I'm No one's Omega

By CozyBXBLover

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Copyright © 2016 by CozyBXBLover. All rights reserved. {On Hold..} ||BoyXMan|| (W A R N I N G: This story... More

Chapter 2: When Destiny Calls
Chapter 3: When Mated
Chapter 4: Tough Secrets
Chapter 5: Putting My Foot Down Again And Almost Getting It Bit Off Again
Chapter 6: Punishment To Ones Action
Chapter 7: Destiny Means Dying
Chapter 8: Change Of Plans
Chapter 9: Forcefully Mated
Chapter 10: Mother Of The Alpha
Chapter 11: A Congratulations Party

Chapter 1: Pig Headed Dominates

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By CozyBXBLover

Chapter One: Pig Headed Dominates

Anthony POV

I stood in the middle of a big hole that looked exactly like a arena. The stone against the walls were cut into long benches that could be sat on, that stretched around the arena in a circle. With my bag hanging loosely on my shoulder, but clutched tight in my hand. A bunch of 7 foot or taller wolves looked over me like I was a piece of meat. I was visibly shaking and I could tell they could smell the fear seeping off of me like I was a scared little bunny surrounded by a bunch of fox.

Some of them were in their wolf form and some were in their human form either way they still looked intimidating. Some were grinning, while others were licking their lips, a few were even touching themselves towards me. I scrunched up my face up in disgust and looked down at my feet. My dad and the alpha had came here with me and for some reason the alpha of this pack had told me to stand here like I was being put on display or something while he took my dad and alpha down a near by hall way.

"You lost little Omega?" One of the men in their human form asked. Of course I could be the only person they were talking to cause they said Omega right?... Which I am not by the way! I may be small to them but in my pack I'm considered a normal size. I didn't look up, but just shook my head.

"CAN'T YOU SPEAK BOY?!" Another one's voice boom through the cave that had me wanting to find my dad and hold on to his arm for dear life. This one was in wolf form. He had his lips pulled back and he was baring his teeth at me.

"No... No sir." I whispered. Laughter filled the room echo's bounce off walls. And it had my wolf nerves and on edge. I couldn't let my guard down even for a second around these jerks.

"Our Omega's here are more manly then this little shit!" One teased. The laughter grow.

"You can say that again. I mean what would Thane want with such a useless wolf." He breathed out between long laughs. Another one scoffed.

"I hope he doesn't think I'm gonna respect such a fucking useless Omega that's weaker then the ones we have here." Another spat and some that stop laughing hummed loudly in agreement. It was my turn to scoffed and I did it rather loudly thus making all the laughter die.

My eyes widen as it accured to me what I had just did. I just disrespected them even if it was a quiet scoff. I closed my eyes tightly and had just crossed a line I couldn't cross back over, I minus well keep walking forward and dig my own grave while I was at it. The last words my mom spoke to me played through my head and I had remembered I made a promise that I was not gonna break. Even if that kinda meant dieing. I looked up at them and swallow my fear. My eyes quickly formed into a glare as I looked over them. They look so caught off guard that they seemed to shock to be angry. 'YET!' At least.

"You don't know me." I breathed out boldly. "Because I'm shorter then you by a whole foot you think you can push me around and call me names! I think fucking not! I won't stand here and let it happen!" I spoke strongly. "Now if you all don't mind fucking off I'd like to wait for the end of my fucking life without your sneers or childish comments!" I ended with a sharp glare and a loud growl.

Their eyes had widen as I finished my little out burst and they were all looking at me like I had just spat in their faces. I felt their anger starting to cloud together and my breath hitch. 'Awe Shit!' I yelled in my head. As they all started moving towards me all at once teeth barring like their ready to tear off my head. I didn't waste anytime as I throw my bag over my shoulder and took off running the way I saw my dad and the 2 alpha's go.

'Thank you for the kind advice mom.' I yelled in my head as I rounded the only corner down the hallway I was running down. 'Thank you very much!' A big opening covered with silky brown curtains came into view and I ran with all my might towards it as I heard the loud thunderous feet that were hitting the ground and growls that filled the air growing closer. It sounded like when me and my old pack went hunting, but in this case those beast were the hunters and I was the pry.

"Dad!" I yelled as I got closer to the closed curtains. "Dad! Help! Thes... These monster are trying to kill me!" I cried out. The curtains flew open and out came my dad along with my old alpha and my new alpha. The alpha of the monsters that were chasing me. I ran clean into my fathers arm as soon as I reached him and he didn't waste anytime wrapping them around me securely as he saw the commotion that was being made behind me. As the wolves all came to an angry hault, my dad pushed me behind him.

"What's the meaning of this?" Their Alpha's voice seethed angrily as he looked over the their little hunting group. A big wolf with really dark brown hair and deep green eyes let a loud dangerous growl slip passed his pulled back lips as his eyes stayed glued on me. My eyes widen and I gulped.

"That little piece of shit disrespected us and he deserves to be punished!" He yelled angrily as he pointed at me.

"Or killed!" Another piped in within the group. And the rest howled or yelled in agreement. I could see and feel my dad tense up in front of me. Knowing if they did choose death for me he couldn't do anything about it. Both alpha's and my dad turned and looked at me.

"Is this true son?" My dad asked me in a 'please say it ain't so' voice. I lowered my head and nodded softly. Then raised my head quickly and pointed at the group of derange wolves.

"But only because they were rude with me first." I shot back. They all growled in union and I shrinked back. My dad let out a loud sigh as he looked over at both alpha's who were looking at me like I was crazy.

"Are you asking for a death wish Anthony?" My old alpha asked. I lowered my head again and shook it.

"No... No sir." I mumbled softly.

"Anthony." My dad growled. "You've only been here for what a few minutes and your already causing trouble?!" His yelled and I jumped.

"I'm sorry dad. I had tended to keep my mouth closed... But mom..."

"Oh great! You listen to what your got damn mother said. No wonder these men want you dead." He shook his head and turned to the alpha of the mad man group and bowed his head. "Sir please excuse my son. I'm sure we can come to an agreement that wont include him being mauled by your pack." My dad said respectfully as he grabbed the back off my neck and yanked my body down in a deep bow next to him. I wanted to groan at the pain that shot down my back, but decided against it.

A loud yawn broke through the tension in the hall. "Father." A very deep voice sighed out. "What's all the noise for?" Both me and my dad looked up too see a tree of a man standing before us. His dark midnight blue hair laid at little past his big broad shoulders loosely. He was wearing a pair of baggy blue basketball shorts without any shirt on that gave you a perfect view of his six pack and lightly tan skin that matched perfectly with those black blue eyes that seem to pierce through you on one look. His lips were a soft pink that would make anyone wanna lean in and kiss th.... Whoa! What the hell?!

"Future Alpha Thane." The head of the group spoke up again with a small bow. "Your new mate doesn't quite seem to know his place in the world of the cave wolves." He said more calmly then he did earlier. Something told me by the way all these wolves had claimed down so quickly, they respected this guy onside of me more then the alpha that was now in the spot. But! I mean who wouldn't look at the guy. HE WAS FREAKING HUGE. And the fact that this was the guy that I was suppose to be matted to didn't make me feel all puppies and rainbows about this engagement. The guy he called Thane cocked a brow.

"Mate?" He asked confused, looking over at his father. "The boy's already here?" He asked softly. His farther cleared his throat and nodded.

"They arrived not to long ago. I was just coming to wake you before we were interrupted." His voiced raised a little towards the end which had some in the group backing away. His father looked towards me and all the confusion that clouded his face, cleared up fast as his eyes landed on me. Even though I was 6 foot it still didn't compare to his 7 or 8 something. I looked like a 3 feet little kid stuck in the candy section in wal-mart looking up at my favorite candy all the way tothe top self. Not even jumping would help me reach it. So pretty much what i'm trying to say is he had to look down at me and I had to look up at him. He eyed me cautiously and nodded his head with no emotion expressed on his face.

"So what did this little guy do to piss all of you big bad wolves off?" He teased lightly as he crossed his big muscular arms over his big tone chest and looked up towards the men. The group behind the leader was looking at each other unsure now. "Go on tell me. I can't solve it if I don't know what he did." He pushed them on. The leader shook his head and sighed before he spoke.

"He insulted us." The man growled.

"Like how Rige?" Thane asked looking right at the leader of the group calmly.

"Don't tease me Thane!" Thane put his hand up in surrender.

"No teasing here. I'm just trying to understand how a kid so small offended. Big men like you. I mean did he call you all names? Did he through a rock at you? Did he tease your mates? Give me something other then he disrespected you because from what I've heard from my father this boy is going to be my mate and I don't appreciated a bunch of big head pride loving wolves trying to attack SOMETHING THAT'S MINES!" His voice boomed through the hallway towards the end of his sentence as he looked over the group with an angry expression. They seem to all get the hint as they started to flee back the way they came.

The guy Rige glared at Thane then at me. He scoffed and shook his head. "That kids mouth is going to be the death of you." He said rather calmly then started to walk away.

"Is that a threat Rige." Thane yelled after the dark brown hair man with a playful smirk.

"No!" He yelled back. "It's a warning." Rige shot back. And Thane scoffed as the man disappeared around the corner.

"Yeah that'll be the fucking day." He scoffed out playfully. He turned towards me and looked down. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. I looked at my dad who was looked at me angrily, but I quickly turned my attention back on him.

"Yes sir. I'm fine" I whispered shyly. Thane laughed and scratched the back of his head coyly.

"Sir huh? Well you would think I was much older then you with our height being really different and all." He sighed out. I scrunched up my face and tilted my head to the side as I looked him over.

"Well aren't you?" I asked harmlessly that must have sounded like a threat to my dad because he slapped me behind my head really hard. "Ow!" I yelled. Thane laughed as I rubbed at the tender spot and glared up at my dad who was shaking his head in disapproval. 'What?' I mouthed. Thane shook his head and chucked under his breath.

"No it's okay." He said as he patted my dad's shoulder. "He's not afraid to speak what's on his mind." He said with a small smile. "Though I do see why the other wolves wanted to rip him to pieces." He added with a small sigh. I grimace and lowered my head as his intense eyes landed on me again. "But to answer your question I just turned my 25. But it's up to you to decide if that's old." He laughed. I pulled a fake smile on my face and added a fake laugh. "Father you and the men finish talking. I'll take mouth all mighty here back to my room and go back to sleep. Just come get us when your done. Okay?" His father nodded and he took a hold of my wrist firmly.

Before I could protest and grab a hold of my dad he yanked me through the curtains and pulled me through a living room that resembled the living room of the show called 'The Flinstons!' He then led me down a short hallway and stopped at the 3rd dark stripe curtain that sat all the way at the end of the hallway on the left side. He pulled it back and pushed me roughly into the room having to make me catch my balance so I wouldn't fall over. As soon as I finished righting myself I looked around the room.

Of course just like every other room in this gosh forsaken cave it was stone. The room was a nice size right in the middle of it was a big bear skin rug. Against the wall sat a huge stone that look like it grow out into a bed done with a smooth top surface that was covered with a bunch of furs. On top of the ceiling over the bed the rock had seem to be smoothed out were it kind created this oval looking thing. I looked around and saw a stone table that grow out of the wall with two stones on each side of it that looked like they grown out the floor and were cut perfectly into chair shapes.

"You like our room?" He whispered into my ear. I quickly jumped away and turned to look at him letting out a nerves chuckle.

"Our room?" I asked backing away from him a little. For some reason I didn't like the look he was giving me. He nodded softly and smirked.

"Since you'll be my mate soon we're going to be sharing this room of course." He admitted nonchalantly. I laughed nervously and rubbed the back my neck as I backed up a little more he took a step forward this time.

"I umm... I wasn't told this." I said in a poorly convincing voice. A knowing smile pulled up on his face showing his fangs a little.

"Of course you knew it's common sense. Just like you know since your going to be mine I can have you whenever I please." I cocked my head to the side.

"Have me?" I asked unsure what he meant, tell I felt myself being easily picked up off the ground and slammed on top of the stone fur bed with him leaning down over me between my legs. My eyes widen as he kept that same sick smirk on his lips as he looked down at me.

"I'm sure you know what I mean now right?" He breathed out as he leaned down and kissed at my neck. My breath hitched as I felt his warm lips make contacted with my skin.

Here I am with a hot dominate on top of me ready to give me the makeout session of my life and all I can yell in my head is... 'Dad! HELP ME!!!'

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