
By billiejayy

430K 12.4K 3.8K

This story is about....well you'll have to read it to find out. Happy reading!(NOT A FAN-FICTION) If you're n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Part 1
Chapter 34 Part 2
Chapter 35 Final Part

Chaper 21

7.8K 270 107
By billiejayy

The song up top fits them perfectly!!  This chapter will be long! And a bit different from what I usually write so please please please please, show it some love by commenting, voting, and sharing! Enjoy!

Grayson's POV

I reach the top of the rock wall and look down and see Nelly still struggling. I chuckle to myself and jump down slowly then unhook the ropes.

I look at Nelly and see that she's still not at the top yet, so I say,"Come on baby girl, you can do it!" She shakes her head and tries to come down, while holding onto the wall. I nod my head saying,"Come on you got it, mio amore." She takes a deep breath and hesitates to take the next step, then looks down at me and shake her head again.

I say, while walking towards the wall,"Lemme help you then." The worker walks up to me and say,"Sir do you need a rope?" I shake my head and climb up next to Nelly and say, while pulling her up by her thigh,"Okay, just grab the next rock on the right." She pushes herself up and grab the next rock and I say,"See, there you go. You got it babe. Now just keep going." She smiles down at me and continue to climb the wall. I hop down from the wall and watch her, cheering her on.

Once she reaches the top she saids,"Woo I did it!" I say,"Yeah! Good job babe!" She giggles then look down and say,"Um Grayson.." I say,"Are you afraid to come down?" She nods and I say,"Just hop down like I did." She saids,"But what if the strap breaks Grayson? Then what?" I sigh feeling a tad bit frustrated and say,"Nelly just come down. Nothing will happen I promise. Here I'll stand right here and catch you if you do fall, which I doubt, okay?" She nods and let's go of the wall, falling down slowly just like I thought.

They unbuckle her and I hold her hand saying,"See baby it's nothing to it." She mumbles,"Anything could happen Gray." I pull her by her shoulder closer to me and say,"Not with me princess. I got you." She smiles at me and we start walking around the park.

After about thirty minutes of walking around and looking at different venders, we decided to go by the lake and take some pictures. We walk up to this guy with crazy long, golden hair and ask him to take our picture.

Nelly's POV

He agrees and we walk over to the edge and I sit on top of the railing.

Grayson saids,"Be careful baby, I don't want you to fall in okay?" I smile and say,"Okay. Now let's take this picture." He chuckles and the guy saids while smiling,"You guys ready!" We nod and Grayson puts his hand on my thigh and the other one on my back, and we smile at the camera.

After that picture, Grayson tells him to take another picture and he lifts me up and saids,"Put your legs around my waist princess." I do just that and he kisses my lips holding it there for a moment, then pulling away and telling the guy to just hold the button down so it can take multiple shots.

He looks back at me and smile, while trailing his hands down to my butt and give it a gentle squeeze while kissing me softly. I pull him closer while running my fingers through his hair.

He slowly pulls away, leaving me wanting more, and whisper in my ear,"Don't worry mio amore, I'll finish this off later." I nod and he bites his bottom lip at me while winking then grab his phone from the nice man. This boy is such a tease. We thank him quickly and start walking to the exit of the park.

Once we exit, Grayson saids,"I'll carry you the rest of the way okay?" I blush deeply and nod while getting on his back. As we're walking back to the car I say, while laying my head on his shoulder," I love you so much Gray.." He saids, while caressing my legs,"You know I love you more beautiful." I blush and rub his upper chest. He saids,"Baby can you stay the night at my house?" I smile to myself and say,"Yeah, just gotta call my mom and let her know." He nods while continually caressing my leg.

We reach my car and I hop down from Grayson and unlock the doors. Grayson saids,"I'll drive babe." I usually don't like for other people to drive my car but this is Grayson so.. I say,"Okay." He opens my door for me then walk over to the driver's side and get in, then we pull off.

About thirty minutes of driving, he parks the car at The Cookout and we get out and head in. I tell Grayson I'll be right back and he nods so I go into the restroom and call me mom real quick.

Grayson's POV

As I'm waiting in line, I hear two girls whispering behind me, rather loud might I add."Yeah he's super hot! I could ride him all night." Eww. "Yeah but he has a girlfriend! Eh a black one at that." The other hoe saids,"Yeah but I'd still tap that regardless!" I turn around and say, while glaring at them,"Can you two maybe shut the hell up!" They look at me surprised and I turn back around and hear nothing else. That's what I thought.

A couple minutes later of waiting in line and telling people to skip me, Nelly walks out of the bathroom and I just admire how stunning she is for a moment. With her dark chocolate sun kissed skin, and her electric brown eyes. Oh and don't let me forget her gorgeous figure. She's slim thick in all the right places, and I can't thank God enough for my chocolate goddess..

I grab her waist and kiss the top of her head feeling my desire for her get higher as I do so. She saids,"My mom said that I could stay over." She smiles up at me and I return the favor and say,"That's great baby." She nods and gets in front of me as we wait in line, and I put my arms around her waist while pressing myself against her softly.

She turns around and look up at me saying,"Graysonnnn.." I say,"Nellyyyy.." She purses her lips together and say,"Not right here Gray, with all these people so close." I lean down and kiss her neck while whispering in her ear,"Whatever you say princess, but just know that this," I squeeze her butt gently,"Is mine when we get home, okay?" She mumbles,"Okay.." And the cashier saids 'next!' So we walk up to her and I say,"What do you want babe?" She saids,"Umm, a cheeseburger with onions, lettuce, and like a bunch of ketchup please. Oh and with a side of fries and Sprite to drink." I chuckle a little at her and the cashier does to and look at me saying,"And what would this handsome gentleman over here like?" I lift my eyebrow at her and Nelly does the same.

The cashier quickly saids,"Oh no sorry if that came out wrong! I don't want him. Besides I have a boyfriend myself and two kids." Nelly nods and I say,"Um yeah, well I would like the same thing but with a lemonade instead. Oh and without all that ketchup and put pickles and tomatoes on mine." She nods and say,"Ookay your total will be eight dollars and seventy nine cents." I nod and pull out my wallet and pay, then she hands us our empty cups and we head over to the soda machine and wait behind this lady.

Nelly saids,"Gray look! You see her butt? That thang is huge. You think it's real?" I look down at Nelly and say,"Why would I look at another women's butt?" She saids,"Gray it's fine, I give you permission, but only this time." I say,"No Nelly! I'm not looking at her as-" She interrupts me saying,"Watch your mouth. You been cursing all day today." I chuckle and say,"Whatever babe." She moves up as the lady in front of us moves away and gets Sprite, Fruit Punch, Spite Grape, and lemonade. I just get lemonade.

They call our name for the food and we grab it then walk over to a clean table. I pull out her chair for her and she thanks me then I sit on my chair and we exchange the food. She opens her burger and frown at it saying,"What the? How do they forget cheese on a cheese burger!" I look at it then back at her and say,"You want mine?" She saids,"Naw you can enjoy your food. I'll just ask her for another one." I nod and watch her closely as she goes up to the register. She looks really frustrated, it's kinda funny.

She comes back and I say,"Did they put cheese on it?" She saids,"Yeah but they gave me attitude. I was like 'why is you givin me attitude when you the one messed up?' Makes no funkin since."I laugh a little at her choice of words then get serious and say, while looking down at my burger,"Do you need me to go up there and hurt somebody?" She giggles while blushing and say,"No, thank you I handled it prince." I smile and we continue eating while engaging in several conversations.

As we finish eating, these two little kids, one boy and one girl, with pale skin and scorching emerald eyes, who look like they're about four or five, walk up to our table and the little girl saids,"Ask them Oliver." He saids,"No, you ask them Marilyn." Marilyn and Oliver. I say,"Can we help you guys?" 'Marilyn' saids,"Um yes sir, we wanted to know if you seen our parents?" Oliver finished,"We walked in here with them, then we turned around and they were gone.." Nelly gasps and mumbles,"Oh my goodness.." I can feel my anger get high...

What kinda of bastards! I think. I say,"No we have not seen them. What do they look like?" He saids,"My dad's about your height, and my mom's a little shorter that you miss. They both have brown ish hair and green eyes." I look at Nelly for a moment and she shakes her head no, so I turn to them and say,"I'm sorry we haven't."

They sigh in what looks like relief, then I see sadness wash over them. Nelly saids,"Will you two be okay? Do you have any grandparents to stay with, that we can take you to?" They shake their heads no and she mumbles to me,"Gray what should we do? We can't leave them here and just go on with our day." I think for a moment, then say,"How about you guys sit right here and enjoy these fries. Me and my girlfriend will be right over there so we can talk."

Marilyn shakes her head vigorously and start crying a little saying,"No you won't! You'll leave us just like our parents did!" Nelly crouches down to her height and grab a napkin wiping her tears away, then say,"We won't leave you guys, we promise. We're gonna be right over there where you can see us, okay pretty girl." She blushes and nod her head. Nelly gets up and I grab her hand and we walk to another table so we can talk in private.

I say,"Okay so I was thinking we could take them to a near by orphanage so they can have a better home. What do you think baby?" She shakes her head no and say,"No baby we can't do that, I know how the system works because my mom was in it. Their not going to be placed in a nice home, they might not even get placed in a home Gray. We can't take them there. Besides they look like they've been through enough."

I say,"Okay baby girl we won't take them there. How about they come to my house and stay the night there. Then the next day we take them shopping and figure out what to do then." She smiles and say,"That sounds great baby." I smile back and we stand up and walk back to them. I say,"You guys wanna come home with us? We will not hurt you guys in anyway. We have food t-" They interrupt me saying,"Yess! Well come!" Nelly giggles and I chuckle and say,"Alright then let's go." Me and Nelly grab the food and throw them away, then hold there hands and walk out to the car.

Oliver saids, as Nelly opens the car door for him,"You guys have a nice car." She laughs and get in on the passenger side then say,"It's actually my-" I cut her off saying,"Thank you for complimenting our car." She just shakes her head and we drive home.

After about an hour of driving, we finally reach my house and we caring in two sleeping toddlers. Ethan walks down the stairs and say,"Umm how..Was Nelly always pregnant....Orr..-" I cut off his stupidity and say,"They're not our kids Ethan." He gives me a confused look then say,"Then why are they here?" I say,"It's long story..Can you carry them to my room please? We have to get our bags from the festival out of the trunk." He nods, still kinda confused but take them upstairs.

Me and Nelly walk outside to the car and get our bags. I walk over to her and pull her by her waist to me and say,"You alright princess?" She smiles at me and nod. I say, while leaning down to kiss her neck,"You sure.." She mumbles,"I'm positive.." I trail kisses down her neck and flick my tongue across her sensitive area causing her to moan,"Graysonnn...." I groan and lift her up, while wrapping her legs around my waist and grind in to her softly.

She moans again, this time saying,"I need you Grayson.." That's all it took for me to drop the bags and carry her into the car. Laying her down on the seats, I crawl on top of her and start caressing her body, while looking deep into her eyes. I lean in to kiss her and she pulls my neck in closer as our lips meet.

Then I unbuckle my pants a little and grind against her, so she can feel how bad I want her..

She throws her head back from the sudden contact and moan as I continue to attack her neck with kisses. I moan,"Nelly baby can you feel how bad I want you.." She nods but I wanna hear her say it. I say, while biting down on her sensitive area that already has a mark, and grinding into her much harder than before,"Can you feel it!" She moans out,"Yess!"

I say, while slowing down,"Yes what?" She moans,"Grayson!" I groan at the sound and speed up my pace again saying,"No Nelly! Yes what! Say it!" She moan,"Yes Da-" but she gets interrupted by banging on the window coming from non other than Ethan.

I say, clearly annoyed and pissed cause I missed my release,"What!" He saids,"Um did you forget you had kids waiting on you in your room?!" I mentally slap my forehead and Nelly quickly gets from under me and get out the car while grabbing her bags saying,"Oh yeah. Dang it!" I need a shower. I follow her up the stairs and while buckling my pants back up and Ethan whispers to me,"Were you guys having sex?" I can feel my face heat up a little and I say,"No we weren't having sex Ethan. I told you, Nelly's waiting for marriage."

Ethan saids,"Does she know that your not a virgin?" I think about his questions for a moment. Dang it! Nelly would probably be pissed if I told her. See there was this girl back in Jersey, and it happened so fast I did realize what I was doing until it was over. But I'll tell that story another time.

I say,"No she doesn't know. I'm gonna tell her when the time is right though." He nods and we walk into my room and see Nelly talking to Oliver and Marilyn, who are now wide awake. Nelly turns to me and say,"They said that they would like something to eat Gray.." I nod while grabbing a pillow off of my bed and covering myself up so I can hide my erection, causing Nelly to slightly giggle. I say,"What would you guys like to eat?" They think about it for a moment and Ethan saids,"Come on I'll fix you guys the best sandwiches you've ever had."

Their faces light up with excitement and they get up and run down the stairs with Ethan. Nelly walks to the door and say,"Be careful! Don't fall!" Then she walks towards me and say, while wrapping her arms around my waist,"You good down there?" I say,"Not really. It's very uncomfortable and it hurts a little." She giggles a little then say,"You want me to take that pain away prince?.." She trails her hands down my chest, I feel my manhood jerk up in my pants and she jumps up and squeal a little then say,"I'm still not used to that." We both laugh and I say,"Can you take a shower with me?"

She saids with a skeptical look ,"Grayson I don't think that's a good idea, considering your condition." She signals to my pants and I groan saying,"I can control myself." She shakes her head no saying,"Grayson I know for a fact that if you even so much as see me in my underwear you'll lose it." Dang it she's right. I sigh and say,"Your right. Well you can use the guest shower since it's bigger and cleaner and I'll use the my shower. And you can wear my sisters night clothes." She nods and I kiss her forehead and we go our separate ways.

Once I'm done with my shower, I wrap my towel around my waist and walk to my dresser to get my clothes and see that Nelly's not back yet, which is a surprise because she usually doesn't take long showers. So I walk over to the railing of the staircase case and say,"Ethan is Nelly down there?" He yells back 'no' and I walk to the guest room and don't hear the shower running so I knock on the bathroom door and say,"Baby are you alright in there?" She saids,"Gray the only night clothes your sister has is spanks and t shirts. I can't walk around like that!"

I say, not seeing the big deal,"And why not?" She opens the door and walk out and say,"See! All of my goodies are showing!" I can feel myself getting hard under the towel. The spanks fit her body perfectly! I pull her by her waist into me and say,"Damn you look good baby.." She saids,"And that's exactly what I'm talking about, it's to revealing." I kiss her lips and say, while trailing my hands down her backside,"No princess it's just fine.." I feel the towel around my waist fall to the floor and I lift her up and lay her down on the bed while keeping our bodies pressed against each other and caress her body with my hand earning a soft moan from her so I say,"How about we finish where we left off in the car.." She nods and I bring my lips back to hers while I grind into her hard. She throws her head back and moan loudly,"Grayson!" I go faster and say,"Now I'm gonna ask you this one last time, what is my name?" I contact my lips with her neck and she moans loudly,"Grayson we have to stop! This is too much.." I look down at her and say,"You want me to stop?.." She shakes her head no but saids yes? So I get off of her and stand at the edge of the bed and she sits up and try's to catch her breath as she saids,"Why did you stop?" I say,"Because you told me too.." I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist again. She saids,"Grayson where are you going?" I say,"To my room." I start walking to the door and she saids,"Gray please come back. Don't make me beg.." I smirk and walk out the door and stand by the outside of it so she can't see me.

She saids,"Gray pleasee, I need you.." Welp you heard her, my princess needs me, and who am I to continue to torture her. So I quickly go back into the room and close the door behind me and yank the towel off of my waist then jet on top of her and attack her lips with mine. She starts moaning as I grind into her again I reach my hand down towards the helm of the spanks and tug at it. She saids, removing my hand,"No baby not like that.." I nod and wrap her legs around my waist and start grinding into her slowly causing us to moan loudly. Then we look into each other's eyes and I say,"I love you so much princess.." She pulls my head down and kiss my lips, then pull back and say,"I love you more prince..." She pulls my neck down and start kissing my neck softly.

I grind into her faster and she moans,"Don't stop baby.." This only encourages me to go faster. Suddenly there's a soft knock on the door and Nelly saids, while trying to lift me off of her,"Grayson..someone's at the door.. It's probably the kids, we have to stop for real." I pull back and wrap the blanket around us and get under the covers, then continue to grind against her softly, causing her to groan, I just chuckle against her neck.

The door opens and I feel Nelly stiffen under me so I rub her inner thigh gently. She saids in an uneasy voice,"Um h-hey Marilyn. How was the sandwich Ethan made you?" Marilyn saids,"It was really delicious! I just wanted to check on you and um your boyfriend...Me, Ethan and Oliver heard noises from downstairs so he told me to come up here and check on you guys...Where is he anyway?" That bastard, I think. Nelly saids,"He's um..right here. We were playing hide and seek!" I peek my head out and say,"Hii!" She smiles and start moving onto the bed say,"Oo can I play?" Oh no.

Nelly quickly flips our position and gets in between my legs to shield her from my manhood, so her back is to me. I like this position..a lot..She quickly saids,"Oo look at the time. It's eleven o'clock! Time for everybody to hit the sack." Marilyn pouts and say,"Can we stay up for a little longer pleaseee.." I say,"Not gonna work missy. Now it's time for you to go to bed. You guys have a long day ahead of you tomorrow okay?" She sighs and nod then walk downstairs to get her brother. Nelly turns to me and say,"I can't wait for us to have kids Gray. You'd be a great father.." I smile and say,"Thank you baby girl, you would make a fantastic mother.." She kisses my cheek then get out of the bed saying,"You better go and change into some clothes before they come up here." I nod and quickly get out of bed and go to the dresser and change into a pair of sweatpants and a plain white t-shirt.

Then we make the bed back up and walk back to my room. When we get there Nelly walks to the side of my bed and kneels down to pray. Once she's done I say,"One day we'll have to do that together cause if I do it by myself I wouldn't know what to say.." She smiles at me and say,"Okay baby just let me know when." I nod and get in the bed, while she walks to the door saying,"Oliverr, Marilynn! Come on." I here there footsteps and then see them walk to the bathroom with her so they can brush there teeth and get ready for bed.

Fifteen minutes later they come back out both wear my t-shirts, causing me to laugh lightly. Oliver saids,"See it's to big on me. Now I look like I'm wearing a dress!" Marilyn saids, while twirling around,"I like my dress Oli." They're too adorable. Nelly walks them to the bed and lay them down gentle saying,"Alright you guys. We're just going to bed Oliver, no big deal.." They nod and I get out of the bed to help her tuck them in.

They ask,"You guys aren't sleeping in here with us?" They're so innocent. Nelly saids,"We're gonna sleep in the guest room. I just thought this bed in here would be more comfortable for you guys." They say,"Can you guys stay in here with us pleaseee?" Nelly nods and I say,"We'll sleep on the couch okay?" They nod and we say,"Goodnight." They say it back and I go to turn the lights off and open the door seeing Ethan standing right there. I say,"What's up?" He saids,"Well I um just wanted to know if I could sleep in here with you guys?" I groan and Nelly walks up next to me and say,"Sure." He sighs of relief and walk in.

Since my couch has a pull out mattress I pull it out and we grab covers and pillows then get in the bed. I lift the cover up for Nelly so she can lay down next to me and she does, I instantly wrap my arms around her from behind and say,"Goodnight Ethan." He saids,"Goodnight Grayson, and goodnight Nelly." She saids it back and I say, while kissing her ear and rubbing her hips,"Goodnight princess, I love you.." She saids, while putting her hand on top of mine,"Goodnight, and I love you more prince.."

This was one of the best day ever...

What did y'all think of this chapter?!!

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