The Broken End

By SupernaturalGamzee

10 2 0

Sometimes being late to school is better than being early. More

The Broken End

10 2 0
By SupernaturalGamzee

The sun rolls into the sky, lights illuminating it. As the suns light starts to take the skies, the moon retreats slowly behind the horizon line. The sleeping city awakes slowly, lights flickering on and the olfactory gasoline rises, contaminating the once clear air.

The darkened high school building at the edge of the city suddenly flickers with new found light, bring it to life. A child, only 16 years of age, walks along the sidewalk in front of the school, ready for another hard days work. Though, for this particular kid, working hard is not something he will ever do. The school was filled with many martinet's that did scold him for his lackadaisical attitude, but it was something he was used to. After all, they were only strict because they wanted him to be successful. None of his classes were recondite, and if he felt the material wasn't hard to learn then why did he have to work harder at something he already knew. To this particular child, his own logic was undeniable.

The boys dark, short trimmed hair blew backwards as a slight breeze passed by. He looked towards the school, sighing slightly. There was no reason for him to be this early, but for some reason he had felt he had to be here at this specific time. He didn't question it, just went with the flow because, to him, his logic was undeniable.

Another chilled breeze passed by, causing the boy to shiver slightly. To try an avoid the quagmire he would be in if he got sick, the boy walked up to the buildings doors and stepped inside. Though the rest of the school was brightly lit, the hall way he stood in was imperiously dim. He started his way down, feeling his body shake with a few shivers every once and a while. He blamed the shivers on the cold morning air, but he knew that it was really because he was freaked by the eerie, dimly lit hallway.

The boy stopped at the end of the hallway, turning to his locker on the right and opening it. He pulled a short story he had written, one that his English teacher had overly censured. At least, that's how he felt about it. The boy had truly liked the short story so much that he even used theneologism,'swag', which was a rare word for him to say. The boy was not a fan of the word, he felt that people hackneyed it. Too many people saying 'swag' over and over to mean 'cool' or 'hip'. Many times would he gibe his friends for using that word while he was around.

As the boy stuffed the paper into his over stuffed messenger bag, he faintly heard a whimper coming from the left side of the hallway. He crossed over to the other side, listening intently for another whimper. The whimper came again, and soon the few whimpers turned into sobs. The terrifying sobs made the boy shiver as he followed the sound to the girls bathroom. He contemplated slightly on if he should enter or not before reaching the conclusion of going in. It wasn't like anyone would see, he was much too early for anyone but the staff to be at the school.

He slowly pushed the girls bathroom door open, squeaking slightly as it turned. The bathroom was eerily lit, some of the lights flickering every once and a while. He could hear the sobs coming from the last stall. He slowly crept forward, turning into the stall.

There, in the stall, sat a tiny blond haired girl and next to her laid a bloodied boy whose hair was once white blond, now a strikingly dark red.

The boy stood, his mouth agape. How else could he respond? The scene before him was so grotesque, it was almost like he had walked into a horror film. It was not only the fact, though, that he found this. It was also the fact that he knew these people. He had seen them before, and may even know the reason behind the tragedy that was in front of him.

It was not unusual to see guys gambol around with the girls, it was almost incredibly normal to at see a guy chase a girl around the yard playfully. It had seemed no different with these two. The white blond boy would always chase around the blond girl, he would even laugh at times. But, in a way, it was different. The laugh would seem almost crazy as the white blond boy would chase her around.

This boy knew why, though, he had known why all along because he had seen the white haired boy deride the blond girl. Many times would this white haired boy steal her glasses and keep them away from her. It was almost like bullying. But no one could really tell for sure.

By the time this thought process had gone through the boys head, the girl had noticed him. Tears still streamed down her face but her sobs had started to change. The boy back off a little as giggles started to escape her mouth. She stood up leaning against the wall.

“Do you want me to help you too?” she asked through her giggles.

Shivers wracked the boys body as he stared wide eyed at her. He spun around, ready to run, but by then she had her arms around him.

“Shh...” She hushed as she pet his head lightly, “It's okay, your sacrifice won't be in vain.”

The boy felt a sharp pain in his right arm. He looked down to see a cringe being yanked out of his arm. He could feel his body start to shiver more as the carcinogen she had just injected into his body take over. He fell to the ground as his heart stopped and the darkness took over his mind.  

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