Recycled Love

By silver_mist1918

906K 9.6K 1.1K

Having your pack massacre, your parents executed is tough. But when your mate rejects you, it's a recipe for... More

Recycled Love
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
IMPORTANT- Author's Note
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Twenty Two

25.9K 370 54
By silver_mist1918

Here we are again...... Another wonderful Chapter of Recycled Love.... Hope you all enjoy.... This chapter has a lot of POV's changing. I hope I don't confuse you.

I decided to Dedicate this one to xxDorkie, she's a big Peter Lover like me.....


      Adelina’s POV (1 month later)

It’s been one month. One stinking month since I saw my mate. One month since I felt his body on mine. One month since I felt his soft lips moving against mine, and let me tell you this one month has been the worst kind of torture possible. I didn’t realize how much I’d really miss him, until now. I’m lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling wishing I could be in his arms again. I’m not mad at him anymore, he’s been forgiven a long time ago, but I don’t think I had the strength or courage to go back and see he’s probably still with Rosie. How would I cope? Once again I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Tears for a future I no longer have.

I lost my ability to shift two weeks ago. I’m just a weak shell of a strong girl that once was. My wolf doesn’t even talk to me anymore. So now my life is empty.

There was a soft knock on my door “Adelina, come down for breakfast” aunt Stacey called. I don’t know when she’ll give up… Every day she calls me down to breakfast and every day I refuse to leave my room. I haven’t eaten a proper meal in the last week. What’s the point of having energy, or even a life if it so empty. I remained perched on my bed when the knock on my door became louder “Adelina Rae you better drag your sorry butt down here before I send Landon up here to break your door down and drag you down himself” I lazily got off the bed because I know that she’s serious.

“Jeez I’m coming no need to get your granny panties in a bunch” I muttered

“I heard that and FYI I do not wear granny panties. Right Landon?” she called back

“I don’t remember” he said suggestively

“Wanna find out?” she said flirty. It’s so amusing how they can go so off track. Weren’t they just trying to convince me to come downstairs? “Adelina dear don’t think we forgot about you” she called. Shoot!    

I walked down the long stairway taking my time not wanting to meet their eyes. Not wanting to see the pity I get from my aunt or the sad disappointed look I get from my sister. I feel I’m letting her down the most. Firstly I left after I promised I wouldn’t, now I’m slowly throwing away my life because I’m too stubborn to accept that my mate made a mistake and I should forgive him. I slowly entered the kitchen, keeping my eyes diverted to the ground. I took a seat the furthest away from anyone, and I rested my head in my hands. I refuse to make eye contact with any of them. My aunt placed a plate in front of me and I lifted my head slightly and started to eat slowly; just trying to please my family. I heard someone gasped and I know it’s because of my face. There are dark, blue black circles surrounding my eyes, my shiny black hair now lost all of its luster. My pink full lips were now pale and bland matching my complexion. I had the word death written all over my face.

I heard the sound of glass colliding with the wall that made me snap my head up quickly. I saw Arianna standing there looking me dead in the eyes, her entire form was shaking from anger and a few tears escaped her eyes.

“HOW COULD YOU?” she shouted “YOU PROMISED!”

“I can’t stop the inevitable Anna” I whispered


I stood up from my chair, looking angrily at my little sister “You think I can just go back there and watch him love another woman. It was hard the first time Anna. I rather die than hear her moaning his name again.”

“You’re willing to leave me just like mom and dad did?” she whispered “Why can’t you just go back. I’m sure it’ll work out”

“I can’t”

“You know what I don’t care. If you want to kill yourself because you’re too afraid to fight for your man then I feel sorry for you. Go ahead. Make yourself suffer. But I promise you I will not stick around to watch it”

“Anna!” I called out but she already turned on her heels and stormed out of the room. I called again but to no avail. The tears begun to rush out of my eyes faster than my brain could process. I slumped down on the floor weeping mindlessly. I felt someone’s arms snake around me.

“Shhh.. it’s okay honey” uncle Landon cooed “Everything will be fine”

“How?” I asked unsure about anything

“Because you’re strong enough to overcome anything the world throw at you.” He said stroking my hair

“I don’t feel so strong” I murmured against his chest.

“Honey you’re an Alpha. You just need to find the alpha in you. You know you remind me off your father. Even though we were from different packs we were pretty good friends. He used to always boast about how powerful he was, then one day he when he met your mom he asked her out but she turned him down. He came to us in tears saying that his mate rejected him. He was groaning about how the world was going to end. But it turned out well in the end. He never gave up even when he wanted to.”

“But he didn’t have to witness his mate fucking another girl, or walk in to them making out on a kitchen counter”

“My point is Lina don’t let trivial things pull you away from a happy life. Don’t let it keep you from having your mate”

I groaned and buried my face in my hands. “This werewolf life is so fucked up” I said. He chuckled and stood up

“Well I’m going to see if Stacey wears granny panties” he said wriggling his eyebrows

“Ewww Uncle Landon I could’ve gone my whole life without that image in my head.”

“Don’t worry my little virgin niece when you go back to your mate you’ll know how it is” I turned red with that thought

“Aunt Stacey; Uncle Landon is being a pervert” I shouted/whined to her

“Landon baby come be perverted with mama” Aunt Stacey called causing me to groan loudly.

“Coming dear” he called leaving me alone in the kitchen.

I walked out to the pond that was situated in the forest a little way from the house. I sat on a large rock just looking out into the water. There was a mother duck swimming around with her ducklings trailing behind her, bird sang happily in the trees. There was a sound of complete ease. I felt so calm and tranquil out here. Like I can think clearly without the fog.

  Can you please talk to me? I called to my wolf, but I was greeted with complete silence

Please. I tried again. Still nothing but the quiet that surround me.

Okay fine don’t talk, but at least listen. I can’t do this without you. I could’ve never done this without you. I wouldn’t have been able to survive this far. You’ve been my rock when I had to listen to Peter love another woman. You made up my two woman army. Well one considering that you’re me. I wouldn’t have had the courage to witness what it was like to have a mate if you didn’t lead me to that sorry ass place. I wouldn’t have challenged Rosie without knowing that you were there to back me up all the way. So if this is the end for us, I just want to say thank for always being with me.

  Alpha Grayson’s POV

One month. One bloody month without my soul. How am I supposed to stay strong? It’s been difficult enough trying to keep my sanity and my pack together for this long. I don’t know how long I can go on without snapping. I miss her. I keep myself together trying to stay strong for my pack. I tried to show them that I was a fearless leader, who can handle anything. I carried on with my patrols, pack meetings and we had a bond fire every once in a while so that we stay closely knitted as a pack. When daylight comes around I can almost handle what the day has to offer me. I always surround myself with my pack members, rectifying situations in the pack, helping build houses if it was needed. I busied myself so that I wouldn’t have to think about her. And it almost works. But when the night sweeps in and there’s nothing to busy myself with I fell almost empty. The house is so quiet, and lonely. I have no one to comfort or ease my pain. I build a wall around myself so that my emotions stay caged in. No one knows the real heart ache I have to go through almost every day. Putting on a strong façade and at night it crumbles to dust. Every day I have to reassure myself that she’ll return. That she’ll come back to me.

I find myself sleeping in her bed because that’s the only place I find real solitude. Her scent lingers in the sheets. Her clothes that are left in the closet all smell of her, the dresser has a brush with her hair on it, and the bathroom has the scent of her shampoo lingering, making me yearn for her to return.

My wolf hasn’t fully collapsed yet. I’ve been driving him each day, giving him a purpose to hold on to until his mate is back. For now our main goal is to take care of our people until their Alpha Female returns.

One thing that seems like a bonus for me was that I’ve never seen Rosie since the day my father left. She hasn’t even bothered to come and harass me. Seth says she’s lock herself up in her room; he doesn’t know what to think. Well whatever it is she’ll get over it.

Currently I’m sitting in my office sorting through my packs business for the day when Darren walks in like he owns the damn place sitting on one of the chairs in front of my desk. I looked up at him, raising my eyebrows questionably before returning to the work at hand.

“What’s up boss?” Darren greeted

“Good morning Darren” I said not bothering to look up “What can I do for you on yet another marvelous morning” I said sarcastically. He caught on and chuckled lightly.

“Well I was just wondering what’s on the agenda today?” he asked

“Anything that gets my mind off of her” I mumbled, but he heard me because he shot me a sad look.

“I miss her too. She hasn’t called me in two weeks” he said “And when I call she won’t pick up”

“At least she spoke to you” I said, jealousy clear in my tone.

“Look it’ll be fine. She’ll come back” he said reassuringly

“Really? When? Today, tomorrow, next week, next year. When Darren because I sure as hell will like to know” I said getting angry

“I’m-” but he was cut off by his cell phone ringing loudly. He watched the caller id while a bunch of emotions played across his face, sadness, shock, anger and sheer happiness. “Adelina” he exclaimed into the phone. I stiffened my posture rigid as I paid attention to his call. Of course I wasn’t eavesdropping; I was just listening to his conversation. “Uh huh…. Yeah….. He’s right here” he said into the phone “Are you sure?” he asked, and then there was silence. After a few moments he held the phone out to me “it’s for you” he said leaving to give me my privacy. I took a deep breath before holding the phone to my ear

“Hello?” I said hesitantly

 Arianna’s POV

I paced my room back and forth trying to find a solution to this problem. How can I get my sister happy and let her live at the same time? I can’t afford to lose her again. For an entire year I went around thinking my sister was dead. I’m not going to stand here and watch her throw her life away because she’s scared. I will not allow it. It’s been so hard not being able to see her for an entire year. When I had my first crush I had no one to talk to. When I was scared I had no one to chase away my fears. Sure I had Aunt Stacey but it wasn’t the same. We may be years apart but we’re one in the same. And I miss having the vibrant, fun, loving sister I once knew. I want her back. And I intend to get her back.

I dug through my draws looking for the cellphone I found in my sister’s room. She had it shoved away, hiding from everyone’s view. Of course I found it. When I did there were over one hundred missed calls, thirty messages and fifty five voicemails. They were all from the same person, some dude name Darren. They consist of the same message Please call me back. With new resolve I dialed his number waiting for him to pick up. He answered almost instantly.

“Adelina” he exclaimed loudly

“Sorry, wrong person” I said “This is her sister Arianna”

“Uh huh”

“Is this Darren?” I asked

“Yeah” he said

“Is Peter around?” I asked

“He’s right here” he answered

“Can I speak to him?”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. That’s why I’m asking”

I heard him say in the background “It’s for you” I heard shuffling in the background and a door slamming.

“Hello?” he answered his voice sounding unsure of himself

“Hello Peter” I greeted sweetly

“Who is this?” he asked

“I’m your sister-in-law” I said happily.

“Hi” he said sounding shy. I chuckled softly

“From what I heard you are not shy” I said

“You’ve heard of me?” he asked incredulously

“Of course, why else would my sister come to me crying? You freaking douche how could you hurt her like that? Do you know what she’s been through?”

“I’m sorry” he said, his voice cracking slightly

“Fortunately for you, I didn’t call to argue. I’m gonna help you get her back”

“You are” he asked sounding shock

“Don’t sound so surprise I’m nice when I want to be” I said sweetly

“How do you intend to help?” he asked sounding slightly relieved

“I’ll help but first I want you to answer some questions” I said

“Shoot” was his reply

“Have you ever been with that skank Rosie since she left?”


“Have you ever been with any other chic?”


“Do you love my sister?”

“With everything in me.” he said and I resisted the urge to Awww.

“Then I’ll help”

“How is she?” he asked silently

“She’s terrible Peter. She hasn’t eaten properly in two weeks, she lost her ability to shift, and she looks like a living zombie. She has death written all over her face”

“Oh” was his only reply

“Don’t worry we’ll get her back. Okay”

“I hope so” he answered not sounding so sure of himself

“I don’t want to hear the negativity Alpha Grayson” I said

“Gosh you’re annoying just like your sister” he exclaimed

“But you love her” I retorted

“That I do” he said.

After my life changing talk with Peter I searched out my sister. I found her sitting near the pond, staring out into nothing. I approached her slowly taking the seat beside her.

“Hey” I greeted

“Hey Anna” she said sadly

“Look I’m sorry for what I said to you earlier, I was just mad. I don’t want you to die Lina. I don’t think I can go on thinking you’re not here by me. I need you in my life Lina. Please fight for me” I pleaded

“I’m going to fight for you Anna. I promise you that” she said firmly

“Do you love him?” I asked

“With everything in me” she answered sadly

“Then why are you still here?” I asked

“I’m scared of being rejected again” she said tears spilling over her eyes

“Scared? Where’s my sister who fought for me when I was being bullied, you weren’t scared then. You weren’t scared when you ran off to Redwood in the middle of war to save mom and dad. So why are you scared now? You were meant to be an alpha Lina. Prove to me that you are. Face you fears, that’s the only way”

“Okay” she croaked. I looked up at her smiling.


“But you’re coming with me. I’m never leaving you behind again” she said. This made me smile even more. I pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

“Really?” I asked excitedly

“Really” She replied

“Well then what are we waiting for. Let’s go home” I exclaimed

“Let’s go home”  


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. It was sort of sad for me thinking about how broken she was. Oh well from here it's supposed to get better... Hopefully.... Thank you for all the votes and comments in the last chapter... I really appreciate it... And thanks to my wondeful fans. I wouldn't be here without you.

Remember to Vote/Comment?Fan?

Love Alwayzzz


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