Charming (Sons Of Anarchy)

By vampirewerewolves

471K 8.5K 488

[CURRENTLY BEING EDITED] Ethel left her own country Australia, to live in America in a town called Charming... More

Charming (Sons Of Anarchy)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Author's notes
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Authors Notes
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70

Chapter 22

7.9K 116 2
By vampirewerewolves

Juice and I arrived safely to my house, but what was next was a mystery. Whether anybody was still around, I sure as hell hoped there wasn't. I didn't exactly feel like fending for my life, not when I only returned back to grab a few items.

Juice and I parked side by side in the driveway and got off of our bikes. Taking our helmets off, we slowly walked towards my open front door. Nobody had sat it back upright, nor even attempted to fix it.

"Have you thought of any ideas yet?" I questioned Juice as we walked over the front door and into the house.

Juice pulled out his gun and lowered it, holding it at the ready as we walked through the trashed lounge room.

"Yes I have, actually." Juice nodded, his eyes flickering to various parts of the house, as if he was waiting for the unwanted visitors to jump out.

"What is it?" I asked, taking the lead down the hallway.

"Well I've already made a decision on one, but it has two parts to it." Juice announced, stopping me from entering my room.

"Alright, tell me." I demanded, watching as Juice beckoned me to stay silent as he pounced into my room, his gun pointed directly in front of him.

"Come on, just tell me." I said pushing pass Juice and turning to my half smashed cupboard.

Juice sighed in relief and sat down on the bed, watching me with his gun out. At the ready if he needed to use it.

"Number one is: every time for a month when the guys and I turn up at that bar you work at, we get our drinks on the house." Juice demanded.

"Alright done deal, now what is the second part?" I asked.

I didn't know how I was exactly going to manage giving them free booze, but I figured I'd just take it out of my own pay check.

"Now this is a treat for everybody, I must say especially for Jax." Juice smirked.

"And what would that be?" I looked over my shoulder at him.

"When all of the guys are at the clubhouse and their bikes are all there, you're gonna wash them." Juice states in an awfully proud tone, his smile said enough.

"Great sounds fun." I nodded my head, not thinking all too much about how happy Juice looked.

"In a bikini." Juice added.

No wonder he was smiling like he was, this was just mean. I wasn't one who was comfortable in bikinis, let alone showing off that much skin. I was a very self-conscious girl when it came to my body and quite frankly, the idea of wearing a bikini terrified me.

"A bikini?" I stuttered, turning my entire body around to face Juice.

"A bikini." A smirk formed on Juice's face, his brown eyes staring back at me. A very mischievous glint in his eyes.

"A bikini?" I repeated, almost as if I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth.

"Yes Ethel, a bikini." Juice said in a slower tone, while nodding his head.

"But-" I immediately go to argue, but was cut off.

"No buts. You're gonna wear a bikini washing the bikes and that's final." Juice rested his gun against his thigh, his hand never letting go.

I sighed in defeat, I did promise him I would do anything he wanted me to do. Now I was regretting it when I said 'anything'.

"Fine." I groaned, turning back to face my cupboard.

"Let me guess, you want to choose the bikini as well?" I asked, pulling out a fairly large bag.

"Yes I will. And I'm going to get Gemma to buy the one I want you to wear." Juice sounded so proud of himself, it was clear as day in his tone of voice.

"But what about the bikini's I got here?" I offered, immediately knowing the answer.

"How many pairs have you got?" Juice asked.

"One." I stated in a dull tone.

"Nope. Gemma's gonna buy you one. And I'll be paying for it." Exclaimed Juice with a grin.

"This can't be good." I shook my head, looking over my shoulder for a split second.

"Oh you'll see, in fact you might just like it." Juice chuckled.

"You can be quite mean, you know that?" I frowned, turning back to the cupboard and pulling out several bits of clothing.

"And you love it." He laughed.

"Not this." I shook my head, shoving the bits of clothes in.

"No. But I bet you will enjoy it." He commented with a laugh.

I turned around and sighed, my eyes landing on a very pleased looking Juice.

"Hey the clubhouse has a washing machine and dryer right?" I asked. I wasn't sure whether the clubhouse would, but if anyone did know, Juice would for sure. After all, he was the handy man.

"Yeah it does." He nodded.

"Great, because I'm going to use it. That's if you lot don't mind." I asked yet again, feeling uncertain. I had to do washing, I was desperate for work clothes and clothes in general.

"Go ahead, it's there to be used. I don't think anyone really uses it anyway." He answers, giving me a small smile.

"Alright then." I grabbed my work uniform and tossed it also into the bag.

"What shirt was that?" Juice curiously asked, as if he would really want to know what clothes I was taking.

"My work uniform, for tonight." I answered, turning away from Juice and dogging back into my cupboard.

"Work? Oh no your not!" Juice gave me a disapproving stare.

"Oh yes I am, I need to get an income somehow." I argued, not bothering to look back at him.

"Again, it's too risky." He added, he sure didn't like the idea of me working.

"Tough bickies, I'm going. Plus it's my new job, I just can't not go." I exclaimed. I couldn't skip work, especially when I was still a newcomer and what would Luke think of me? I'd be the worst person in the world!

"Yes you can and you will."

"Wanna bet?" I questioned, looking over my shoulder and challenging him.

"You can be really demanding." Juice states the obvious, which wasn't a surprise to me. I was demanding, but most of all, I was stubborn.

"That's only when I am determined." I giggled.

"I won't win this argument will I?" Juice sighed, scratching his chin before allowing his gaze to leave the room momentarily.

"Probably not." I shook my head.

"Fine you will go to work, but I'm going to be there with you." Juice announces, a not very pleased look casting his face.

"You don't need to be." I mumbled. I didn't need a babysitter, I was quite alright on my own. Besides, who the fuck would try and kill me at my workplace? There's too many witnesses and I was sure that was one place they would stay the hell away. It was too risky, especially to be seen doing so.

"But I do, I really do. Do you know how much trouble we will be getting ourselves into?"

"A damn bucket load." I laughed.

I continued on collecting my stuff that I needed. Whilst doing so, I opened another cupboard and pulled out a small box that I had full of money. It was just a precaution, a just in case something happens. Like a backup. I was sure glad they didn't go through my cupboards thoroughly, otherwise I wouldn't have what I had now.

Grabbing the money from the box, I threw it into the bag. Making sure to stuff it in so it couldn't somehow fall out on the trip back to the clubhouse. The next thing I managed to grab was my small case of knives. The sizes of the knives varied from small to enormous.

"Have you got knives in that thing?" Juice asked, noticing me try and shove it into the bag.

"Sure do. My dad and the club got it for my birthday years ago. They have never been used." I smiled pulling it back out of the bag and unclipping the hook, watching the material fall loose  revealing my collection of knives.

"You sure love knives, don't you?" Juice commented, eying the knives I was showing him.

"Just a tad." I smirked. "Why? Are you afraid of me now?" I stared back at Juice, noticing the unsettled look casted across his face.

"No." He shook his head.

"Good." I smiled, rolling up the knives once again and shoving them into the bag. Sighing, I decided what else I needed to take with me, but while doing it, I decided to spark a conversation yet again.

"Didn't you want to go with the guys? I think it's pretty unfair that you had to stay back with me, especially after just becoming a full member." I noted, waiting for the reply.

"Well yeah. I wouldn't have minded if I went or stayed. But they also got me to stay with you because they knew we were friends, and I preferred to be here with you, baby." Juice teased, a small smile appearing on his face.

"At least someone wanted to stalk around with me, as well as basically stalk me." I comically say, making Juice laugh.

"It's good fun. You know Jax would've stayed here, but since he's vice, he's gotta go." Juice stopped for a moment, as if thinking what else to say. "And I think he may enjoy what's happening." He added.

"Why's that?" I faced Juice, crossing my arms over my chest. What was going on and what exactly where they doing?

"Because they are hunting your other stalker." Juice shrugged.

"Yeah one is enough. But to be honest, they are better at stalking than you are." I tried to make a joke.

"Why?" Juice looked at me in confusion.

"Because I see you." I smiled shaking my head in amusement.

"Fuck!" Juice chuckled. "You can see me!" Juice smirked looking around for a moment, that was before he grabbed a nearby pillow.

"Now you can't. This is what I like to call discreet stalking." Juice said holding the pillow in front of his face, making me laugh at his silliness.

"Juice where are you?! I can't see you!" I tried to sound frantic, but instead began to laugh even harder.

"It's alright! Don't worry Juice is here." Juice grinned throwing the pillow aside.

"I was getting worried, I thought you disappeared behind the floating pillow." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Yeah I know, I swear the pillow was sucking me in or something." He raises his eyebrows and laughed alongside me.

"Yeah. I bet." I rolled my eyes and turned away from him.

Grabbing the small box that had my phone inside, I threw it into the bag and looked through the cupboard one last time. When I had thought I had all things needed, I zipped up the bag and strung it over my shoulder.

"Do you like chocolate?" I asked Juice, watching his attention perk up at the suggestion of chocolate.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well can you do me another favour? It's only a small one." I showed him a measurement of the favour with my fingers.

"Okay what?" He sighed, slowly getting to his feet.

"Get me the chocolate biscuits from the cupboard in the kitchen?" I begged, giving him a sweet innocent smile.

"Roger." He said and began to head towards the exit into the hallway.

"Roger? Wait who's Roger? There was a bloke named Roger?" I said with a big grin upon my face.

I knew exactly what he was going on about, I was just being a pain in the arse, taking enjoyment out of being a smart-arse.

"Yeah I've been wondering where Roger went." Juice scratched behind his neck, chuckling.

"Yeah I dunno. I've been wondering that for many years." I watched Juice as he stood in the doorway.

"Is that so?" Juice said leaning his shoulder against the door frame.

"Yes it is." I agreed.

"Tell me about it." Juice placed his gun into the holster and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Maybe if you collect the chockies and we get back to clubhouse, then I might." I tilted my head to one side, smirking.

"Sounds like a plan." Juice said leaving me alone, standing in the bedroom.

I shook my head hysterically and remembered about all the women's things I was planning to grab. Heading to the drawer, I dug into it and unzipped my bag once again. Once I had mostly threw the items in, Juice returned holding onto the packets of chocolate chip biscuits.

"Were they hard to find?" I asked while zipping my bag up.

"No not really." He shook his head.

"That's good, I tend to hide things from myself." I nodded, a small smile appearing on my lips.

"I see."

Turning my head away from Juice, I bent down and picked up the bag, slinging it over my shoulder. But as I was doing so, I heard a noise followed by a click of a gun. Snapping my attention back to Juice, I noticed he had his gun pointed directly at a cat. In fact, it was the same cat I had seen previously at Jax's house. Boy, didn't the cat get around! It's not like Jax and I lived just down the street from each other and well, how did the cat manage to find me? 

Juice looked at the cat in relief and lowered his gun away from the cat.

"I remember you." I smiled walking towards Juice and the cat. Bending down and flicking my fingers, the cat almost lept over to me and rubbed his face against my hand. After a while he began to pur.

"Just a guess but you know the cat?" Juice raised an eyebrow, his face was still a little stern after the small fright.

"Yeah of course I do. I just don't know who his owner is or even his name." I dropped the bag onto the ground and picked up the cat.

The cat rubbed his face against my arms and purred twice as loud. I slowly walked a few steps towards Juice, for him to pat the beautiful friendly cat.

Juice scratched him under the chin where he seemed to like it the most.

"Here, you take him." I swapped the cat for the chocolate biscuits.

Juice nursed the cat in his arms, giving him a pat. One that the cat surely wouldn't ever forget or want to stop.

"So you don't know his name?" Juice kept his eyes on the sooking cat.

"Nope." I shook my head.

"Why don't you give him a nick name or something?" He suggested.

"But isn't it when you name an animal you become fond of it?" I frowned. I didn't want to get attached to him and find out he disappears or his owner leaves with him. I'd be heartbroken. I loved animals, more than I probably should.

"Yeah, but you will have to know it's name sooner or later."

"Alright then, what should we call him?" I sighed, breaking in to Juice's suggestion.

"How about mini me? Because he's so cute and adorable?" Juice raised an eyebrow.

I knew Juice was meaning to name the cat 'Juice', which seemed quite funny.
But then again he wasn't wrong to suggest it, it was a strange name to call a cat.

"Yes Juice, I know you're cute and adorable but that's a maybe. Did you get that from Austin Powers?" I tried to cock an eyebrow.

"Maybe. Mmm. But he's adorable and cuddly just like me! Fine. What about Puss N' Boots?" He took a deep breath and sighed in disappointment.

"That's actually not a bad idea. But have you got any other ideas?" I asked once again. I didn't have any present good ideas for a cat, not today at least. And I honestly didn't want to be the one naming him, for my own sake.

"Juice." He grinned.

Just as he said his name once again, the cat meowed.

"Juice." Juice repeated, not so long later having the cat meowing again.

The look plastered across Juice's face was priceless, he was so incredibly stunned.

"I think he likes my name!" Juice said with a grin that could almost beat the Joker's.

"He seems to doesn't he." I rubbed my chin looking at the pair.

"Juice." I said as clear as day, watching to see if the cat would react again.

The cat meowed again, no hesitation.

"Juice." I laughed this time, watching the cat meow.

Every time Juice and I mentioned the name, he meowed. Maybe it was the name he liked the most, I mean it wasn't like it was coincidental. We said it plenty of times to see whether it would change or not.

"I think he wants my name." Juice said astounded.

"Yeah, I reckon so." I agreed, nodding my head.

"So can we call him it, please?" Juice showed me his puppy eyes, or should I say kitty eyes.

"Yeah sure! I guess he likes it." I smiled, bending down and placing the chocolate bisciuts into my bag before picking it up.

"You think it was fate?" Juice smirked.

"Possibly, I dunno."

"Good pussy aren't you, Juice." Juice looked down at the sooking cat.

At that sentence I cracked up, trying to hold back the hideous laughter trying to escape. But somehow Juice didn't pick up on my laughter and even if he did, he didn't understand what I found so funny.

"Ready to go?" Juice concluded.

"Yeah." I answered.

"I want this cat." Juice said following me through the house, still holding onto the cat called Juice.

"You probably can't have him because he should have an owner. But if you want him so much, how about we come back another day to find Juice and see if he has a micro-chip people can scan or something?" I offered. At least doing it this way, we could see whether he did actually belong to anybody or if he was a stray.

"Yes!" Juice exclaimed.

"One thing though." I walked over the front door and stopped out the front.

"What?" Juice asked, staring at Juice nuzzled in his arms.

"Would you be able to look after Juice?" I asked seriously.

"Yeah sure I can!" Nodded Juice, beaming up at me.

"Alrighty then. But we'll see. And I would've thought you'd be a dog person." I note in surprise.

"I like them all."

"Good to see." I smiled, walking over to my harley.

"Have you got any pets? Well back in Australia?" Juice took a few steps forward, watching me get onto my bike.

"We had dogs and cats and another animal that you probably won't believe." I answered, making sure the bag was securely over my shoulder.

"Sure I will believe, tell me." Juice demanded, giving Juice one last pat before setting him down onto the concrete.

"Oh no, I doubt you would believe me." I shook my head, grabbing my helmet and putting it on.

"Just tell me and then I will tell you whether I believe it or not." Juice walked over to his bike and got on.

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