The Heaven Project [Completed]

By floralpages

847 67 22

The angel race exists up in the Heavens above the fluffy clouds that people on Earth see. The angels have win... More

The Watchers *Eva*
It's Not My Fault *Connor*
Time For School *Eva*
Don't You Dare *Connor*
Chill Out *Eva*
You Can't Do That *Connor*
Things Go Bad *Eva*
Death Attracts Demons *Connor*
Humans Are Weird *Eva*
Saturday *Connor*
Movie Marathon *Eva*
Mondays Are Torture *Connor*
Meltdowns and Oreos *Eva*
A Day at the Library *Connor*
...Surprise? *Eva*
Undercover Demon *Connor*
Locked In Heaven *Eva*
Empty Threats *Connor*
Character Ask
Character Ask answers!

Epilogue *Eva*

24 4 4
By floralpages

"Mom, I'm shaking so bad. My palms are sweaty and this is so itchy and I can't breathe-" I start rambling on and on but my mom cuts me off. She rests her hands on my shoulders.

"Sweetheart, you look so beautiful. Take a deep breath. Everything will go perfectly, I just know it," she says, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. Lily is standing behind me, constantly trying to fix my golden dress.

"Thank you," I say after taking a deep breath.

Why am I so nervous? Well, for one, it's my wedding day. For two, I'm pretty sure you can guess who's going be at the end of that aisle. Abba. I'm kidding, it's Connor Blake, the boy I've known since we were fifteen, the boy I've loved since we were fifteen, the boy who still eats the cookie part of the Oreo while I eat the cream. Ten years later and nothing has changed.

"Oh Eva, you looks so wonderful. When I first heard about the wedding, I thought I was going to see you in a white dress but gold is even better," Lily says. The wedding is up in Heaven so Lily and James, Mr. and Mrs. Blake- I love their names-, were pretty awestruck when they woke up here. I don't know what's with the thing of knocking people out when they transfer them up here. It's honestly annoying. "I can't believe I'll be seeing my baby boy and his girl getting married."

Lily look like she's about to cry, again, along with my mother. I never understood why people cried at weddings. It's supposed to be a happy time. Although, it is really emotional. Letting your children go off into the world. Wait, wrong thing. That's moving out and let me tell you, my mom cried when that happened too. Parents, they want you out of the house so bad but when you leave, they start crying.

My dad comes through the door. When his eyes land on me, they widen and he puts a hand over his mouth. If someone else starts crying, I'm going to start crying. Thank the creator of waterproof, or tear proof in this case, eyeliner. It's a lifesaver, or makeup saver. Okay, Eva knock it off. You're twenty five not fifteen.

"My baby girl, grows up so fast. I can't believe I have to give you to someone else," my dad says, giving me a tight hug. I nuzzle my face into his neck, just like I did when I was five after I had a nightmare. I used to climb into my parents' bed and they would tell me it was just a dream, that everything would be alright.

"Dad, what did I tell you? No crying. Besides, you're not giving me away. Just transferring my protection to someone else," I pull away from him but still hold onto his arms. "I'll always be your little harp."

"It's time." Lily rushes around me once more, making sure every little detail is perfect. She fixes the veil unto my head. Now I see everything through a curtain of golden fabric.

"Are you ready, little harp?" my dad asks, linking his arm through mine.

"If nervous counts, then totally," I say. My dad chuckles a little.

He leads me out of the room and down a hallway. My heart is racing a million miles an hour. Looking around me, everything looks like a dream. The floor looks like a cloud which it actually could be. You know, like a solidified cloud, the ones you think will be fun to jump around on and sleep in not the ones that are essentially thick fog.

The one person I want more than anything right now is Connor. I know what you're thinking, I'm going to see him at the end of the aisle. I know, I know but I want him to hold me, brush my hair back and tell me everything is okay while he kisses my forehead. Then again, I'm marrying the love of my life and I'm ecstatic. Jitters from being ecstatic and nervous, not such a good combination.

My dad pushes the door open, letting in the warm spring air. I've always wanted an outdoor wedding. Nature always looked so pretty to me that I've wanted to spend a bulk of my time here. Connor agreed with me when he got a proper tour of Heaven. The past seven years, we've been switching between Earth and Heaven. Seeing the Greece Parthenon, visiting the dead province -Connor found so much joy in seeing his grandmother again-, having a cookout with God. He really did take that seriously. Little bit of advice, never play beach volleyball with angels. We cheat so much. Wings have their perks.

Walking down the aisle with so many eyes staring at you is nerve racking. But then my eyes meet Connor's and I can't help but smile. Everything else blurs together. It's just me and Connor and this golden veil. Connor is smiling a lot and he's crying, tears rolling down his cheeks. Brown hair swept over his forehead, like always, blue eyes glistening, dressed in a black tux. He has his hands folded in front of him but I notice his fingers fidgeting. Looks like he's as nervous as I am. Just a few steps away from him. My dad helps me up the steps as Connor grabs my hand.

"When can I take off that veil?" Connor whispers so quietly I doubt anyone heard him besides me.

"You'll know when," I say, laughing quietly when he pouts out his bottom lip.

The next minutes feel like a blur. The priest reads a few things, we recite our vows causing me to tear up...a lot, the usual wedding things.

"Connor, do you take Evangeline as your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest asks Connor.

"I do."

"Evangeline, do you take Connor as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Then you may kiss the bride."

Connor grabs the end of the veil and pulls it over my head. He gently cups my face in his hands and places his lips on mine. So soft, warm and familiar but gives me a feeling that'll I'll never get used to. After all these years, he still causes my stomach to do backflips and butterflies to erupt. A feeling that at any moment, I might float away.

"Never do I get tired of that." Connor brushes his lips against mine before pulling away. Everyone applauds and cries with joy. I giggle and look around at both of our families. It wasn't just James and Lily who came from Earth, there are so many others. I just don't know who they are.

The reception was off to a good start. We danced for a little bit. People came up and congratulated us. Connor introduced me to the rest of his family. He's already met mine. They just couldn't wait to set eyes on the boy I risked my life for. Around six, we all settled down at the tables. There is a stage set up in front with a microphone. Lily went up there first.

"I remember when I first had Connor. James insisted we named him Harry because why not make a fictional family true? Spoiler for those looking into Harry Potter, there's a James and Lily. I refused to name him Harry. It would've been such a cool thing but looking at that bundle in my arms, I just thought he didn't look like a Harry. Connor, you were almost named Peter," Lily says. Connor scowls but ends up laughing after a few seconds.

"I really can't stand Peter," he says. "The one from Harry Potter, then Divergent, then school. All of them."

I roll my eyes as my dad steps on stage. "I bet he's going to say something embarassing," I say under my breath.

"Hopefully it's a baby story. I love those," Connor says, poking my cheek. I look up at him and he gives me a wide grin. I shake my head as I laugh. One silly boy.

"Eva was five when she got her wings. Angels aren't born with their wings, they come in after a few years. I remember waking up to a bunch of crashing going around in the room down the hall which happened to be her room. I woke up Aglea and rushed out of bed. When I opened the door, I thought I felt my heart stop. In the middle of the room, my little baby girl was flying around and laughing happily. Her drawings were all over the floor, the lamp smashed on the ground and toys everywhere but I couldn't be happier. Little harp finally had her wings," my dad says. He was on the verge of tears but he was smiling and that made it all better.

Next up was Connor's aunt Matilda. She has three daughters, all looking so much alike it's like seeing triple. Put a different filter on them, so to speak, and there's your difference. All three have light blue wide eyes, a petite nose and a spray of freckles across the bridge of their noses. The difference is they're wearing different colors. One green, one purple and one blue. Their blonde hair tied back by a matching colored ribbon. Cute little things.

"Connor was seventeen and my girls were four," she begins. Already I know the story she's going to tell and this is one of my absolute favorites. Connor knows it too because he smiles at me and kisses my cheek.

"Connor and the girls were in his backyard, playing make believe is what they called it. Eva was setting up the table for the barbeque we were having. I was sitting by the pool, in hearing and seeing distance. Clove," she's the one with the green ribbon, "looked at Connor and said 'Do you love Eva?' and Connor replied with an instant 'Yes'. Then Sabrina," she's wearing the purple ribbon, "skips by and asks if Connor is going to marry her like Ariel married Prince Eric. I'll never forget his response. He said 'I definitely will and it'll be better than any wedding ever. I'll be marrying my princess while you little girls will be throwing glitter and flower petals everywhere.' and that's it. That's how I knew my little nephew found the one."

That's how I knew I've never been this happy in all my life. I have my best friend, my love, my husband by my side through everything. Hardwork really does pay off.

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