Rough Lesson (On Hold)

By RageGawdess

4.7K 203 57

"I kissed you." "Yes I remember that, you also pushed me." I told him. "You tripped." "You pushed me!" "Let's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

500 27 7
By RageGawdess

The chapter I'm sure you've all been waiting for! (:


"Did you hear about Ms. Lang getting knocked up over summer break?" Taylor asked me as we were standing at my locker.

"Ms. Lang? That nun? Who in their right mind would have a baby with her? Or even sex for that matter." I said.

"Yeah she's out for the rest of her birth apparently."

"So who's going to teach her class? God I hope they don't make Mr.West do it." I groaned just thinking about the torture. Ms.Lang is the senior math teacher. She used to be the junior one but then she moved up. Mr.West would have a field day teaching us math. I swear the man worshiped the devil.

"I heard it might be the vice principle." She said slinging her backpack over her shoulder. I grabbed a few books out of my locker not really paying attention to which ones. I wasn't going to do the work anyways so why pretend?

"I'm actually ok with that."

We started walking down the hall to our first period class.

"When do you have her class?" She asked me.

"Hmm let me see," I unballed my schedule from my pocket to look at it. "Third period."

"Oh man I don't have it till fifth. Will you tell me who's subbing so I can prepare myself?" She asked seriously causing me to laugh.

"Sure sure."

"What are you guys talking about?" Caleb asked falling into step with us. We were so used to living and being in a gang together that we don't really bother hanging out with other people. Not saying we're a group of antisocial emo kids, we do have some friends here but not the 'let's hang out' type.

"Why are you so nosy?" Taylor asked him. He glared at her.

"We were wondering who was subbing Ms.Lang class." I said.

"I just left that class; they got some young fresh out of college kid replacing her. The guys a real douche." Caleb informed us.

"You're one to talk." Taylor smirked at him.

I ignored them as they bickered back and forth. I turned the corner heading to second period. Just as I was walking into the class I saw a group of cheerleaders huddled against a locker.

"He's so hot! I've never wanted to rip a teacher's shirt off before." One of them squealed.

"I know right! And those glasses just make him look ten times sexier." This time it was a red head. I walked into class not bothering to listen anymore and saw Daniel sitting next to the window.

"Hey buzzkill." I greeted him, sliding into the seat next to him.

"Being your normal charming self as always I see." He said. Daniel was such a chill guy nothing every bothered him. Out of everyone in the group though he was the least social. We have outside friends but he literally has none. I'm sure if he wanted he could become the most popular guy in school.

"You know it." I winked at him.


"You're so lucky you get to see him now! All the talk about him I can't wait to see him." Taylor gushed as we stood outside math class.

"Taylor it's not that serious, no matter how hot he is let's not forget he still gives us homework. And in my book that makes you evil." I told her. She giggled just as the bell rang.

"Well I'll see you later! Tell me how hot he is at lunch." She said turning and walking down the hall.

I rolled my eyes as I opened the door walking into the class. The 'hot' teacher wasn't here yet and I was surprised. I've never seen a teacher be late before. I walked to the back going to the farthest seat so that I can sleep in peace. I always use math class to get my naps in. Even when I pay attention I don't understand the work so why bother? They're just lucky I didn't bring a blanket.

I slipped into my seat pulling out a notebook, to make the desk more comfortable of course. Laying my head down on the desk my body relaxed getting ready for sleep.

"Hey class sorry I'm late." A deep voice called out just as the door opened. Oh my god, I know that voice. I heard it sing wannabe just two days ago. Oh my god! I felt my body stiffen, I was too afraid to lift my head and confirm my thoughts. There's no way it's him. "My name is James Valentine but you'll just be calling me Mr. Valentine since I'm you're teacher and today we'll be - hey you in the back. You think this is nap time?" Oh boy.

"Actually Mr. Valentine, this is indeed my nap time." I said raising my head. I felt a hint of satisfaction as I saw the surprise on his face. I tried to keep my face blank as I checked him out. He looked just as good as last time; maybe got a little bit hotter if that's possible. He was wearing a black button up with some black school slacks. Someone clearly likes black. His hair was gelled back and he was wearing glasses. Did he have those on at the club? Would I even remember if he did?

"Well your nap time just got cut short." He said turning back to the board. His shoulders were tense. He was acting nothing like the cocky guy I met Saturday night. Guess school really does suck the fun out of everyone. "As you all know I'll be filling in for Ms. Lang over the next six months. Yes I'm a sub and no you won't be getting over on me. I may be a sub but you guys are going to treat me like any other regular teacher. I'll be passing out information sheets so that I can get to know you all better, then before the end of class I'll let you all ask me questions."

He passed the sheets out and I saw him hesitate as he got to my table. I flashed him a grin, which he ignored. Quickly putting my paper down and walking away.

True to his words just ten minutes before class ended he collected our papers.

"Ok so who would like to go first?" He asked taking a seat on top of his desk. Those slacks made him look extremely sexy.

I watched as a girl up front quickly raised her hand.

"Yes?" He said nodding to her.

"How old are you?" She said while pulling her shirt down. Does she have no shame?

"24." My eyes widened at his answer. He doesn't look a day over 20!

The rest of the class went on like this. In the last ten minutes of class I've learned he's 24, single and likes blue Jell-O. I couldn't be more happy when the bell finally rang.

"Ms. White would you mind staying back for a few minutes?" He asked just as I reached the door. Oh now he wants to speak?

"Yes I do mind."

"Well too bad I'm the teacher." He said immaturely. I sighed before walking over to stand in front of his desk. The class was clear by this point. Everyone else lucky enough to leave. "How old are you?"

"Is this a pop quiz?" He sighed at my reply.

"I kissed you."

"Yes I remember that, you also pushed me." I told him.

"You tripped."

"You pushed me!"

"Let's just agree to disagree." He said. I glared at him.

"What do you want?" I was getting annoyed with him.

"You haven't told anyone about us right?" He suddenly got serious.

"There is no 'us' to tell about," I rolled my eyes. "We kissed that's not a big deal; I've kissed lots of guys."

"And have they all turned out to be your teacher?"

"When did you start wearing glasses?" I asked him. This time a smirk appeared on his face.

"I thought they would make me look more teachery." He said. I laughed.

"'Teachery' isn't a word." He shrugged.

"I'll make it one." Just then the school bell rang. "You better get going." He said.

"Aren't you going to write me a tardy note?" I asked.

"Why would I do that?" I glared. "You better start walking now, you only got two minutes left."

I let out a huff walking to the door. I turned around once and gave him the finger before storming out.

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