No More Pictures Please {Harr...

By ohnoitsthatbooknerd

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{ GUISE. THIS FANFIC IS DEAD. GON NOWHERE. PLS LEAVE IT ALONE. CRI CRI } Tyler Jones is a picture perfect lif... More

Chapter 1: Another Date.
Chapter 3: Stunt Room
Chapter 4: Always Listen to Tyler.
Chapter 5: Watch where you're going curly.
Chapter 6: Conceited Much?
Chapter 7: Been There, Done That.
Chapter 8: I'm Sorry, What?
Chapter 9: Tables Have Turned.
Chapter 10: I'm really jealous of that dog.

Chapter 2: Spying.

422 31 11
By ohnoitsthatbooknerd

No More Pictures Please - Chapter 2: Spying.

Edith, right over dere >>>


{Harry's POV}

I pace back and forth, wondering what I can do to fill my time until our date tonight at seven.

It's sad really, that I'm so worked up on a simple dinner date, with a girl I was set up with only one day ago. I didn't even know what her favorite color was.

But I couldn't get her out of my mind. Again, it's very sad. Sad that she probably wasn't even thinking about tonight, sad that I'm sure I didn't cross her mind this entire day.

I don't know why I liked her, I mean sure, she was exceptionally beautiful, but along with that face came a load of personality, a load that I only just dipped into yesterday at breakfast. Her amusement at my shyness, her need to make me feel better, her ease at telling me about her past, about her life. I did want to know all those things, but I also wanted to know why it was that she was so different.

Everyone knows me as Harry Styles, the cheeky, flirty one. That was my personality, I flirted with girls, and they always found it cute.

But for whatever reason, I didn't dare do that with Tyler. Maybe it was that fact that I had been given a fucking packet to study off of for out date. Seriously, who does that?

Her manager had told me specific things that I hadn't bothered to remember, so I expected that out date would end up with her leaving, storming off, or being disgusted by me.

It had gone the complete opposite direction. She found it seemingly funny and entertaining that I was shy, and that I kept looking down at the table or at my hands to keep from staring a her. From what I saw on the tele, and from what I've heard, she hates that fact that she is pretty, and that she would love to be average, not ugly, just average.

I found it endearing, the fact that she didn't like herself very much.

I glanced over at the clock for what seems like the thousandth time today, to find that it was only 3:26. Four and a half hours I had to fill before I came over?

What was I supposed to do? The lads were all out, going to parties, checking out local events and hotspots, basically they were enjoying their time her in Los Angeles properly, instead of me, here just looking at a clock and attempting to make excuses to come early to pick up a girl that probably forgot we even had a date planned.

If I came now, I would seem desperate, and she would think I was a weirdo. Should I call her...? No that would be strange too. Wait, do I even know where her house is?

I can't believe I'm so worked up over this girl.

I heard my phone beep, and I desperately hoped that it was Tyler, so at least I had something to do. One new message from "THAT SEXY GIRL TYLER ;))" Yup, it was her.

To : Me


I almost forgot that you probably don't know where I live. 4231 Chalice Dr. There. :)

I blinked at the screen before it settled in my mind that she actually did think of me. Oh no, I'm turning into one of those ridiculous boys from the movies. The ones who obsess over a simple text. I thought girls were supposed to be the ones doing that.


From : Me

Alright. I'll be there at 7:00.

My finger hovered over the send button. Should I... No... I don't want to seem like I'm waiting for her to text me... Ah, you're over thinking it again Styles. I tapped the send button, and then of course my brain instantly thought of her reaction. What if she thinks its rude? Or too short, Tyler was a high maintenance kind of girl... She liked classy and not...

Oh whatever.

I tried to push those thoughts from my head, and instead wondered what I could possibly do for three-and a half hours.

I should've gone with the lads and just came back when it was time, but now I'm stuck here.

But then again, what if Tyler really liked me too? That was really unlikely, but what if she did? What if she was waiting...

I had no idea what I was doing until I realized that I was no longer in my hotel room, but that I was in my car, heading to wherever the address she sent me led to. Now I'm going to seem like a real stalker.

But what about her security? Damn, I should've thought this through. Too late, I'm on the road.

When I reached her house I was surprised that the gates had been left open, maybe she told them that I was coming.

I parked my car near the front entrance and walked through the giant gates, half expecting for red lasers to shoot across the lawn and trigger an alarm like in the movies.

Sadly, no such thing happened.

I got to the front door, and before I could decide whether to knock, or just wait, or somehow sneak in through an open window, the twenty-foot monster was opened by a tall man in a suit. I stepped inside, careful not to make too much noise, and he swiftly shut the door behind me.

I barely had a chance to look at my surroundings when a small, plump old woman with gray hair tied up neatly in a bun approached me with a stern glare.

"I assume that you are Mr Styles?" She inquired with a pronounced, regal tone. I assumed that this was Tyler's old nanny Edith.

I nod slowly, trying not so seem rude. Edith could just as easily kick me out of this house, she was trusted by everyone. "Well, Miss Jones said that you wouldn't be coming until much later." Edith narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. I assume, from her point of view, I was some trouble maker trying to spend time with Tyler, whom she thought of as a granddaughter.

"I was, em, supposed to be here later but.. Uh..." I fumbled with my words, trying to come up with an excuse as to why I was here so early.

Edith continued to give me a death stare. "Miss Jones is doing her chores. She said you were coming at six... Do you like her?" She asked suddenly, and I didn't know how to respond.

"Yes, Miss, I do. I haven't known her for long but I do, and I would like to change that." Her face softened at the obvious truth in my voice. It felt good to say it aloud, almost like it confirmed my feelings.

"Well, alright. Don't get into trouble! Miss Jones is in the kitchen, left hallway, fifth door down." With that and a small smile, the little old woman sauntered off, heels click clacking against the tiles.

I follow her directions, heading off to the left hallway and counting five doors down. I stopped when I heard loud, horrible singing coming front the kitchen.

"You're that one that I want! The one that I want... Ho, ho, ho, HONEY!" It sounded kind of cute, in a strange way. I peeked through the door to find a frizzy haired blonde girl, standing over the sink, twisting and turning to music playing on her phone, wearing a tattered old T-shirt several sizes too big and blue gym shorts.

That wasn't Tyler... Was it?

Tyler was a high maintenance, gorgeous girl that always had perfect hair, perfect outfit, sang with the voice of an angel, and usually wore makeup even though she didn't need it. She would walk with her head held high, and walked with long graceful strides.

This girl on the other hand, was more, cute, even though her hair stuck up in strange directions, her clothes looked like they had been around for a bit too long, sang like a walrus, and she tripped on thin air every few seconds. This was nothing like Tyler. How could she change so much?

She continued to dry her dishes, and when she finished she made her way towards the back sliding glass door, suddenly being trailed by an enormous Rottweiler. It growled slightly in my direction, and I wondered if I would have to run from a vicious dog.

"Ey! Tiny! Stop growling! Come on!" She said, motioning for him to come out side.

Once, Tiny I think, was outside and running around she headed to the door I was hiding behind. Crap! I immediately dashed over to the closest door, which, in this case was a family room, decorated with brown and light blue chairs.

I still peeked through a crack in the door, and I saw Tyler run into Edith.

"Edith, um, Harry's coming over in a few hours so please don't scare him!" She pleaded, biting down on her lip.

"What are you talking about? I'm not going to scare him dear." Edith lied cooly.

"Yes, yes you are. You are going to freak him out and he's not going to want to come back! Oh god, what do I wear?!" She screeched, pacing back and forth.

"I don't see anything wrong with what you're wearing." The older woman replied.

"Everything's wrong with what I'm wearing! It's just comfortable! I don't wear this in public!" She pointed to a small hole in her shirt sleeve. "See?!" I grinned, realizing that maybe she did get just as worked up as me over our date in a few hours.

"Alright alright. Don't worry dear, you've got plenty of time before he comes. I'm sure if he really likes you it won't matter what you wear." Edith grinned in my general direction. I guess she knew where I was hiding.

"Why would he really like me? I barely know him. Maybe he thinks I'm pretty but... Uh..." I frowned at that. She thought I only liked her because she was pretty. That's complete bull.

"He does dear. Trust me." Edith gave her a pat on the back and walked off, continuing to do whatever it is that Ediths do.

Tyler huffed, blowing a strand of her hair from her face, and walked off up the stairs, tripping a few times along the way.

I decided I would follow her upstairs, see what she did, and if she would say anything about me.

She slipped through a door that I assumed was her room, and I trailed behind, standing beside her door. Her room was what I assumed many girls would kill to have, it had bright green walls and blue carpet. She had a huge TV, and a large desk with her apple computers displayed neatly. Her bed had cyan stripes running diagonally across, and she had five outfits hung on the wall.

She held each of them against herself as she looked into her full-length mirror, and finally she decided on a sparkly gold top and simple red shorts. Then, leaving her clothes on the bed, she walked off into one of two doors branching from her room. I assume that it was her on suite.

I decided now would be my time to sneak in, not into the bathroom, but into her room.

The first thing I noticed was that there were no pictures of her parents. There was one large picture hanging in the corner of her and Edith, but that was all. I guess she wasn't close to them...

I fumbled around a bit more in her room, looking through a few notebooks she had lying around filled with funny little sketches and things of the like.

I heard the shower turn off, so I made my way towards the door.

But naturally, now would be the time for me to fall.

"Hello? Edith why are you in my room?!" Tyler shouted from inside the bathroom. Shit!

The door was unlocking so I stumbled over to her massive closet and hid behind one of the shelves.

"Miss Jones I'm in the kitchen? Why are you so loud?" I heard Edith's deep voice sigh, and then footsteps made their way over to the closet. Shit, shit, don't go near me...

To my relief she didn't, and I heard her leaving.

I breathed out a heavy sigh of relief. Oh shit! What if she heard that?

I heard her footsteps once more make their way closer to me. Oh no. This shelf is kinda dusty... Oh no...

"ACCHOO!" Shit! I heard Tyler stomp over to me and pulled me out from behind the shelf.

"Harry? What the shit are you doing here?" She looked at me with wide, angry, but slightly amused blue eyes. Not creeped out at all that I was hiding in her closet. Ok...

I tried to not think of the fact that she wasn't wearing anything, just a small towel wrapped securely around her. Her eyes narrowed.

"Are you stalking me?" She asked, and to my surprise, she giggled.

"No wasn't, stalking you... I was, um, I really just wanted to get out of my apartment but..." I stammered. Surely this would ruin my chance with her.

"Oh, save it for someone who believes in your horse crap. I don't mind, uh, just next time you feel like coming over text me or something ok? Wait, how long have you been here?" She asked, tapping her foot against the wood.

"Uh, long enough to hear you singing to Grease." Her eyebrows furrowed, and then her eyes widened.

"Oh, no wait, then you saw me... Don't tell anyone! No one please! If you tell someone it will leak out, everyone will think I'm a loser-" She huffed before continuing. "I only act like that at home, I promise. I'm really clumsy, and... I don't like fancy clothes." I was surprised, so this is why Tyler was so different everywhere else. But knowing that she wasn't a literal walking Barbie made me feel better, and made me like her even more.

"I won't tell anyone, but, I like you better like this." She blushed before shoving me out of her door.

"Alright Styles. Let me change!" She shut the door in my face and I heard the rustling of fabric.

"Ok done. Now how about we ditch that dinner date-" I pouted, I had really wanted to go on a date. "and- Let me finish! Stop with that face! I was thinking we could, um, maybe use the stunt room?"


awe нarry. wнaт a lιттle ѕтalĸer. dιd yoυ тнιnĸ нe woυld go ιnтo тнe вaтнrooм wнιle ѕнe waѕ ѕнowerιng? no ѕorry тнaтѕ тoo clιcнe even ғor мe :)

вυт oғ coυrѕe, тyler нeard нιм ѕneeze. cloѕeтѕ geт dυѕтy ya ĸnow???

тнιѕ тooĸ a wнιle тo υpdaтe. ι need тo wrιтe мore! love yoυ all! coммenт, and voтe ιғ yoυ read тнιѕ. ιғ yoυ really need ѕoмe voтeѕ, or тнιnĸ yoυ're ѕтory ιѕ good тell мe and ι'll cнecĸ ιт oυт ĸay??? вye lovelιeѕ!


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