the door. "But first! Nyaz, who’s behind you?" I asked, getting out of the bed.

"Well, Katie did say you had visitors…" Zayn said, shrugging, as he moved out of the way.

"OHMYGOD! NO WAY! IS THAT REALLY YOU?!" I exclaimed, running to hug an old friend of mine. "I’VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH —-!!"

"I have too babe!" She laughed as she hugged me. "You’re looking good, I wish you could go out with us tonight."

"Wait, you’re going out with them?" I laughed.

"Yes ma’am… Lou actually asked me to… I hope that’s okay!" She said quickly.

I knew it. I smirked, “That’s fine! But behave kids!” I winked at Louis, who was bright red.

"Now leave."

"I told you, I’m not going." Niall sat on the bed, and refused to move.

"FIIIINE! Everyone BUT Niall, have a fun time. We’ll be here." I shooed everyone out the door.

"Now that we’re alone, where were we earlier?" Niall asked, appearing behind me, his arms snaking around my waist.

Oh boy. I smirked up at him.

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