Regrets- Hawaii 5-0 Fan-Ficti...

بواسطة whiteheartx

1.6K 62 43

Some one from Danny's past has risen again and he refuses to tell Steve about his feelings. Does Steve realis... المزيد

Regrets- Hawaii 5-0 Fan-Fiction

1.6K 62 43
بواسطة whiteheartx

Danny looked through the glass office walls across to where his partner stood over the computer; no doubt they were trying to avoid the stack of paperwork spilling of their desk. Standing there all Danny could think was "how dare he look that good in cargo pants". Steve turned around from the computer running his hand through his soft brunette curls and walked towards Danny's office. Danny couldn't look away fast enough. Steve let out one of his cheesy grins as he came into Danny's office leaning through the door using it as support.

"Yes Steven," Danny said as he put his pen down and intertwined his fingers behind his head leaning back on his chair. Waiting for the usual rant about all his paperwork was still to be done etc...

"Danno we caught a case," replied Steve as he left Danny to follow him to the computer, where Kono and Chin had already gathered. Once Danny had joined them around the computer Steve asked “So what have we got Chin?”

“Alright guys,” started Chin as he started tapping away at the computer screen when he tapped and swiped a mug shot which appeared on the computer screens mounted on the walls. “We are after this guy, goes by the name of…”

Before Chin could reveal the name, Danny interrupted “James Matthews.” Every one turned around to look at Danny, each baring their own unique look of confusion.

“How do you know this guy Danny?” inquired Chin as the groups faces started to relax.

“Arrested him for attempted murder and under suspicion of several battery charges back when I was a cop in New Jersey, guy was bad news. Took three of us to restrain him, gave me a black eye for good measure. Guy was a psychopath threatening all kinds of things on me.” Finished Danny arms crossed acting really relaxed with the whole thing. Steve had always admired that about Danny.

“What kind of things” Steve asked suddenly correcting his posture which did not hide that he had shown concern for Danny, however on Kono and Chin noticed supressing a giggle each. Steve hadn’t noticed them in the back ground, he was focussed on Danny.

“Threatening that when he got out he would track me down and make me pay for what I did to him. He said he would kill me if it was the last thing he ever did.” Shrugged off Danny, Steve’s eyes had widened the further Danny had gotten into his story. Noticing this Danny quickly added, “The guy was mentally ill he was locked up in a secure facility and will not be out for a long time.”

“Hate to burst your bubble there Danny but Matthews was released from his facility last week and was spotted at Honolulu airport 3 hours ago.” Kono said scrolling down Matthews financials. “He bought the ticket an hour before the plane left New Jersey.” All eyes turned to Danny.

“Why are we interested in Matthews?” asked Steve managing to rip his eyes off of Danny’s now slightly concerned eyes. Chin tapped away at the computer before swiping up a picture of a dead body. “Because of his relationship with our victim, Nathalie Edwardson, 27 no next of kin, she was found hanging from a tree branch by a scarf.” The computer came alive as Max requested to Skype them.

“What you got Max?” asked Kono as they all turned to face the computer monitor, resting against the table.

“As I assumed the cause of death was asphyxiation as there was bruising around the neck. The pattern of the bruising is consistent with finger marks suggesting that the killer grabbed her from behind and strangled her with their hands. A very personal killing,” finished Max.

“So it wasn’t the hanging that killed her? She was staged like that after she was already dead. This guy is trying to send a message.” Sighed Kono rubbing her palm over her eyes, it was late. Suddenly Danny’s message tone went off. As Danny pulled out his phone to read the text, Chin heard him draw a sharp breath a few second s later.

“Danny?” asked Chin a sick feeling emerged in his stomach as soon as he saw Danny’s face, he pulled Danny away from the group the walked into Chin’s office. “Brah you alright?”

“What yeah I’m fine.” Replied Danny, a little too quickly, he knew Chin could tell he was lying.

“Danny, I’ve known you three years, safe to say I know when you’re lying.” Said Chin as he and Danny to a seat. Danny sat in the plush blue visitor seats that took up most of Chins office, whilst Chin himself took his seat behind his desk and leant back giving Danny a stare.

“Chin I appreciate the concern, but there is nothing wrong.” Danny tried to sound stern and capable but he could tell Chin was seeing right through him. Chin just glanced at him and gave him the look. The look he had adapted from Steve but he wore it kinder than Steve,

Breathing out a deep sigh, Danny withdrew his phone from his pocket and brought up the message. “Alright don’t go all McGarrett on me.” Danny handed over the phone to Chin. After about 20 seconds of agonising silence, Chin looked up at Danny. His eyes were full of worry as Danny paced the office.

“Danny…” said Chin as Danny stopped in front of his desk. “You need to tell Steve… Now, this is serious. If you don’t you might not walk away from this." Taking the phone off Chin, Danny looked down at the message. It read…

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