Apocalyptic Teens.

By littlerachxxx

4.6K 274 12

To choose between the life you once had and the life that now awaits could possibly be the most difficult thi... More

Chapter 2-Finding Friends
chapter 3-Survivors
Chapter 4-Letting Go
Chapter 5-The Struggle
Chapter 6-Searching
Chapter 7- Questions
Innocent death
Chain of Events
Too much
Lucky Escape
New territory
Lost and Found
Heading out
Starting from the bottom
Something unexpected
Evie's Shock
Explanations needed
A confession
The well kept truth
The big news
Taking a break
6 blind mice.
Somehow surviving
Killing of the innocence
A dish best served cold.
Nothing like death in the morning.
Another day in the Apocalypse.
Falling bodies
Someone to be feared.
Tainted soul.
Ricky's P.O.V
Something Cliché

Chapter one- outbreak

779 24 9
By littlerachxxx

The exam room was filled with sounds of pen on paper, people turning over page after page. The tick of the clock constantly reminding people that they only had half an hour to make or break the rest of their lives. If you ask me the whole thing was a load of bullshit. I had studied day in and day out, the same thing over and over and yet, i was stuck. Stuck thinking about how if I didn't pass this damn maths exam people would forever look down on me just because i had the wrong letter on my CV.

I guess i should have been happy when i heard screaming. Should have sighed a breath of relief when every time someone went out they never came back in. But i guess i was too busy running for my life.

School is overwhelming on a normal day, what with all the groups of kids sitting in the cafeteria or standing out on the field. But its even more scary when they're running towards you with half their face ripped off and hanging by a thread. The only time I managed to breath a sigh of relief was when i caught a glimpse of my two best friends running towards me with all their skin in tact.

"Mia!" Evie. She was a red head who despite her looks of heavy eyeliner and a taste for gothic fashion was the smartest out of all of us. Trailing behind her was Chloe who was six feet and held secrets about almost everyone in our year. They were disheveled and panicked..

"What's going on!" I guess seeing someone with half a face still running around wasn't enough of a clue, because i still asked stupid questions.

"I don't know, one minute we're in class and the next people are eating other people" I guess at that point we decided that having a chat in the middle of a stampede wasn't a good idea. While Evie and Chloe are smart they tend to shut down when stressed or panicked so i told them to stay in a disabled bathroom while i went to find weapons. Our schools doors are controlled by electronic locks which sync with placards that the teachers and staff wear, usually the doors inside the building are left unlocked so students can move in and out, they're only locked during break and lunch because they encourage us to stay outside.

Up until now i thought it was stupid but considering what's going on now, I'm thanking the lord. Once they were safely inside i decided to head to the kitchen part of the canteen which is right out side the exam hall (how convenient). Why you may ask, because where there is a kitchen there are knifes.

I ran towards the kitchen but me being me had to bump into someone. Falling on my ass is definitely a great way to start the apocalypse. As i looked up i was faced with Lylas boyfriend Blake,

"You gonna sit there or are you gonna get up?" He offered me his hand and pulled me up, together we made our way inside. I was thinking of mentioning how he was the one who technically made me fall but there were bigger things to do. I searched around with Blake, who managed to find a pretty big knife, i nodded and he went to deal with some of the walkers who wandered in.

Luckily for me one of the cafeteria ladies had confiscated a kids pocket knife. Yeah, kid thought he was such a badass showing it off to all his eleven year old friends.

"What now, we cant fight them all off and Evie and Chloe are locked inside one of the toilets!"

"Don't worry i set the alarm used for fire drills to go off in about 2 minutes, and if I've learned anything from zombie films its that they are attracted to sound"

"Okay great but how does that help us, the sound travels throughout the whole school"

"There are several speakers located around the school all set up to the same keypad but that doesn't mean they all go off at the same time, i just made sure that the ones in the east wing go off, they will run there which is away from the exit, you grab Evie and Chloe and then we leave"

"Okay but how long will we have, do we have enough time to run?"

Blake looked at me with a smug expression and reached into his pocket, he pulled out a set of keys, i raise my eyebrow silently asking him to elaborate,

"Just so happens that while i was setting the alarm Mrs Matthews car keys were just sitting there, and don't worry i know how to drive", I feel like I should have been impressed but at that moment the alarm went off. We waited a few seconds for a path to clear and i ran to fetch Evie and Chloe while Blake went to the exit. We all managed to escape and we ran as fast as we could to the car.

"Shit!" Bake cursed under his breath when the car turned on,
"Seems like Mrs Matthews forgot to put petrol in, it's in the red, we wont be able to get that far"

The alarm was still going but some of the walkers had wondered outside and were filling the parking lot. Blake started the car and drove out of the school. Looking back i saw the place i was ready to leave, the place i had bullies and friends and homework. The place that was now crawling with the undead and stained with blood.

I should have been happy but i was too busy trying to accept and digest what had just happened. I mean, zombies, really?! Of all the things that could have stopped school it had to be the undead and the knowledge that my world would never be the same again.


Authors note-
When i was re-writing this i only planed to make a few changed but i ended up changing the whole thing, i like this version better though and a few things were better explained. Let me know if you liked this version better or the old one (if you read the original).

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