My Brother's Keeper

Af IzaraCummings

232 5 1

Jared was born into a life of privilege and wealth something he's shunned growing up but now he's all grownup... Mere



34 1 0
Af IzaraCummings

     Colin paced the floor of his bedroom, his thoughts consumed him, his life was far from his own but his meeting Jared had shown him there was another way. He'd never seen anyone stand up to his father that way. He'd witness someone actually take the man down a peg and he'd enjoyed it. When he first laid eyes on Jared he thought great another rich, good looking, asshole. The instant he introduced himself, he knew that his initial judgment of him was all wrong. He was shocked that Jared was genuine and down to earth. Not to mention good looking, God was he ever. Colin's heart raced as Jared had approached the table and he'd hoped that the guy was going to pass them up and go to a different table. The thought of having to sit across from him and pretend that he wasn't attracted to him was more than he wanted to deal with, he already had his father and fiancee' to contend with.

Geeze fiancee! What was he doing? Better Why was he doing it? Because he'd made a deal with the devil that's why. He'd promised his father that if he allowed him to backpack around Europe for a year before attending a college and that on his return home he'd be ready to settle down and handle college. But his meaning of "settle down" and his father's were two entirely different things. He meant no partying and becoming more focus on the family business and school, his father's meant a merger marriage.

His father is a hard demanding conniving monster and he wants out from under his rule. He'd been lucky so far living with his mom, stepfather, and younger brothers. But now that he was a man according to his father he needs to be groomed and that entailed living with him until his marriage in the next two months. Never mind that he has no means to take care of a wife or the mere fact that he has no desire to marry. Allison is a nice girl, very pretty and is going to make someone a loving wife but that someone is not him. He'd voiced the concern to his father more than once, but the excuses he's given are never enough of a reason that they could reach an agreement to hold off on the whole affair and he doubted that any excuse existed. He could tell his father that he harbored serial killer thoughts and his reply would be we'll get you counseling so no need to worry. Ugh! Colin moaned internally.

The true reason that this marriage is not going to work has been burning a hole in the back of his throat. He can't say two simple words to his father, I'm gay. He is gay and has known this since he was a preteen his first crush was on his science teacher, a man. It wasn't just a crush, he fantasized about him in what seemed to be every waking moment. He'd had his first wet dream courtesy of the man and lusted after him, something he fought daily to keep under control. At the end of the school year, he'd wrote the man a letter telling him his thoughts and feelings because they were so strong. In response to the letter he'd been kind to Colin and not offended he didn't out him to his parents or the principle. But he sat him down and explained that it was inappropriate and how flattered he was that he liked him in that way. In the end, he'd told him to look him up when he was legal if he still felt the same way. Ironically, he'd run into Jason Willis the summer after his 18th birthday and the exchanging of phone numbers had turned into a summer-long affair. He'd been Colin's first lover and he was devastated when it was over so that also made Jason his first heartbreak, but he had no regrets and would do it all over again in the same way.

"Colin, are you all packed?" Colin turned to look at his mom and just wanted to bury his grief about the move inside of her, he knew it would be safe there and that she would understand, but he knew that was not the way to handle his father's demands. Having his mother fight his battles with his father should have ended long ago now he needed to find the voice to do it himself.

"Yeah, mom, I have a few things I'm going to leave here and pick up later if that's okay."

"Colin, it's more than okay. This is still your home Colin and you can come back for a visit or to stay anytime you please." Carrie smiled and walked over to him and wrapped him in her arms.

"No better place to be." Colin sighed and hugged her back, clinging to her as if for dear life. This was home the smell of her lavender scented hair always gave him the feeling of safety.

"You don't have to go you know, there is an ASU campus right here or you could take classes online. You can do whatever you like Colin I'll stand beside you."

"I know mom." Colin replied not stepping out of the embrace but tightening his grip around his mom and buried his face into her shoulder. They were the same height of 5' 8", tall for a woman but short for a man. "I've been the cause of more than enough fights between you and dad it's time I handled him on my own."

Colin, baby you never have to handle him on your own. He's a bully, a terrible man and I'll never know what I saw in him in the first place. I would regret the whole ordeal if it hadn't produced you. You're one of the best things that ever happened to me and I love you beyond measure."

"I know mom and I love you back." With that said Colin kissed her cheek and stepped out of the embrace. He turned and zipped up the third suitcase that was now packed and ready to go.

"You know mom the funny part is I don't even know where we are going to be staying, it will probably be at the condo after that fiasco of a dinner I don't think there is any other option."

Carrie chuckled. "Wow, I would have loved to have seen the look on your father's face. I'll bet the smugness just fell off."

Colin laughed with his mom. He'd filled her in on the showdown the following morning and she'd enjoyed every minute of his play by play and by the end, she was rolling in laughter as tears of joy streamed down her face.

"But you know Dad, he is probably still trying to figure out a way to get in that house. It's so ridiculous his condo is over 3000 sq. ft. with four bedroom and 3 baths, we would be more than comfortable 3 people could live there no problem."

"What you don't understand Colin is your father's need to impress his colleagues. I'm sure he's already had his business cards embossed with the Fountain Hill's address. It's the prestige he's after not that woman. I'm sure she is nice enough and maybe even a good person but your father just uses people to his benefit. It's unfortunate but she'll more than likely find out the hard way."

Colin sighed it was unfortunate that there was little he could do to prevent the inevitable. After Jared stormed out they were all quiet each with their own thoughts but Colin was simply waiting for his father to explode. He was in shock when instead he reached over and took Eva's hand and calmly told her it's okay my place is more than big enough. But Colin knew that his father was not going to settle and take what Jared said layingdown he knew well enough that the man was going to manipulate Eva and somehow make her persuade Jared into what he wanted.

Jared's phone buzzed with an incoming text message. He rolled his eyes it was from his father asking when he was leaving. He texts back one word, "now" effectively ending the conversation.

Carrie took one look at her son and knew right away, she saw the anguish on his face. "Your father? she asked.

"Yeah wanting to know when I'm leaving I told him now, so I'd better get my things in the car and head out you know he'll time my drive down to the second."

"That man! he is so controlling Colin I wish you would reconsider, there is really nothing he can do about your life decisions you know? You're 23 years old now. His being angry with you is better than living a life that you are not happy with and I would rather not see you do the latter. I want you happy baby and it does matter what that entails I will always love and support you, there is nothing you could do to change that one fact."

"I know mom it will be fine, let me figure this one out if I run I know he will never respect me and will continue to treat me like a child for the rest of my life. But for now, Phoenix here, I come."

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