My Saviour, Harry Styles

By meganrubin19

6.5K 156 40

When an abused 18 year old runs away from home and meets a boy, she feels love like never before. Together th... More

My Savior Harry Styles
Is this a dream?
Meeting Niall
Meeting Brianna
The Truth Comes Out
The Amusement Park
Carnival Games and Hand Holding
A Little Bit of Drama
Job Searching and Heart Fixing
A Lovely Picnic
First Day on the Job
A Late Night Snuggle
Movies and Meeting Liam
A Dinner Date
The Perfect Boyfriend
A Girls Night. Or So They Thought...
A Girls Day
The Party
Picking Up The Pieces
Putting Them Back Together
A Promise...
Plot Twist...
Sneak Peek:)
The End:'(

Romance Is In The Air

176 3 0
By meganrubin19


Jen's POV

I woke up to the birds chirping and Harry's strong arm wrapped around me.

I kissed it gently before lifting it off of me and getting out of bed.

I heard Harry groan. Sh*t. I woke him.

"Come back to bed baby." He said in his growly morning voice.

It seemed like that boy could sleep forever.

"But I'm not tired." I said, walking back over to him and kissing his forehead.

Another groan.

I just left the room. I walked down the hall to the living room.

When I walked in, Brianna was sleeping on the couch. Her head was rested on Niall's chest and they both had the cutest grins.

I didn't want to wake them so I quietly snuck into the kitchen, grabbed two muffins off the counter, and walked back to my room.

When I walked in, Harry was standing there in just his boxers.

His pants were around his ankles and as he bent over to pull them up, I couldn't help but stare.

He pulled them all the way up, then looked back at me. He must've noticed me staring because he smirked, then struck a few poses.

I walked over to him and teasingly pushed him onto the bed.

"Oh come on! You liked it." Harry smirked.

I tilted my head to the side, as if I were thinking before answering. "Yeah, ok, maybe I did."

Harry stood up and pumped his fists into the air.

"Hey, don't get too excited. It's just little me." I said, my smile disappearing.

"And little you is all I need." Harry said, kissing me on the forehead.

"Getting mushy are we?" I joked.


I pulled my boyfriend into a tight hug. We stayed like this for a while, while rocking side to side.

Harry's heavenly scent engulfed me. It was moments like these where I usually reflect on how lucky I am to have him.

I loosened my grip on him and peered up into his eyes.


"Yeah baby?"

"How many girlfriends have you had?"

When I asked the question, he seemed a bit taken aback.

"Why?" He asked.

"I don't know, I'm just curious." I responded.

"Well in that case, maybe 6 or 7 in my entire life."

That wasn't too bad. I knew he wasn't a manwh*re but that just confirmed it.

"What about you Jenny? How many boyfriends have you had?" Harry asked right back.

I felt myself blush. "Actually, you are my first one." I whispered.

Well when I thought Harry was taken aback before, I was wrong. This time he was in total shock.

"It's okay sweetie, you can tell me the truth, I don't care how many you've had." He whispered back.

He didn't believe me? I thought it was actually pretty reasonable, for me.

"I'm not lying. It's the truth." I said into his chest.



"Wow." He breathed. "I thought guys would be all over such a beautiful girl like you."

"Well, when they tried something, my dad would step in. After my mother died, he got really protective. Eventually, he wouldn't even let me go out with friends." I realized what a depressing life I lived but no tears came out this time.

"I'm so sorry about your past Jen. If I could change it, I would. You didn't deserve any of it." Harry expressed.

"But the thing is, you can't. And it's not your fault. And it's not my fault either. I've learned to put my past behind me." I put on a brave smile.

"You are such a strong girl Jen." Harry whispered.

"Strong, and hungry." I said, handing one of the muffins still clasped in my hand to Harry and taking a bite out of the other one.

Harry chuckled. "Do you know where Niall is?"

"Yeah, him and Bri are sleeping in the living room."

"Oh k."


"There goes the curiosity again." Harry trailed off.

"Oh shh." I said as I slapped his arm playfully.

"Just wondering, to answer your question. So, you wanna go hang out around town today?" He asked me.

"Yeah!" I cheered. I felt like a kid again.

"Ok." Harry smiled.

"But I think I should get dressed and you should put a shirt on first." I said, very bossily.

"Aw, I like being half naked." Harry grinned, posing again.

I slapped my hand on my forehead before pushing him out the door.

"Just go." I said.

When Harry was out and the door was firmly shut, I got dressed.

I picked out a pair of jeans and a purple and pink coloured satin shirt.

I just brushed my hair and my natural waves showed through.

When I was done, I ran out to meet Harry. Thankfully, he had a shirt on and was swirling his car keys in his hand.

"Ok, let's go. Just don't wake the lovebirds." Harry said, jabbing a finger toward Niall and Brianna who were still fast asleep.

We silently crept past them and out the door. When we approached Harry's car, he jogged ahead and opened the door for me. I happily got in and watched him jog to the drivers side.

When he got in, he revved the engine.

"Oh stop trying to be cool." I teased.

"I'm not trying, it just comes naturally." Harry winked.

I shook my head at his comeback and he swiftly pulled out of the driveway.

"So, where to first?" I asked curiously.

"Well, we need groceries so Safeway?" He asked.

"Sounds alright to me."

When we pulled into the Safeway parking lot, I looked at the sky.

There were some dark clouds approaching. That might put a damper on our plans.

I pointed it out to Harry and I watched as he intensely stared at the darkening sky.

"I'll call Niall later and make sure all the windows are shut." He said before walking off toward the store.

I followed him into the store and to the vegetable aisle.

"What's up with this, you don't eat vegetables?" I asked, once again, teasingly.

"Haha very funny. Brianna asked me to pick them up because she's having some party." He answered simply.

"Oh, it's the first I've heard of this party." I muttered.

"Well, it's tomorrow night." Harry stated, almost robotically.

"Really?" I asked, not trying to hide my surprise.

"Yup. And you need to help me get groceries." Harry said, handing me a list.

"I'm your girlfriend, not your personal assistant." I sassed him.

"Well, you are now." Harry said playfully before pushing the cart towards the carrots.


After getting all of the groceries Brianna had requested, Harry drove us to a quiet park.

It was empty. We were the only ones there. But it wasn't weird at all, it was actually really romantic.

Harry placed a blanket on the grass before laying down on it. His back was pressed against the cool ground and he looked lonely, so I joined him.

I laid in the same position as him, except I was right beside him.

We both just stared up at the sky in silence. We watched as clouds rolled in and more of the clear blue sky disappeared.

"I'm so lucky to have you." I blurted out.

I couldn't see, but I knew Harry was grinning.

"How so?" He asked.

"Well, you rescued me. You saved me. And you welcomed me into your life like I was family. Now, you are the most amazing boyfriend I could ever ask for. You've done so much for me, yet, you barely know me." I finished in a whisper.

Harry pondered over what I had said before answering.

"But I do know you. You are a beautiful, caring, strong girl that just had an unlucky past. I know you." He repeated.

"Thank you. But enough with the mushy stuff." I giggled and I could hear his deep chuckle.

As we laid there, I felt a drop on my head. Then another on my arm. Suddenly, there were hundreds of tiny droplets pouring down from the sky.

I stood up, and looked at Harry who was now standing too.

As if on cue, we both looked up at the downpour.

Then, the oddest thing happened.

I laughed.

I don't even know why. I looked at Harry and we both broke out into a fit of laughter.

"May I have this dance?" Harry asked, bowing and holding out his hand.

That just made me giggle even more. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me close.

My hand rested on his shoulder while his rested in the small of my back.

Our other hands were clasped together tightly and our feet moved in perfect rhythm as we waltzed through the park.

We danced and laughed and just enjoyed each other's company.

I could feel the warmth radiating off of Harry's body and I was sure he could feel mine.

We continued our little dance until I felt shivers running up and down my spine.

"Are you cold?" Harry asked over the loud crack of lightening.

"Yeah. But I don't want this moment to end." I said honestly.

"It's alright, we will have many others like this." Harry spoke loudly.

"Alright, let's go." I gave in.

Harry lead me to the car and when we got there, we stripped down.

Well, not really how you are thinking.

Harry took off his shirt, and put on an extra he just so happened to have in his car.

I on the other hand, stripped down to my underwear and bra and put on Harry's baggy jack wills sweater.

It was long enough to cover to about mid-thigh and I was fine with that. As long as I wasn't wearing my soaking wet clothes.

As I put it on, I felt the warmth take over me. It felt like a hug from someone you care about, and it smelled like Harry's cologne.

I closed my eyes and listened to the rain while Harry started the car.

We drove home in silence, the only noise being the pitter patter of rain.

When we got to the house we grabbed the groceries and raced inside.

Once we were inside, Harry and I stopped and looked at each other. We were total messes.

We were panting from running and our hair was dripping with water. We were both half naked, but the strangest thing was we both had huge grins on our faces.

Despite the rain, we had had an amazing time. Dancing, laughing, and enjoying each other. It's days like this that brought us even closer together.

Andrea's POV

It was 6:27 p.m. Liam is going to pick me up at 7:00. He called me the other night to ask me out and I happily agreed.

We are just going to his flat. It's nothing fancy. He said he's going to make me supper and rent a few movies. My favourite kind of date. Just relaxing and getting to know each other.

I had already showered earlier and put a few loose curls in my hair. Now I was applying a very light layer of makeup.

I looked in the mirror. I looked casual but not like I just woke up.

I struck a few poses in the mirror, laughing at myself. I am so excited for tonight.

Then I walked over to my tiny closet in the corner of my room. I peered inside, searching for something to wear.

I finally decided on a pair of joggers and a pretty crop top. The perfect balance of casual and fancy. Oh god, I probably sound like some cheesy fashion designer.

I looked at my clock. I still had around ten minutes until Liam got here. So I walked to my living room and plopped down on my couch.

I turned on the telly and flipped through the channels until I heard the doorbell.

My stomach flip flopped.

It's not like I'm nervous or anything, I just always screw up my relationships. And Liam is different then any other guy I've met. I really, really like him.

I built up some courage and walked to the door. When I swung it open, there stood Liam. He looked so hot oh my goodness.

I felt my knees get weak.

"Ready to go?" He asked, smirking as he looked me up and down.

"Yeah, I just have to grab my purse, come on in." I said while turning around and heading to my room.

When I had my purse I walked slowly into my living room to find Liam looking at my hundreds of pictures that were strewn on the walls.

When he heard my footsteps, his head snapped towards me.

He just smiled a warm smile.

"I like this picture." He said, pointing to a picture that was hanging on the wall in front of him.

I walked over and looked at what he was talking about.

My face instantly turned red when I saw the picture.

It was me as a child. Not so bad right? Wrong. I was in my bathtub.

So there I am. A naked child in the bath. And you can clearly see my little bare bum.

Liam was laughing at my reaction and I just hit his arm playfully.

"Let's go." I said while gently grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the door.

He followed me outside and got in his truck. I sat in the passengers seat and looked at him.

"So, how far away is your house?" I asked, trying to keep a conversation rolling.

"Um, about 10 minutes away." He said while starting up the vehicle.

"Ok." I smiled mischievously.

Liam raised an eyebrow at me. "Why does it matter?"

"I don't know." I grinned.

Liam looked a little curious but he just smirked at me and turned up the radio.

A song that I didn't recognize blared through the speakers.

Liam changed the station and one of my favourite songs was playing.

The lyrics to 'Cruise' invaded my eardrums and I could hear Liam quietly humming the tune.

I smiled and loudly sang out the words. Liam looked at me and laughed at my sudden confidence.

I had always been confident around guys. I don't know why but I think it's because I had a lot of friends who were guys when I was little.

As we sang, I unbuckled my seatbelt and scooted over to the seat directly beside Liam.

He looked at me, then blushed.

Aw, that was so adorable. So he's a shy guy huh? So the tables have turned. I'm the confident one and he's the shy one.

I didn't do anything more than that but Liam still felt a little uncomfortable at first, until he relaxed.

In no time, we were at his flat.

He got out and ran around to the other side of the truck, opening my door for me.

So he's a gentleman too. I like that.

I thanked him before getting out.

We walked side by side to his flat, then he unlocked the door, pushing it open and motioning for me to enter.

As I stepped inside, I took in my surroundings. I was standing in a living room.

It was very modernized, including a sectional and a flat screen, and looked very nice.

In my opinion, it could use a woman's touch, but whatever. It was nice for a guy in his late teens/early twenties.

"I put the food in the oven before I went to pick you up, so it should be ready in about half an hour." Liam said while gazing right into my eyes.

"What do you want to do until then?" I asked him.

"We could get to know each other a little better." Liam shrugged.

"That sounds great!" I exclaimed while making myself at home and jumping on the sectional.

Liam followed me and sat so we were close, but not close enough that we might accidentally touch.

I turned so I was facing him and could see his drop dead gorgeous eyes.

"So, what do you want to know about me?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Hmm." Liam hummed. "Ok, how many siblings do you have and how is your family life?" He finally asked.

I giggled at his random question. "I'm an only child and I'm a total daddy's girl. My parents just recently moved away which I'm kind of bummed about. What about you?"

"Sorry about your parents, uh I have two sisters and my parents live in Wolverhampton. I have been close with them but I don't mind only seeing them a few times a year. I like being independent, but it gets a little lonely sometimes..." He trailed off.

"I know exactly how you feel." I said quietly.

We sat in silence for a while before I asked another question.

"So, you obviously know I work at the Cheesecake Factory, but where do you work?" I asked.

He looked down. "I work at Walmart."

I burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, but I find that really funny."

"Oh come on!" Liam pouted. "It's not that bad!"

"It's not that bad, I just think its funny. You probably meet some pretty interesting people." I said.

"Yeah, you should see some of them." Liam chuckled.

"Maybe I'll come see you at work?" I suggested.

"Well, I don't want you to waste your time just.." He started but I cut him off.

"No really. I would love to see you again." I insisted, not knowing if I seemed too desperate.

Liam smiled. "Me too."


We had a delicious dinner made by Liam and talked the whole time we ate.

I feel like I really know him even though we have only had one date.

I don't know, I just really like him. I'm falling for him I guess. Hard.

He's just so sweet and caring and just a truly amazing person. He makes me feel like no other guy could and I love that about him.

The night just went by so fast and the next thing I knew, he was dropping me off at my flat.

"Well, I truly had an amazing time with you tonight." Liam said, not looking very confident.

I couldn't stop the corners of my lips from turning up. "So did I."

Liam scratched the back of his head. "Whenever you are free, just call."

I giggled at his awkwardness. "K."

I noticed that he was way more confident in himself the night we officially met. It must've been all the drinks he had. I bet he's really fun when he's drunk.

I smirked at the thought.

"Umm, I guess I'll be going then.." Liam tried to slip away. I had almost forgotten that he was standing there.

Before he could get away I spun him around and went up on my tip toes, kissing him on the cheek.

"Thank you for tonight, it was truly wonderful." I smiled at his sudden shocked expression.

"U-uh, y-you're welcome." He sputtered.

I giggled again before speaking. "You can go home now, if you want."

"Oh, yeah. Bye Ann! I'll text you later." He called while sheepishly walking away.

"Sounds great." I yelled back, in between giggles.

After watching Liam's truck disappear into the night, I went inside.

As I got ready for bed, I couldn't help but think about Liam. His awkwardness was so cute.

I couldn't help realize my flaws about tonight though.

Was I rushing him into a relationship that he doesn't want to be in? Was I making things move too fast? I definitely hope not.

But the one question that haunted me in my slumber was "does he like me?".


Hey guys! So, I am finding that these chapters are getting really serious😔 that's ok, but I'd like to bring more comedy into them. So except some funner chapters. (I know funner isn't a word😉)

QOTD: Opinions on Liann? I've noticed that I'm not getting any comments anymore and that makes me sad:( please, please, please leave your suggestions, opinions, random facts, anything in the comments! Thank you.

K and let me just say that the best song ever video is my favourite music video of One Direction's! So yeah it's amazing and oh my gawd Marcel😍

Thank you all so much for reading, voting, commenting (from before), and recommending this fanfic!!! Please keep doing so, it is greatly appreciated.

I love you guys so much. Thanks for supporting me in my writing.❤

Until next time,


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