iMakeover (an iCarly Story)

By 101oBsEsSioNs

142K 4K 1.6K

The girls want Freddie to participate in a segment for iCarly that will basically be like a rip off on the sh... More

1. Only The Beginning
2. Messy Compromises
3. Giggles and Deal Making
4. Blue over Brown
6. The Perfect Couple? Yeah right.
7. Shopping Day: Freddie
8. Movie Night and Another Bet
9. Angel Disguises for Blonde Headed Demons
10. Wedding Onion Rings
11. Dressing for the Title
12. My Meat Loving Princess
13. Blondie and Brunetto
14. Secrets and Gold Lockets
15. "CARLY!!!!!!"
16. "Don't Stick It Out Then!"
17. And Now the Real Fun Begins
18. Hidden Cameras and Remorseful Denial
19. Ignore the Purple Elephant in the Room
Hey guys-A/N
20. There Was a Reason For That...
21. Stealing Kisses from the Unconscious
22. "Drumroll please... "
23. Shut Up and Kiss Me
Hey lovelies!
New Story is Posted!!
SEQUEL!!!! iMakeover: The Aftermath
I'm back

5. Like a Big Teddy Bear

6.2K 163 59
By 101oBsEsSioNs

Sam's POV

Freddie stands in the doorway to the bathroom, not only shirtless now, but clad in only a pair of black boxers. His abs!!! Ughhhh, my ovaries!(a/n: my friend says this whenever she sees a hot guy. I think it's hilarious so I started saying it too and I use it whenever I can.)

"Hey Sam." He smirks.

"Uh, uh, hey." I manage to choke out out. Smooth.

"Tired yet?" He asks me.

"Not really." I was before but now I seem to be wide awake. Gee, wonder why. It couldn't be because I just found out my nerdy punching bag is totally ripped! I shake my head with a sigh. Stretching out on the bed, I wonder how I'm going to survive tonight without totally embarrassing the royal hell out of myself.

Freddie's POV

I feel my eyes widen as Sam stretches out on my bed. Oh, god. How can such a devilish little hell spawn look like such an angel. I just can't win. I tried to get back at her for teasing me and calling my bluff from before by purposefully not wearing any more than what I normally wear to bed. I had been planning to dress a little more modestly in front of Sam but that thought went out the window after that little stripping episode. I can't help but wonder if she would've really stripped down completely in front of me. Ugh, bad thoughts Freddie, bad thoughts. I should've known better though. She's bold and fearless and now she probably thinks I'm a total loser for not being able to sit through watching her strip down. I was having a little problem controlling certain parts of me though, ehem, and I really didn't want to have to explain that to Sam. She'd never speak to me again.

Suddenly she stands up and my eyes immediately focus on just how little my shirt on her leaves to the imagination. It falls a few inches down past her hips, just covering her ass. I'm mesmerized, unable to look away.

"Freddie? Fredddiiee? Freddo! Snap out of it!"

I lift my gaze to Sam's eyes which are now just a few inches from mine.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I asked you if you wanted to watch the rest of the movie in here since neither of us are tired yet." She talks slowly, like I'm mentally retarded.

"Oh, yeah, sure, I'll bring it in." God. She's never going to talk to me again after tonight. Why can't I be cooler and less dorky. I groan softly, hitting my head against the wall outside my bedroom and then proceed down the hall to retrieve the DVD from the living room. I get back and put it in.

I hesitantly make my way over to the bed. Sam has thrown the comforter down to the bottom of the bed, so I lay down next to her and prop myself up on the pillows. I have a lot of pillows; don't ask me why, I just do. Sam seems to like them though, so that's good news to me. At least I've done something right.

She falls asleep first. The movie is almost over, when, suddenly, I feel something hit my shoulder. I look down to see Sam's silky blond curls resting on my chest. Smiling, yet feeling a little scared that she'll wake up, I stay still. The movie ends and I turn the tv off. I pull up the comforter and throw it over us. I can honestly say, I never in a billion trillion years would have expected for Sam to be the first girl I slept in the same bed with. Never. But oddly, I can't imagine wanting to be here with anyone else.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sam's POV-Early Morning

The sun shines through the curtains and I moan. I hate waking up early. I feel something heavy on my side. I look down and see a muscular tanned arm connected to a warm body. Glancing up, I blank when I see Freddie's sleeping face.

I remember him saving me from Carly's girls' night and let me stay here so I could avoid being questioned. I realize I'm practically laying on top of him, and blush. I slowly lift myself up and start to get up but as soon as my body is no longer touching his, his arm tightens around me and pulls me back against him like I'm a big teddy bear. He shifts towards me, so that we are both now laying on our sides, and though I try desperately to pull away from him, it's useless. I'm stuck. And as if it couldn't get any better, his other arm winds around me as well and his hand begin to run up and down my body. I am mortified. I'm basically laying here totally helpless, getting felt up by our nerdy tech producer and I can't even be mad at him because he's asleep. Fantastic.

He pulls me closer(if that's even possible) and sighs. My heart is beating like crazy and there are butterflies twisting around in my stomach. I don't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. I feel like I'm on cloud nine right now, but if he wakes up and sees that he's doing, it's going to be so awkward. Wait, what the hell am I saying? I am not enjoying this. At all. None. Nada.

'Den-i-al.' My inner voice sings.

'Shut up! Am not!' I think back.

Oh, who am I kidding? I am so enjoying this. But I don't like him. I just like his touch. It's totally physical. Nothing more, just my hormones getting the best of me.

'Whatever you say.'

"Shut up!"

"Mmm." Freddie shifts a little on the bed and sighs.

Crap! I said that really loud. Freddie's waking up. Would should I do? I'm still trapped on his embrace! This going to be so embarrassing and awkward!

A brilliant idea suddenly pops into my head. I'll just lay here and pretend I'm asleep. Then, just like I couldn't blame him for his behavior, he won't be able to blame me for mine.

Freddie's POV

I wake up feeling refreshed and in an extremely good mood. Seriously, I haven't felt this good in a really long time, if ever.

I thought I heard someone say something but I guess my mind's just playing tricks on me. I try to move my arms to stretch but then realize they're holding on to something. Glancing down, still half asleep, my yawn catches in my throat at the sight before me. Oh. My effing. God. Never in a million years would I have guessed that one day I would wake up in bed, holding Samantha Puckett in my arms. She looks so calm and serene, so unlike how she looks in real life. I really can't deny her attractiveness anymore. At least not to myself. To other people, sure. I can't let her know about this. She'll either hold it over my head forever or never speak to me again, and though most people would expect the former, I know the latter is more something she would do and I couldn't handle not talking to my blond headed demon.

"Ahhh-ahhhh." She yawns and snuggles closer and I realize that it's a good thing I woke up first because if she had been the first to wake up, she would've totally kicked my ass for holding her like this, and also, I'm not so sure she would've been able to get up with my arms around her. Then I would've really died. Restraining Sam is something only the brave or really stupid should do. I'm holding her pretty tight, kind of like she's a big teddy bear. My hands suddenly decide to get a mind of their own. One stays wound around her little waist while the other moves up to her hair, running it's fingers through her soft blond curls. If she wakes up while I'm still embracing her like this, I'm dead. But I seem to be in the mood to play with fire today, so I lay my head back down and go back to sleep.

Bad idea.

Sam's POV

'Shit! What the hell am I doing!' I think as I snuggle closer to him. I'm supposed to be the tough girl! I'm acting like a sissy little princess! Ugh. I disgust myself sometimes. He isn't getting up, or moving away. Weird. I feel one of his hands in my hair. I think the other one is still somewhere down on my waist. Maybe he didn't wake up. Yeah, that's probably it. God Sam, what did you think was happening? Freddie actually taking an interest in you? Ha! That'll be the freakin' day. I sigh sadly and shift my position. I realize I could probably get up now, his hold is much looser, but... I'm tired. And lazy. And really warm and comfortable in his strong toned arms. Damn my weakness. I fall back asleep, safe and content.

Freddie's POV

I fall back asleep and wake to the sound of knocking. Carly walks in.

"Hey, Freddie, wake up. I'm just gonna go find Sam and then we can go shopping."

I blink sleepily up at her, my mind clearly not awake enough to realize the seriousness of the situation.

Sam sits up and yawns.

"S'okay Carls, I'm right here."

"Ahhhh!" Carly's scream is loud enough to wake the entire building.

"What-how-why-" she stops and takes a deep breath, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples. "What is going ON HERE!"

"It isn't what is it looks like." I assure her. "We had been working on the segment and Sam fell asleep. I didn't feel like waking her and facing her wrath so I just let her stay here." I lie.

"Okaayy. So then you just decided to join her in bed, cause that's a normal thing for two people who supposedly hate each other to do?" She asks suspiciously and turns to Sam.

I glance over at her and she smirks before batting her eyes innocently at Carly.

"Hey, don't look at me, I was unconscious. I don't know what happened. All I remember is falling asleep."

Her smirk widens as she turns to me with an 'it's all on you' look.

"She fell asleep on the couch," I say, making it up as I go. "And so I carried her to my room and laid her down on my bed, planning to just grab some blankets and a pillow and sleep on the floor, but she wouldn't let go. Not wanting to wake her and, as I said, face her wrath, I figured she'd be more likely to kill me if I woke her up than if I fell asleep next to her. I mean, Sam knows I'd never try anything. Obviously." I grin, proud of my lie and even Sam looks a bit impressed.

"Oh." Carly bites her lip and stares at us hard, trying to see if I am lying. I keep my gaze steady and expressionless, hoping she'll fall for it.

"Okay." Yes! Success!

"So, Freddie, where's your mom?" Sam asks, changing the subject.

"She left to take care of my Aunt Jennifer. She won't be back for at least another week." I grin, happy to be free for a little while.

"Sweet! Wanna throw a party?"

"No!" I yell. " Are you crazy!"

"Probably." She replies, and Carly giggles. Sam jumps up and Carly raises her eyebrows at her attire. As she walks into my bathroom, I quickly jump in with an explanation for why she is dressed in only my t-shirt.

"She said she didn't have any pajamas over at your apartment and asked to borrow a shirt to sleep in over there before she fell asleep here."

"Oh. That makes sense." Carly nods.

Did it? I couldn't tell. I was too distracted by my heart that felt like it was going to jump out of my chest at any moment from the panic of what would happen if she didn't believe me. Now, as she nods, I relax again. She believed me. Good.

I get up as well and Carly's eyes widen like saucers. Oh. I forgot about my lack of clothing.

"What? I'm covered." I say.

Her eyes don't move from my chest.

"When did you get abs?!" She exclaims suddenly.

"I know, right?!" Sam calls from the bathroom.

I roll my eyes and grin proudly.

"I started working out at the gym the summer after freshman year." I reply. "Obviously you don't see me without a shirt too often, so you haven't noticed."

"And you wear those dorky collared shirts that would make Adonis look ugly and out of shape." Sam comments, walking back into the room.

"Uncalled for!" I yell, picking up a pillow from the bed and throwing it at her. It hits her straight in the face and she stumbles slightly. Sam gingerly picks up the pillow, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Oh, it's on."

A/N:COMMENT!!! Or I might stop writing. Dum. Dum. DUM!!! *Scary music playing in the background* and yes, I know they are totally OOC. if any one has a problem with it, please tell me. i need feedback. I was going to try to make the characters more like the show but once I start writing, my imagination took off. I'm still searching for it. If anyone finds it, please tell it to stay put and contact me, telling me the location you found it in and your mother's middle name. Oh! Btw, ten people have read this in the last two and a half days alone!! My mind is short circuiting from happiness. I cannot believe almost 60 people have read this in like less than a month. I was not expecting an iCarly fanfic to go over very well. I'm very pleased. I know that isn't great but it is to me. Every person counts. COMMENT!!! I love you all. Except you Smith. Never you.

~dustin the great~

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