Hot n Cold

By mahimasakalle24

3.1K 152 19

1st story she never had a first kiss...he never tried to give her.. she loved him. He loved her but... More

I'm Back
He's Such a Jerk
The tradition
Oh God! Why Do I Blush
finally i met cel
he's kinda cute
once again
the announcement
finding someone
The Fresher's Party
The Birthday Blast
author's note
East or west food is the best
he's my hangover cure
I really care for you
Nervous wreck
That girl's in for a surprise
Does that mean a yes
The Magical Night
Angry confessions are quite hot
Best first date in the world
Happy Holi
I will let her go
The Twist
The Heartbreak Time
Just a Little more
Hate to Love
Son of a...nevermind
Dumbass Boyfriend
Wrong Womanly Intuition
"Don't call your dad an ass"
Possessive Landon
The Only Constants
Angry Rambling
I Just Wish....
One kiss is All it Takes
Request To Readers
Thanks to all

The worst boyfriend in the world

41 3 0
By mahimasakalle24

This chapter is again in third person P.O.V and i'm really sorry if it's confusing you all plzz just read the name of the person whose P.O.V i have written...

Happy reading


The day after the confession of austin everything in college was quite different people thought that it was all planned that all the popular people will be in relationship with each other to gain even more popularity.

When everyone in the group came to know about it their only reaction was

"finally you both came to your senses"

when they all noticed that in their six people group they have made three couples they had a loud laugh about it and they all thought that in Krys's words it is  destiny.

Ren and Landon also had their first date the day before that is on the weekend earlier which was not much just a movie and dinner because they both had assignments to finish and did not have much time.

they both decided to go on another date on this Tuesday.

Andrew and Krystal were very happy together they haven't been together for long but still they both are very comfortable with each other. it was like an everyday thing for both of them to hold hands in public and kiss each others cheek before and after classes.

For Ren and Landon it was quite uncomfortable but the two of them being the egoistic fools that they are and did not complain and just went the flow also their uneasiness just lasted for a few minutes because soon guys and girls who liked them looked at them hungrily and so they both staked their claim on each other either by holding hands or by Landon holding Ren's waist.

Whereas it was not the same for Austin and Celena. they both were reserved kind of people and did not how to show affection without being uncomfortable. but one smile from Peter towards Cel was all it took for Austin to snake his arm around Cel's waist and pull her closer to him.

For a few days they all talked to each other like a group of friends but soon  they started talking in couples people always looked at their table with awe and some with disgust thinking this was all fake.

They laughed at themselves everyday after the break because they forgot each other during the break and because they gave their attention completely to their partner.

This did not proved as a problem for the friendship of the girls because they were all friends with each other for too long to leave now. though it was a different experience of being in a serious relationship with a person you truly like and also of talking  to each other a little less in the college but they compensated it with a girls night every week and an hour long two times a week.

Right now Ren was telling them about her second date with Landon which was supposed to happen on Tuesday but because they both had a little test the next day they postponed it and it happened yesterday that was on Monday.

"first tell me what were you wearing",asked Krys

"I was wearing my turquoise colored knee length dress which had a little bit of net pattern and a belt with a bow and it flowed till my knee i kept my hairs open and wore my diamond bracelet and diamond ear rings and for footwear i wore my nude pumps and nude clutch", Ren enthusiastically replied

"i can imagine you like you must be looking absolutely beautiful",Cel said

"he said that i was looking ravishing",Ren said and blushed.

Both the girls laughed at her statement and Krys once again asked "where did he take you?"

"he came to pick me up at 6 and then he took me to musical play in which  they showed the story through dances and songs... and you know it was really thoughtful of him.",Ren gushed.

"which play was it?",Cel asked

"it was the beauty and the beast",Ren said

Both the girls squeeled and shouted "your favourite"

"did he know that it was your favorite",Cel asked

"yes i remember i told him about it on my birthday",Ren said

"OMG he remembered it till so long he is really cute",Krys said

And then she started  gushing about how amazing Andrew is.

Cel zoned out at that she was really happy for her friends but couldn't help but be a little jealous of them while both of them had gone a few dates with their boyfriends she hasn't gone on a single one because Austin was the captain of the football team  and had a few works to attend to.

She never complained about it because never the person who showed her emotions to other. she couldn't help but feel that Austin was a little too serious about winning the football tournament.

 Andrew and Landon were also in the football team but they still spent the break with their girlfriends and showed a lot of affection like sometimes bringing them flowers or other presents and escorting them till their classes and kissing them in public, Austin was most of the time in the football field vigorously practicing for the match.  

She usually felt that she was the fifth wheel during the break time. Austin sometimes came for lunch sometimes he just skipped it. the only connection they both had was texting which they did everyday.

It was the only thing that made Cel believe that she was really in a relationship.

Suddenly her phone buzzed and she picked it up and Austin's name flashed on the screen indicating his text

Hey are you free i wanted to ask you something-A

Yes i am you can ask me anything-C

Well i think its not appropriate to ask it on text i'll ask you tomorrow-A

Well okay see you then-C

She closed her phone and turned around to see that both Ren and Krys have already fallen asleep she also let sleep overtake her.

The next morning the three of them entered the college together and Landon and Andrew were waiting for their girlfriend but Austin was nowhere in sight she sighed and made her way towards her locker and opened it to find a sorry card and a letter which read

Dear princess

I know that i've not treated the way i should have till now and for that i am sincerely sorry i hope that you can forgive me .

I am not the easiest person to handle but you have survived me till i wish you will in the future as well. and also to amend my mistake its my humble request for you to get ready tomorrow at 8 in the morning and wait for me to take you to your castle.

Consider as our first date and i have planned  everything for you.

please say yes..

The worst boyfriend in the world


I turned around and there was Austin behind me holding a single rose with a pleading expression on his face

"i know that i am really fucked up but please give me a chance and come to this date with me",he said

"of course i will go with you silly and your not the worst boyfriend in the world",she said 

And the only thing on her mind was that he is not that bad and definately not the worst boyfriend in the world.


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