A sad story

By dancer4moon

40.5K 247 23


A sad story
motorcycle sad story
another sad short story 2
sad short story 3
sad short story 4
sad short story 5
My little angel boy
a little boy
baby boy or girl
Death Came
love story
love needs no reasons
mom and you
love and you
true love 3
How are you
A touching story
a sad story 78
were friends
lost in a desert
a sad love story
They Hurt Her
true about girls
a cute chat
aww i love it
Love is when
i drank soda not beer so why am i dying
going to the mall
a story of a sad girl
a letter from mom and dad
Best friends
A wonderful story : "4 boy friends"..
Mothers Love
15th birthday
A Doll And A White Rose
Mooms Warning
Unconditional Love
A wrench
An Eye
The Carkeys
A,B,C Always B careful

another sad short story

2.2K 10 0
By dancer4moon

Jack was a mechanic in a small shop. He lived with his friend Samuel. They both stayed in a small dilapidated house. It was a tiny place that barely had space for the two friends. Samuel worked in a book shop. Together they managed their day to day expenses anyhow. Samuel had big dreams but Jack knew that big dreams were not for them but for people who were well off and had families to support. 

Opposite to their house was a mansion. Lady Georgia and her family lived there. She was the most beautiful lady that Jack and Samuel had seen in their life. One rainy night, cupid aims its arrow on Jack. Lady Georgia heard a beautiful song being sung by one of the boys who stayed near their mansion. She could swear that she had never heard a voice so soulful and melodious before. The Lady fell in love with the voice and came down with a laced umbrella to find out who had such a magical voice. Jack had finished singing and was gazing at the sky, wishing it would stop raining as the ceiling of his house was leaking. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, which was answered by Samuel. Lady Georgia came in hurriedly and enquired about the voice behind the soulful song. Jack felt ashamed of him and answered that it was his, not meeting her big and beautiful eyes. She smiled and left only to return the next morning. Her smile was like the first rays of dawn. Jack tried hard to concentrate but couldn’t. She was excited as she had some news for the velvet voiced boy. The excitement in her voice was evident as she spoke to Jack about his first music album. Jack, the poor guy; was too shocked to answer. 

Days passed by, weeks flew and the bond they shared only grew stronger with time. Lady Georgia tried her best to make Jack a famous singer. The day of recording was nearing and the love birds were too excited. The Lady would dote on him. They were madly in love. Destiny though, had different plans for the two. Two days before the recording, Jack had a chest pain followed by a high fever. He insisted on having the recording on the same day, as if he knew something would go wrong. He went on insisting until Lady Georgia accepted it and arranged it for him. Jack recorded his songs perfectly that day. His health went on failing day by day. The doctors suspected Tuberculosis at its last stage. The music album was yet to be released. Lady Georgia got best doctors from all over the world to save her beloved but she could see that his health was only deteriorating. She had lost all hopes to save the person she loved the most in her life. It was Friday, the 15th when the album was released and was an instant hit. But, Jack did not live to see his fame or enjoy the moment with his lady love. He passed away on Friday night. The same day that made him famous. 

Our relationship is often tested in the hands of time. You never know when things may turn sour between you and your beloved or your smooth sailing love story faces rough weather. You may actually lose the person you love the most in your life to ill fate. 

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