Stole My Heart

By TheWriter_BBW

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Lexie Tomlinson. Louis Tomlinson's little sister was sent to study in the US just before Louis' audition. Aft... More

Chapter 1;
Chapter 2;
Chapter 3;
Chapter 4;
Chapter 5;
Chapter 6;
Chapter 7;
Chapter 8;
Chapter 9;
Chapter 10;
Chapter 11;
Chapter 12;
Chapter 13;
Chapter 14;
Chapter 15;
Chapter 16;
Chapter 17;
Chapter 19;
Chapter 20;
Chapter 21;
Chapter 22;
Chapter 23;
Chapter 24;
Chapter 25;
Chapter 26;
Chapter 27;
Chapter 28;
Chapter 29;
Chapter 30;
Chapter 31;
Chapter 32;
Chapter 33;
Chapter 34;
Chapter 35;
Chapter 36;

Chapter 18;

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By TheWriter_BBW

—Louis’ POV—

The ride to the hospital made my stomach churn. Lexie was bleeding from more places then just her head. She really got hurt. The moment they got her in the vehicle, the men hooked he up to a bunch of machines, they were scrambling around me, talking in code, talking to each other as if I wasn’t there.

It was about 10 minutes later when we stopped outside the ER wing of the hospital. The engine was just cut when the back doors swung open to reveal two older looking doctors, and three nurses. They lowered Lex onto the ground, and rolled her in. I jumped out and followed only a step behind them. They were talking in medical terms, I was so lost. Her small, fragile hand was in mine till a nurse stopped me.

"Honey, you have to wait in the waiting room, here I’ll walk you." She grabbed me, and forcibly made me walk the opposite way Lexie was going. She lightly pushed me into a chair, and told me if I could not control myself she’d have to ask me to leave. Which was NOT happening.

"Hey Niall! WHERE ARE YOU?" I yelled into the phone once the nurse was out of eyeshot.

"On our way Lou, the police took forever. The guys that hit Lexie… He was drunk or high or something. He’s spending the next few days in jail. We’re about five minutes away… How is she?"

"I don’t know! The doctors and the emergencies were talking in code it seemed! I was just told if I left the waiting room before they finished checking her out, I’d be thrown out… I’ve been pacing forever it seems… Just hurry." I pleaded. I was going stir crazy just standing alone in the waiting room.

"We are. Be there soon, Lou be strong." With that Niall hung up.

I decided to pass time by getting on twitter on my phone. I tweeted about what happened. I checked my replies, and locked my phone. I slid it back into my pocket, and put my face in my hands. This can’t be happening! I’m suppose to protect my baby sister… I’m doing a hell of a job. I thought miserably. 

Taking a deep breath, trying to calm myself, I felt my eyes sting.

"No Louis. You will not start crying. You’re going to be strong… You can do th-"

"LOUIS!? WHERE ARE YOU?" My head snapped up to see the fellas and Katie running towards me. Niall was out of breath, and he looked like he had been crying a little bit.

"OVER HERE!" I flagged them down, and Niall attacked me in a hug. I dug my head into the crook of his neck. That’s when I lost it. The guys all gathered around and hugged us, I felt Katie slip her arm around my waist. It was rather sweet that they’re all there for us… but it also sucks because I’m going to be so emotional now…

—3 hours later—

Sitting in the ugly waiting room, the smell of sickness, death, worry… It all hung around me. I can’t handle sitting here anymore.

Jumping up I walked over to the vending machine. I stared at its contents, everything in there didn’t seem even the slightest bit appetizing. I walked back into waiting room, feeling less jittery. I had just sat down, between Niall and Liam when a doctor walked out from the hall they took Lexie. I sucked in a rigid breath, holding it a few seconds, and letting it out slowly.

"Who’s here for a miss Lexie Tomlinson?" She said, flipping through the papers on her blue clipboard.

"All of us are." I stood up before she even got the second word out and motioned towards us all.

"Okay, well I’ve got good news and bad news." She solemnly stated. He face tired, her stance rigid, he eyes tired.

"What’s the bad news?" I asked timidly, I felt the others join me. Arms around me, tightening, awaiting the news too.

"Here’s what we know as of now. When the car hit it, it was a full on impact. She’s unconscious right now, which is good. The Bad news is when the impact occurred it collapsed one of her lungs. When we got her here, she went straight into surgery. She also sustained many bruises, and during surgery we found a few spot where internal bleeding has started. We stopped them and they’ll be healed and gone in a few weeks. He leg is also broken. She’ll need to stay off it as much as possible for the next couple of weeks… The good news is she’s stable. She’s not breathing on her own yet, and she’s hooked up to quite a few machines, but she’s stable." She weakly smiled at me.

"Ca-Can we go see her?" Niall asked.

"As long as you aren’t too loud. Like I said she’s unconscious, and we’re got a morphine drip going, she’s going to be in alot of pain if she wakes up anytime soon. You can’t all stay the night, so you’ll have to switch it up as you choose. I’m sorry about what’s happened. It’s so tragic to see such a pretty young girl so mangled." She said the last part while walking away.

"What room?" I called.

"Wing 4, Room 5." She turned to me and said.

"Isn’t that in ICU…" I whispered.

"Yes…" She turned and walked away.

We all took off towards the closest map. It was down the hall she came from, down a corridor to the left, up a flight of stairs. Off we went.

We got to the floor with the ICU area, I located a map of the floor and found out room 5 was just down the hallway. My pace slowed, and I literally tip-toed to her door.

"Can you guys give me a few minutes…?" I swallowed, I looked behind me as Niall sat with his back against the wall. He’s almost as torn up as I am.

I slowly turned the doorknob. Slowly and quietly, I opened door, I noticed a nurse checking some things. I waited till he noticed me.

"How is she?" I asked, barely above a whisper.

"She’s stable, she’ll get through it hun." The nurse comforted, placing a hand on my shoulder before she left.

I walked over to Lex, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing… Lexie… she looked… dead. She was in a white hospital gown, that had light purple clouds on it. She pale as a ghost, he hair pulled off to one side. I moved a strand from her face, cringing at how cold she was. Gauze wrapped around her head. A breathing tube was pushed down her throat, wiring coming from everywhere. That beeping. The only noise in the room, aside from the breathing machine. It was telling me her heart was steady and she’s stable. I pulled up the closest chair next to her bed. I grabbed her hand, her ice cold hand. Her long, slender fingers were limp. I examined her closer. Her face, it was so pale. He lips were even pale. There was bags under her eyes, and little cuts everywhere on her face. I looked at her arms. They were bruised beyond belief. I saw the outline of the cast under the blanket covering her. I didn’t dare think of checking. I looked at all the wires attached. One right in her right wrist, it had to be the morphine drip. The long tube attached to the needle that led to this bag hanging above her head. I watched it drip a few times, her hand encased in mine.

I watch her face, unchanging. I started to cry a little bit. I gently laid my head on the bed beside her and just cried.

"Can we come in?" Niall asked.

"Yea… but.. It’s a scary sight…" I called.

"I think I can hand—" Niall just froze. He dropped to his knees and stared at Lex.

"I said it was a scary sight.." I tried to smile, it was feeble and not even a real smile.

"Niall why are yo—Oh God!" Liam exclaimed. "Lex?!"

"Oh Lexie…" Katie said, crying into Harry again.

"It’s okay baby, she’ll make it… She had to…" Harry threw his arms around Katie, comforting her, his eyes not leaving Lexie.

"Guys, I thin—" Zayn too froze.

"Niall, here.." Liam pulled him up and put him in the chair on the other side of Lexie’s bed. Niall tentatively took her other hand. He flipped it over in his hand, he traced the lines on her palm. He kissed the back of it, and just started crying. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so torn up.

This night is going to be rough. C’mon Lexie. You can pull through. You have too…

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