I'm not like you (Shuu X Read...

By Diabolikwriter

994 29 10

"I have no bonds, commitments, or interests. But if you still insist on meddling with me, put your life on li... More

Chapter Two

Chapter One

920 27 10
By Diabolikwriter

There are choices in life we regret but then there are some we praise. When we are given these choices we are unaware of how big the consequences really are. They are not always "Yes" or "No".A simple "Hello" or "Are you alright?" can cause something or someone to break and spiral out of control....

As the bell rang for class, (Y/n) yawned as she slowly walked into the old style class room. Walking down the rows she found her desk to which she threw her bag under and fell into the chair. Luckily her desk was next to a wall so she had something to lean her heavy head on. Despite her living this lifestyle for a fortnight, the school girl still couldn't get used to sleeping in the day and attending school at night. Taking out her book, she started to doodle random little things while she waited for the class to start.

After a while the slender teacher walked into the room and began the lesson. (Y/n) looked around at the class to see at least ten empty chairs. Unlike her previous school, this one wasn't as tight on people skipping classes so most people took that as an opportunity and didn't actually attend class. (Y/n) thought about how she should just skip her next class just so she could sleep. The class slowly dragged on and (Y/n) felt her eyelids get heavier and heavier until the were completely shut. She would of stayed that way if the bell for the next class hadn't rung and caused her to jump awake. Deciding that she wouldn't make it through her next class, (Y/n) took a detour round the school in hopes of finding somewhere to rest.

She wondered the corridors blindly not knowing where the hell she was. Multiple rooms and doors she tried to enter by where ether occupied or locked. Just as she was about to consider going back to class, (Y/n) found a door which looked to be some sort of music room. Turning the handle, she took a deep breath in as she pushed the door open. Much to her surprise it was actually unlocked and she found herself entering the abandoned room. She closed and locked the door behind her before looking around at the room. It was pretty much empty apart from a few desks and chairs and a grand piano sitting in the corner. She chucked her bag down to one side before lying down on the floor. Right now, she couldn't care less if the floor was cold she was alone and was able to sleep for at least an hour and that seemed like heaven to her. Using her bag as a make shift pillow, (Y/n) found herself drifting off to sleep on the floor in an abandoned music room. Unfortunately, this time the bell for lunch didn't wake her and without her knowing there was a click at the door before a figure entered....

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