Falling From Heaven

By PCaricnam

279 3 13

Nora is just a wallflower. She stands in the back trying to be ignored. But when Drew Reciful comes into he... More

Project Nora-Drew's POV
Not Until Hell Freezes Over-Nora's POV

Romeo-Nora's POV

77 0 7
By PCaricnam

I opened my eye to sunlihgt cascading through my open window.  I was disapointed, I'd much rather it to be dark and rainy.  Today is the only day of the year I can't show my face.  I needed to be able to shrink into my hoddie and play the music on high.  Today was the day i needed to be completely ignored.  

I pushed my green cotton sheets away and stood up on the oak florr.  My pajamas clung to me, and i could feel the dry sweat matted into my hair.  besides the sweat, my feet felt like one gigantic bruise.  I could almost feel the blood gathering to the sore spots.  Another nightmare.  It was always the same.  I was running as fast as I could.  Trying to get away from something.  Or someone.  With every step I took there would be a horrible pain in my feet.  That's when I would see the cliff looming in the foggy distance.  I tried, as hard as I could, to stop running but I never could.  Just like that, the ground was gone and I was falling, faster than water, to the jagged rocks below.  My throat was so choked up I couldn't even scream.  That's when it happens.  Suddenly there is a searing pain in my back, and I feel something rip away from my skin.  I look, and I see wings protruding from my back.  No longer am I looking at the rocks, but beautiful sky and fluffy white clouds that look like cotton candy.  I'm flying. 

That's when I would wake up.  Honestly, it's hard not knowing what to expect next.  And i would do anything, absolutley anything, to make the dream go on longer.  Even just for one second.  One tiny tiny second.  I just had to know where those wings came from.  They were just so beautiful.  Long and slender with soft white feathers and rough black undertone feathers.  What I would do to just curl up and fall asleep on them.  But seriously i needed to get real with myself.  It's just a dream and it doesn't mean anything.  

There was a timid knock on my door followed by, "Are you dressed yet honey?"  

"All covered up Dad.  You can come in."  I stood armed and ready waiting for the deluge of happy birthdays to flood over me.  

He burst through the door and threw confetti everywhere.  Even worse, in one hand was a chocoalate iced birthday cake with one single candle, "Happy birthday to you!  Happy birthday to you!  Happy birthday dear Nora! Happy 14th birthday to you! Cha-cha-cha!"  He plopped the cake unto my dresser and lit the candle.  "Now make a wish Angel.  And really give it some thought."  

I sat there for ten seconds and gave my wish a good thinking.  Do I wish for a dog?  No...Do I wish for a million dollars?  Yeah right like that's going to happen.  That's when the wish hit me.  I wish that i knew the truth about the dream.  I took a big deep breath and blew out the candle on the first try.  

"Yay!  Now do you know what it's time for?!"  Dad shouted extremely loud with way to much enthusiasm.  

"Me to get ready for school?  I know you love my birthday and all, but I have twenty minutes till i have to walk to school.  And i still need to get dressed, eat breakfast, and meet Beth.  So can we hold off presents until after school?"  I gave him my puppy dog eyes and pouted my lip. 

"Don't you dare give me the puppy dog look!  Don't you dare!  I'm trying to resist, but I've always been a sucker for that face.  Darn it....well I guess we can wait till after school.  But boy oh boy are you missing out on some of the best presents Matthew Gracen has ever bought!"  He thumped his chest like Tarzan and ran out of the room like a wild child.  

"What about the cake!?"  I called behind him.  

He skipped back into the room, "Whoops, forgot about that slightly crucial detail.  Your down to fifteen minutes Angel, you better get ready."  He scooped up the cake and planted a kiss on the top of my head.  "I'll put this in the fridge and you can have a slice after school." 

I gave him a nod and listened while he whistled all the way down our stairs.  I quickly put on a pair of jeans and a gray t-shirt.  Then i grabbed my favorite purple hoodie and slid it over my rat's nest of hair.  After i sorted through all my crap on the dresser I finally found my brush.  Ever so carefully I combed through my hair until lucious brown curls fell down around my shoulders.  You couldn't deny it, with my blue eyes and curls I really was slighty pretty.  But it's not like anyone would ever notice.  

I bustled down my carpeted stairs to the smell of frying bacon and burning toast.  i sighed, "Dad, just because its called toast doesn't mean i want it burnt!" 

"Sweet molasses!  Not again!"  My dad ran across the kitchen like a child running to open presents: fast and chaotic.  "Oh, Angel, I'm sorry!  And only 10 minutes till you have to leave!  Should i cut up some strawberries for you?"

"No, it's fine.  I'll just eat the bacon and grab a nutrigrain bar from the vending machine at school."  I gave my Dad a pat on the arm to let him know it was alright.  

"I promise that tonight we can go out to a nice dinner and you can bring Beth along.  She doesn't get out much and I'm sure she would thoroughly enjoy it."  He stuffed the burnt bread into the garbage disposal and flipped the switch.  A loud jarring sound filled the surronding area.  It sounded like an old lady screaming while falling off the empire state building.  Dad hurridley flipped off the switch, "Note to self:  fix garbage disposal."  He shuffled over to his desk in his mismatched socks and took out a green post-it-note.  He wrote down, Fix garbage disposal ASAP.  After a short pause he wrote down again, ASAP sort of sounds like syrup.  He stuck the post-it-notes to the wall, "That should do it!"   

I laughed and gave him a hug, "Listen, Dad, I love how you want to take Beth and I out, but honestly we can just manage with Subway.  No need for the fancy shmancy crap."  

He protested, "But honey it's your birth-"  The grandfather clock let out a huge bellow of chimes and bells.  8:00!?  I was supposed to meet Beth five minutes ago!  

"Dad I love you but I gotta go!  I'm already running late!"  I skidded across the floor and grabbed my backpack off the ground.  

"What about your bacon?!"  He called after me. 

"Just feed it to Beethoven!  You know how much he loves his meats!"  As if on cue, our fat beagle by the name of Beethoven, rounded the corner like a runner finishing the last mile.  The words 'bacon' just sounds of fireworks in his small doggy mind.  Any chance for human food is like heaven on earth for Beethoven.  

"Look at me! Being reduced to feeding our dog my own food, but I guess I love you too Maestro!  Have a good day Angel!  Love you!"  Dad screamed behind me. (Maestro is our nickname for Beetoven if you didn't catch that.) 

I ran like the wind up the dangerously steep hill.  I could just see the little speck of human that was jumping up and down like a maniac.  It was Beth being a complete idiot.  But as I made my way closer I could just barely make out what appeared to be a small present wrapped with a white bow.  Crap Beth, you weren't supposed to get me anything!  I thought to my sweating self.  

"I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."  There had to be someway to boost my running, and if it involved talking to myself like the train on Dumbo then that was just how it was going to be.  

"Come on Nora!  We're late! Come on!!  School starts in ten minutes and it takes us at least seven to walk there!  Now run and work your legs girl!  I wanna see you sweatin' buckets!  Now move move move move!!!"  Beth now took on the role as best friend/drill sergent.  Thankfully, it was just what I needed right now.  

Little trumpet sounds filled my head as I finally reached the top of the hill.  I looked back and saw my house way down at the bottom.  My Dad and I were the only ones who lived on Redwood Ct.  Sometimes it's the best to have all the privacy in the world to us, but othertimes it's horrifying to think that we are all alone.  If a fire broke loose in our house there would be no one around to help us.  If I was home alone and somebody broke in then no one could hear me screaming.  It was comforting knowing that Beth lived only s few short minutes away, but still, I dreaded the day when something would happen and my Dad and I would be totally helpless.  

We started walking and Beth cleared her throat, "Happy birthday to you! Cha-cha-cha!  Happy birthday to you! Cha-cha-cha!  Happy birthday dear Nora!  Cha-cha-cha!  Happy birthhhhhdaaay to you! CHA-CHA-CHA!!  And voila!  Here is your present.  Please handle with love and care for it was carefully selected by your best friend who just so happens to be standing right next to you."  I laughed and grabbed the small present. I tore off the paper and stuffed it in my bag.  (When it comes to recycling i'm your girl.)  What was left in my hand was box.  "Ta-da!  I got you a one-of-a-kind box!  Handcrafted by the amish and made famous by me.  Please please hold your applause because there is an encore."  Beth leaned in and whispered in my ear, "The present isn't the box, but it is what is inside the box!"  She jumped up and down excitedly. 

I faked gasped, "The present is inside?!  I would have never known!"  I said overly enthusiastic.  I gingerly plucked the tape of the sides and peered in the box.  At the very bottom was a small chain.  I grabbed hold of it and brought it to my face.  Dangling off the neclace was a small charm in the shape of wings.  "Oh Beth!  I love it!  I love it! L-O-V-E it!  Hurry put it on me!"  Beth circled back around me and clasped the necklace around my neck.  It sat at the base of my neck perfectly and highlighted every point of my chestnut colored skin.  

"Now I don't want you complainging about me buying you a present.  You know you only turn 14 once!  And the present you got me last year was great!  I use my homemade coffee mug every morning!"  Beth put her arm around. 

"I didn't make you a homemade coffee mug for your birthday..."  I tried to contain my laughter because we were now entering the condensed and quiet halls of Rockwell Middle School. 

"Are you sure?  I could of sworn you made me that mug....oh wait that was Dylan who made me the mug.  That would explain why there was a heart that said D and B Forever in the middle of it.  Last time i checked you didn't change your name to Dora did you?"  Oh who cares about school rules?  I had to laugh at that one.  

"So what are you doing tonight?"  I asked as we reached our lockers. 

"Oh you know.  Hanging out with all the friends I wish we had."  

"Well since those friends don't exsist how about you just come over to my house and we can talk my Dad out of taking us out to a nice dinner.  And talk him in to just buying us Subway or something like that."  I peeked at my color-coded schedule.  First period: math.  Bleh.  Mr. Silvers would get no answers out of me today.  Looks like I have a date with my ipod and John Mayer.  Second Period: Lit.  Boo-Ya!  Only good class out of the seven I travel to every week.  Miss Halo was the best teacher I have ever had.  She actually understands me, and even better we are reading Romeo & Juliet today.  

"Talk your Dad out of getting me a free dinner?  No way hosea.  Not happening.  No comprendo.  End of story.  End of sentence.  Period."  Beth stomped her foot in disaproval.  

"Come on Beth, you know we can't afford it.  Please?"  I begged her with all I had. 

"Ugh. Fine.  And you guy aren't that close to bankrupt." 

"I know, but we are borderline and we need to start saving as much money as we can.  And we need to start by not going out to expensive dinners."  

"Fine, but we better get some type of food."  The bell chimed signalling a two minute warning till first period.  "I'll see you in World Civ okay?"  

"Copeesh.  See you then."  I grabbed my Math and Lit. books out of my locker, and dived through my purse until I found $1.00.  I made it to the vending machine to get a strawberry nutrigrain bar with one minute left.  

With my bar safely tucked away in my purse I ran to math on the other side of the building, and just barely made it in time before he Mr. Silvers shut the door, "You're almost considered tardy Miss Gracen.  I do not want to see this happeneing again.  Are we understood?"  He stared down at me with his beaty eye and horrible garlic breath. 

"Yes."  I whispered.  I"m really not the chosen one when it comes to confrentation.  

"I'm sorry what did you say?"  His spit rained over me and landed in my eye. 

"Yes, Sir, I understand."  I made myself say it louder.  And Mr. Silvers let me return to my seat in the very back of the class in the very back corner.  

I shoved my books in the desk, pulled my hood over my head, and dug my ipod out of my purse.  My headphones slid into my ears perfectly and John Mayer's "Your Body is a Wonderland" drowned out Mr. Silvers monotnous talk of combining like terms.  

At the end of class and in the middle of "Why Georgia" a small piece of paper appeared on my desk.  Whether it was there the whole time, or just happened to appear on my desk in the middle of the quadrant formula speech, I don't know.  But somehow it was there.  I unfolded it and slowly read. 

New hottie on the horizon.  Haven't caught his name yet but I know for certain that it starts with a D.  Damien? Devon? Demarcus?  I don't know but rumor has it that he's smoking hot.  Meet me at lockers after second period. 


I wlll never understand how Beth manages to get a note to me when we aren't even in the same class. I grabbed the nutrigrain bar and stuffed it in my mouth when Mr. Silvers wasn't looking.  I threw the note in my bag.  No point in getting excited about a new guy when there is no chance he'll talk to me, look at me, or even notice me.  

"Class is dismissed.  Take this worksheet and do it tonight for homework.  It is due tomorrow. Also we will be having a test over what we have learned today.  I would study well.  It will be factored in as a major part of your overall grade."  I'll be damned the one time I actually should have at least copy down the notes I decide not to.  Now we are having a test on it.  Just my luck, and on my birthday.  

I angrily tore the worksheet out of Mr. Silvers's hand, and laid it ontop of my books.  My Lit. class didn't start until another three minutes so I set my book down to get a good look at the worksheet we had to do.  The first problem already had my brain doing flips and set off a cage of butterflies into my stomach.  

1. 3x - 6(x - 9) = 42  

I groaned, "Why me?"  I asked whoever was listening.  The two minute warning bell went off and I scooped up my books to head for Lit.

"Good morning Nora.  Did I hear it was your birthday?"  Miss Halo asked me.

"Uh yeah.  But could you please not tell anybody?" 

"Why not?  A birthday is something to celebrate.  Not keep a secret."  

"Yes i know.  But just please don't tell anyone, okay?"  

She nodded, "You know Nora, you should wear your hood down.  You're to beautiful to keep in the darkness."  She carefully slid the hood off my head and laid it down to rest on my shoulders.  

I whispered, "Thanks."  Then went to my seat.  I laid my Romeo & Juliet book on my desk and silently waited for class to begin.  

A few minutes later Miss Halo stood up and walked to the board.  Her auburn hair bounced against her back as she wrote out somthing.  She stepped aside.  I peered at the board 


1.Go over famous lines in Romeo & Juliet 

2.Talk about William Shaspeare 

3.Start Reading!  

4.Don't forget to have fun!  

"Top O' the morning to ya!  Before we get started today I would like to introduce a new student we have today.  His name is Drew Reciful.  If we could please all treat Drew with care and respect then that would be awesome.  Today we are going to start Romeo and Juliet.  Nora i would like you to speak the part of Juliet.  And Drew would you like to speak the part of Romeo?"  The only view i got of Drew was the back of his head.  He nodded his approval to Miss Halo.  "Okay, bring your chairs together in a circle and lets get this thing rolling!"  

I picked up my chair and stuffed my book into my armpit.  Of course Miss Halo would ask me to speak in front of the class.  She always tried to get me ot confront my social problems.  Do I want to?  I think you know that answer to that. 

"Before we actually start reading Romeo and Juliet we are going to go over some of the most famous lines.  Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine yourself in a roman ampitheater watching the premiere of Romeo and Juliet.  While we are envisioning this in our minds.  Nora and Drew will you please turn to page one hundred and two.  And begin reading.  

I cleared my throat, "O Romeo, Romeo!  Wherefore art thou Romeo?  Deny thy father and refus thy name; or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet."  

There was a momentary pause before he spoke, "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak this?"  

His voice, oh his voice, it sounded like rain slowly dripping on your roof.  It was so beautiful yet dark and mysterious.  I looked up to see whose angelic voice this belonged to.  He was the most brilliant human i had ever seen.  His hair was as black as the night sky and stuck up in random places.  His eyes were almost as green as a tree's leaves.  His skin was golden brown and practically glowed in the light.  My eyes traveled over the rest of his body.  He was strong, and I could tell by the way his arms had definite muscles without him even flexing.  Drew Reciful was one of the most gorgeous humans i have ever seen. 

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