Love Me Instead [Sans VS Gast...

By PineappleGalore001

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When a mishap in a reset happens and a character from another version is transported into the current world a... More

Little Quick Authors Note:
C h a p t e r 1
C h a p t e r 2
C h a p t e r 3
C h a p t e r 4
C h a p t e r 5
C h a p t e r 6 ✏
C h a p t e r 7 ✂
C h a p t e r 8 ✂
C h a p t e r 9 ✂
C h a p t e r 10 ✂
C h a p t e r 11 ✂
C h a p t e r 13 ✂
C h a p t e r 14 ✂
C h a p t e r 15 ✂
C h a p t e r 16 ✂
C h a p t e r 17 ✂
C h a p t e r 18 ✂
C h a p t e r 19 ✂
C h a p t e r 20 ✂
C h a p t e r 21 ✂
C h a p t e r 22 ✂
C h a p t e r 23 ✂
C h a p t e r 24 ✂
C h a p t e r 25 ✂
My FanArt (Part 1)
My FanArt (Part 2)
My FanArt (Part 3)
ART CONTEST (closed)
C h a p t e r 26 ✂
C h a p t e r 27 ✂
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C h a p t e r 29 ✂
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C h a p t e r 45 ✂

C h a p t e r 12 ✂

6.2K 223 563
By PineappleGalore001

(OMG, almost 1,000 views! U GUYS ROCK! *Gives u cake and Ice Cream* You deserve it! <3 Well, this is gonna be a fun and long chapter, so PLEASE ENJOY! Love u much, bestiemush, and see you on the flip-side! P.S. Video is random and has nothing to do with chapter, it is also VARY short, as in a few seconds long! :P)

(Your POV)

(It is gonna be Your POV for, like, almost the WHOLE chapter... so please enjoy!)

I wake, a little excited for the banquet that started in a few hours. Papyrus was already in the living room, looking around for something.

"Hey, Paps... what are you doing?"


I nodded. "Thanks... they are upstairs, correct?"


I said thanks to him and got up and put my bed away. I was gonna head my way up stairs when I heard voices and footsteps coming down.

"Welp... I hope Paps is happy..." Sans and Gaster!Sans rounded the corner, and OH, MY, GOSH!

(Couldn't find a pic of G!Sans in a tux, so lets just say it looked like this but nicer)

I blushed at the fact that Sans had a 'Bad Time' tying his tie, so i walked up to him and fixed it. He looked at me in surprise.

"(Y-Y/N)! You're up! Shit, and I have no clue what you're gonna wear!" He looked at me with a little bit of sadness, till Paps turned around.


Both Sans had an unsure look, but decided to go with it anyway.

(Time-skip 'cuz this is gonna be a long chapter anyway...)

We just arrived at Mettaton's place. It was fucking HUGE! Papyrus had found something simple and nice looking, along with his shades, making him look like an under-cover FBI agent. It looked cute! Papyrus had an excuse to have the guards let us through. They were weary at the point that they were letting human (me) through, but went with it anyway.

Like I keep saying, the place was VERY big. And very pink and black, by the looks of it... Out of nowhere, a large voice sounded ahead of us.

"DARLINGS! I am so glad you made it! And as I herd, you have a Human here in distress! But no need to fear, dear! I am here to make you FABULOUS!" I gave her-him... him? a shy smile. How is this a guy? Oh well..

I told the others to wait as I followed Mettaton down the halls into the dressing room. He walked in with me. "Ok, honey... You look took a shower, right?" I nodded. I took one before I came here. "Put this on. I will be back in when you call for me!" And with that, he handed me a dress bag and left.

I carefully opened the bag and what I found blew me away!

The dress and the heels! I gave a silent thank-you toward Mettaton and slipped off my current outfit into the white dress and shoes. I called back to Mettaton, who soon stood ahead of me in awe.

"Oh my goodness! I knew that dress would look nice on you! Now, please, let me do your makeup, nails, and hair!" He lead me to a large mirror and had me sit. "Darling, you are going to look dashing tonight!" He opened a kit and grabbed my hand and started doing my nails in sparkly maroon with white french-tips.

I was letting my nails dry as Mettaton turned and started thinking. "Is their anything wrong, Mettaton?"

"Not many monsters know about you being human, am I correct, Darling?" I nodded yes. He flashed me an excited grin and turned to a closet. He came out with something behind his back. "No looking till I am done with your hair!"

About 15 Minutes later, I was told to look.

(If Short, Pixie-cut hair, like me:)

(If Medium hair)

(If long hair)

I also seemed to have little cat ears on. they were, conveniently, the same color as my hair. (Pics above isn't you hair color, just the style. Unless you have crazy-color hair, than fur color is your natural hair color)

"There, Honey! They won't even know! Oh, here, put this on!" He gave me a fluffy cat tail, also the color of my hair/natural hair color. I Put it on and hugged Mettaton.

"Thanks! You got rid of so many worries!"

Their was then a knock on the door. "Please be quick in there, the party is starting in 30 minutes!" Sans then turned away. My makeup was soon done and Mettaton walked out before I did.

I hear him say: "And I present to you, (Y/N)2.0!" I walked out to see Papy and both Sans faces in awe.

Gaster!Sans walked up to me and hooked his arm around my left. "Wow. You look lovely, (Y/N)!" Sans walked up to my right and we also linked arms. He shot a glare at G!Sans before speaking.

"He is right, absolutely 'Purr-fect' tonight!" We smile and laughed, except for G!Sans, who was still linked arms with my on my left.

We walked out and stood on the side of the stage. Apparently, it was Mettaton's idea to introduce me to practically the ENTIRE Underground. He hopes that they will gain my trust, and then I may, one day, take the costume off, and have them still trust me.

[Knowing that someone had your back fills you with DETERMINATION]

I hope he is right.

I told the boys to wait for my at the end of the stage, so they could still watch Mettaton's intro to the party.

Before I knew it, I was beckoned onto the stage. "(Y/N), why don't you join me!" He said this very cheerfully, knowing I would be nervous. and he was fucking RIGHT. Meeting the entire race, or most, at least, of monsters was a nightmare!

Monsters cheered as I walked briskly onto stage next to him. I reached his side and beamed as truthfully as I could, trying to keep my courage. He gave my back a small pat.

"Everyone, please welcome (Y/N) (L/N) and make her feel welcomed here in the Underground!" He ushered me to leave stage to go and mingled, and he followed soon after. I waited for him at the stage-side and we walked out into the crowd together. I was thankful that Mettaton had hid the seams of the costume VERY well, to the point where it looked like it wasn't fake.

Sand and Gaster!sans were the first to come to my side. They were kinda like body-guards, making sure that noting happened.

A song was then played after I met up with a few monsters.

I jammed out pretty hard, having a fun time with a monster I had met called Undyne. She seemed to be part fish, and seemed pretty tough. She was dressed in a Tux and went with another girl named Alphys, a lizard-like monster who was quite shy, but still fun!

Group after group of monsters came by and greeted me. I felt a little overwhelmed with how kind they were!

By now, a new song played, and I was able to have this song by myself and both Sans.

we talked over simple things like how the party was so far. The song ended a little quickly and I had gotten sad, because it was a good fucking song to jam to! Soon, Alphys said Undyne had to go, so she hung out with me.

The music stopped for a while, allowing people to take breaks.

"Finally, no more yelling over the bass!" Gaster!Sans chucked softly. "Welp, i ill be right back, (Y/N), I have to check on where Paps went." I nodded after him and he left me with Sans and Alphys.

"Hey, why don't we go get something to drink, guys?"

"T-that sounds nice, S-Sans!" Alphys stuttered before following Sans and I to a large table where food and drinks were set out. We all grabbed punch and found out table once more.

A new song turned on.

Alphys got really excited. "(Y/N)! C-come on! We h-have to dance!" She gave me a shy smile and I followed her to the dance floor. We did the original dance moves (look at video, that is how it is done) and laughed.

After that, we found a seat a few more songs played. Alphys decided to leave to find Undyne and go home for the night. G!Sans had found Papyrus and both decided it was also time to head home. I soon could see monsters starting to gather at either side of the room, men on one side, women on the other. Sans and I followed the example.

A slow(ish) song was played and monsters joined each other in the center of the room.

Sans stood in front of me. My (E/C) eyes searched his. His eyes shone true happiness as they stared into mine. We smiled at one another. He put his bony hands on my hips, and I put mine on his shoulders. we swayed gently, even though the song was still a little upbeat. I didn't mind. He decided to throw a few turns and twists into the movement.

At the end, Sans ended up bringing me into a dip. His eyes looking deeply into mine. I didn't know earlier, but mostly everyone was circling around us. I wish I would've known sooner, because I don't like getting stared at much.

We were in the dip for a little while until he let me up again. he smiled and everyone around us gave a few claps. Shit... how long were they there?

I smiled shyly at Sans, who got the idea. Another song, a little more upbeat but quiet, played and he lead me out into the courtyard.

"Why are we out here, aren't we going to go home?" I ask, looking at him as he sat on a small hill, looking up at the moon.

"Why don't you sit here with me for a while and enjoy it, without Paps bugging us every few minutes?" I kinda had to agree, he was always there... even when we usually wanted to be alone.

From in the building, I could hear a new song play. It was a little muffled, but we could still hear it.

I sigh. The song was quite calming. I listen to the lyrics: 'Without you it's hard to survive.'

I had always liked this song. When the beat picked up, Sans but his arm around my neck. He turned to face me. "(Y/N), thanks for changing my life."

His words made me smile and I lean my head down on his shoulder.

(Time-skip cuz this is fun)

We sat for a little while longer till we started seeing monsters filing out of the building. "Best we get going, kitty." He smiled at his little joke.

"Ha, very cute..." 'DING!'

I looked in my handbag and found a message on my phone. Ha, forgot I gave Mettaton my number...

Messages between you and "MettaStar"

Hey DARLING! My gift to you: keep the outfit and costume!>

MY TREAT! *heart*>

<Thanks, U R awesome, MMT!

No Prob!>

I smiled. and then I turn to Sans, who seems to be focusing on the stars. "Lets get going... the others mush be wondering where were are..."

He looked over to me and nodded in agreement. we then stood and left for home.

(Aww, sorry. No kissing this chapter! BUT I WON'T DISAPPOINT! Better chapters to come soon! well, please enjoy, and PLEASE VOTE IF U LIKED DA MUSIC! <3 u all!)

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